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hey everybody welcome back to the shop that's not the shop so i thought with this build i'd show that you can make things with a c and c other than plywood projects now what we're going to make here is what i'm calling a fancy box with a fancy carving and we're going to start with maple for the top please like and subscribe if you think i've earned it i hope you get something out of this video as always i hope you learned something i hope it helps somebody in some way and don't forget our giveaway we're giving away 75 dollars to a lucky winner in august we're going to do another giveaway in september but go to that video watch the video and follow the directions it's a very simple entry process enter your name the month the year and you're entered to win of course you've got to be a subscriber now what i'm doing here is planing the maple down but i'm using that third board or fourth board as a i guess i'd call it a bridge to prevent snipe on the planer as i pass the last piece through i send the sacrificial piece through behind it so that i don't ruin the pieces of wood all right we're going to clamp them up here and this could have been an outtake because i had a little trouble with the clamps when i started to clamp this down and about right here i get discouraged and go do something different but we're back at it we've got the glue we've got the glue this time we're going to tighten them up now i'm going to throw a couple of pieces of mdf on the top of here just to elevate the clamp the third clamp that you'll see me put in so that i don't stain up that pretty looking maple all right here we've got some cedar and it's ugly it's ugly for sure but we're going to send it through the planer and we'll show you when we're finished planing what the pretty looks like man i wish i could plane them really that fast but on the last pass i'll show you how slow a planer truly is right about there and man look at that cedar pop when you get down to the pretty stuff [Music] all right so we're going to set the origin on the c and c to the center of the board so i do a simple cross there to tell me where it is bring the c and c over change to the different bit and i got to admit i i cheated a little bit here i normally would use a flat end mill for a roughing bit i didn't do that in this case i used the round nose or round end bit and we're gonna let that do the roughing just saves from having to change over [Music] kind of a crazy pattern when that started i thought what in the world is that thing carving but you'll see when this is finished it's a pretty cool pattern now kind of a funny thing while i'm doing these voice overs y'all don't hear this but that blake big black dog that we have that helps me in the shop certainly doesn't help the voice over work he runs around the house and he's clickety-clacking with them toenails so we have to stop and start quite often when we've got him in the house helping with voice over work now i removed the dust collector here so you could see the bit traveling back and forth and it does make quite a mess but what a pretty pattern that is and there you have it four pieces those will be the front and back the short ones will be the sides obviously so we'll take some clamps off of our glue up here and pray that it's flat and i'm not too concerned with that big chunk that's outside that edge there that's going to get cut off but in this case i did use a flat end mill to do the roughing and there he is the culprit with the toenails he's never far away from me or the cnc when it's running all right so back at the fourth and back at e4 it'll go taking away the rough stuff and here we change to the round nose quarter inch i'm using on this one quarter inch round nose and we'll let it do its thing obviously i said this is going to be the top so we put a fancy carving in the top [Music] there it is now obviously it's way too big but we're gonna make some changes to that a little sanding i reduced the step over quite a bit on this to try and eliminate that but i really wasn't happy with those edges so we just sand them up now here i'm measuring for the width of the top and the length of the top and what i did was flipped this piece over and found center i made a mistake on these and the sides on this and the sides i should have generated a cross hair across the entire face of that piece so i knew where center was because obviously you want the carving in the center so here i'm doing that i'm putting the cross hair on the back and i'm going to transfer these lines to the face of the piece so that i can tell where center is and then of course we'll divide by two so that the panel isn't offset or the carving is an offset that's what i'm doing just putting marks there and that is a japanese square you can get those off of the amazonian finding center dividing by two both directions both sides draw the lines and that way it won't look cattywompus as i like to say [Music] when you're doing something like this and you've spent time carving it out there's always some anxiety because if you make a mistake you get to recarve it there's no gluing this back together now this box is going to have mitered corners i'll use the japanese square again to show me where those corners should be when i take it over to the table saw [Music] now if you don't have one of these digital angle finders i highly recommend them and there i reminded myself that you can't rotate that blade with the zero clearance insert in so we swing this over to 45 degrees i also made a little goof here too i should have put the other insert in because i had to back the blade all the way down to the bottom now this is a miter set you've seen me use these before i've got these in another video or this in another video i'll put a link to this tool in the description if you want to get the correct angle with your miter gauge this is the only way to nail it not the only way but it surely is one of the best ways put those two pins in at the desired angle i put a little pressure on it to hold it in