930 update Brakes, lift pump, and a tire. #digginok #930case

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[Music] so i'm pulling the brake off of this side of this 930 one of the things i found today the tractor had a flat so it leaned over and i thought well the wheel seal's leaking because it's been leaning well come to find out somebody had overfilled the transmission by i would guess about eight gallons so i'm draining i'm draining down to the level right now there's a actually a level plug on these transmissions um they don't have a dipstick so you basically fill them until the oil runs out of a hole and then they're full but anyway this one was a little bit too full but anyway i'm gonna pull this brake housing off and i redid the brakes on my other 9 30 a few years ago they're a pretty simple design they're dry break they're a disc they work off of the yeah they work off of the differential shaft which is up here so there's actually a chain drive there's a sprocket and then a a big there's a smaller sprocket and a bigger sprocket and that's how they drive the final drives on these but actually the differential is up here behind this plate or inside this on this shaft here so there's a right and left break for these and they are a dry break um what i have found is these brakes work pretty good until they get glazed and then they don't work for the craft but i need to do some wiring on it too but anyway these uh these i don't know what shape these are in i haven't even tried it but most likely i'll be able to pull these apart and uh maybe just deglaze the pads unless they're worn out most of the time they're not worn out i found that on my other one so i got the the cover off the cover is actually part of the brake uh wear surface so when you apply the brakes what happens is this piece in here is cam actuated and there's roller balls and when you pull this lever it kind of forces these two pads out against the this inside plate and this outside plate and that's what gives you the stopping power surprisingly these look almost brand new so there again they're glazed if i take that like just take a oh maybe a wire wheel or a file and take that glaze off these dudes will probably work pretty good um i would guess the brake pedals are kind of froze up on the shaft so i've got to work on that too but one of the good things about this tractor is these i'm going to have to pull it i think i have to pull this quarter pin and uh or carter key and pull that pin out but one of the good things about this tractor is these seals here are not leaking on this shaft these i mean these run under oil the oil level's about oh somewhere in here so these are always submerged these seals are expensive they're about a hundred bucks a piece if i remember right i had to replace both of them on the other 930 so the good news with this one is that's not a problem i just don't know if i can rotate that there's just not enough i'll probably pull this pin but what i'll do is i'll pull this apart there's uh some springs and balls and all that needs cleaned i'm sure and then i need to order a rubber boot that goes over this rod and that'll kind of keep it clean keep the water out of it maybe a little better but uh this break looks to be in pretty good shape i haven't pulled the other side yet but anyway just kind of wanted to give you a little update on the tracker i've ordered new wheel bearings i'm changing the wheels out to a new style the wider front tire i did straighten on the grill i think i got it looking pretty good i think it's good enough for for me for now i'm not gonna go crazy over this tractor yet um i would like to paint it someday but that's down the road but anyway so just kind of trying to get things working that need to be working and i did put an old pressure gauge in and change the oil i flushed out the oil pan it had a little bit of rust in it i think from the liners or cylinders so my thoughts on that is we will probably have this engine may not live very long it's it runs good but it may need new pistons and rings and liners before too long so time will tell i mean i don't really want to pull it apart as good as it's running but i do know there's rust damage and that can't be you know that can't really be stopped so what i plan to do is run it for a while change the oil kind of check the pan see how much crap's in it and uh just kind of monitor it see how it goes i think it's you know it it's not that big a deal anyway i'm going to get this break apart and i'll show you what's inside those plates here in a minute these balls run in these there's three balls in each one and whenever you apply the brake it rotates these two plates and it expands and it's a real simple design and it goes against the springs if these get broken sometimes these balls can kind of get wedged out of place cause your brakes to drag so i need to make sure those are in decent shape but i'm going to just kind of oil things up clean it up these ought to work pretty good i think okay i got a little lazy um this is how i'm ending up doing the deglazing this is what it looked like before i sprayed it with brake cleaner and then i took this uh this is a 120 grit sander wear a dust mask this is probably asbestos but this is what it looked like before you can see it's shiny when it's shiny like that there's no gription description was that a word i like it um if they're like if they're glazed over they won't grab these brakes here after you clean that glaze off and it doesn't take me just a second with that sander and get the glaze off of them and these dudes will work like brand new brakes i think we'll see anyway just wanted to show you that but like i say wear a mask you don't want this dust on your lungs it's