Carrying The Kids In Phasmophobia

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yes oh my god which one of you is the real jack manifold this manifold is near the basket i'm at the board right now follow follow jack guys you're going to make me tap into my 24 000 bank account balance what yes you're going to make me tap into my 24 000 balance you have four thousand you're level two wow you played this game a lot i have six hundred and ninety dollars which is quite funny i've played a few times oh you level 200 i've leveled two he's he's played this a couple of times [Laughter] so this is rough you guys we are going to use you for your currency and then let you die in an old fashioned i'm gonna run over to the other side of the room and thank subscribers back in a second this is why you need to run push to talk and then forget about it like i did and i'm like why can't they hear me you realize like in real life how much like how much how stupid how stupid that looks he's like he's like innova he's like feels like facing like facing a van like this being like thank you thank you meli for the subscription thank you like he's just facing the wall he's just facing the wall this is the wall it's really funny though this is it no it's i think i got it it's hilarious all the things that we need well it made me laugh uh oh man captain have you just stocked up the entire equipment i am that's what i'm doing yeah this is this is making work for all the times that i let other people buy things and my bank account balance has gone way up because of it but again you guys cannot let me die things i use a glow stick so make sure we have glow sticks oh okay we have one glow stick get some glow sticks all right perfect we got a glow stick don't worry i'll chip in for this one i get i actually bought you know we're good wait add that glow stick back in there we go all right i think we have to go there we go oh wait crucifix i gotta get crucifixes how could i forget oh yeah we need jesus okay wait wait wait wait wait wait okay harry potter me me and jake are me and jack jake jack oh me and jack are on cruises yeah where do we go where are we going what's wrong we have guns so we can unfortunately you can we're going to the farmhouse no one answered ah arm house let's go hold on i'm still adding i'm still adding things that chat's telling me i've missed one sec okay my headphones are busted because i could only hear out of one arrow oh yeah tripods tripods oh wait that's right if we go to this side of him he can't hear us huh oh wait just no one's there i looked over at his stream there it is just chair hey there buddy how's it going uh okay we have all right we have thermometer we have strong flashlights we have head cameras we have spirit boxes um i think we've got it i think we got it okay salt is oh yeah i need to add salt wait do i not have any salt hold on right okay there we go why are you why are you making noises all right we're good we're ready we have we have the things that we need ah ready up gents i oh wait you guys are playing amateur you guys are playing amateur oh i guess you are yes oh my god i didn't even look at your levels a ten and two oh god all right [Laughter] um experience broke if you will gotcha all right i i will be your tour guide and sugar daddy for the day oh my goodness hey everybody welcome back to plasmaphobia brought to you by our sponsor the like button if you're watching on youtube make sure to give it a click also check the playlist for more plasmaphobia and um yep yep yep yep this is going to be an interesting day isn't it i we're we're smurfing this is what smurfing is in plasmaphobia i can't believe we're playing on amateur oh god hey you guys know i i made a tick tock account and somehow i have a lot of followers on it overnight even though i didn't even link it on anything it's crazy i guess because bridgette did allow it hello larry hello hello all right captain um i'm grabbing my jesus i'm grabbing my jesus and i grab my flashlight all right jack we got this okay so you guys you guys know how this works brown uh down here there should have been four you should wait i have both true silences no i i have one i have one too oh you wait you have one uh wait how do i dark radnick thank you for the 10 subjects much appreciated yeah i do wait how do i how do i have one wait look it's like booked i hold it for a bit wait wait wait we bugged wait yeah wait what do you mean you're bothered wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait bro how did you break i'm leaving wait okay there's all right you wanna you wanna go find where the ghost so you oh yeah headcams everybody everybody hey oh wait did i not equip the head cams i didn't equip i've made a terrible mistake don't worry about it okay cool all right do you guys know about the radio if you press b you can you can talk on the radio all right so uh basically first thing we need to turn on the breaker which i actually didn't check where that was someone else usually does that for me and now i'm responsible don't waste your photos take a picture don't waste your photos yes god i don't want to lose all my money ruth brown have you heard about jesus have you heard about jesus ruth is the breaker here no breakers we're here to preach about about the good word of the lord yeah usually i'm not the one who's um carrying the group so this is going to be interesting uh where's oh wait breakers pro only you're telling me i can get the thermometer and just easy mode this oh guys i'm getting the thermometer apparently i can easy mode this okay we easy mode and here we go let's get the thermometer wait our sanity is probably going to go down so slowly too on amateur all right here we go yeah they get really mad when you say their name so we're saying it as many times as possible do ghosts get mad on amateur okay good that sounds like a good breakdown ruth have you heard about the lord what what what thing did you find tubbo i found lights dude you found you found lights you need to find a room where it's really cold come on let's go find cold rooms we gotta find the cold room and then bring the warmth of jesus christ into it come on guys he's so right where did everyone go i'm still on the first floor next to you oh yeah yeah i should get you guys the voodoo doll hey you guys here's the voodoo doll it makes the ghost more angry what's this uh yeah if you like if you do stuff with it it makes it makes them angry also that's an interaction so we get points for that is this roof how do i sit on it yeah is this roof is that roof who wears this oh no oh my god it's there you get mad see if i care yeah ruth brown okay where do we think this is guys all right i'm uh i'm gonna try i'm gonna try carrying i don't know if i i'm throwing it does the temperature still like is it weird like on