Case 930 first start in 14 years?

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] and this one is actually what they call the this is the early 9 30. and i believe this is a 1960 model but these have the fuel tank in the hood and the driver's seat back down in the bottom this is not a comfort king this is the older style but this is a diesel um the gal i bought it from selling it for her dad and she said yeah it's uh they they had it turning over it it turns over well i should have investigated a little further but for the money i got in it i'm not going to be hurt i mean i don't know i mean it needs tires the front rims are both rusted out the grill's bashed in but other i mean that's really the worst sheet metal problem it has the the fenders the hood the fuel tank everything's pretty clean on it actually so this is the old uh 404 diesel same it's the same engine as my other 930 has in it and uh but it's just got it's got ants crawling in and out this is a bad sign when you got um when you got ants in your exhaust manifold that's a bad sign i think but anyway why did i buy it okay well it's a good question uh it was cheap and i actually have probably enough decent tires to get it on on the ground rolling again and maybe i can make this a good running tractor um i just think they're cool the way these are set up deal with you see this tire here is pretty bad but just just the way these are set up is pretty darn cool i like the now they're not fun to run they you know it's supposed to have a cushion on the seat but these are the comfort king tractor was way better and but these you know for running my little scraper for doing stuff like that it has hydraulics pto a little tool box under there and uh just a pretty neat little tractor needs a new gauge set up that's all rusty but still has the eagle emblem has one on the front and one on the steering wheel steering wheel is really not in bad shape i'm wondering if a person couldn't coat that with some type of clear something or another and save it um i think those are getting kind of hard to get but the old dash you know these dashes were not real i think finding a good dash for it might be pretty hard to do but i remember riding on one of these with my mom it was either a 9 30 or 900 might have been a 900 but i always thought it was a cool tractor to ride on because you sit down below the fender anyway just uh i don't know i'm an idiot probably but but it's something to do i needed another project right um if i didn't already own a couple of parts tractors i probably wouldn't have bought this one anyway hydraulic levers are down here um under your leg throttle levers down here gear shift these are six speed and uh you can see the ants just running all over here but this is a six-speed transmission they there's it's an awesome the reason that's an odd shift pattern is the gears run crossways in these and these actually have chain drives uh well this has the same transformation as my other 930 but they run right past the flywheel or right past the clutch there's a bevel gear and that changes direction and everything runs crossways so your gear shift runs this is a hand clutch that's released um your gear shift runs like if you want to go to third gear you go there and then you go that way that's third if you want to go to fourth you go there and you go that way if you want to go to first and go that way and then you got reverse and second so a little bit of an odd shift pattern this one does have a compression release the early the early 930s did later once didn't turning bricks they're dry breaks they probably need replaced and but shoot got power steering same power steering setup as my other 930 uh the only difference would be hand clutch which they're not bad to use if you get used to foot clutch is a little handier but i think my floorboards are a little rusted out on it i might be able to find some better ones for it i don't know but they said it been set in 14 years [Music] so i've got my work cut out for me there but like i say the fenders are in really good shape nothing's rusted out they're not really i think there's one dent here or maybe a little ding in the other one still got the chrome pieces for the hood and the fuel tank these are um they're full of ants i wanted to get an exterminator out here to get this one running but oh engine's dirty like i say i don't know i don't know if it's worth what i gave for or not but i couldn't turn it down i couldn't pass it up so here i am i'm with it now so we'll see what happens with it i'm not sure if this is a good sign but we got ants living in number three number four number five cylinders um i would imagine this engine's probably in trash maybe i don't know um i might be able to clean them heads up i just don't know yikes yeah like i say it's porch tractor now probably but anyway it's yeah i don't know i kind of hate to give up i quit the engine has a compression release and what that means is you pull a lever and it opens the exhaust valves and these it rotates this shaft and that pushes down your this actually looks pretty clean inside here um so what i'm going to do and i'm i may regret this later i don't know but i'm going to put i've got this i think i paid 40 bucks for this can of aerocroil supposedly the best thing ever um but anyway i'm gonna since the exhaust valves are all open i can just go through the exhaust ports that'd be the the center ones here are air intakes the other ones are exhaust so anyway i'm gonna put a good amount of this in there let it set i may put some atf in there i've heard that works well too so anyway maybe we'll get this thing unstuck and i mean this this valve that the ants were living in here was shut and when i rock the valves they all seem to move freely so i don't think we're having problems there but anyway we're gonna soak her down a little bit and uh i've never used this aerial coil much um funny thing is i think sea foam does a better job of loosening bolts that's probably what i'll be putting in here but anyway i'm not so we'll see what happens with this i'll just like say i'll probably shoot the whole can divide it up six ways and use all of it and uh we'll see if this thing maybe we get lucky we'll get her freed up maybe get this thing started that would be pretty cool if we could do that i'd really like to get this thing running i don't know i might end up needing to rebuild it and pull the heads and everything anyway but the thing does have antifreeze in it it's not been frozen that i can tell i mean it's not leaking water out it's not go i don't think it's got water in the oil it does have a little bit of oil in the water like a thin film which who knows what that could have been from somebody might have just mistakenly dumped some oil in the antifreeze but these don't have an oil cooler so i'm not sure how you could mix your oil in