Carolina Revival | February 2nd 2020 | Part Two | City Revival Church Kannapolis, NC

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[Music] come on let's lift our hands all over the room tonight come on well thank you jeez [Music] thank you for hold thank you for playing oh thank you for the age of peace there's no pressure here oh thank you that I can be who you've called me to be among sons and daughters let's just given all Finnick a sound of worship to the Lord and I just open up your mouth and blessing all over the room come on let's just honor the presence of the Lord oh we love you cheese yes we do so good it's over come on sing it is it's a holy thing to be wild and free like a raging storm on the Commons Lord heal my heart until my heart believes it's a hole to be wild oh yes it is yes City it's a holy thing it's a holy thing like a raging snore on the Kama see or deal my heart to my leaders in Soho sube oh yes it is it's a sacred space to be lost and wander to save me in the mystery the Lord filled ha - this fool it's a whole come on let's run [Music] this is why it's over signal on [Music] we won [Music] [Music] the show Hey you're high Goten ever separate sing that again to be a shame for my no hi torture never separate [Music] or the crater the distance here the crater it's a whole it's a holy plane [Applause] [Music] [Music] I can't [Music] [Music] whoa everybody River just just one ass it's a holy thing to be while for more time come on everybody [Music] miss run follow the parts there just you see it's all to be one holy thing missile to be [Music] oh you see [Music] [Music] come on let's lift their hands one more time and just release the sound that's in you come on just release the sound of worship all over the house thank you lord thank you lord thank you [Music] yeah we worship you [Music] we are you Jesus [Music] nothing is hidden here all things are possible don't question what sucide the sound of your father he is casting see see he understands legacy he's making my place for you he's making my place for you weed is easy the queue is normal there is permission to be who you're supposed to be and he knows you're left-handed there's permission you you're supposed to be [Music] there's no limits here not a trace of fear wonder will draw [Music] near to the father lawyer so get as close as you can see no one understands he's made a place for you he's made a place for you weird is easy but you you saw this permission to be who you suppose this permission to be who you suppose where's easy curious fun there's permission to be who you suppose whoa and this fish to be it's supposed to be [Music] come on sing that again weird is easy the curious Ong there's permission to be who you supposed left and this permission to be who you support it is easy peculiar song this for me who you supposed to be me supposed to be so I'm gonna cast my seat even though it may not have anything to sing that again whoa I'm gonna cast my seat even though it may not have anything to do me down the road I see sons sons and daughters oh they are happy and three see they've never known captivity I swear [Music] there's permission [Music] I'm gonna catch my sheep even though it may not have anything [Music] down the road I see some stunts at all whoa and they are happy and free will they've never know captivity [Music] only a place where all the UH place I sing that again gonna - oh I'm gonna catch my sheep even though it may not have anything to do down the road I see sunshine and order Oh [Music] [Music] and shine for your light has come oh it sure will your love sure who you love Oh [Music] Oh [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready go deep go deep as deep as you wanna be commissioned land go deep go deep as deep as you wanna be the mr. Graham just go the Walter Scott steep as you are from Oh smile me deeper let's go deep let's go deep and to [Music] let's hope okey but let's call him [Music] [Music] we just lift our hands and just give an offering of Thanksgiving to the Lord right now come on just how good he's been yeah yeah just been really good Lord you've just been a really good lord just been really good lord [Music] come on let's the abundance of your heart come on come out of your mouth just thank you he's been really good [Music] the whole you've been really good Lourdes Oh Lord you do good because you are good oh you do good because you are good lord [Music] all come on come on just just love on him oh because of his goodness oh you've been so good lord [Music] or if i had 10,000 songs to sing lord of your goodness had a thousand tongues to sing Lord it would be of your goodness would be of your goodness Lord when I look back over the story of my life Yahweh it's goodness after goodness after goodness after goodness goodness after goodness after goodness after goodness [Music] well you just close your eyes just a moment just forget just forget anybody else is in this room but you and him come on oli managed in only window somebody lemon lemon delivered on olomana oh you've been good Yahweh you've been good Yahweh you've been good you've been good lover you've been good lord he's been good [Music] you've been good your Mercy's been made new every morning [Music] oh you've been good [Music] [Music] here [Music] exalt Oh [Music] for the how are exalted far above [Music] oh and I so me [Music] Oh [Music] right I [Music] ah [Music] you just lift your hands move because we are standing on holy ground [Music] I know that there are ranges they are all around so let us pray [Music] she's a snack we are standing in it's Perez's on hold no more timeless declare them whole I know that our ranges clear all around [Music] so let us pray [Music] Jesus nah [Music] homey er snake pingy his reticence on holy ground let's lift our hands real high one more time just to the Lord come on just to the Lord this afternoon come on release that sound of praise to him Monday standing in your prayers [Music] well standing in your presence your uncommon glory we will never be the same [Music] we will never live the same we will never be the same [Music] yah way though with hands lifted high we just say thank you we say thank you for all that you've done all that you're doing and all that you will do but Lord just for this moment we just say thank you even for the last three days we say thank you Lord for another measure of glory you so gracefully given to us we say thank you Lord for another measure of presence you've bestowed upon us Lord we ask for fresh grace even today to rearrange our lives around the move of your spirit give us grace Yahweh to make radical decisions and changes to rearrange our life around the move of your spirit we want to say yes before the questions even ask we want a yes and every part of our being hallelujah come on can you lift your hands and just say yes to that we want a yes in every part of our being we say yes Yahweh we say yes Lord we we dare to say more of you at any cost [Music] more of you at any cost for laudanum and all about an Amish whoa [Music] thank you for that grace Lord I feel that come on lift your answer I feel I feel that happening for many of you right now grace grace is being it's descending upon you over these next two weeks grace is descending on you come on grace grace grace oh yes oh yes oh yes [Music] oh yes [Music] oh it is oh yes [Music] will ravish our hearts [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we just say yes and we say thank you come on can we just say that we say yes we say thank you Lord come on come on [Music] well I've been commissioned as sort of transition solicitor let's find somebody to hug I just love doing that I want you to find I believe this unity thinks powerful find somebody to hug find somebody to hug find somebody to hug tell them you love them come on find somebody to hug tell them you love them yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes [Music] cuz he in the the praising God Almighty [Music] he's the principal troubles face and ha [Music] in the press [Music] well just close your eyes where you sit now whoa the press [Music] [Music] my he's our principie troubles fanny [Music] and heart what's in there [Music] [Music] these are principie troubles [Music] and the heart [Music] oh it's in the [Music] in the present sir [Music] one more time let's lift those hands and just thank you all for a mended heart yeah a whole heart [Music] amended heart a whole heart Yahweh we thank you for not leaving us alone till every piece of that heart is whole and mended thank you that you wouldn't let us get by with even ninety-nine percent hold at many Lord you wanted a hundred percent whole and mend it to the glory of God to the glory of God Jesus name come on some may say yes yeah well I guess I'm stopping come on man of God teach us I always feel like whenever we come back for an extra service like this specifically on the same day that principally we're returning with a thank you I don't know that I don't know that the matter of fact I don't believe that the one leper that returned anticipated that he would receive anything more I just believe he came to say thank you for the measure he'd already received and Yeshua found gratitude so irresistible that he gave him more than he gave him originally but I don't think the aim was to get more I think the aim was just after recognizing the greatness of what you've already done I have to come and return say thank you again so Bobby share with him what you're what you're here in regarding me yeah came back in I said Yahweh you know what is it that we're bringing to you I don't feel like this is one of those things where we're we're saying what are we getting you know what can we bring you what is it that you desire us come on and immediately he took me to a verse that has been stuck in my heart this whole weekend which was Ephesians 1:3 and what it says is since the heavenly realm has now been lavished upon yea it's the way