pro where it's it it takes a while to cool off the sofa if i didn't already miss the thing yo i have a lot of money invested in this i am not about to lose it jack i found the cheese balls we found cheese we found the cheese balls that's a sure sign of ghosts i might just throw it in the sink make it real mad now we found the cheese balls i just drowned the voodoo doll no bro why can't [Applause] hey you guys it's is this is this room over over here on the first floor next to the voodoo doll and tubbo's camera first floor uh back right corner of the first floor it's right here is this room was it this one because this someone was literally in this room yeah what's up with your thermometer man is it broken what you i'm um you have a dumb hat why is your thermometer there's another job let's go to the bathroom we know who we gotta do we're drowning the doctor where's the bathroom okay guys i'll be back with other other stuff there are no bathrooms let's just put it in with the other one no no here it is captain carrie that's who i am today this is the babysitting stream yes sir yes sir all right i'm gonna grab uh let's see what what am i gonna grab we left the therma i should've left the camera in there i don't know what i'm doing i'm gonna get spirit box we'll talk to the ghost how's sanity doing oh sanity goes down really really slowly in amateur isn't that nice uh salt emf smudge okay i'll um hmm yo captain can you hear me i can yes oh that's awesome i had no idea yeah i was trying to tell you guys earlier b is the radio okay i'm i'm coming back with the uh spirit box i don't know if you guys want me to talk to the ghost [Applause] see what she thinks about jesus so so basically yeah you need to it's like one person alone in the room so who wants to do it okay so pick it up let's go how do i how do i pick that up uh you have to drop something and then you have to pick it up do we have a camera in there so drop that captain take my so basically you wanna you wanna ask like are you there can you hear me that sort of thing okay you got this you got this hello ghost i hope you're having a nice day how how how are you we've got jesus we've got jesus where are you i'd really appreciate it if you let me know if you were here that would be really really ask where where are you oh where are you nothing detected okay okay so we're pro it's probably not spirit busting in okay wait where did my oomph ryder go uh it's right there my headphones don't kind of leave it on the ground and then it'll go off okay i'm gonna i'm gonna go restock on stuff so we can watch nice one nice yeah you wanna take a camera and a tripod and then and then you can see if there's ghost orbs basically i just use a stool because i like to input no that works too stools are great take a stool sample all right uh well i have two spaces this time so i can go salt and um let's see salt and smudge i don't know later hey one of you can you grab a lighter a lighter yeah from the bottom floor here i just don't have enough room in my inventory sure what's it do uh it'll light the smudge stick so just follow me back oh i thought you wanted to smoke uh i'll be back we'll be smoking this this big reefer [Laughter] wow all right i've been watching this guy for so long how times have changed i love this okay salt on the ground [Laughter] and then uh yeah hit me up with the lighter the like smallest bit of ghosting yeah drop it on the ground drop that lit lighter on there yeah i know i can show i can show you some ghosting i can just stop talking to you for a bit all right here we go we're lighting up here this little bit it was a challenge it told me i had to are you down with this jesus would not approve of this ruth brown all right okay sorry there's only enough for me all right this thing needs to be clean all right did you you got the camera going uh your camera is not is it turned on it's turned on nice nice nice okay i think oh wait oh there we go good job good job okay uh i'm gonna go back to the van and see if there's ghost orbs nothing scary has actually happened yet it's cause we're on amateur the ghosts are really nice [Music] you are playing crazy easy mode yeah i can make it not easy mode if you guys really want to have a bad time yeah okay shall we crank it up to the big boy level okay we can do that activity guys a little bit a little bit okay so we got one of the objectives done um what else oh yeah we need some ghost writing for sure i do they would have a journal i just grabbed one of the books yeah all right okay okay so i'm gonna write down write down my feelings in this oh wait i just don't know his memories uh okay the ghost is not going to be as inclined to hunt if we're high so the pills no don't don't do it again don't keep stop eating pills stop eating forgot the captain smokes a doobie and thomas yeah you just you just you just overdosed on those ones man oh my god yeah you are you're gonna you're gonna start to hallucinate and then you're yeah you're game over dude the claw the clock is ticking you have three minutes otherwise you're not gonna live any longer on the door see the fingerprints i see it yeah okay so now we need to take a picture of it i found it oh god oh god it was him jack it's the alcoholic is the alcoholic okay so if you hit j and you go to the last page of your journal fingerprints are won why are you using like christ let me leave jesus now hey ruth can you write in the book oh my god can you write in the book preach to ruth brown ruth right can you hear me ruth we would like it if you could write in the book show yourself ruth brown if you show yourself ruth brown are you there ruth brown is this you ruth brown show yourself you look stupid ruth brown you look you look dumb dumb dumb like what is that what what is that it's bound to show up right now headphones you got headphone cords on you i'm gonna take the umph oh yeah yeah do it do it i just roasted bruce brown why is ruth brown not doing anything i'm gonna ruth brown you suck ruth brown do something oh oh she walked in the song i guess that's something ruth brown sucks yeah dude is real like is on amateur do they just like not enjoy doing anything don't worry guys unbelievable this stupid ghost won't do anything at all take a picture no i don't think taking a picture of the salt does anything unless they updated that um okay so we got the salt yeah why even emf reader like won't do anything oh yeah so this is water that i got at the f1 viewing event it's in a box bro what the heck there's like not even any ghost orbs you kidding me ruth sucks dude i'm not seeing any ghost orbs ruth is awful he doesn't know that we left them in there i've got a rabbit and some root beer though if you fancy anything so there you go oh root beer sounds delicious cameras we did he doesn't know that we just left him in there