bad could be coronavirus you never know so i got the 9 30 sitting on some better tires they're not great i'm going to need to get some new ones for it but these are the newer style hubs off of the propane model i bought and they are just had to change out the hubs the old hubs were well they were pretty much uh screwed up i think they had ran calcium in the tires the rims were completely gone and instead of trying to find other rims i thought well why not just put these wide ones on there i think they look pretty cool anyway and i got the brakes working um still got a bad tire here i got it blocked up so it's not leaning at least but uh i got my kit from my injection pump i need to put it in sometime and what else that's about it's 9 30 is where the fill plug or the oil level plug is for the uh the transmission okay i'm at the back right side of the tractor and if you notice right up there i've got a plug out that is actually the oil level on the transmission now a lot of people don't realize this is a separate case here this is your hydraulic pto case and uh on this model the oil level plug is here and on the newer ones they had a cap that screwed on top and you fill them to the top of that cap so they fill up to that level and on this model there's two plugs the newer 930s are different but this front plug is for your transmission and the way this is made it's kind of deceiving but there's a separation between these housings but the way that casting is made if you dump oil in here it goes into this box here and then this box here is for your hydraulics so your hydraulic oil you feel it here and you watch for it to come out there your transmission you feel it here and you watch for it to come out that other hole okay i got the lift pump off this is the actual lift pump and this is on the side of the bosch injector pump if you can see the numbers on there this is probably a little different style than they used on the newer pumps but it's yeah i bet you it's got the same internals um as like a i think it's the same one i used on the 504 and uh 451 all the inline bars pumps has a similar setup some of them have a hand primer built into this some have a like i know the 2470s they've got like a little bowl like a water separation bowl but anyway i'm going to pull this apart and we'll see what's inside of it here in a sec actually it takes a 10 millimeter wrench to get these nuts off so this though bosch was using metric stuff back in the back in the day i believe i thought that was interesting 1960 tractor anyway we'll get it apart here i'll show you what's inside okay pretty simple process pull the caps off there's a plunger here this is what actually runs off a camshaft inside the injector pump that gives it the that's the piston that actually pumps the fuel i may need to pull that apart a little this was the cap in the spring there's a little bit of crud in there um now this pump has a direction on there the fuel flow goes this way so there's check valve this is an inlet check valve this is a problem it's stuck it doesn't move so it's not opening and shutting and letting the fuel pump it's just kind of holding so we'll get the we'll get this apart clean it up it it's got some corrosion in it and the other side this is the plunger and when the piston pushes it lifts and then it goes back down and shuts so it's just a simple inlet valve outlet valve okay i'm going to kind of go through and show you how this thing is set up this is a there's two sides to this system this i believe this side runs in motor oil inside the pump housing i believe this side here is running diesel fuel so the only thing between those two is this small rod and i'm trying to figure out i think there may be a small o-ring that goes inside of there that seals that off now this might it's probably going to be the hardest part of this project right here because that's uh it's down in there pretty deep but i believe that's what this o-ring here is for and this one was most likely i may be looking at that wrong maybe that's not i've got to get another pick i might need to look this up online and see um actually it looks like that's just ported back to i think what they did is they just got a groove in there and they ported it back to the pump side and that way it probably sucks the fuel back in on a return stroke this this is the strainer i was talking about that is on newer tractors this one doesn't use that this kit come with a new there's a plunger spring that goes under here now this goes on this side of the set up here so i'm gonna put a little motor oil on it and put it together hopefully i'm doing this right if i'm not i'm gonna learn something this is how i've learned a few things but um what we need in this side is this spring it only goes one way these little guides that holds the pin in the roller and i believe if i'm not mistaken that roller was sitting there that direction right there so put a little motor oil on it keep it lubricated and that goes in spring pushes it back up um okay so that's that now there's a interesting little keeper here not seen a design quite like this before but this goes around the outside of that and it's got a little hook on that wire spring and there's a hole in that groove and when you put that it acts like it's bent just a little bit but there it goes what that does it keeps that from falling out it can't come out once that spring in place that's all it does so no o-ring there's a gasket goes on there i'll put that on later now these spring seats they're just a little bit rusty but i don't think i'm going to worry about it i've cleaned them up best i could i'll go ahead and just dip this valve these valves have kind of a rubber feel to them so they're they'll seal over a