the language is the heavenly realm is now lavished upon you because of Christ because of what he has done and it says for this reason we celebrate him because he sees us wrapped in grafting Christ yes so we are wrapped in Christ and for this reason we turn and we give him our thank-you we get competitive we celebrate and there's various verse says for we were joined with him before the foundation of the world hmm that means that before the fall or before your fall he says he's a long man joined to you and so we come in to these kinds of weekends and it is something that should provoke all heart to it as certain agree of yes and a deeper degree of thank you I think I believe what when Lin say well pastor Prynne said when he got up there and he said yes and thank you to me those are the two building blocks of anything I experienced yes and things oh come on yes then we had another moment man I'm into this room and say yes and thank you that we're wrapped in Christ that were joined with him in Jesus and before you even fell he saw this joining he had it in his heart and we say yes to it and we say thank you let's just do that yes and thank you all over the room we did that yes yes before another question is asked you have good credit with me so I just say yes in advance yes in advance to the glory of God come on yes in advance and thank you thank you thank you thank you all right I think that probably the revival me say like this probably the probably the group or the aspect of the church most committed to the move of the Spirit maybe the group of people that do the poorest job saying thank you for what we're already receiving and I think that if we're going to access what I has not seen we're gonna have to increase our measure of Thanksgiving for what our eye is seeing if we're gonna hear what are you you know I believe I believe this I believe this and this is a little this is not a little time this is really challenging for me to say because I know in some sense I'm the one standing up here speaking but I hope that you're connecting with the revelation that what you're hearing here has never heard no hear has not you're not gonna go be able to go this is this is something saved for this day Oh - OH - 2020 the 33rd day of the year and they're 333 days left in the year Oh - OH - 2020 today is the 33rd day of a year in which there are 333 days remaining might be a significant day first time in I think 909 years the last the last OH - OH - 2020 was eleven eleven eleven eleven think about that and it's every nation it doesn't matter what nation you're in across the board every nation is experiencing a no - OH - 2020 this morning this morning you know I was awakened at 2:20 Galatians 2:20 says I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ that liveth in me the life I now live I lived through faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me amen feels good doesn't it going back to Isaiah 60 I don't I don't I don't know what we're gonna do you guys can go chill be seated have a beer whatever you need to do you earned it it's on me Oh duals of course for the religious people but all right thank you lord Isaiah 60 this is whatever was stirring in here over the last two days has continued with me throughout the whole day today so I'm gonna just dive into some more aspects of what I believe the father is teaching us and I love Paige just really prophetically jumping in with that with a song of arise shine for your light has come the glory of the Lord is risen upon you Isaiah 35 Isaiah 60 Isaiah 61 Isaiah 62 for me Isaiah 40 also Isaiah 42 these have become very significant for me as it relates to our assignment to see cosmic influence what I call global transformation because none of those are my ideas they're all prophetic promises that have been waiting on a generation to be established enough in beloved identity that they would be able to embrace the mystery of what we're actually on the earth to do which is not past the test of life this is not a season that we're supposed to endure let me ask you this Adam in his state of an atom in his original state Adam as Yahweh's original idea was he longing to get back to heaven then why are you I'm longing to get into the Zion realm where what is available in heaven is accessible within the earth but I believe I'm actually here as an agent to produce the measure of hope that causes us to dare a dream that's that good or I sit like this if what you're hearing is not too good to be true it may not be true enough it needs to stretch you in the area of how you can and will believe so I say a 60 again just jump right into the text I'm really he stirred about some things I've written on this today rise up in splendor and be radiant for your light has dawned Yahweh's glory now streams from you look carefully darkness blankets the earth and thick gloom covers the nation's but Yahweh arises upon you the brightness of his glory appears over you the brightness of his glory appears over you nations will be attracted to your radiant light and Kings to the sunrise glory of your new day lift up your eyes higher look all around you and believe for your sons are returning from faraway your daughters are being tenderly carried home watch as they all gather together eager to come back to you now I really want to get I really I think most of what I want to talk about starts in verse five but let me show you something because I I referenced something this morning then we just kind of move right into the myriad of different things the Lord is saying but but according to Isaiah 60 you and I arise and you and I shine we stand in splendor and we stand in radiance for our light has dawned and Yahweh's glory now streams from us now how do you reconcile that with he'll not share his glory with another how do you reconcile you and I being Co glorified with one who doesn't share his glory would not with another well the idea of him not sharing his glory with another's found in Isaiah 42 and Isaiah 42 verse 8 it says that he will not give or share his glory with another if you look at it in the passion translation the translation gives a more complete picture of what's being communicated there which says he will not give his glory to another god but he will give it to you I was taught in in ministry which really in religion I was taught that he'll not share his glory with an others now don't touch that because that glory belongs to God but John 17 said the same glory that he had he prayed that the father would give to us it's not that he doesn't want to give his glory to you it's that he doesn't want to share glory with any other God this is just look at it we have time right I mean it's early we don't start till 6:30 so I'm feel like we got a while we can just roll so I say 42 verse 8 I am Yahweh that is my name I will not give my glory to another God nor my renown to idols don't you see that what I have prophesied has come to pass now I'm foretelling the future I declare it to you before it sprouts up and then you get verse 10 which is awesome sing to Yahweh a brand new song sing praise until it echoes from the ends of the earth so in essence what he's saying here is not that he never intended to have a glorious people because he wanted to function in glory and then wanted you to function and discipline discipline may be a part of the Christian life but it has been far that it's been made let me sit like this it's received far too much emphasis and it's that emphasis has kept us out of the place of rest whereby we don't strive to achieve but we actually begin to receive the kingdom the way the kingdom was designed to be given which is through inheritance through connection to a father because we have such a democratic paradigm present in a postmodern church culture we think in terms of how we can win the popular vote and leadership has become a watering down of the measure of truth that we were designed to leverage into the culture because if you operate in that level of truth you're gonna have to operate inside of the gate of mystery which is gonna cost you the popular vote Jesus says unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no part with me and thousands upon thousands of people hear him say that and thousands upon thousands of people leave when they hear him say that and he does not come back later on and explain what he meant to the group that stayed why because you're not entitled to understand everything you're hearing and initially mystery will not be understood when it's first heard why because it's the glory of God to conceal a matter and the heart of kings to search it out so when the glory of God shows up he conceals a matter that word matter there is a poor translation should have been translated word so it is the glory of God to hide a word and it's the honor of those that know that they've been made royal by way of covenant and communion who are able to receive permission to begin to search that mystery out so it's not we don't again I fake favor or I celebrate formation more than education I believe what should we should be being what should be being done with the coming of young minds is we should be forming them into the image of that that they were designed to be so they can begin to inherit permission for thought processes that nobody would be able to point them to in a text book and if you look at what Jesus called us to do in the earth and then we look just specifically from a world that I've been very had a front-row seat for specifically how we train people in seminaries and Bible colleges they're not being taught to do anything that Jesus actually taught them to do Salah and and oftentimes they're being taught by people that are filled with a measure of hopelessness and despair because they did not see the measure of breakthrough that they wanted to see outside of a culture of academia therefore they've learned to do their best to thrive inside of a culture that will never demand they prove anything