let's just wait for our flashlights to start flashing i want the ghost to hunt yeah come on i know i want the ghost to hunt him too i think i think he's not gonna he's not gonna get hunted because his sanity is really high because he ate all the pills brown a lot say like bloody mary that also angers them insulting phrases afterwards oh here we go [Laughter] yeah he's dead he's dead god dang it we needed the head cameras i'm so sad i forgot it hey dumbo are you're having fun you having fun hey better than you better you than me some of the the walkie-talkies don't work mate are you gonna survive you're okay now you can come out get out of the room what did you say big man i i just asked you she was all right oh obviously she did not have a nice day she did nothing but we just can't leave wait what i just heard the ghost walking but it's not hunting that was weird uh okay so you just leave leave the umph reader inside the room okay have you heard about jesus all right so i i honestly don't know what these other ones are this is eternal life ruth brown i have jesus for you cat the show yourself amen amen amen are you there stop praying amen man ruth sucks what is what is up with this are you there we said roof sucks we said roof sucks we said roof sucks i've got my rabbit i'm good [Music] reject help me i i won't be i've got my rabbit for that oh i'm dying oh the ghost caught up with him i just keep locking myself in the bathroom every time all right so our sanity is probably like really low right now because uh taboo ate all the pills so um oh slight issue slight issue there but you guys can have pills too i'm sure that's enough for everyone no there's only one more no you ate all you ate three of them can i eat that one as well uh if you want us to all die oh i'm not sacrificing myself i put i invested a lot so this i will preach i will preach i'm hanging in the van man wait what do i even do wait what what am i what am i even supposed to do uh so you're if you go in alone take that right click it right click it so it starts doing static noises yeah and then um okay yeah and then you're just gonna be like are you there where are you try that a few times see if it responds see if you can get it to write in the book and uh that's that's about the only things that are left i don't know what this ghost is doing fun fact my sanity actually represents my sanity in real life as well this is here where's the where tombow just grabbed him tableau don't do this how about the pills just take the pill oh my god you have an addiction in you go and you go i want to come i'm not going i'm going here i have i have too much way too much on the line here this is all you guys i am here to preach all right you're in the room step one that's great now now talk to her ask her where she is how her day is going what room she likes do you like the kitchen does she like the bedroom and then if she responds let me know i'm just i'm watching him on the tv screen he's pacing around i'm just trying to feed him instructions i can hear you from there yeah rambu's not talking on the on the radio though oh he's in trouble rambu if you still hear me try to uh try to find yourself a locker or something like that the are you alive uh are you there captain is he is he not alive look at this wait what whoa what happened to the what what what am i the one i don't see i'm gonna i'm gonna send this in discord okay captain looking discord i don't think it's not looking good all right back to the van boss man yeah uh so we're gonna just we're gonna just do a wild guess on this one just a guess yep okay so okay let's go into the journal um we got fingerprints emf level five is sometimes a pain in the butt so fingerprints was the thing that i showed you in the door okay oh yeah and then i would guess emf level 5 maybe and then definitely wasn't ghost orbs the ghost was not writing wait no if it was spirit that's not one hold on hold on we're thinking here we're thinking here i have no idea what any of this is maybe it was ghost writing but it's i don't think it was low temps guys it never went it never went below three degrees so i'm gonna guess fingerprints ghost writing and spirit box um which would be a special princess weight ghost riding and that okay so okay so do i is that good um your captain if you want i could go in there you know i could go in there you want to check if it's if it's um [Music] ghost no no it's not freezing temps but you could check if it's ghost riding saying that it was freezing because i've been holding the thermometer out the entire time did did it go below three degrees when you were holding it i don't know should i go should i do i just make a break for it in and out fast uh i yep go go for it go for it you got this you got this all right stay with me stay with me on the radio and check check the book yeah i can hear you if you talk like that i got you i read you i don't know i don't upset the ghost so if the thermometer shows under three degrees it's freezing also see if there's writing there's no writing okay in okay so chat is saying that they saw i go to two on your screen if that is the case then it would make sense if it's a revenant because it caught up to jack manifold so we could go for revenant revenant's the scariest we don't like revenants oh really oh yeah revenants are bad okay we'll guess revenant and we'll see what happened all right uh yeah i haven't done that where are you so last page of the journal last page of the journal just at the ghost type scroll to revenant hey elleny says wraith uh undo undo the ones above it and then just scroll to revenant everyone's going you idiot was that zero it was that zero was it uh okay that they're all they're not happy with well it's fine it's fine revenue that would be revenant then let's we got this we got this why i pressed the keypad yes we're good i hope we got it did we get it did we get it was it a revenant oh it was a revenant oh jeffy get it i don't remember what i've done it was a revenant jack you had no chance you were going to get caught you were you were done so no matter what i didn't get caught though how do they what the the revenants are the worst you can get because they you can normally run away from the ghost the revenant is like usain bolt but in ghost form and it just it wrecked okay yeah that was uh someone else took that someone else took the hit for you that's what happened so the camera on the first one was the uh the yeah no no no no no no i was the only one in there yeah leave um i mean maybe you in a closet and it didn't go for you or something i don't know okay um let's see yeah i'm good yep i'm the host uh let's go who's the leader uh all right what are you guys what are you oh we have okay maybe okay okay well i'm ready to take some ass and kick some names let's go boys that he's