Carveco Maker: Stacked Text

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hello and welcome to this carved code manga tutorial in this tutorial we're going to take a look at a stacked text okay so just in a search on the internet and over on the right here this is the type of thing that's I'm going to show you how to produce okay so you've got a piece of text that standing proud of an underlying piece of text okay now you may have already seen a video that I produced doing this but I found a much much quicker way to actually do this okay so I'll explain very briefly the way that I was showing in the previous tutorial and then I'll show you the the new way that's one of my colleagues here at carve co-found that you could do okay let's open up maker okay and what I'm going to do is create a new model so if I click new model and you can see that I can set up my dimensions so I've got my width and I've got that set up it's 12 inches a height of 6 inches and also the resolution now the resolution for what I'm going to show you is actually going to be important okay so I'm going to set that to be quite low to start with so I can show you what not to do okay if you are starting this from scratch then what I would do I just put the resolution all the way up to the max okay uniques you've got millimeters or inches I'm going to be working in inches for this example and the origin points at the moment is set up to be in the centre of the job click on any of the four corners okay and you can change it or in the center I'll put it on the bottom left let's say and then select ok and it won't open up your model okay so this is 12 inches by 6 inches what I'm going to do first of all is creates a border around my piece okay so let's just draw a box so to select rectangle create rectangle there left click hold the mouse button then drag AIDS and it will create a rectangle for you and then what I tend to do is just entering the sizes so if I say let's say 11.5 and a height of let's say 5 inches and what I'm also going to do is invert the corners now I don't know what size on one so actually do this so what I'm going to do is just left-click on one of the corners and drag in okay and then it just creates the radius for me okay so when I'm happy with that just select create okay and then that creates the rectangle now if I select cancel I come out of the tool now to put this in the center of the job go to vector and a line and then Center in model now quick way to do this is press f9 on the keyboard so that's named centered in the model what I'm also going to do is offset this so I've got an area that I can bring the depth down to because I want needs to be sort of recessed within the actual panel that I'm creating okay so if I go to offset vectors and you can enter a size for this what I'm going to do is just grab it and bring it in okay so it's a reign debate 1/4 of an inch when you're done with that just click on the crust and he will exit the tool and then I've got a second vector okay let me zoom in just a touch okay so now we can create some texts for this okay so select the T here to create vector text okay and then what you can do is if you just click anywhere you'll get this cursor okay which means that you can create text and I'm just going to type in a name now this is what's going to be in the foreground of the panel that I have so if I'm left click on the end or at the start of the W hold it there and then come across it selects all of the text do is change the size of it okay now can either use those arrows or I can enter in a specific size now I can also change the actual font that I'm using so if I click there on the font you can see that I get all of the fonts that are installed on my system okay so I can select one let's say like so now if I select that and then select it again what I can do is use the arrow keys to go down and I can scroll through all of my fonts and see which one I want to use okay so let's just say that I wanted to use that one for argument's sake okay so select create I'll press f9 on the keyboard two in the center and if I wanted to I don't need to use that tool to resize the text so what I can actually do is go to here to transform and then I can either select there to resize it if I press alt down on the keyboard it does it from the center if I press shift it maintains the aspect ratio okay so let's say that I wanted to go all the way over there if you want to make it a bit larger you can do that so press alt there on the keyboard okay bring that up like that okay so I've seen quite a few people do the texts like this okay so really happy with that just click it and it will come ace of it okay now what I want to do is create some it's helic text going over the top okay so let's click anywhere on here and I'll just type in John and Deb okay and I'm going to find me some it's Halleck tanks so let's select that and then before that one that I selected I found quite a nice it's having text so maybe not that one let's just go through them okay I'd let you use that one the reason that I want to use that is because I can see that that's overlapping there okay so if I create that and then press f9 okay and then I'm going to transform that so I go to transform select that corner press shift and alt then on the keyboard and I start going right the way over there okay so it's quite a large okay and then come answer that okay so what I'm going to do now is to put these on two separate layers just so it becomes a little bit easier to use okay so the John and Deb I'm