Bdubs Dye Storage Building :: Building with BdoubleO

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[Music] foreign to collect I like this this is one of the easiest out of this is new 1.20 I mean we've as you all know about this right of course I'm gonna let this despawn on the ground I got plenty of it but I just you know you know maybe make a little mini I can automate this eventually but hello beautiful you know what's gonna happen it's gonna rain it's gonna rain real soon because it hasn't rained in a long time in this world oh we got something very wonderful that we're going to build today you know last episode we built this baby this Gothic style glass place and you guys liked it I can tell I can tell from the comments and then uh views and uh the what you guys you guys seem to really enjoy this I enjoyed it as well time to shrieve if you didn't see it we did some things we talked about how you can get like some nice grids in your glass if you just use the regular glass not stained this is blue cyan stained glass in the front but then regular glass in the back and it makes this nice white grid when they connect like that which is really cool and then stained glass I always you know do like different types of stained glass colors because that's what it is and the game is called stained glass but glazed terracotta with some lichen over it looks like some pretty beautiful stained glass so very happy with how that turned out now I've already oh and we made this new monument in the middle which is very cool I've already started filling this thing it's not super decorated of course but I've already started putting all my glass colors in here you know in some sort of order and I gotta label that but I'm also finding now if I want to start building with this glass technique because we're also using walls a lot more yeah you know the wall blocks and then using glass panes stained glass panes to kind of manipulate them and force them to do some things that we like oh I'm missing a piece up there aren't I fix it right now or you'll never fix it but what I'm finding is I'm gonna need a lot of dye and although I do have some dye and you can get it easily from flowers and stuff like that okay you go right there there we go but as you know I've been living out of this little area right here this is pretty much everything and on all my stone stuff in here so when I'm getting materials I'm going back and forth all over the place and then running around the goal is to get out of here so I had all my dies in here and they were taking up half of a chest now we're going to make a building for them slowly once this whole thing is emptied that's going to be a big completion point for us in this world that's kind of my goal at the moment is empty that area and stop living out of there but we're gonna make a building for our dies and of course all of our flowers and stuff we can have in there and I've got some mechanical stuff we can do to it but we're going to to keep it kind of I'm loving this kind of Gothic style so we're gonna it'll blend right in very well with this area it'll be perfectly fine but I've got some materials together and I also have a little material hunting list that we have to go on as you can see there 54 prismarine walls and seven red Sandstone that's all I need uh so this is a as you know a large biome world so to find the red Sandstone we're gonna have to go a far far way away wandering Trader could have them but I don't see one anywhere look what I discovered decorated pots I mean already a little bit sad that they disappear watch this watch watch watch they'll go away there you can't see them and then as we walk forward they reappear that's something they do with entities and stuff like that you show with the signs so it's better not to decorate your buildings with them but to just use them as in the interior decoration but they also don't stack are you kidding me even the I know you can put decorations on the outside of them but what so you need eight of them you take eight inventory slots it's the opposite of helping Inventory management but I have a lot of building blocks here you can see a lot of glass a lot of wall oh where let's see yeah tons of walls here this building I've got a plan for it and I think you guys are going to freak out a little bit I think you're gonna love it but before we do it we gotta go on a little bit of a mission I think first 54 prismarine well all right off we go into the wild blue yonder we've got our potions nice and extended and I'm pretty sure we visited this ocean mon Monument uh several episodes ago but it might have been last year at some point it's out here but I think we've got everything we need we got our brand new bamboo raft with a little chess boat on it chest on top of it and uh now we're just scouting now where where is this thing though aha jackpot okay all right I can do this I think this is a new one I think I passed my original um okay there they are getting angry it's fine so here I take off everything right I think that's essential I think you have to take off everything if I have a pick in my hand nope they can't see they can't see okay amazing okay it's a little slow but we're good oh yes okay hey this is simple I need to make a farm I gotta get a farm out of this thing ASAP can I just actually like sneak in and get the the real good stuff like the prizes hey guys are there sponges like right here wait there's something right here hey I got the gold Pro I got mining fatigue right I forgot the cow in the milk shoot how much prismarine I didn't get enough prismarine is there a chance do I have a chance could I kill this elder guard let's try there he is yeah I'm okay thorns we're handling it we're taking it we got him we got one and what did I get a