gonna take he's he's gonna take it no no no no no i'm going to give some ass and no one okay and so just a quick note this one it is it's very important you do not eat all four pills [Laughter] i used it for helping myself so if you do eat all four pills here everyone will end up dead i will not be eating the pills okay [Music] i see your head like every i'm being text messaged on my mobile communications all right we're all good we're all good i think i feel like i'm getting less scared of this game now oh and these guys guys the head cams are in do you see this at the bottom head cams for you fools open up the door all right everybody ready up the doors open the doors [Laughter] by the way make sure you're following here at christmas tv sparkles as well stop doing cap sparkles too jack manifold and rambu ready up no all right you guys we're all gonna we're all gonna die have you just no this is just it loading this is just it loading are you sure i've you've bugged me out you're no you're good but we're all gonna die i don't i don't think it's loading it's this is gonna go great i have complete faith in our teammates here just the best ghost hunting crew that ever existed in history man this is gonna be great um by the way schmapps with three months can't wait to see you become tick-tock famous oh yeah dude i am gonna be like more followers on tick tock than i have on youtube it's gonna be gnarly bro and uh king pickles thank you for the sub casey rose with eight months one month to twitch baby pog keep up the amazing work well thank you very much argentum with two months of savage this is so funny i had no idea how much i needed this kind of collab i am glad you're enjoying i feel like i'm taking a long time to load in here uh oh hey it's fee with or phi with 28 months lo and behold this sub is 28 months old almost as many years old as you can make them very uncomfortable let's go i'm grabbing my cross and i'm ready yeah i'm i will never leave my crosstalk i'm ready i'm ready flashlight all right okay so you guys one thing to note uh is we have to do the breaker first on this uh otherwise it will be cold in every it is big yeah so the breaker i'll go for the breaker and then um you guys listen for multiple floors yeah okay everybody put on a headcam this way we can watch you and laugh at you when you're being hunted it's over here at the door it's a it's a gopro yeah there you go wait oh my god yeah so you can switch over to the head cam yeah wait wait there seems to be cameras inside the school here this school has cameras if you look into it it does the infinite camera thing i think pov you're cool oh wait oh yeah wait no jack look at that look at it look at it all right okay so average sanity below 25 that's good that's great crucifix and photo cool cool cool cool let's do this thing let's go gents all right kids you want to hear about jesus james brownstone high school do i have something for you eternal life i'm going in kids you guys are great are you your kids where are you children i have jesus like there's only ghost kids left all right so the the play here is listen for listen for a phone call or look for an open door oh there was a phone there was a phone and this is a lot of pressure on me having to carry okay where was the uh i'll do the slurp i'll do the slurp i got the slurp hold on where was that probably not not what it was just me daddy running oh god zombie trap just came up to me when are you going to be joining them at 8 00 p.m yeah who were you talking to yeah it's not using your regular microphone that's what we were telling you earlier sounds like it's back here oh oh it's here it's here is in this room good job you just turned it off yeah you can leave the breaker on if you if you can yeah oh i got the ghost i know where it is i got the room where is it it's in the it's in the locker room on the back left corner first floor i got a photo of the ghost in action guys i'm coming to save you the phone keeps going off but it's not in this room it's kind of weird but i mean the ghost spawned in there so it has to be that room where i don't see where you guys are at oh no no no there's a front locker room and a back locker room you're in the front it's the wrong one hello yeah not that one so it's basically on that you go you go around uh and then there's a locker room on the back side you'll see my emf in there hello hello hello jack why are you ignoring me okay let's go let's get other stuff yeah i'll get i'll get thermometer we gotta see if it's freezing or not i don't know if i i don't know if i trust uh tubbo's thermometer reading thubbo's thermometer all right let's see what are we uh spirit box and should i grab another no i'm gonna get ghost reading it's all right someone else says thermometer sandy below 25 are we i we aight okay this is weird man i'm not usually the carry in these i'm usually the i'm usually the the jester the joker i mean it's not it's not called a jester it's called joker obviously thubbo and thermometers obviously guys have you guys seen the ghost yet it's quite warm in here though is it are you in the right room yeah it's like normal yeah so the only other option would be that it's actually in the uh in that classroom but it'd be weird it could be above this room i think it's in this classroom well usually when you see the ghost like that's the room that it's in i don't know because that's why how do you feel about jesus smokey hey what do you think what's uh what's the temp is it below three it is no wait okay wait like wait are you in celsius or fahrenheit captain yeah we're in celsius below zero no no no no no it just has to go below three just has to go below threshold for freezing is three oh okay does not abide by science and i am unhappy about that i know yeah it's so disappointing oh we have ghost writing oh yeah we do oh oh god wait was it hunting oh is someone flickering their flashlight rude i was a quick little hunt hello all right i'm uh i'm gonna go get the other stuff you're powerful they started to write stuff down stronger than the old mic just stop me amen amen yo how did it um how did it show in here that's super weird i don't think i've ever had the ghost to show up in another room man how are you gonna do what the what the it just touched the door i'm going to check for fingerprints on that now even if it goes to 3.1 it's not it it has to go it has to go like 2.9 2.9 and below is you're chilling literally it's you're chilling guys it's hunting i'm bringing the party to you sorry my bad that was me that was those were my pearly whites i'm gonna try to snag the photo did i get it captain sparkles what's up hey bringing the party to you guys run in the chat amen i was supposed to jump in front of it and save you dude i appreciate that that's such a selfish attack somebody was much like