going to right click on that and move vectors to new layer open up the vector layers which are over here on the right hand side you can see that I've got vector layer two so if I'll turn that light bulb off you can see that that's is John and Deb so let's rename that and I'll call that John and Deb okay and let's change the color of that let's say blue okay so you can see that that's blue use the light bulb turn that on or off okay the Williams let's right click on that move fences to new layer again and then let's make that one let's like green okay and let's rename that to be Williams okay so that should be green now so you can see Williams John and Dam okay now if I turn off the Williams okay and let's take a look at this John and Deb now what you have to watch out for is if I were to edit this name it's going to move it to the Williams layer okay because I've got that highlighted and it's yellow okay so the current active vector layer is selected and it's yellow okay so watch out for that so if I were to I think that it would automatically move it to the Williams layer okay so switch to the John and dead layer and then you can edit this okay so the problem that I've got with this is that I've got some of the text overlapping here and what I need to do with that is to either trim this off here which is pretty easy to do on something like this or I can use what's are used for the original step takes tutorial that I've done which is the world tool they the problem with the world tool I'll show you in a second is if I were to go up to vector and merge and then try to weld you can see that I can't do it at the moment the reason being is because this text is still text okay so because it's all grouped together and it's still text so if I were to edit that takes me back into the text block okay and I can edit the text now if I were to right-click and ungroup the vectors then I can't do that's any longer because it's not texts anymore it's just a series of curves okay but what's happening here is that each of these letters is still grouped together so if I were to like say select those there and select vector merge and weld you can see that it does weld them together and automatically trim that off but it also gets rid of any internal parts that I have selected okay so what you need to do is undo that now I know that the O doesn't really matter anyway because it's not touching anything I just wanted to show you how to do it so if I select John and Deb okay and what we need to do is ungroup all okay so you can see if I select the oh you can see it's not one vector any longer I guess a series of free vectors so if I do the same thing there okay and go to vector and they merge um weld it does exactly the same thing okay so what you need to do is rather than select these internal islands need to select those ok so just the outside so if you select the inside it will delete them so if I go to vector and merge from weld you can see that it then welds them together okay and the good thing with the world is that it automatically joins them up okay you don't need to do that afterwards if you're using the trim tool if you didn't have the auto giant on you would have to join them up afterwards okay right so we can group those together again now so if we select all of them and then come up to here you've got group so if we group they're all a group now don't get confused by being groups means that they're joins or means that they are now converted back to text they not okay so you could have a series of lines that are not joined but are a group together or you could have a series of lines that you may think that are taste because they're group together name but they are not if I right click on there you can see that I haven't got that ad text block again okay so once you've ungroup that text they become curves okay so what we're going to do now is I'm going to copy this over onto a new layer along with Williams onto a new layer and we're going to create basically a combined layer okay so I'm going to select the John and Deb right click and I'm going to select copy and then whilst everything's still selected right click and paste and paste the game okay whilst that's still selected right click and then move vectors to new layer okay and then this is vector layer for move that to the top and I'm just going to rename that to be combined okay and then let's give that a color of let's say red okay so if I turn off that John and Deb you can see that I've got the combined layer ok these John and Deb there's the combined layer so if I go to William's name and then select that I'm going to do the same thing for that so right click copy right-click again paste whilst still selected right click and they move fences to combines this time ok dose of the combined layer and right click on that light bulb and it will show you all the vectors ok now a really quick way to do these before in the tutorial that I had done I was using the world tool to do this and then I was showing people how to use the explode tool to do it might had to do was going to each of these sections and delete every little part ok and it was quite time-consuming and it was also hard to get your head around which parts to actually delete ok so one of my colleagues here at carve Co found a way that you can do this really really easy and I'm really glad that he did ok so but what we're going to do is select Williams ok go to bitmap and then I'll do this on the 2d view actually so you can see it so go to bitmap and then go to flood fill vectors ok