425 Carveco Maker sign making for beginners

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hello and welcome to this caf-co maker tutorial I'm Roger Webb this tutorial is probably for first-timers and hobbyists what we're going to do is we're going to put this camco make a sign together and do a machining strategy and machine it out so I'm going to show you how to do that so we'll start from the beginning and you know you can set up whatever measurements you want I work in millimeters now I always put the resolution up as far as it will go I'm using a fairly new Windows 10 laptop so you know it works pretty fast so this is the right measurements that I require the zero zero or start of the program you can select anywhere in each corner that you want all the center normally CNC routers would start in the bottom left hand corner CNC milling machines would start in the back left-hand corner it's just the norm so we lose using a CNC router so we're gonna press ok okay so now to do to distinguish between the 3d window or view and the 2d and to switch between the two it's very easy these two tabs up here that's the 2d window it's the 3d window well we're gonna use the 2d window because the whole job is a what is commonly known as a two and a half decaf in so we're going to select a rectangle drawing tool and you notice that the cross turns to a target well the cursor cross then turns to a target that's telling me that CAF girls telling me that well I found the extremity of the material and the corner so you what I'm going to do is left click hold down and draw down seeing it change to a target again and release and it's you can tell that it's is the exact measurements that we want now you can do a couple of things here you know if I wanted rounded corners I could set a measurement in here of for example ten millimeters and we'll it'll either invert the corners like this or round the corners like that you see what I did I just checked that box and it changes from invert to rounded corners okay this thought I'd show you that now I want to set this back to 0 because I don't want any rounded corners for this and we can create and we're happy with that we can come out of that now the next thing I want to quickly do is give this a bit of a border just a straight border now to do that we're going to draw another rectangle inside of this one well there's a tool that we can use which is called an offset tour so we're going to select that we already have our vector now any line or mark that's on the screen is called a vector in this case it's a rectangle now let me see well we're gonna try five millimeters it's not set in concrete court yet so am I gonna you can either do in words or eight words and you can you know whatever the checkbox here you know if I wanted to delete this one but you know sort of make the offset one just keep the offset one in other words and delete the outer one I could do that by checking these boxes but I want to keep the vector that we already have offset I must probably a little too thick so we're gonna undo that so if you want to add and do something you know that's what I just did we'll go back so it's offset not happy with that it's a little bit too much so to undo anything you can just go up here and press undo and you know it will undo as many things as you require it'll sort of go back through the stages that you've already done so far there's gotta four millimeters here you know a lot of this sort of sign work is what is pleasing to the eye I think that's better I'm going to keep that so I can cross out of that and what I actually did then to deselect that I just went onto this gray area and just left clicked so I will do a little bit precise input in the letter in in here I want it now so square into the middle now to assist you you can turn on the rulers now to do that come up to view come all the way down to here this says show rulers check that and the rulers appear up here now there's another little thing that you can do to be exact and help you you know with this CAD part of the program is if you come slowly off the gray screen here left click a line will appear and you can drag it down and we're going to bring it down to let me see about 18 millimeters there you go and we're gonna get another one bring it down get another 18 millimeters on the top so I'm gonna put our lettering in between there now then the lettering in calcio you can use any letter in that or text that you have in your programming your computer in Windows it will you know some of the text you may have to should we say repair your but you'll find that as you get more experience with it some of them that some of the lines you know that have been drawn to make the text Kefka within the caf-co program so it doesn't you know some of the lies don't quite meet so you will have to go in and repair those but you'll learn all that yourself or in further videos from me all this is the text I normally use actually but you know you can go into here and choose anything that you really want some of this old English right in there that's the sort of text that I'm talking about that you may have to repair and we're that that's a whole subject on its own its own so you know like I say any of the text you know good text to use as well is Times Roman that's pretty good but we're happy with this one this is the one I want to use and what did i do then and go back in I touched on this I actually clicked on the screen but I shouldn't have and it started to do a letter up here somewhere now I just want to zoom out a little bit I've got this sect on 60 millimeters this is just a rough guesstimate we'll call it but all right what I'm going to do is I'm going to start up here I'm gonna put the letter in and we're just going to write maker that looks a pretty good size actually I'm going to keep