they say they know boom all right so when you begin to hear mystery you begin to hear Yahweh begin to whisper things that maybe you don't have the the ability to intellectually assimilate now that's awesome and you listen you're not entitled to understanding well I know what you meant I want you to explain to me what you meant I'm not gonna splain to you anything it's not my job to explain to you what I meant it's my job to sow the seed of truth in you until you go your own search-and-rescue mission to determine what it is that Yahweh was actually trying to say to you in a moment and if you're identified if you're receiving beloved identity to the measure that you were designed you actually get excited over the part that you don't understand because you realize he's hidden something for me there it struck me but I can't intellectually assimilate it so there must be a call to come away with him and begin to discover the deeper aspects of the truth he's using to frame me into who he ultimately designed me to be that's why again I favor formation over education education tells you what to think formation gives you permission to think and all of our educational systems say this is what you should believe nobody says this is how you should think because most leaders today are so insecure that they would rather fight to be able to say that what they believe is right then actually believe what is right so we become defensive concerning the on our own revelation of truth and here's the reason why we are defensive over something we did not directly receive from the king so we're not convinced about it or we wouldn't be insecure concerning the challenge are you following me okay so Isaiah 60 doesn't have to be reconciled to Isaiah 42 because what Isaiah 42 is saying to you is there is a glory that belongs to Yahweh and he'll never give that glory to another God nor will he share his renown with an idol what he's instead doing is raising up a culture of look-alikes that's so function in the same image that he has that they're able to move in the same realm of glory that he moved in all right so Isaiah 60 again we arise shine the light it comes glory of the Lord is risen upon us nations will be attracted to your radiant light okay Kings to the sunrise glory of your new day say new day again lift up your eyes higher look all around you and believe for your sons are returning from afar your daughters are being tenderly carried home watch as they all gather together either eager to come back to you verse 5 then you will understand and be radiant understanding comes on the other side of the manifestation of the light of glory let me sit like this understanding for many of us has been reserved for a new day and some of what you've dreamed about that you don't understand is gonna start to be understood when it is viewed through the lens of you finally made it to a new day oh come on some of you couldn't reconcile who you are with what you dream yous I'm dreaming about things I'm not smart enough to do I'm dreaming about things I don't have the money to do I'm dreaming about things that if I told other people I was dreaming about this they would think that I've lost my mind and actually what he did he did is he planted the seeds of that dream on the inside of you before you had the ability to understand why why you were dreaming what you were dreaming and then you step into a new day and a new identity comes to you and you say I'm beloved there's no way I can fail instead of living in an inferior day where you had an inferior identity where you questions your ability to be able to complete the mission you now can say things like if God before me who can be against me right how can how can I fail inside the beloved identity and so I'm one of the things I want to communicate in this this this second session for us today is that there's grace for a venture inside of a new identification that announces that you've stepped into a new date now here's the danger the danger is that you will try to reconcile a former day with a new day and this is where we I think apostle Aaron communicates it like this he says this is where the dangerous place where people get caught between the dimensions and the reason why is they want to take some of what may have worked well or provided security and another day and they want to carry it into this day careful careful here because what happens is you'll you'll bring the spiritual warfare that we functioned in in another season that was right in that other season but it will not work in this day so your focus on demonic forces that has become such a part of your identity they're not able to exist in this Arendt listen there is an altitude they can't even enter and if you are in that altitude and you want to go reengage them you'll have to actually have to descend in order to find them and if all you know how to do is receive all of your identity based on the fact that you know how to bind and loose then you may find yourself living in hand-to-hand combat when what you are actually designed to do is come into a dimension in which the demonic has no realm of authority anymore and so I think I think what I want to say to you is when a new day comes and re-identification comes make sure that you fully engage with the new day because it will be essential to helping make sure you fully engage with the new you your identity is shifting because you're entering into a new day now I would use the word age here for day or a on our Aeon or epoch as dia and I talked about today so you you so so what you can begin to understand is we have stepped into a new epoch we have stepped in to something that is in nature epoch I know it's just us but if this is that that it's not just an announcement that we're experiencing something fresh from heaven it's an announcement that things will never be the same again because from the day they declared this is that they begin to move momentarily into 3,000 people getting added to the kingdom and the establishment of a church watch this that was added to daily such as should be say they went from house to house breaking had all things in common the church's added to daily such as should be saved inside of the manifestation of the outpouring of the glory of God at the day of Pentecost what happened they begin to enter a new day they actually shift ages by way of the manifestation of the glory of God the glory of God was not to help you function prosper or survive in another age it was actually the permission you needed to enter an age where you would never even you would never be able to relate to the concept of survival again you see that from that point forward from from the outpouring of the spirit forward there's an erasing of a line of distinction between male and female you see how that shifts there is what happens at the day of Pentecost of the birth of the church the church is one of the hardest things to find prophetically in the minor prophets and major prophets or any of the Old Covenant you read that the Bible is hard to find the church in there why because he was hiding things and planning him inside of apostolic leaders that when they stepped into a new age they would go that's why I've been thinking about coming together regularly to break bread that's why I've been thinking about living in a higher sense of community you know I've been thinking about selling my house and quit wasting all of my money trying to see what kind of house I can live in I think we could really do and none of that made any sense to anybody but now that we've entered into the new day all of the sudden the dreams that I tried to reconcile and another day are starting to become clear to me now and understanding came on the other side of the manifestation of the glory we've we've dumbed down and shied away from what we did not understand because there wasn't enough glory present for us to really understand why we were dreaming the way we were dreaming notice the importance of a shift into a new age that the validity of a shift into a new day into a new epoch into a new Aeon or a on all right so so ho that's so big to me so then you will understand and be radiant Sparkle Sparkle two to two definitions here is in your footnotes if you've got a passion transition sparkle and flow together this is what he says arise shine for your light has come nations are gonna be drawn to you Kings are gonna be drawn to you you are going to begin to see sons and daughters that are brought back to home that have been separated and far from you and then you'll begin to understand that what you were designed to do is sparkle and flow together which is the prayer of John 17 where Jesus is asking for the unity among the current disciples and the unity among the group of people that would come believing the message of the disciples and he's saying this is what they're going to do they're going to flow together and maybe one of the single greatest witnesses of the authenticity of what we're I'm gonna talk a lot about us just because I feel like it's just us some are and I don't do that a whole lot maybe I should do that more but what's happening specifically here which is what I have the pulse beat of the most of what's happening in the earth one of the greatest signs of what the Lord is doing here is for the first time in my life I see a complete absence of competition among sons that's never happened before in my life I've never been around anybody that's a matter of fact I've never had two sons that didn't feel that way about each other much less a whole company of sons and daughters that so celebrate what God's doing on in doing one another that the little seat of insecurity doesn't rise up and say oh my god one of them's being used and I'm not sure revivals happening at their church and it's not happening my they'll pack up and go where God's moving to each other's house and celebrate and serve when and there and meet many many fill in the room like we're not at Brands