jesus he was going to sacrifice his life for the many then he was going to come back in about three days all right it's just a little baby we we don't have anything to be afraid of come on yeah it's just a little baby we could just throw my crosstalk it was actually really fast speedy baby we must execute all the baby's weaknesses all right go for the soft spot okay let's see can you hear me i'm trying hey can you guys step outside of the room for one moment while i attempt to talk to the ghost yeah no no no we want it we want to leave it there it's because we want to see if it goes to five it's easier if it's on the ground oh okay okay keep your eyes on the um i got this i'm gonna try nothing yet are you there you're gonna wanna you're gonna wanna go the baby it's behind you just keep on running just keep on running keep running keep running keep running just keep swimming just keep swimming it's not as fast as you it's not as fast as you it's a baby oh god i hate heartbeat i'm scared i'm scared just keep running you'll be fine just keep running you'll be fine we'll need to we'll need to get pills after this run why me ghost could be a banshee i don't know if it's only targeting me or not the big maps are good you can just book it in a straight line apparently technically i drop drop kicked the orphan i dropped my jesus somewhere all right we need to go get pills otherwise this is gonna keep happening can you guys help me find my faith i dropped it what did you drop come out come out to the van take pills take pills oh wait yeah wait sorry sorry pills okay suit yourselves it's actually great for average sanity wait are we below oh great all we have to do is uh put a crucifix down what do you mean i don't know if i want to let go uh well no you know the crucifix only works if you put it on the ground you don't just hold it up to the ghost and be like the power of christ compels you yeah i threw it on the ground uh because you don't just wave it at the ghost it doesn't it doesn't care about that it's more scared of it when it's on the ground all right everyone grab grab ya grab them eat a pill yeah eat a pepper and grab one everyone grab one everyone grab one because the lord told me not to do pills and although you may be a cool minecraft youtuber i'm just not sure all right everyone yourself three all right it's everyone's everyone got it everyone got it wait oh wait tubbo press r press r there was not enough to go around but there definitely was there were there was four there's a drop one no i think i already ate it i already ate mine too you guys can cheers each other together one one ah that's how to sing oh i'm ready i'm ready oh wait uv light oh god uh can somebody grab a uv light my hands are full so you guys both have thermometers somebody drop your thermometer and grab a uv light thermometer drop it there we go yeah yeah tumbo you're good you keep the thermometer yeah it'd be funny though also though you're wasting your sanity by standing there oh yeah there you go there you go what's the difference uh you don't lose song about here the guy stalking the creator of calvin and hobbes this is great can we can we each can we sing a song is that what's a song everyone no the wheels on the bus [Laughter] you guys don't have to take pills for me to think you're cool oh wow thanks captain sparkles that really thank you captain yeah wow when i saw you on the disney channel it does help though you guys saw me so excited when i saw you on i was so excited when i saw you on gamers guys everything wow you guys saw when i saw you on gamer's guide i was i was i was so excited i can't believe you saw me on there i remember that's awesome what happened i remember yeah yeah yeah i was like holy cow he's on tv i was in the commercial for it too what dude that's awesome i actually watched that episode i actually watched that episode dude that's so sick that yeah that was like i felt really out of my element there was like i don't know how to act this is weird um to nae nae on disney channel then the universe will be right when the time machine is invented we're going to go back and go stop do not do what you're about to do okay we're good we're good we're good i know you've never heard of it but trust me it's cool wait when was the weapon nae nae was like that was probably around that time though i feel like that the youth will be impressed yeah what if i so it was just starting to be created i just you want to be known as the creator of the nae nae i just made a tick tock would it be would it be relevant to deal with the nae nae on tik tok yes please do that please do that yes i'll do it yes yes i will also do it okay i don't know what that means not it stop this ghost god dang it it's doing it again wait what is uh what does it do we can just stand here until it comes for us it's where you it's where you steal yeah throw jesus at it i will i will this ghost is so angry if it shows up at any point because it also just might not why don't we call can we give the ghost a cool name can we call the ghost like the ghost has the name i want to get a better name though i don't want to call it the baby i want to call it internet it's pretty much the best have fun have fun bye-bye you don't have jesus so you might struggle i'm all right yeah jesus isn't gonna save you now guys i'm scared that the baby's gonna come and like mess me up in the head so who is the baby i just started out okay we're good we're good let's go let's go isn't that there was there a thing with like jojo siwa and a baby baby yeah yeah i saw that on like twitter or something or it was on philip defranco or something like that well i have no idea what siwa and your baby are doing together captain oh they had beef they had beef yeah there was like a song the song went jojo you know she's taller than him oh my god again this place sucks the baby show yourself run where where is it where is it i don't know i it was there for a second oh i see it it's still coming i see it i got this okay oh jesus on it i didn't why is this thing like we can't even get to the room this is terrible this is a problem it's a real problem man i don't think we can get to the room i hear my heartbeat do you guys hear it yeah i hear my heartbeat oh god run guys i think ron might be there for one of us no no no we're okay just keep running we literally we out it's like a zombie i think this one might be a lost cause why because we can't even get to the room no we can't we're just gonna yeah we just we just just gotta throw jesus at it okay hey captain trust me when it comes to the baby i'm on my a game good night i'm an xbox taboo identifies with babies do you think i do jack do you think he knows [Applause] this is just yeah our sanity is a zero now by the way this is terrible oh really oh yeah notice that judging judging from our