so what's happened here is that it's colored in all of these vectors now remember at the start when I was talking about the resolution they've been important for this particular job this is why it's important okay so if I were to do the John and dip so I go to bitmap and flood fill vectors ok now if i zoom in let's say here see how pixelated this is ok this is all to do with the resolution okay so if I were to do what I'm going to do which is trace around these it wouldn't be as close to the original text that I wanted and it would give me a slightly different text okay so that's why I need this to be quite a good resolution so if you keep in mind how that looks at the moment let's undo that and undo that and I'm going to change the resolution whilst I'm here okay so to do that go to model adjust resolution okay and I'm going to crank that all the way up to the top selector okay and yes okay so I'm going to do that again so select the Williams go to your bitmap flood-fill vectors John and Deb it's a bitmap flood-fill vectors so if you go in nave you can see it's a lot better if you go right the way here it will still give you dragging edges but the tool that I'm going to use to create the vectors around this it will smooth all of those eight okay so what I can do now he selects all of those vectors on that layer they you can do it by drawing a box around it you can also right-click on the combine layer and then select all fences okay and then delete them okay so it just leaves me with this drawing now what's really easy about this is that what I can do now is go to bitmap two vector at the top here and I'm going to try some ran this image okay I don't need to reduce colors or anything because I'm automatically using the black color and click create vectors okay now if I turn the light bulb off for the bitmap you can see that it's automatically created all of those vectors for me okay this is a much much easier way than use the world tool all using the explode tool okay they the one thing that you need to do you need to go back to John and Deb because the tanks that we've created is just slightly different okay so if I were to turn on John and Deb you can see you can't read it out and you don't really need to do this step but I'm showing you how to do it just in case you get any mismatch so if i zoom in you can see how it's just slightly different okay so what we're going to do with that he's turn off the combine layer go to John and Deb so select that go to bitmap and if you flew phil vectors name if i select it it brings that bitmap visibility back on and it fills them in in black which is not what I want once you use a different color because I want to just try surround John and Deb so let's say that we want blue okay so left click on blue or any other color that you want to and then do it again and flood-fill vectors okay and then select the vectors and delete them okay so we just got John and Deb so go back to the bitmap the vector and then create the vectors okay and they should be exactly the same as the previous ones named so what we can do now is if I right click on bitmap player I can clear it okay and it just basically so in same thing white again alright so we've got John and Deb name and we've also got the combined layer and we've also got the a size of that now this is a lot lot quicker than doing the world and exploding as well you can do it like that but it will take a lot longer okay so let's start tool puffing this up Nathan so if I select John and Deb and that one let's go to tool paths and let's create an area clearance toolpath okay so first of all let's set up my material so let's say it's half an inch thick and the materials they 0 there's salt dependence on your CNC so if you set up your material to be at the top then obviously set that to be at the top if you set yours n0 to be on the waste board or the spa board then set that to be at the bottom and the program will automatically work it out for you okay don't worry about model positioning material this is just for 3d type work and we're not doing any so don't worry about it so select okay and then what we're going to do is select what we want some machine so from there to there well it's just group all of this John and Deb so select all of that and then select group over here okay so select there and there finish that let's say I want to go point one deep with this and then let's add at all so let's try and blast away most of the material with a half an inch okay I'll do an offset for this okay so basically a rat's are all enough say raster goes across in X steps over in Y and comes back across and offset will follow the two concerts that I have here and go around okay let's add another tool to this so let's say an eighth of an inch and hopefully this one will get in all of the smaller areas so I click select there and I'll do an offset for that one as well right so select calculate okay and that looks to be okay it's missed out the inside of the J and also this oh here so if you're ever curious what the size something is if you go to model and then click measure tool and then just click between it and it will tell you okay so it's 77 fail okay probably need the sixteenth of an inch tool to go in there so it's not a problem what you can do is you could just add a sixteenth of an inch tool to go in there what I'm going to do is remove the eighth of an inch and just add a sixteenth of an inch tool and then select offset and create okay they'd select the vector so just turn off my tool puff so I can select them