Church right now we're just at one of the rooms inside of the house of Carolina revival you watch watch that beginning to happen that witness of unity according to John 17 would speak to the world that Jesus was actually the sent one from the father Jesus is who Jesus is not just because it's what the Bible said there's a lot of people that'll never work for them there's a if if Jesus is who he is because it's what the Bible says then we're only going to be able to see conversion and transformation in the lives of people who believe in the inerrancy of Scripture and most of the world does not believe in the inerrancy of Scripture therefore we need a group of people that call that our cost to see something beyond the pages of the scripture that say what they have must be real because I've never seen people love each other like that I've never seen each other prefer one another like that I've never seen a group of people so secure in their identity as beloved that they can actually celebrate I've seem to pretend celebration where the preachers shouted each other but really they're intimidated that God's using somebody more than he's using them this this is not that matter-of-fact Tammy says one of the greatest witnesses she's seen of the validity of what God's doing in this culture is the relationship between the sons because I don't have any relationship with any of my brothers that have been also been sent out by my apostle I love them and then I'm final verse form I don't talk to no I don't think any of them have my phone number I'm kind of a big deal if you didn't know so I know I mean I don't have their phone number either no sucker we just don't have that relationship and I watched the sons that were sent out from my apostles apostle not only did they not have relationship they don't like each other get you some of that let that be made public if they and they'd update some of them quit even trying to pretend they like each other they just really don't like each other and you're going what what what what happened there is they begin to try to access things watch this by way of the Apostolic and understanding of the fivefold ministry and another understanding of government that they didn't have enough beloved identity to be able to see it appropriately when breakthrough begin decay so they have the Apostolic without beloved identity and if you have the apostolic without beloved identity all that you will do is you'll create a group of people that are actually a denomination you just don't call yourselves that now we've got non-denominational people functioning denominationally and are wondering they're not seeing the breakthrough that they thought they were going to see because that matter what you named yourself as a group it matters have you found the secret place where he named you beloved and you let that be the core of the root of your identity from that point forth if you are then you don't have any problems celebrating what God's doing in somebody else if you don't let that happen in you you will always subconsciously sabotage your brethren hello let's go to John 17 one more time one more time for today not one more time prefer forever but just one more time for today John 17:20 Jesus is spraying all of this is good all of this is really really good he says I asked not only for these disciples but also for those who will one day believe in me through their message I pray for them all to be joined together as one even as you and I father are joined together as one I pray for them to become one not with us but in us so that the world will recognize that you sent me for the very glory the very glory that were there could be actual glory the very glory or actual glory you have given to me I have given to them so that they will be joined together as one and experience the same unity that we enjoy good experience the same unity that we enjoy you live fully in me now I fully live fully in them so they will experience perfect unity and the world will be convinced that you have sent me for they will for they will see that you love each one of them with the same passionate love that you have for me again what is that is the standard for beloved identity the standard for beloved identity is that he loves you with the same passionate love what will that prove if you're loved with the same passionate love it will prove that you have received the actual very glory that Jesus operated in by way of perfect unity now if you take that you take John 17 you begin to do what what I want to do here which is tie this into Isaiah 60 verse 5 then you will understand and be radiant which is sparkle and flow together why don't people flow together why don't people flow together because they refuse to honor one another Sparkle this is big because every body come on emits a common and different frequency everybody emits a common and unique or authentic color therefore what is coming out of you as you come fully alive there some of it in me and there's some of it not in me and it's important that I don't have it all without you so when when when when come on make sure I get back to the color sound thing so what we'll see there's a sound in me that's also the sound in you that's why our frequencies connect however there's a frequency in you that's not in me that's the missing piece of me becoming the full sound that I was designed to be that I can't be without you so what happens when the whole family comes together we experience another glory why because it's not just me sparkling in my church with people who've learned to Sparkle just like me it's just all kinds of sounds colors frequency and waves all type of authentic identification is beginning to radiate and move between all members of the family and then we come to the truth of how can the hand say to the foot I have no need of you and what this why is this important because it's going to call us out of incestuous Christianity where all of the people with the same color run with other people that have the same color as them and the natural we'd call that racism in the spirit I call it incestuous in breeding inbreeding I'm sorry I could say a multi-site I probably should have said that but I'd I'd I went ahead and said it so what do you think you need I think I need another one who looks just like me over there rather than connecting to one different than me because there's one different than me that has an assignment to do something in Crestview that I don't have an assignment to do so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go honor that there's something specific and authentic to them that's who they're designed to be and I don't want them to be a clone of me I want to as a father give them permission to be the full version of themselves and if I can go connect to what sparkles and flows in them and they can honor what sparkles and flows in me then you and I can start to Sparkle and flow together and we'll see an increased measure of shine and flow by way of unity instead of being so insecure that you say everybody should shine just like me and everybody should flow just like me no no no no no no no no no no no no no the reason why we've not touched the world is because we've not been willing to flow together so everybody who thinks like this flows over here and sparkles over here and they will not cross pollinate with anybody who doesn't think exactly the way they do about the rapture and exactly the way they do about eternal security and exactly the way they do about sanctification and exactly what they do you got to believe exactly like me about the baptism of the holy ghost or we can't run together and so you're seeing a cultural shift where instead of people gathering around doctrines they agree on and not gathering around doctrines they disagree on they are gathering around father's even though they may not completely agree with everything but being there with a father receiving permission to be who you are doesn't mean that you and I have to see every doctrine exactly the same as a matter of fact it's the safe place to see it differently oh no no and I'm secure enough for you to see it differently you find out if I find out you're attacking what I'm saying I'll embarrass you but but I will because I'll explain to you why I know what I know I don't mean that in an I don't mean that in an arrogant way I'm saying that in a way to say some have wanted to subvert authority by way of showing an aspect they see differently instead of saying I see this differently but I know that we're called to flow together and I'm not gonna let something that I'm not quite sure about and you're not quite sure about huh I'm not talking about the divinity of Jesus and the virgin birth and the death burial and resurrection of the Christ I'm talking about little aspects of what you do or do not believe about certain things making you go in breed with the group of people who think just like you if therefore nobody ever gets convinced that the father sent Jesus because we only run around with people who emit the same frequency that we do and I need a different frequency around me and so I run with a lot of people I have nothing in common with thank God because I'm being formed into what I never would have been had I not said ion or the frequency that moves in her I honor the frequency that moves in him you see what then then all of a sudden you see what begins to happen that security inside a family gives us access back to the place we were most wounded inside a family whether it be natural family or whether it be the church world this room is filled with wounds that made you go live in compartmentalization that is actually cutting you off from the thing that's going to cause you to be the freest version of yourself you've ever been and that's about exposing your frequency to another frequency here's here's the first phase of this if I start to show you who I really am there's a real good chance you're going to reject me therefore