sponge from him okay okay this is easier than I thought beat ups is a champion wonderful I think there's more is there one in here aha I see you uh-huh I'm cocky I'm not healing taking quite a bit of damage here that's fine taking quite a bit of damage and we're eating and we even recover we're fine yes okay there's one more to go uh-huh I am from the surface I have an ax yes should I use this [Music] I killed him with it I did it I can't believe what I've done no sponge from him though huh much easier to deal with I'm glad I proved to myself that I can do that that was nice oh look who it is you could have been useful yeah there was a day that I was smart and I used a cow to come up here maybe next time I'll remember the home sweet home okay short little trip out to the thing to get the the prison Marine that we need now we have to drop this stuff off and we have to head out to the Mesa now on our way I've created a little something for us that maybe just maybe we'll be able to use let's see it's got to be in this one yes the brush okay maybe maybe we'll find an area where we can use that brush and I have nowhere to push this garbage now this is a new tradition that we're going to be following forever and ever is there anything oh look at all that stone B-Dubs forgot to put away whenever we're leaving we need to cross the Crimson Brothers bridge that signifies we're going out into the wild it's all about the journey you know I love the journey out and I love the journey home and this is a nice way to set the tone for that but we're gonna head out onto the world I know that there is a Mesa Far Far Away ten thousand blocks that way so we're gonna head that way and see if we can't come up on anything interesting along the way oh ha I found I found a jungle temple okay these have potential to have the good thing in him the thing that we like the um let's just break in stupid yep very good don't be smart about it just go in all right get a torch do you have trim where it's been so long since I've done this I got Trey got me I haven't seen one of these in forever no Trim in here oh horse armor though that's huge okay is there anything else oh there is actually um yeah yeah let let's not worry about the um there's like a secret yeah yeah yeah okay oh saddle oh that's huge okay we got some good things okay okay we found we found something aha got another one here another jungle temple here yes wild armor trim we did it and Saddles and gold oh we're finding we're doing a thing oh that's amazing pop up right in front of me perfect don't die Perfect Landing and we got oh what are these These are the century amazing seal the elytra and off we go we have made it to the desert and if I'm not mistaken sure enough there's a desert well right there which I think the desert Wells finally have a use where we can finally use our little brush on some things I don't know it's gonna be a little laggy here unfortunately because we're loading in brand new terrain but I don't know how much fun this is all right so this is our first our very first brushing okay I don't know what we could get we're doing it we're getting a stick we're getting a stick it's a stick that's fine something green an emerald don't need it that's trash actually did I see somebody no of course not no is there suspicious sand oh they're suspicious sand in here oh oh really oh really I forgot about that right B-Dubs they're suspicious sand in here okay last chest come on yes do we got the Dune smithing template all right okay we got three smithing templates to work with now that's pretty huge I'm I'm loving that that makes me very happy okay obviously we're in the desert we're very close to our destination so all we gotta do is I think head south which way is south this way we gotta head this way just a little bit further and we should be able to get our eight pieces of red sandstone you know what I have to say this terrain out here is gorgeous look at this look at that Mesa we found it FYI but look it I'm getting inspired you know the building with B-Dubs world we like to travel and we like to set up different worlds all over the place uh this view has got B-Dubs feeling something this is pretty gorgeous out here especially it's so flat and with this far render distance it looks unbelievable I guess this is a good opportunity let every I've been getting questions about this what am I using to get the view I'm um I'm using the Bobby mod which I don't think helps much in single player maybe a little bit but then simple fog is the other mod to get the fog that OptiFine delivers and then you just dial in the settings but this looks pretty glorious out here I think this looks very nice but right down there that's what we need that's what we traveled all this way for there's a nice Village over there but this is it right here and I think since I'm here I'm gonna get as much as my inventory will allow me to have and believe it or not these dead bushes I need I I want like a lot of them oh I should have done a better inventory thing before I left I don't have I don't have much space here that's okay this might not be my wisest of ideas I've I have wise ideas sometimes one two three that's fine okay um this might be wise might be terrible um but we had everything here we needed to make a portal so you know I can come out here every time I was not prepared for this but sure enough here we have it um you guys know me in the nether like I hate the nether with a fervent flame and passion so bad end in the nether we go like idiots that's fine that's fine we got the wings we can fly I I hate I have hate I hate I hate this I hate okay fly yes okay we're flying we are almost home we are actually almost home this is flame this is fire that I know I know this fire I know I blocked that off okay