conversations so far i'd say we were fine i don't see it yeah this is just this is just dormammu i've come to bargain over and over the baby i've come to bargain i've come to bargain okay let's uh do it again here we go again let's make our way i respected the doctor strange reference by the way i thought i should mention that captain it was a good reference thank you yeah i i can't take full credit someone in chat brought up dormammu oh i thought you said i thought you're about to say i can't fully credit for that marvel made it oh yeah marvel marvel did make it i dude i went to the doctor strange good times we know i was i that was back when i was cool i was not cool anymore i'm not cool enough to get invited to marvel studio premieres anymore no [Music] well have you wait you've been to a marvel studio i went to the doctor strange premiere and i went to the star wars oh my god jesus let's just go upstairs let's just go upstairs and wait just go upstairs okay sure the baby don't have nothing on us the baby can't go babies can't crawl upstairs yeah we just need to put a baby gate on the stairs and we're good now we just wait here now we legitimately just wait here we don't have to run i wish you could jump off it sucks that you can't jump off okay wait for it wait i think it actually is confused i think it actually can't figure it out oh no it'll it'll get up here i don't see no babies finding it just doesn't know it's probably coming up another way to be honest the baby is okay with stairs okay i'm coming back you died no no i'm good i'm good i see you captain go green trying to get to the room man i'm hustling we have not gotten to the room in a good 30 minutes okay if i can drop the camera i can see if there are ghost orbs what's the emf at let's go it's jesus okay it's only emf 3 uh anything else hey can you guys check the temperature where did we throw um i don't know i can check for the uv oh yeah check uv check the door and stuff see if there's any fingerprints okay hey jack come over here i've got a door for you to look at oh it looks like the baby's calm down yeah guys uh we already got the book oh it's hunting you just have to go in look at this door look at this door see if there's a fingerprint uh not seeing anything okay well into the basketball court i think i threw my flashlight i could out dunk a baby there goes my flashlight i reckon in real life i probably could outdunk a baby oh is the camera oh the camera's off oh god debatable all right guys i have a i have a gut feeling it's a demon why because it's hunting because it's a baby and yes it's a baby yeah mostly that babies remember remember damon is the baby baby matt demon all right let's just there we go i think i think we should move on to the next guys flashlight is it's okay yeah cut our line yeah exactly exactly guys we are very good at this thank you shadow rocks and thank you for gifting 20 subs much appreciated why do you guys think oni is more likely oh it's not freezing oh you know what just kidding it's not freezing it's the babies i'm gonna take this fine piece of literature with me i thought that said dream i thought that this graffitis yeah you're right it's probably not it's probably not okay so we we know it's not we don't think it's spirit box it's not freezing so you can rule out some stuff did i not get the camera on how oh i'm on 2 look at me mr sane over here uh actually not a demon because because it was wasn't freezing but we got okay we got ghost writing as one and then we kind of have to just guess on the others uh wait so ghost riding ghost fighting is the only one we know for sure look for the orb no the camera apparently wasn't on i've messed everything up oh no captain we gotta go back in there no i don't think we should i don't think i will uh let's see it's yeah it's not a revenant it's not a revenant it wasn't it wasn't i don't think it was freezing it was three point seven it wasn't yeah i already have a sword at 3.5 like yeah it works lowest could be spirit box but i don't think it is um yeah no not revenant not looking at me weird your eyes look so dead and lifeless oh he's turned into a one of those desk props i feel like i'm being baited captain by the scary game i feel like it's baiting me ah sorry i'm racking my brain trying to figure out what it might be uh i found a fingerprint by the way it's either it's either oni or shade um wait you found a figure does this yeah look does this count or does it have to be in the school what's that captain look there's a fingerprint that great finds you've done incredible thanks guys the the baby is acting up look at the total activity ah read the descriptions [Music] onis more active when people are nearby books um we we did not get spirit box but it's not always completely reliable wait we never just we definitely is it a yuri so no i think it's an oni it's only it's either oni or shade but i think it's an honey because shades shades are scared of a bunch of people and we were always together which makes it less likely it would be that always i don't think it lets you press it nope not working we're not allowed to leave you behind oh you put only in your book my birthday hopefully in a constant state of only i you know what i'm gonna say it i missed the baby do we get it did we get it did we get it did we get it did we get it um again i really appreciate it was a shade no what oh my god how was it a shade and it was acting like crazy when we it was either only your shade we we got our 50 50 wrong shade wow it's not supposed to be like that when there's a bunch of people [Music] dang it dang it so sorry everybody it's okay we'll we'll get him next time do we want to do prison or another house i'm eating some food i'm ready prison or uh ready to hunt i'm on the move can we do that map again that one was fun uh i can't select it right now but we will do prison we'll do prison okay prison to be fair i probably got a dip because it's getting there 8 p.m and you know you know what i said ah that's true i do what did he say i don't think i have time for another game unless we like speed run oh well then here let's do a house how does this go how does this go quick easy we can speed run it how does this go clear easily all right well i'll just become a human sacrifice if it if it becomes too big yeah that sounds good that sounds good to me boss man it's all right away i mean why is the captain just buffering what i'm i'm just adding everything into the thing i'm being the sugar daddy okay it's my role today captain are you that i'm here hello hello guys i can't hear him and you know there we go hello hello okay here are you what's up there we go hello oh hi can you hear me yeah i can hear you now sorry okay while you're adding bits let's go team up to speedrun jack doesn't have long all right let's go everyone ready