leaders show you what they know you want to see in order that we might be accepted and we justify that in well I need to be big enough to do what God's called me to do so there's certain things I just won't touch I did this for years in my eschatology I have a great phrase that I share on this I feigned eschatological agnosticism because I knew that there were friends that I round around with that if they found out he doesn't believe in the rapture there's no way they won't want to be friends with me anymore because I just robbed from them the Blessed hope and so they they would not walk with me over a word not in the Bible word raptures nowhere in the Bible so they refuse to walk with me over a work I have a lot of friends that I walk closely with that still believe in the rapture I don't know why they would believe that but they do and I'm okay with that because I still need their frequency there's still something spinning off of their life that is good and honorable and right and if I can't stop and honor somebody who doesn't emit the same frequency as me then we're going to miss becoming a full enough sound to witness to the world Jesus is the scent one of God I'm gonna show this to you now we're gonna Sparkle and flow together Sparkle and flow come on baby sparkle and flow the sparkle and flow sparkle and flow sparkle and flow sparkle and flow see this is the creativity thing begins to stir on the inside of some of you who have lied to yourself and saying you're not creative even though you were designed by a creator to look like one who is a creator therefore you have no choice but to be creative we made preaching a craft but what we're experiencing in here over the last few days is actually art we made instrumentation a craft and it's actually supposed to be an art and we have confused arts and crafts get you some of that we have confused arts and crafts and so what we've done is we've become homiletically astute and we become hermann ethically exclude and we become profession we become orator x' and we you know who if we can we can speak in for functor ii terms and just everybody is so moved by how articulate we are and people are gathering around that because they want to hear somebody who sounds like they know what they're talking about and what we're missing is that god hides things in the mouths of prophets who are dressed in camel's hair wearing leather belts and have locusts and honey hanging off of their beards and Jesus is saying most of you couldn't see him because you didn't like the package it came in but there's never been a man born of women that's greater than that crazy guy standing out there in the wilderness just being free to be a creator sparkle & Flow sparkle & Flow okay you will understand and be radiant sparkle and flow together watch the next part of this verse the B clause this is where we started this morning which I thought I was going here this morning I didn't have took too much time in other places your heart will be thrilled and swell with joy when when you sparkle and flow together you make me happy I hope I make you happy I'm I know I know I make you mad sometimes but I hope in general being around my frequency causes something to come alive in youth Tyler England makes me happy that IQ he was kicking ahead but nice I knew his business ain't Georgia Georgia I just know if you just say I just see it stirring in little Ray Charles any my Drake Charles who can see up here moving his head around but but but but but I knew him when the system never would have allowed him to be that I knew him when the system only wanted to use him to further prop up the system because he understood the craft of music and I'm not in his life to help him with his craft because I don't know anything about his craft but I know there's an artist on the inside of him and I'm there as a father to tell him whatever color you feel today just let it spray out on the wall give me a little Jackson Pollock and a little William Faulkner I'm fine with that type of art to it then have to be King James and I feel it so what what happens is when you and I begin to Sparkle and flow together something begins to happen that causes us to be able to and and I can't say it as well as Isaiah says it here when he says your heart will be thrilled and swell with joy and one of the things that I think God used us to do this morning I don't know how I don't say God used to do it or maybe God just did it through us but we're going to recapture the sacred nature of joy and instead of everything that is sacred having to be also somber we're going to begin to show that right joy unspeakable and full of glory as the glory increases so will the manifestation of the joy that the scripture says is our strength I honestly believe there's a strength that cannot be found outside of joy and there's a joy that cannot be found outside of sparkle and flow together therefore there's a glory that you and I are going to miss until we learn to honor one another's frequency nothing in common I mean it's awesome when you find somebody that you have things in common that's great but in the kingdom you can't sit around and not engage with other people because y'all don't have anything in common correct there are people in here that I have deep lovin intial heart-to-heart connection with we have nothing in common together Carson is as near and dear to my heart is my own children flesh and was not like she's a spiritual daughter and these are my natural children she's and my but no we have nothing in common I mean in the natural we absolutely nothing in common whatsoever yet we Sparkle and flow together to the point that now my joy is made full by seeing her become the fullness of what it is that she was designed to be it says it just just want one example of how you and I are missing a strength that the scripture says is a manifestation of joy and this is teaching us that joy is a manifestation of the fullness of the glory of God and the fullness of the glory of God cannot be experienced until you and I start to sparkle and flow together you know instead of people who wear khakis run around with people who wear khakis I don't own a pair of khakis to the glory of God I don't own a pair of khakis but I need people who are khakis people in my life right and that's not what we do we go to the church and I can tell you when I walk into a church who their target audience is generally upper middle class white Republican yuppies who can help pay for the new building project that's the target audience and we miss the multi colors in races we miss multi color ethnicity we miss diversity of taste and diversity of flavor but here's the main thing just take all of the X Colonel stuff away and just ask on the inside of you what causes you to come most alive and start to show that even if there's a part of you that's afraid you'll get rejected when you let it out this dance your dance even if you know other people are gonna mock you when you dance that dance dad is here to place a wall around you that said she's dancing right now and if you have a problem with it you'll have to go through me that's part of what my role is to say they're doing what they're supposed to do in Crestview and if all of the church gets up and leaves I say they're doing what they're supposed to do in Crestview so I'm gonna say keep dancing your dance keep omitting your frequency keep releasing your color hello and B who you always designed you to be why because we need your frequency we need something different than what we already have and does that feel good doesn't that feel good so you you could get really confused walking into our church on a Sunday morning because there's affluent elderly Caucasian people sitting next to somebody who looks maybe like freshly out of jail and what's incredible as the susceptibility of the one freshly out of jail is being healed by the elderly affluent couple who before they had beloved identity they didn't know how to own their you know how to love their own children well so they're now getting a chance to redeem that by loving the young man who looks like he just got out of jail and so it's just confusing and glorious because we're sparkling and we're flowing together here's the thing if I have committed to being the full version of Who I am and you have not I'll not we will not be able to flow together and the only way I'll be able to flow with you is to try to dial down my sparkle I've been on this thought process all day and you know what we've done we've dialed down our authenticity to try to make ourselves generic enough to be accepted a motel and it's an insult to the way he made you it's an insult to the authentic design of who that you are and you have pretended to be somebody or not because you know there's the potential for the real you to get rejected but I'm telling you not if it's family not if we have what we say we have then it's the one place you ought to feel the most free to I think about cranking the band back up right now I'm just having a big Sparkle session it's destiny refers to herself as mine and Timmy's rainbow daughter chief Rosa I remember giving two prophetic words to her in green rooms you remember this from way back in the day and you know what I saw on the inside of her a sparkle she was in a system that would never be able to honor and I knew the Lord was gonna get cut I knew the Lord was gonna get her out of there cuz there was a rainbow I needed inside of her there's a rainbow that you needed inside of her and there's a rainbow in me that she unlocks when she releases the rainbow and her so I'm telling you you could help Sparkle somebody into their sparkle if you wouldn't quit hiding your sparkle because you're afraid you'll get rejected and you're not gonna start floating together and it for 20 years I've been saying the most important inheritance a father can ever give you anticipate a four years the most important inheritance a father can give you is