little bit of imperfection i believe and they got a new spring with them and then like i say we've got this copper ring for the cap but mine was stuck and i don't know if this stuck and open or shut it was probably stuck in the open position i'd it was getting fuel somehow but not very good so we basically just thread that in we make sure that copper ring seats down in there same thing on the other side here copper ceiling ring spring and plunger and this all came in a kit this is a kit i found on ebay the kit number is oh crud the kit number is right there whichever way that camera's facing okay so i lost lost my parts here that's the old one oh the new one's already in there what am i doing that's the old spring okay get the copper ring on there and we basically just thread this in place so now we've got the roller in we've got the two plungers in the next thing would be the rod that this is the little push rod that goes from the roller side to the piston so it goes through make sure it moves okay there's only one way this can go in it has a side for the little plunger and the housing seems to be in pretty good shape it's it's not perfect but it fits pretty well in there this is not a really precision fit outfit here so then we've got yeah they sent a large copper ring to seal this up and i've got this and it's gonna take a little bit of pressure to get that one threaded on there yeah almost hit it there we go okay so that's basically how you do that now this kit did come with some o-rings but i don't think this one needs those those are probably for that's for the fuel bowl if you have one depending on your fuel line hookup some fuel lines have a copper ring this i have no clue what this is i don't know not sure i didn't see anything like that on mine but all i need to do now is just tighten these up and clean the gasket off the tractor put the new gasket on put it on tractor hook fuel lines up let's see if this whole thing will fire up again here got the mufflers on it and so [Applause] [Applause] okay it's a work in progress we're still going do a little bit on the 9 30 i put some new hoses on here these are a special end on these hoses um i'm going to have to get them from case or maybe an aftermarkets that makes them but they're a special fitting uh and i pulled this off my propane tractor this is a pioneer fitting this is the oil filter i just kind of cleaned it up it probably needs a new one um that's where the oil filter goes for the hydraulic system but i wanted to show you if you can see in there there's actually a chain drive that plug right there is a hydraulic pump or what looks like a plug but that chain drive that's a live shaft off of the engine come straight out of the um if i can get up in there a little bit more how much you can see there lighting's probably not great but anyway that's what you can see from the side that's the rear housing on there okay so i got one of the tires off the tractor uh went ahead and sandblasted the rim it had some pretty good rough spots on it um anyway i got the this is off of the propane model got the tube out checked everything it looks like everything's good so i just got a um the rim i painted it yesterday so and it's not perfect but it's a tractor rim i did some sandblasting on it with a uh the the kind you use with the power washer which i'm not real fond of it because it seems like as soon as you get done sandblasting everything starts to rust so i didn't do the inside of the rim i just went ahead and did or this would be the outside actually i just did the part that was rusted the worst uh tried to get all the rust i could off of it i think it's gonna be okay anyway this is a this is a tire off of the the propane 930 i have uh it's not a great tire but it'll uh probably get me by a little bit i'm gonna clean the beads up on it and hopefully put it back together i'm not sure i'm gonna do it right because i'm not a tire man but i think i know enough about it to get it done maybe anyway i'm gonna give it a shot [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so got the tire on there i might have a little bit too much air in this side i think i got it about 25 looks a little better than the old one and this is the other side this tire here is in decent shape the rim's in pretty bad shape but this is a this is an old co-op brand agar pro or agri-power i need new front tires too but anyway i'm going to probably give it a bath tomorrow and maybe we'll get it back on the scraper i'm thinking i'm going to pull the seat off my other 930 and put on here just for now for temporary uh probably we'll end up putting i think i can get a new set of seat cushions for this seat it's a little bit different seat but they're pretty much the same deal i would really like to get my plow going i need to get some tires on it and uh i may i may see if i can get that thing going just take this thing out and do a little plowing with it i like the big fenders i like the way you sit down in them um it needs a bath though i think it would clean up pretty good just giving it a bath i need to get the hood back on it but uh anyway just to give you an update on the 9 30 at this point uh did loaded i loaded a i hooked the scraper on the other day and i moved one load of dirt and blew the tire out on the back so that's why it got stopped and just now getting the tire off the propane one on here and i probably need to pull the tire off the rim that i took off and sandblast it and paint it i think it's a it's a pretty good rim i think it's better than this one here so
Channel: Digginok
Views: 32,565
Rating: 4.9293599 out of 5
Keywords: case 930, 930 case
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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