jack do the radio no i wasn't muted i was i was doing the uh jack did it i was on push to talk i guess it was like overwriting it because i was hitting other keys at the same time probably anyway we gucci ah i mean yeah i must have just been going crazy because of 0 sanity god that sucks you hate it when you flip a coin and you get it wrong oh all right oh small house we can stay around this so have [Music] i didn't change my character wait what's the difference between the long flashlight and the little ones the long ones suck and the ones down below the ones down below are the ones you want oh my god i was using the long one that explains why i couldn't see anything i'm going to use the oomph reader is in the basement all right breakers in the basement i got it i'll turn it on oh it's gonna be cold everywhere it's gonna be cold everywhere until it's breakers on all right and we're turned on we're good we're good manage the lights work here actually takes a little bit of time to heat up once you turn the breaker on give it a couple minutes what are your opinions uh carrots are pretty good wait is there a um i hear a sink my hair is safe as well oh oh wait is it yep oh i think the ghost is probably in here it's probably in this bathroom here yeah the sink turned on i turned on that water oh you turned on that okay just kidding just kidding i'm a ghost oh god what's making that noise yeah it's quite warm in here is it guys let's everyone sit down with me let's watch some tv turn it on okay it's the ghost that does it oh oh oh that's a car alarm oh it's off the car along the garage my car is getting broken into no dude hey oh yeah emf going off okay i got emf level five heck yeah speed run speed run i got [Music] wait shut up car just wait until the battery dies it's gonna be a while i got a hammer break the car break the car alarm clock oh break the windows break the car break the windows oh it's too strong hey uh hey you guys strong can you can you uh hold my [ __ ] what can you hold my [ __ ] oh jesus my childhood's already been smashed you didn't have to tell us to hold your clock [Music] well [Laughter] would be smoking crack in it lobby with us what was the ghost name where the heck would that give us a sign this car is so annoying very tangent or a coaster i picked up the keys but i don't know what to do now uh maybe maybe switch to them and right click like you don't pick them up as an item though you pick them up like normal keys they just disappear you can't like grab them uh oh where are you oh dang it i missed the i missed the photo i looked at it wait what happened i heard weird noises was it a baby as well everybody you can't hold that door everybody good hey we're good i'm good i'm good yay god dang it i grabbed the car key oh there we go yes thank goodness oh you did it oh okay we both grabbed at the same time but you actually got the keys cool cool cool good no no no you don't even need the keys you just have to left-click the car i did i definitely did that no i think it's because the key was someone picked up the key i picked up the key yep okay we need to get other stuff uh like ghost writing book ems well then that oh that was timing [ __ ] that was some timing actually yeah the closet of the entrance a good spot because you can hold the door shut yeah i think i think they should be good hopefully all right um so do you do you have inventory space because uh you should get a spirit box or uh one of these books i'll grab a book okay i'll get the spirit box and then uh take take pills oh yeah yeah we should actually yeah they still alive i hope they're holding the door shut probably not oh wait oh uh what what just happened oh you're good okay cool you guys are doing great i don't know if you're holding the door shut but uh it helps if you hold the door shut when you're in the closet also you guys should come out here and take some pills okay cool thank you for letting me know absolutely i'm going to go place a book in there uh go for it and then i'm gonna i'll talk to the ghost for a sec so uh yeah drop that down and then leave the room for a moment can you hear me can you hear me are you there finally all right we got spirit box so it's a generation because we also got mf5 earlier yeah yeah so we just need to find one more thing um can you write in the book wait is it one of them i think i just heard a door oh no so it's not um yeah we want to go and see if there's not again there we go yeah we want to get a camera and see if there's ghost orbs it's the one on the right okay okay we're doing well gentlemen i got a camera nice let's go tomorrow onwards oh you can get a tripod though it's not going to be perfect what was that what is this timing again oh my god wow just doors shut in the face get out of here we don't like your kind how you guys doing in there nice nice hiding spot pretty great everybody okay so far so good i'm fine being rejected by the ghost it's all right with me are they all in the closet what's happening oh boy you guys are okay everything good oh brilliant yeah all right let's uh i'm on my way back in all right oh hey huh i did it again oh no oh no wait let's look at his head camera wow not again not like this okay so the only options left are ghost writing or emf five or sorry uh ghost writing or or ghost orbs so we should this should be easy we have to get a pro difficulty done i we have to we're so close no he's fine he's fine he's still alive but it's his sanity is really bad okay we we're gonna try not to let this turn into the next the last round no we don't want this to turn into the last round all right i'm gonna quickly we're just gonna drop the camera in the garage and we were running okay is it level five captain yeah that was the first thing we got oh okay do we have any ghost writing let's get going i'm gonna put this on the floor run like it launched get it all right let's go let's go hidden demon soul thank you for the five sub gifts appreciate it dude ugly all right i'm sorry let's see if it's ghost orbs or oh i should have put the book with inside of the camera dang it it's fine it's fine captain back in there you got this it should have worked um wait how have none of us you guys have definitely escaped the ghost like numerous times where we're a pro okay so i don't think it's ghost orbs otherwise they're gonna go in there and give it a piece of my mind dude uh while you're in there take the book take the book and put it like in front of where the uh the car is no the book is already in there the book's already in there just take the book and like greg's veg that's fine enjoy the sausage roll just move the book i'm scared man i don't want to lose my money save daniel thompson a bunch when you get in the yeah garage thompson just a whole bunch of times it'll be great and then you can escape the ghost