your water unless it's got a liner leaking if it's got a liner leaking then i should have antifreeze in the bottom of the pan so i may pull the plug on that and see if that's the case if there's no water in the bottom of the pan i can get this freed up i may just see if this thing will run i mean these are simple engines or simple tractors um a little bit of rust ain't gonna kill it i don't think but anyway it might turn out it might not well i'm a i gotta say i'm a bit surprised uh soak the cylinders overnight and [Music] i use some croil and topped it off with some marvel mystery oil and topped that off with some antifreeze or no not an antifreeze i topped that off with uh automatic transmission fluid so out of those three ingredients it did help uh just soaking and i was able to get it to turn i had to pull the starter out to actually turn it backwards and i got it to turn almost a half a turn then i worked it back worked it back again i'm gonna crank it one more turn by hand forward and make sure that we're good to go and then put the starter back in and then i'm probably gonna blow oil all over my shop i'll have to cover that up with something but anyway this is looking better now we're not out of the woods yet we got a lot more issues probably but uh that's one down i hope there's not too much trash on top of the pistons i don't know what's in there it's one of them deals i'm afraid to pull the heads and look but if we can get it to crank over we'll see what happens with the injection pump if we can get fuel if we can get it to you know show some promise it might be worth rebuilding might get lucky and it might run i don't know we'll see here but anyway there she goes blew that sheet off here right quick i was hoping that would stay on a little longer keep that crap out of my shop see if we can't crank it a little bit more emotionally she's turning okay um i didn't have the camera set up and i'm kicking myself because this thing did start and i think what's going on i'm not being able to i'm not getting primed to my fuel filter this is a gravity feed to here there's a lift pump on the back side of this bosch injection pump and there's primary secondary and then a final filter so what i ended up doing is filling this final final filter up with diesel and uh i put a new one on it put new filters in there also and uh but anyway i'm going to try it one more time see if it starts but uh i'm not running a manifold so it's pretty loud it's a little smoky so get you set up here so you can see what's happening [Music] so [Music] so what happened there is we just run out of diesel uh you can tell a couple cylinders are not quite right um we're getting a lot of fluid or liquid out of that one i don't know it it's probably not going to clean up and run but here's the deal i wanted to be sure that before i went much farther with it that it would actually be worth you know getting into a little deeper now that i know the injection pump works uh it probably needs new injectors or needs them reworked but this gives me a little bit of hope that this is not a just a piece of trash engine this engine could probably be reworked maybe not cost that much and uh you know the the kit for the pump i think is 10 bucks or something i think i will have to pull the injection pump off to get to it which is not that big a deal but um anyway that's a pretty exciting news for the old 930 i just wanted to share that with you and kind of show you this is a ongoing project needs tires it's got a flat that's why it's leaning and uh but i've got another tire i can take off of the one of the other 930s and put on it we'll get it aired up and i don't know this thing might actually be a working tractor at some point so anyway i've got a long ways to go but that's encouraging to see you know that much happen with something that old that's been sitting for that long it's been set in 14 years so and that was the third time that i started it and my phone battery was dead the first time i started it my gopro was not close to the shop so anyway you got to see number three anyway so but the engine doesn't seem to have any water and oil oil pan um which is pretty good and i pulled one of the valve covers it looked pretty clean which i think this engine's not got any moisture inside of it except for on top of the pistons so and that's a that's a pretty big deal if they get water through the pistons and rain water runs down through them they're pretty much toast but um and running it without a manifold like that's probably not great but uh considering the shape it was in three days ago it's a big improvement at least it's moving at least it's freed up and uh we got some fluid flowing through it and uh anyway i'm gonna probably put a injection or a lift pump on the injector pump i think the injector pump's probably okay i noticed it seemed like the more you ran it the more it tried to clean up which there could be trash on the exhaust valves which i'm suspecting they're not sealing off quite right and that may be why i know when i pulled it apart this one this one this one and this one had ants in them i believe and that's the exhaust number five four three and two uh one and six seem to be pretty good the intakes were clean they didn't have anything in those um that i could tell so you know it might end up being a pretty fun tractor to mess with after all so the 9 30. now like i said this is the first year they built the 930 i think the 930 replaced the 900 which the 900 looked almost identical i'm not sure the differences if there was a difference on the engines i do know that this 930 was rated at 1600 rpm and the newer one like i've got is rated at 18 the comfort king was rated at 1800 rpm and i think they gained a few horsepower just by open rpm but other than that they're pretty much same tractor there could be some differences in timing there could be some you know fuel pump settings that are different i don't know but anyway she's alive almost [Music] i can't believe it's running that good that's idle speed right there we're not missing on a cylinder i think this is this thing's going to be okay got a little bit of a miss here every now and then but it cleaned up a bunch let that sound cool well this is what amazes me is this is a blowby there's not any this thing is ready to run man i think i'm gonna change the oil interchange antifreeze get some tires on it and uh we're gonna be pulling a scraper with this dude before long and uh at some point this one might get a good paint job i don't know this is a neat tractor i'm pretty proud of it listen to this non-throttle response pretty cool that's pretty cool
Channel: Digginok
Views: 131,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first start, 930 case, digginok
Id: m0W9H68LMdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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