that so create now I'll show you a little another little trick at the moment if you dislike this go on one letter they're selected all as one but what you can do if you require you can go into here they're a deselect and actually select each letter individually you know sometimes you need to do that to replace a letter slightly sort of offline of what it was was written there are occasions you want to do that so to know gather these up you press your shift button and press each letter individually like so and then regather them up and group okay so they're all grouped is one again now what I normally do to position these rather than drag and drop them down I use the arrow keys on my computer very easy to do like so and you zoom in a little so to move this now all you can do is come on to the your material press both left and right mouse button and hold them down and you can move it across to get it nice and square into the screen now I want to make this slightly bigger so I'm going to go now to the transform tool and it gives me some handles now that I can stretch this so just left-click and stretch this a little I want the M to just touch the top there I know the K is going to go slightly out over it that's fine just stretch this down slightly like that that is pretty perfect I'm happy with that so we can come out of that deselect that's fine now it comes to the machine in so somehow I have lost the border so we're going to redraw the border very simply and quickly remember the the cursor will change and snap to that corner draw it over release create we can get rid of that that's already selected calcio maker is very good capcom maker is very forgiving you know you you know can't really mess up too badly with it and offset inwards and there it is so we're back got it back so there's no set secret you know to do in this you sort of you know do it how you are comfortable you know the sequence that you actually draw these you know is your own what makes you comfortable there's no set pattern of drawing so we can come out of that so we basically have our sign made in as in the CAD work so now we need to machine we want a machine all this area edge to make our letters stand out we could do this a number of ways we can either machine the letters themselves in woods we could V cut them or do them with a small end mill but I want the letters proud left proud and I wanted machine the background edge so what we do first of all we never finish with these so you just put them back like this so there anyway and of course you can turn the measurements on or off will there you go sometimes you know they get annoying so we want to machine the area in between the letters so what you simply do is you select the lettering press shift and select the inner box so what you're telling KOCO is you want a machine between these areas okay now a simple strategy for machining and to get to the machining strategies you can either come here or here there up in here 2d area clearance that's what we're going to do but they're also here down here whichever way you feel comfortable at getting at them you know there's no hard and fast rule about it so area clearance which is exactly what it says this area between here we're going to machine it selected vectors and start depth zero finished depth oh we're going to go I think about four millimeters which will be fine we're not worried about a an allowance or tolerance of any sort if you machine in aluminium and you want to be very accurate then you would you would fill this area in so we've got to add a tool now we're gonna be shoot machine in wood so it's better to scroll down through to the wood because the speeding fees will be slightly different now it's quite some point sharp areas here and I want to do this in one cut I could go in with a five mill on machine at most first then do it with a 1/2 millimeter actually I think a three millimeter will be will do it fine I'm not going to complicate matters I think you know there's gonna be a slight radius in here but I'm really not worried about that it's not going to be seen that much and it's good for this project it's got to be fine to do it with one tool so I'm going to select that tool now we're going to work on the speed and feeds now this will depend on what machine you have if you have something if you have a small machine something like an X CAV something of that nature well it's not going to machine this very quickly if you try and push the tools rule here quickly it will vibrate and make a bit of a mess of it you know a lot of fur in a lot of chatter because you know it's not it's not it should we say an industrial machine it's basically a you know real hobby machine the machines of that nature so you have to cater your speed and fees for your machine now I will write this up as if it was a hobby machine so the step-over probably the sepal will probably be okay step down or we find four millimeters it will do it in one in one application any one cut but it will not do it should we say a hobby machine will not do it at 76 millimeters per second you will get a lot of chatter and a lot of furring so we have to set the feed rate to a more manageable rate we're gonna say 25 or even 20 actually this was actually set up for my machine you know I as you all know I have an industrial machine so it will do 75 80 or even 100 millimeters a second okay so we need to raise this to probably about 20,000 rpm depending on you know what wrote ahead you have if you have a Dewalt road head 20 you'll get 20,000 out of it without any trouble at all you could even go to 20 24,000 if you like but you might start burning and I'll sort of blacken in some of their material when you saw come into these areas this is probably probably best to leave it a little now not so high 20,000 rpm would be okay at 20 millimeters per