and then calculate okay so that looks as though it's going getting their name okay so that looks to be okay so I'll leave it at that right so let's do a simulation of that drift slap one so right click simulation control bar let's rotate that around and it's that play okay so that was the half an busting the theory all away and then we've got the sixteenth of an inch going into all the smaller areas you okay so that's the John and Deb point one of an inch deep right so let's do the other ones then so let's delete that simulation and like to turn on the vectors and the material block okay let's turn off my tool puffs there and what I'm going to do now is turn on the combined layer okay and turning off John and Deb okay so I just got this so what I'm going to do is just select all of this make sure that I'll go to the combine layer and then I'm going to group that together so now what I can do is exactly the same thing let's do an area clearance and I'm going to select those as my vectors to machine now the start that from this it's entirely up to you you could leave this at zero but it's going to be cutscene fresh air for point one so start depth I'll do that at point one finish that let's say let's say three seven five okay so they decided it's all to this so let's try the same tools that's half an inch it's doing offsets and then I think it was a sixteenth of an inch and doing offset okay no I've also got this safe st. here so this is where the tool retracts to and then rapid sort of fast rice over to the next path so this is basically where it comes up to where it's safe to rapid okay and that's a little bit small at the moment so let's change that to 0.25 okay click calculate and it will calculate all of the tool puffs may there are certain sections where it looks as though it hasn't gotten in so let's turn off that first it's all paths and it's like a plan view of that okay so there are certain bits that say like here now these are really really small it's just the way that I draw needs to be honest review so if I go to the major tool you can see that that's only 14 fail okay and this one are these largest points is 35 so I'm not really going to worry about that too much okay you can see that he's got in all of the larger areas right so let's it's like a simulation of this okay so let's right-click on that one I'll just simulate this one so it does it fast okay and then this one let's use the control bar so let's pie that so this is the half an inch just busting all the material over and then the sixteenth of an inch going you you okay so there you can see that it's done all of that stack text so finally all that I need to do now is cut the part a so let's turn on the vectors so click here yeah toggle vector visibility select the outside goats all paths and create profile tool path it automatically knows I've finished that okay profiling tool let's just use the half an inch so I was using and you could add bleeding's ramps bridges to this if you wanted so I'm just going to calculate it okay and then let's simulate that tool path okay select the simulation select here you can delete the wife's material so it's also deletes it and it deletes all of those name if it does delete something that you actually wanted to keep I mean you may actually want to keep one of those you can just undo it okay and then you can either delete pink material or keep pig material so if I select that and then select the stack text it deletes everything else okay so let's close that and maybe let's change the material to be it's the light oak okay and you can see that that's created the John and Deb Williams so to send this to the scene say what you need to do go to tall puffs and select save to all paths and you can see I've got all of these tool puffs here so if I select browse let's go into my desktop I'll create a new folder let's call this that's six okay let's call this John Deb maybe Deb not bad okay and then select open and then all the tools on the right hand side they will all be saved if I click Save okay if you don't want them to be saved if you only want one to be saved let's say so you can grab those and move them over okay and you can just select that one and save that one now if you've only got a single headed machine and you haven't got a tool changer and easy way to do this is just select save tool passes two separate files and it just saves each one of these to a separate form okay now you can also append the toolpath d tasks at the file name so you know what's this ease so if I click that it will add these details to the actual farm own okay so if I select machine file format this is probably the most important part of this for this is actually a list of what we call post processors so these are what converts the information from caf-co maker into a format that your CNC understands okay so if I come down and let's use maybe this shape OCO inch okay and click Save okay so now if I go to my desktop and find that then you can see that I've got all of my tool puffs here okay and I can just open these up in a word documents and you can see that it's it's just coordinates and commands telling your CNC machine heads cut this job okay so that brings it into the stack text tutorial I hope that you learned something from this and thank you very much for watching and take care so you're on the next one bye
Channel: Carveco
Views: 4,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V02gCJJ4MvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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