authenticity talk about the knock on my door at five o'clock in the morning five o'clock in the morning nothing I tried to ignore it try to go back to sleep try to roll over somebody got the wrong house knock on my door open the door they're my apostles standing there at my front door he says I woke up had a dream about you last night and I woke up my head word for you sat down on the couch I'm in my boxer shorts we sit back then I wasn't ashamed for people to see me in my boxer shorts but now I'd be putting a sweat suit on the baggy two sides is too big you know so I'm sitting there in my in my in my boxer shorts and he says that you always spoke to me last night said if you don't make some changes right now in five years you'll become the very thing you hate generic said I'd be praying for you and walked out the door I was so mad because I knew how true it was I knew that I was becoming a conformist I knew that I had all of these great prophetic words about how I was gonna be the next Miss and the next day and I had convinced myself in order to be that well-liked I'm gonna have to show people what I want them to see and the danger is you become so generic there's nothing authentic about you there's no specific edge about you and you know what I would have done I would have pretended for the rest of my life and the best I would have ever been able to do is appeal to other pretenders and there's so many pretenders you can get real rich and real famous appealing to pretenders because most of the church falls into that category but I would rather Sparkle and flow with a handful who ever see grace and permission to be who Yahweh has authentically designed them to be when we first begin to dance before the Lord this is how we dance before the Lord y'all remember this when the Spirit of the Lord loser on and you had men dancing like this right here why because then we turned it into white people dancing which is this is now apparently dancing no it's not it's jumping jumping dancing he says that you say just adjust just a quick just adjusted quick right you know I mean it's jumping and then there's dancing and I'm saying there's a different kind of sparkle there's a different kind of flow there's a different kind of dance there's a different kind of laughs there's a different kind of joy and that joy is your strength you trying to get happy about the fact that you're a pretenders never gonna make you strong trying to talk yourself into believing you're happy that happy is hype but when you become the authentic version of you some get so free on the inside of you one of the reasons we've been in the teaching flow that we're in is because I'm no longer measuring the impact of what I say I'm not going how's that gonna be received and how's people going to perceive that so so even even a couple of years ago when this first started happening I would make statements and then I would spend 30 minutes qualifying that statement because I knew how it was gonna land I'm no longer worried about how it lands he said unless you eat my flesh and drinking my blood you have no part with me who's coming with me whoa unless you eat my face whoa no no that when you sit down be that you were sure that was that was imagery you were using maybe I'm not you'll just have to search it out he has an ear to hear will hear which means you and I are going to say things to people that are not going to be palatable to their hearing hello last part of this then I feel like just throw in some colors just you'll understand and sparkle and flow together understand that this is a new day and you have a new name the fullness of the sea will flow to you which has more to do with nations than sea creatures okay fullness of the sea will flow to you the wealth of the nations will be transferred to you probably everybody in this room has heard that part of Isaiah 60 quoted never understood that there's a wealth transfer that is not legal for us to ask for until we've learned a sparkle and flow together well for the wicked is gonna be transferred you Catholic quit doing this contextually raping the Bible and picking a verse out of there and saying well for the wicked be transferred to the righteous well that we could be Trent there's a lot of stuff that comes before that that has to do with a rise shine for your light has come the glory of the Lord is risen upon you so you're gonna have to broker the glory well to even get there you're going have to honor that we've stepped into a new day a day in which the wealth of the wicked begins to be transferred into the hands of the righteous but you and I are also going to have to come into a manifestation of unity inside of this new day where Yahweh does not listen he does not hand the wealth of nations over to us so we can have somebody help sponsor who we're pretending to be he's gonna find an authentic group of people who win that wealth transfer happens they know exactly what to do with it and it's to actually cause the gospel of the kingdom to be able to impact the earth the way in which it was designed instead of causing our personal dreams to come to pass that are not actually authentic expressions of what's even going on in our own heart I don't dream what I used to dream if I if I got now what some of what I used to pray for I wouldn't even want it people get quiet when I say that no I mean if I if now I got what I spent years praying and believing God and holding up my prophecies I would not even want that because it would rob me from the grace to live closely enough with people I was designed to Sparkle and flow with all right watch this watch this oh I got to skip some of this to get to some part we need to get to caravans of camels we'll cover your land camels a representative of wealth caravans of camels you will not have camels in your yard do you just what they represent caravans of camels will cover your land young camels loaded with goods from Midian and ephah midians Abraham's son EFA's Abraham's grandson really interesting because it has to do with territories and generations median was a land and Midian was also a son of Abraham Aoife was a land and he thought was also a grandson of Abraham because when God does something coven in Chile he gives you the land and the offspring that you were designed to father I'm called the fatherland and people okay let me move on from that cuz I could spend all day on that right there young camels loaded with goods from Midian and ephah maybe I should just spend a second ther just this is what he says he says there's going to be a new day that's going to come in in that new day I'm going to bring sons and grandsons to you and you're not just going to receive back the person of the son and the person of the grandson but you're going to receive back to you the governmental influence that was forfeited by the loss of sons and grandsons who walked in the ways of the king therefore when the father begins to bring people back to us he is bringing to us not just individuals he's bringing to us representatives of territories so there okay so there were somebody somebody counted when we were calling names out and just knew who was over here said there's over 20 different states represented here over that weekend so so so if okay let me just do like this so so you're here from Virginia David and Christy Bracken's are here from Virginia they're right on the Virginia West Virginia line he's from West Virginia he's from West Virginia Tyler England's from West Virginia I don't have a church plant in West Virginia yet I'm receiving West Virginia they grew up in West Virginia that's home for them they moved across the line into Virginia but what's happening is when a son comes home whose representative of Al and I just don't become a father to that particular individual I'm actually receiving what he represents which is the land that he was assigned and called to redeem felt you you feel the difference and so so so when Midian and ephah are returned it means more than Abraham's son and Abraham's grandsons coming home what it would have actually meant by the time Isaiah prophesied this is Abraham's son Midian and his sons and his son sons and his sons Sons sons from generation to generation are going to begin to return and you are going to see a restoration of forfeited generations and territories begin to return return to a people who sparkle and flow together in the authenticity of a new day and it takes beloved identity to be able to recognize the way you and I are designed to impact West Virginia is by receiving her sons two fathers and I would rather have an authentic identified son in beloved identity contending for West Virginia than be partners with the governor and have access to his mansion so what's returned in the day of you and I operating in what and what the scripture calls three old hearts swelling with joy the the fractured heart can never fully be thrilled let me sit like this the fractured heart can't stand the thrill it was actually designed for so so Yahweh heals the fractured heart because you were designed to live in an arena of thrill that would crush you had you not come into a place of wholeness you know what I see I'm doing a lot of personal stuff more so than I normally would I said I'm at Putman you look thrilled to me I've known you for years I've known you since you were a first-year Bible College student and you look thrilled no striving no work no labor no insecurity no intimidation you look thrilled we got multiple worship leaders on the platform Tina Lovejoy is the main worship leader at her church Tyler Ford is the main worship leader at his church Putman is in Paige but more the main worship leaders at their church Brynn Waddell is the worship leader everybody wishes was at their church right now and we throw all of that sparkle together and look at the flow we get to when we set up in the insecurity demand our independence because we want to be the feature attraction no I want to get somewhere