place lock it up and now i know i have an exact 90 degrees on that miter gauge and it's just that simple we put it back away and ready for the next time now what i'll do here is i'm making a sacrificial cut to get the majority out of the way and then i will slide the piece into the blade while it's running so that i can get an exact position for that cutoff i think they call it creeping up on the cut i don't know if that's the technical term but that's what we'll call it here all right we'll swing this back over to 90. we'll change out the red insert for the zero clearance one and we will be ready to start making these things the correct size now it's kind of a general rule when you're cutting off material you only want maybe one tooth above the surface of what you're cutting off the height so that's what i'm doing here lowering the blade so it's not sticking out too high and we'll begin cutting these off for length and width [Music] [Music] the beauty of doing this with the big pieces is it allows me to cut off the bad edges that way and here we do just a test to see if it's going to come together correctly and it sure does [Music] a little bit of yellow goop as i like to call it and look at those corners miter set and a digital angle finder and you can nail these almost every time all right let's shave down the top and see if we can get that to the right size now the one thing i did off camera was i also put a rabbet in the bottom of that box all the way around so that i could put a piece of quarter inch luan in the bottom there's the top hey it fits and there's the luan we'll erase this here line we don't need the beauty of a pencil instead of using a pen when you're woodworking and here we have my spline jig now for those of you that don't know what a spline is it's a cut through the corner of the box to increase the strength of a mitered corner i made this out of an old miter gauge and some plywood obviously there's a one inch spacer we'll clamp that in place i'm sorry clamp the block in place use the spacer for the distance and i'll use a scrap piece to cut out and make sure i'm deep enough and that's what it does now you set the box in you run it through and you just keep flipping it over and rotating it until you get every corner now the beauty of the stop block means that i can have my cuts obviously in the same spot but both top and bottom evenly spaced and you'll see what i mean here when i'm finished i'll show you there you have it one inch from the top one inch from the bottom take some of that maple that i cut off the lid and i'll make it fit in those slots trying to force glue in there was a booger so i used the glue on the end of the little slivers we're going to feed in and you want them just snug not too tight that there's no room for the glue but tight enough that they don't fall out here you see me taking the router and cutting the recess for the hinges obviously doing that free handed we used to make american flags wooden flags and i used to cut the stars out by hand i got a lot of practice cutting off 50 stars on 100 flags we now have the cnc we let the cnc do it testing there for height then it's perfect and i apologize for the camera angle here but i'm using that chisel to square up the corners you want to be ever so careful and delicate when you're doing this let's see if it fits hey look at that all right we'll use a self-centering bit here for the screws and if you're paying attention you'll notice the screws are silver and the hinges are gold i didn't have any gold screws i got to get some but it works now here's my friend in the shop and you'll notice when this guy wants attention he gets it see him push himself through there pushes me out of the way i wouldn't have it any other way i love that dog but he is always under foot as you can see here running this power saw it's not a power saw obviously his nose is right there i got a little nervous could you move [Music] he says no way so you trim these off as close as you can without hitting the box obviously and then we'll go back at them with a sander now i made a little mistake here too the distance from the carving to the corner should have been larger it would have gave me a bigger spline and more room to work but nonetheless we're going to get it done here you smooth them off with the sander until you can't feel the difference between the two wood surfaces and then it pretties them up now i didn't like that pointed corner so i'm going to take a dremel here and ever so carefully i'm going to grind that back till it matches the carving it takes a steady hand a lot of patience and you have to go extremely slow with it [Music] it wouldn't hurt to have a light too but i did it without one [Music] we get in there and pick at it with my pocket knife anything you can to clean them up basically carving with one hand and using the other hand as support to create resistance to hold that needle of a grinder still [Music] they come out pretty good i was happy [Music] here i'm going to add a round over to the top of the lid i didn't like the sharp corner on it [Music] straightforward stuff and we add a little bit of shine to it i put on six coats of this exterior polyurethane now there's no reason that i use the exterior other than i like the way it sprays on this particular brand has a special nozzle that spreads the spray in a fan type pattern it works very well and it does make it very pretty when it's finished we cheat with a lazy susan there here's the lid same thing six coats and bing bang boom before you know it we've got ourselves a pretty looking fancy little box well as always i hope you got something out of this video i hope you enjoyed it i hope maybe you learned something from it again if you think i earned it give me a like a share please subscribe i enjoy reading your comments and as always we'll catch you on the next one so [Music] you
Channel: Vernon Hinkle
Views: 1,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ciRq9YJuNaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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