I know this area hello hi oh I'm amazing I need to have more confidence in I it's unbelievable shot I'm so quick I'm so quick with it did you guys witness my prowess oh my goodness I'm too good okay yes this is it this is it the way out is right here yes perfect lovely okay uh we don't get to go home on the Crimson Bridge but I'm pretty sure home is yes it's just up this way slow Trek it's quite a quite a process we had to go through before we could get all the materials we needed um but all of that you know I got those prismarine that I needed and I need eight of these uh and that's it just eight and there we go and that whole trip was for that but it was worth it I mean we got smithing templates and all that stuff so maybe we can put some pretty armor on at the end of this thing but now is the time we're going to start talking and about and building this beauty but we'll do that after we take a quick commercial break how much does a web design and development degree cost I halfway to one hundred thousand dollars and on top of that it takes four years of your life well good news in lucky you Squarespace would like to save you all that money and time by making the web design and the development of your website as easy as pouring your morning cup of coffee squarespace's new fluid engine makes the design of your website easier than ever because now you can pick a custom template and then customize it even 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we were just dipping into it after I finished last episode I dove into it even further it's like finding a new toy something that's been in the game for a long time and then I'm like oh you can do this and we're gonna leave the stained glass window idea we're gonna leave that right there we're not going to continue that on to this next building but we are really going to play with walls as a matter of fact the primary part of the building the primary structure is going to be made out of the wall blocks these ones not the full blocks but the wall blocks and then we're gonna just use the full blocks as kind of areas where we want to get some detailing we're going to use glass to pull things left and right in and out I think it's going to be fantastic as our dye shop I've got some tricks usually you know BDubs lays out his stuff and shows you kind of the technique of what he's gonna be doing you know say oh yeah we're gonna try this and this and this um this one I got a little surprise I want to show you but you know what I'm talking about this gives you kind of a good up close see all the ways this thing is changing every time and then you put this on top and then watch what happens to this thing that goes up there's just so many different things that these blocks can do they've been in the game for an eternity and never they they have changed the way they model them but uh yeah it's gonna be fun I'm excited so the primary view that we're going to be building from is right here but uh on the other side I'll have some surprises for you in a moment but I think it's time for beat ups to dig in remember where he put all of his stuff over here very good and uh start building this beauty [Music] okay hey hey guess what we did it we made the thing oh it looks beautiful doesn't it that looks cool look at all the detail forgive me while I built this I got sick you could maybe hear it at the start of this episode this is now like 10 hours later and um he just while I was building every minute that went by I got sicker and sicker and um so forgive me I might not be able to my brain's not right I'm not gonna get everything that I want to uh to talk about this but let me explain everything I can look at the texture with the bricks in there mixed with the andesite and then we got a little bit of drip so that's one thing when you're messing with walls uh you're building with the the wall block there's not as many options like there's not like as far as color so you have to just work with what you get there's minimal number of Walls but that works out really nice I've got uh oh yes don't show them the surprises on the other side um there's another way to kind of texture these walls that I found um but just using lots of little tricks here to pull and add depth and I I mean this is maybe the most detailed looking building I've ever made in Minecraft and it like I don't know I love this I love building with walls it almost feels real but here oh here's the surprise let me go to a farther away look at point so as I was saying remember I said that there are limitations when you're using these wall blocks you know there's not uh you can't do prismarine and then oh prismarine bricks sure you could do that with you know if you're wanting to blend colors and whatnot um so you have to kind of use what you're given but I did a little something extra with glass panes to kind of make it look like there's a bunch of colors so it's a Dye shop right so I want it to look like just paint splattered all over the building it's a little big dribble there dribble there dribble on the top and here and here and here so on this side and I might do this on all sides but I wanted you guys to see the full just straight no color version first so you could kind of read what's underneath all this because it gets a little messy but using you know going to Granite like that but then bringing it even brighter pink with the pains and then up at the top can throw some other little blocks in which I think looks really really cool and then transitioning you know from this blue over to gray and white you just kind of use some transition color blocks I feel it's getting dark outside I'm right now there's some details on the front remember I was talking about entities not let's go into Mods let's go into this better do you