I want to get somewhere and I don't really care who we ride to get there I just want to get into the sparkle and flow we were designed with so if it's on you tonight we'll kick it to you you blow your horn you play your drum and I'll stand over here and clap my hands and together you and I will find access to territory we were born for all right all the wealthy merchants from Sheba will come bearing gold and frankincense and singing the praises of Yahweh all the flux of Kedar will gather to you which I believe has to do with with Ishmael a matter of fact I know it does is this a son of Ishmael kadar will gather to you and the Rams of maybe oath which also has to do with Ishmael will be yours it's and as acceptable sacrifices on my altar I want you to watch this this is what I came to talk about we're going home we're going home at some point we're going home go chiefs at some point we're going home okay ready I will adorn with more glory my glorious temple no you're not that your body shall be called the temple of the holy ghosts I will adorn with more glory a temple that you would already currently define as glorious this is this is really what I wanted to talk about all weekend and we just took us several days to get here if I thought I was in charge of what I've been teaching I would apologize for that but I have had I am as being as instructed as you are at least and this is what the Holy Spirit is saying I am looking for a people who will learn to accept that this is a new day and you have a new name and if it's a new day and you have a new name then the things that used to divide you from people are never going to divide you from people again because the insecurity of the old day can't live in the new day the insecurity that was associated with your old name cannot live inside a beloved identity how can you still have a measure of insecurity when you're convinced according to John 17 that with the exact same love that the father loves Jesus He loves you now what can we have to be insecure about competitive I'm obviously first it's the exact same love that the father loved Jesus with and when you and it's not you notice it's not on me to make sure that you're not insecure in our relationship I'm actually that I'm exhausted by your insecurities who continually why didn't he wave at me grow up and realize that you are loved with the same love that the father loved Jesus and we can all start to get happy and we can quit second-guessing everything going on around us and walking on eggshells and becoming who what other people think we ought to be and you can just be your full-spectrum multicolored authentic self and no I could not be more loved than I am because I'm loved with the same love that the Father loves Jesus you know what I do when I see somebody who's struggling with insecurity in their relationship with me I stayed the beep away from them I bless you with that beep fill it in with whichever word you think fits best but I just stay away because I recognize I'm about to get in trouble with God because he's doing something in them his jealousy is being manifested over them and what they want is me to come you're my favorite and I love you I hope you know how I feel about you I don't do that but with one person somebody told me to get in touch wouldn't you need to get in touch with your feminine side I said I do regularly her name is Tammy that's my feminine side right there every side of my feminine side that's my feminine side that's all I got I'm sorry but I'm this thing that we're gonna hold hands and look into each other's eyes and talk about how I love you as a father I'm sorry you have to find another guy for that and I'll have questions about him when you find them [Laughter] here's the thing your interaction with one another your interaction with me my interaction with you your interaction with your pastors your interaction with your spiritual fathers and your spiritual mothers in the room all of that is going to get really hell see when you quit needing them to love you with the same love that the father loved the Sun and you begin to understand God loves me with the same love that he loves Jesus and hit one of the manifestations of that love is he put a representative of that love in my life to stand as an inferior father but still a father to say if I love you that way and I'm flawed he loves you that much more in his perfection and everybody starts to get real secure and Babel comes quit dancing like this now some of you can't dance at all so you just need to keep doing this and it's awesome just beat the just be thankful you got there just you don't even have to jump with it just just do like a geriatric Rockette thing with that's a hallelujah but I'm telling you there's another expression there's another measure of praise there's another expression of worship instead of you mimicking what you saw on bethel TV and believing that's it now who are you I mean who actually are you now that we've learned to Sparkle and flow together so scared to be mystical and it's the only gate to anything interesting you know why most of us didn't like going to church when we grew up because it was boring you know why it was boring because it was filled with pretenders who knew the only way you could be accepted was be boring you don't want to be the flaky person look too late I don't want to be that flaky pers don't want to be that weird person don't you don't want to be out there I do I kind of do that's the thing I can't I kind of think all the good stuff is out there so I'm just kind of willing to be out there if I'm out there there's a great we're gonna talk about you they're talking about me anyway their time there's me anyway so I might as well enjoy it and go on it well brother you're out on a limb that's where all the fruit is out on the limb so just go out on the limb because that's where you get anything worth tasting some of you'll never taste anything sweet because you're never willing to go out on a limb because you wonder if God's gonna somehow drop you but you're never gonna let me down no you're never gonna let me down we've been singing it let's start to believe it and you and I can Sparkle and flow our way into the inheritance of nations and wealth more important more important to financial increase avenge stewardship is authenticity Yahweh will never bless anything in you that's not you and many are trying to get him to sponsor who they are as an impostor but if you'd become the full version of you you'd never even think about money again because you'd say there's no way he's not gonna take care of me because I am so fully his that I don't have to pretend to be anything else get free with that and it's a new day and you got a new name this weekend we entered a new day I'm it's been awesome what we experienced at the end of December leading up to this but I'm telling you right now Oh - OH - 2020 thirty third day of the month or three hundred and thirty three days left to go I think that's prophetically important I think it's gonna help us remember it it's a witness it's a prophetic witness that today is a different day you've entered a new day you have a new name may you never be a hybrid beloved son again just beloved not beloved and disappointing not beloved and the end mature not beloved and still stuck in sin cycles just beloved until none of that other stuff has a vote concerning you last part of this he will adorn with more glory his already glorious temple I do believe this I do I fully believe this I believe the access to more comes by way of owning that what we're presently experiencing is glory because this is what he says I'm gonna bring more glory to my temple that's already glorious for us to be unwilling to call ourselves glorious is to cut ourselves off from a glory here deserves for those that are already glorious that's why I've been saying this is that and it's resonating it's really really resonating this is that it's like it's like the next phase of go for it how that marked our community and I feel like the next phrase this this is that this is that what what do you mean I said this is that Bob Jones was talking about they said this is that the Prophet Joel was talking about needn't have 120 people so I think I can stand here and say this is that Bob Jones was talking about this is that I heard Bobby Connors say was coming hello this is that Derek Prince taught about for 50 years functioning as an apostolic voice in the earth having an impact on a future generation of intercessor this is that and I don't know how far you want to go back with that doesn't really matter to me but I believe that this is what Martin Luther had in mind when he took that hammer and nail out stood outside that church at Vinton Berg and began to tech the 95 theses on the wall and accidentally began a Protestant Reformation I don't think he was aiming at Reformation I think he was aiming at injustice and landed on Reformation this is that if you can't call what's happening in you glorious there is another dimension of glory that you're designed for that you won't get access to because you're unwilling to own that what's actually happening in you right now is glorious there's a lot still left to do it doesn't make this less than glorious I'm gonna say it like this it doesn't make this less than that this is that I'm very confident in saying this is that not until you want because I grew up in a spirit-filled Church where people who sincerely deeply loved God never had a moment of what you and I get on a on a weekly and daily basis I saw people who fervently loved God and were baptized in the Holy Ghost and we're believing for the return of Jesus and never knew what is like to stand in the glory of God and weep in the presence of God and shed tears all of the shedding of Tears was reserved today they got sorry over their sins got saved in godly sorrow worketh repentance but because they didn't understand that was a change in thought process