second just to give you an example 20 millimeters a second is 19 millimeters is three quarters of an inch just to give you an example there right now that's what I normally do I normally set this at 50% of the feed rate it works quite well I don't have a tool change in certainly X curve doesn't have a tool change you're either now they're the best method for machining this gives the best results clean results is an offset raster now that will follow the contours of the lettering around and it you know that it gives you less cleaning up we're gonna go outside so what the tool is going to do is gonna start on the outside here and move around and work its way in towards the letters and I always use climb milling it always gives a better cat a drop moves most definitely always use I always use ramp moves because let's chance of busting you tool off machine safe twelve and a half minutes half an inch were the way well there abouts twelve top r75 is half an inch just a rough guide setup material twelve twelve millimeter material zero top of the block on top of the material always use that that's fine okay so we better name this now so I'm one cut so we're going to title it I abbreviate everything three millimeter Lily drain melt and calculate it does pay to have a fairly fast computer - because you know it works really pretty damn quick I'm working on a Hewlett and Packard or laptop I think it's one terabyte and I think H eight gig of ram so it works fairly quick you know I'm recording as well using this in the background and you know manages caf-co and the recording all at the same time without any glitches so which just goes to show you know you need a fairly fairly good computer to run caf-co certainly the main caf-co program okay so post processor Oh actually before we do that we better I think simulator so we go to the simulate I can't hear press that which takes us to 3d and oh probably a good idea to choose a material now to choose the material you want come here and you know you can have it whatever you want really we're gonna be do it in wood so light oak horizontal now if you want to turn this around just get your Center scroll press down and you can you can move it it's a bit too shiny isn't it light oak so let's give it a darker darker wood mahogany maybe apply was too dark his net so I know tick tick is normally pretty good yeah that's a little better it looks okay dips are killer put that in and sort of gives you a sort of a representation of as if you've sort of painted in the back and looks okay actually really makes it stand out but you know you can you can sort of toggle these off and on please yourself actually what you know you want it and play a bit with the material take vertical and see what that looks like now right look a little better so you can you know with all these buttons you can sort of toggle off and on the tool paths and you know either myself play around with it okay okay so well I think we played around with that for an effort I'm sort of showing you well you can choose whatever material you you want to get the best representation you want and you even got a Kronk contrast slider here if you want to change the contrast of the display okay pulse processor so you come up here to tool plus if you click on that that will bring up this again where here you will find the icon for a three-and-a-half inch floppy disk which is very very old-school but it's I think it's an icon that everybody recognizes so if you click on that now post-processing we see there's three millimeter so first of all we will name this [Music] oops mega test one okay I want this to go to my desktop so I can pick it up later on now the pulse processor within caf-co maker there is hundreds of pulse processors okay different machines different types but the the one that really works okay is these two here now if you have caf-co and your machine set up in inches this is the one that you would choose if you are set up in millimeters this is the one that you would use if your machine is not listed in that listing so it's g-code millimeters tap this is basic G code that every machine understands I've never had a machine that doesn't understand and reacts perfectly with this code okay so save it and it's done does look okay it's like white like that now to move this around I think I've already explained you can know I've got both left and right mouse key press down you can move it bodily around if you want to Louis in a round in space you just press the center scroll wheel down and you move it around okay so thank you for joining me today and I hope this has been a help to you it's the first tutorial of quite a few come in in the near future regarding a maker maker plus and of course the main program Kafka and don't forget below this video if you just noticed then capital just automatically saved so you don't lose your project and don't forget at the end of this video and below this video above the comment section there is a caf-co discount code that you can use to get 5% off all the products so thank you for joining me this is Roger web and is bye for now [Music]
Channel: Roger Webb
Views: 5,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carveco, Maker, Maker +, ArtCAM, CAD, CAM, Autodesk, Fusion 360, Roger, Clyde, Webb, CNC, Router, Laser, Lathe, Patreon, 6012, 6090, 6040, 3040, Vectric Aspire, VCarve Pro, 2000 year old, pen, Wood-turning, Workshop, Wood, shop, turning, tools, bowl, Bob Ross, Mach 3, turn, Mach 4, Sieg, X2, Harbor Freight, Grizzly, Grand Tour, Top Gear, 3D printing, Matthias Wandel, WWMM, Frank Howarth, Barnacules, Perks, game of thrones, Bobby Duke Arts, colinfurze, NYC, India, America, USA, UK, Trending, Fortnight, 100, watt, CO2, RECI
Id: rETTy8VFySc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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