see the mod right there right and we can up the render distance of those and now we can see so I've got some hanging signs there and then some of those pots out front so now we can see them it just lags your game a little bit more so I don't usually leave it on but let's go take a closer look oh I'm already forgetting there's some things I forgot to do that's okay we have something to look forward to next episode but here's what it looks and feels like as you walk up to it I've made like this little Alleyway that we're gonna decorate up a little more but there's the prismarine that we went hunting for and there are the eight Sandstone walls that we had to go travel 10 000 blocks for um but this just leads to the back side of the library building so this will all connect up eventually but let's go inside right here I wanted to make like a gradient thing where it goes from like blue to Orange you know blue light blue you know the gradients um on this side which I think will look really cool I just didn't get get to that but here's the inside remember how I was talking about levels of interior this is a this is uh High detail High detail interior so we've got like um this is where all the storage will be so orange will be under here red will be here and it's just marked with candles it looks like a candle shop I know and or maybe a library or a book but you just gotta imagine that these are like little uh vials of color and stuff that's what everything's supposed to resemble is something that's either going to be turned into color or these are like little Cubbies that you could store little dies in I want to put um some dyed leather armor up here as well but we just went crazy anything this colorful get it in here make it feel nice and bright inside this place and even the lanterns like that looks like orange yellow dye this looks like kind of a bluish dye type thing um so I think it looks cool honey block dye slime die there's so many things oh look at these banners look what I've tried to do so just did a little Banner design with orange stripes on the top and then dark stripes on the bottom make it look like highlight and Shadow like sun shining and then Shadow down here it kind of looks cool you probably noticed that when you came in but um upstairs what's upstairs nothing but I did do the roof you want the roof to look nice um could have gone a little more detailed on it but I think it still looks good uh but also there's a base of Monte yes I made it I made a little basement down here So eventually oh that's supposed to be dirt uh eventually what I want to have down here I think is maybe you know the two tall flowers have a little machine that I can walk up to and just get a bunch of flowers and dye so we'll turn this in we'll give this some functionality under here but look at the levers using the levers for the Arches doesn't that look so cool and detailed I love it this grass is really throwing off my immersion and fixed right yes feels more dungeony doesn't it yeah that's the feel we want to go for so we got this cool dungeon down there basement area seller to uh use for Automation and stuff at some point but now I have a place to put all my dyes I don't think I'm gonna put wool or candles in here each of those places have their own separate building but plenty of storage 43 barrels worth of storage but really this is one of the first times that I've played with the 1.20 stuff and I'm finding there's some there's some new like the pot in a pot that's cool this kind of looks like a you know I got string down here to stop the vines from growing but that kind of looks like a bigger Bush it's kind of cool so yeah the 120 stuff I'm I'm feeling it I like it I've been putting I put 55 grit light gray candles on top of all of these uh iron bars and let's go in cheaty hi Beauty hi cheady fly cam and go up and look at this the detail on the side like when you're seeing it from a distance it's like wow there's a lot of detail up there but up close you can see how you get it so just candles walls iron bars stuff like that this is kind of a hard thing to to duplicate you can see it better on this side kind of these upside down Arch things but I think we nailed it I think it looks fantastic a little bit of brain coral up top for some interest oh yeah it's a beauty of a build now my goal for today this is another secret special surprise my goal for today was to get this build available for you guys for download for um patreon patrons and members on the YouTube channel I want to start giving my getting my bills to you guys because you've been supporting and it's hard to keep up with some things but that's something I think I could do like I could give you this give you this and not to you know uh upload your own video on and say look what I made no no no this is for break it down and see how I made it right I think that'd be a cool thing um so that might I might do that you might get a notification that that's happening um if not today soon um but I'm really happy with this build I'm just very excited I know it's similar to this build but I feel like it's even more detailed like I was like okay I got this tool now let's really dig in now we gotta step back and take an overview of the city as it's kind of filling out and I think it's looking pretty nice I know I gotta get working out here oh yeah that looks good all right ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching I love you to death and we'll see you in the next episode [Music] [Applause]
Channel: BdoubleO100
Views: 134,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, building wtih bdoubleo, bdoubleo, bdoubleo100, bdubs, minecraft building
Id: 3DcRlaD9EQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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