during the ghost time you're good it's 200 230 percent [Laughter] that was fast wait where is it where is he oh here he is he wants to go up to the window and laugh at him with me oh did you see the ghost in the cabin yeah i was in the garage okay hold up hold up let's go to the window and laugh at him [Applause] hey ghost he's in this room the room that we're right outside is in the bedroom with the pc with the big gaming rig oh oh the ghost is here oh he runs right in there he's in the closet he's in the closet ghost car oh the ghost is he okay i think he's the door no it's the oh my god [Laughter] all right i'm going to move the camera i'm gonna try to move the camera real quick just to be just to be safe follow me okay and then i'm gonna move the book follow me i got it it's right here cool [Applause] the camera will see it we're good we can we can run well we left now that was eventful okay i don't know why it won't do either of the things it won't write in the book and i don't know why that's because your cross worked yeah so it's either ghostwriting or ghost orbs like those are the only options why would it do it hey tell it to write in the book while you're there oh i'm just i'm looking to see if there's any ghost orbs or writing in the book you reckon they'll be in peril pretty soon because i do yeah no definitely definitely but it's okay because heroically and save them we can if you want no i have a lot of money on the line so you know about that we'll get you we'll get you insurance it's okay uh pr oh oh oh he's in trouble he's in big trouble we just watched we just watched him oh he just got destroyed wait what really i think wait was he in there i thought he was in there are they both alive no look at that look at this oh they made it out oh i thought he was still in the room and he was he was ruined oh okay he teleported out of there quick thinking hmm dude i i have no idea what like i don't know what it's it has to be ghost orbs or it has to be ghost writing assuming that rambu was right on the mf5 yeah i do i mean we're taking rambu's word for it well that's not a good idea it's either a gin or an oni yeah it might not have been emf5 which brings us back to uh the beginning wait he wasn't there he was in the garage how did you survive that wait how did he in the know you're garage if that is not escape from the ghost during a hunt i don't know what is yet it didn't do the objective what i was like i tried to open the door to the little cabinet i was in what i would oh oh is there a cabinet there oh okay i didn't realize i was like he's done i was like he's done there's no way it's over which one which one will it be then he's not doing either so i'm starting to think the burrito you can if you want it's not an objective but i'm starting to think it might not have actually been emf5 might have been four or something like that no it was five no it definitely was five no i remember it definitely was five a one hundred percent i think your imp reader is broken okay um yeah i just have a stick now well then it's just refusing to write in the book so i mean then it's oni oni is the only option because there's definitely no ghost orbs so cool cool cool all right if it's not only i say we killed rambo yeah throw him to the ghost cool by me let's leave jack all right don't eat this wait i didn't put it in oh no i did not put it in quick put it in quick put it in quick wait go storms sometimes don't show up oh it's ghost orbs i'm i'm over it rambu you were right i'm so sorry we ever threatened to throw you the ghost hello i do need to leave now though all right great ghost hunting with you all yeah good fun great fun reefers with us captain smart it was it was a pleasure we'll do it again sometime it was a pleasure smoking reapers with you too we'll have to do it again i'm gonna leave now and reconsider my he wasn't excited enough the chat they don't know they don't they don't know much about volks do they i mean they know what's happening about it what's happening that's about it is there most people in chat i guarantee you don't even know what volts is like they might think we just made up like the the name of the thing like would you like to disclose anything to them i mean we can disclose whatever we want right i you're the one with the nda man you're in charge wait uh no no i'm not the one with the nda i mean you're the you're in charge this is your this is the series that you um you rebooted oh oh okay well um yeah so meet captain sparkles around you jack manifold um ed rob and rich we are doing a storyline like kind of role play kind of like kind of just generally just good stories um video series and it's going to be fun heck yeah not live stream videos only exclusive to youtube oh god and and we're launching on the d who's whose wedding was it again that's it we made sure to start on that and we're just gonna force him to jump into volts right after he says i do yeah yeah right after yep he's gonna say i do and then he's gonna sit down at the altar on the gaming pc how many buckets do you have um full oh my god that's a disgrace how many do you have 865 is even more of a disgrace [Laughter] what are you trying to say man that is that is too many buckets for one man i'm trying to get a 99999 and stop yeah nothing but net i mean nothing but air um okay are we are we still playing or are we dropping off now um i i feel like maybe it's a good time to kind of wrap it up here all right all right oh thank you boys i think i might turn this into a banger youtube video because it was it was not i was not expecting it to be as funny as it ended up being but it was incredibly funny with the baby and captain spock was very the baby makes spasmophobia a thousand times funnier oh no i would die all right cool well i guess uh i'll see you uh later on uh fallen kingdom yeah i'll catch you in full kingdom later captain bye all right see ya see you ranboo bye all right see ya all right everybody well thank you all for uh tuning in hopefully you have enjoyed what time is it um i might need to get a workout in in between now and fall in kingdom um or let me see let me think oh god i don't know what do i do with my life well anyway let's wrap up this youtube video thanks for tuning in make sure you're following sparkles and subscribe to captainsparklez2 hit the like button on youtube playlist for more plasmaphobia in the description um and yeah that's that's pretty much uh where we're gonna leave it off for for this plasmaphobia session i'll see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 338,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plasmaphobia, phasmaphobia
Id: cRJjD_LihjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 4sec (5704 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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