they got no new tears to generate new thought processes to get them into new dimensions and this this is what's happening here within our kids what's happening here it's uncommon friend it's uncommon and it's glorious and if you and I and beloved identity can own that what the Lord is doing is glorious he's gonna come with another glory to a temple he's already said his glorious he doesn't get you and I into glorious and back-off and I wonder if subconsciously we don't despise what the Lord is doing because if we say this is that then we've cut ourselves off from more so we diminish what the Lord is doing now because we want to see God do something greater in the future but I actually think you have to own what God's doing now to get to something greater in the future instead of saying this can't be that because you know grandma's still in a wheelchair and it mean this is not glorious my fractured heart got healed come on the insecurities that kept me from sparkling and flowing with other people's gotten healed on the inside of me the isolationist in me is gone the compartmentalization where Jesus was something I did during my weekend assignment and then just to try to survive the rest of my life there's been a breakthrough happen there and it's glorious and he's coming with another glory for a temple that's already identified as glorious make you want to Sparkle well I'm not naturally a sparkler yes you are and everything keeping you from sparkling is some lie you believe somewhere in your process where somebody wasn't there to tell you there's some shiny happening in you you you you want to on a lesson you want to know what I mean when I say Sparkle read the book of Revelation everything in it sparkles streets are made of gold the Seas made out of glass everything in it sparkles Jasper carnelian a sardius stone crowns filled with jewel Jesus likes sparkly stuff right he said I'm never gonna flood the earth again what sign should I give let's do something multicolored in the sky so that every time they walk out there and look they will be remember they will be reminded that I'm a keeper of my covenant and I'm gonna use multi colors to prove that I'm a keeper of my covenant this is what I'm hearing the Lord say and this is gonna get us into a creative stream this is gonna get us into an unusual stream of praise and worship when we come together but also when you're by yourself and you click one all auspicious God of heaven and earth thank you but thou art worthy of all of my praise thank you Jesus and you're just gonna start saying dad it's amazing to be standing here with you right now I just want to spin around and see this I am fearfully and wonderfully made my name is beloved you're fascinated with me and it's such an honor to be able to come into your presence and I'm sorry for all the years that I limped in here and acted like I was unworthy you loved me with the same love that you love your something's about to happen in your individual prayer life when you realize you're not there to earn his love you're there as a witness that he loves you with the same love that he loves his son man I want to go home and pray the next verse after he will adorn with the more glory his glorious temple which is not a temple made with hands the next verse verse 8 and I'm almost done I'm doing 8 and 9 and we're done who are those who soar like clouds flying like doves into their portals indeed the distant islands eagerly look for me with their large ships leading the way they are bringing Zions children from afar they come with offerings of silver and gold to honor the name of Yahweh your God the Holy One of Israel for he has glorified you now people some people take that red tenderness and that that verse is about Jesus yeah and John 17 says he gave me that same glory so yes it's about me and Jesus and the prayer of John 17 is about the disciples and me and the disciples and you and you got to quit letting religion say this is how the father felt about Jesus and this is how he feels about you because remember with the same love that the father loved the son he loves you this is what I feel like the Lord is wanting to kind of conclude this weekend with Romans 8 says that those whom he did foreknow he did predestined him that he justified he actually glorified that passion translation says it like this it says that we who have received the fullness of his righteousness have been Co glorified with his son and I feel like we've got two weeks to acclimate ourself to a new age and a new identity I can't wait I mean I would really in some sense I'd be disappointed if we were coming back here tomorrow night for church in that awesome to say because we've got two weeks to get acclimated you need to just go into the secret place and try out beloved identity and see how much better it works than contrition contrition is awesome it helps you get to beloved identity but once you're in beloved identity it's actually illegal for you to think you're pleasing the Lord by showing him how screwed up you are he said you're completely disagreeing with how Ivery identified you I'm so glad we came back again for this tonight because I think there were parts of what the next two weeks supposed to look like that we may not have understood had we not and I'm telling you that's that's crucial that you don't just say god I can't wait for two weeks when we get back together and you'll have that sense in you sure that's normal and I think it's healthy but they'll also be this thing in you that says you know what what he's saying to me right now is too big for me not to go lock away in process he's saying some things about me that are so true it's hard to hear I love you with the same love see this thing I wouldn't do to mark I love you you're my son is that thing that wears me he's gonna heal he will do it with you and it's tough it's tough me and Matt Putman been talking about supper being ended Jesus girded himself with a towel and began to wash the disciples feet and Peter says no no no no no no no no no no I know I'll wash you but you're not watching me no no no it'd be easy for you to wash my feet Peter but if you don't let me get intimate with you in that way you'll have no part with me and he said in my head and my hands also Lord some of us have really really really really really wanted to endeavour to serve God well and we've not allowed ourselves to be loved well by God which is the only gate to ever serving him effectively for years have had a consistent cry lord I want to love you well I've prayed it over my children make them men who love you well and lately the Lord has challenged me to add to that prayer Lord let me love you well and Lord let my son because sons become men who love you well let my sons become men who love you well because they know that you first loved them and then how will they know that we're his disciples because we love one another can I ever love you right if I have not embraced the reality of how well he loves me and that's gonna become sparkling and flowing together is going to be a sign that Jesus is the sent one of the Father which which if it wasn't if we weren't all so brain tired I would tell you that's actually what the Apostolic means that you being absolutely don't mean you're sent from me means you're sent from him and I am here as a gate of authorization government elite to say God sent you to Covington Georgia and I put my hands there in agreement with the one who sent you to Covington Georgia you feel that [Music] hallelujah what you'll start to watch happen corporately you see you're seeing this happen in measure it'll be totally different when we come back in two weeks you're going to see a corporate manifestation of a group of people who have finally received permission to emit the frequency and the spectrum those are the two things you emit a frequency and a spectrum in the secret place with no fear of being rejected and when you get super comfortable showing him who you really are you'll never have to come in here and hide behind what you look like to other people anymore he just goes away just goes away I'm looking for a people authentically uninhibited because all of you were that way one time in rejection and pain taught you to be something other than authentically uninhibited that's why he said unless you come as a child you cannot inherit the kingdom of God you're gonna have to get back to that place where you are authentically uninhibited [Music] joy unspeakable and full of glory the increase of the measure of the glory of God is increasing the expression of joy just so happy that you start to Sparkle why because all of heaven sparkles and if we're gonna pray for on earth as it is in heaven somebody's gonna have to get so heavenly in the earth they begin to emit a spectrum and a frequency there are spectrums and frequencies in you there are spectrums and frequencies in me I'm learning to let those out regardless of how they land and that's supposed to be unlocking permission in you to let the spectrum and the frequency out regardless of how it lands the the Apostolic becomes a safe enough place to ensure that if you cross a line and love I'll help you get right back in the sweet spot but it's not the place you're supposed to play it close to the vest for fear of getting corrected actually if what you and I have is really healthy you probably have already been corrected at some point I mean mom just thinks my relationship with my apostle is very healthy if correction is a side huh what see see Yahweh chastises those that he loves why because beloved identity doesn't sing being chastised as being rejected it sees it as love because you're going now he's telling me to change this in my life and he's using the lens of loving me with the same love that he loves his son so yes awesome let's make the adjustments it means that help you so I won't I want to give you homework Sparkle and flow somebody better write a song about sparkling flow I'm telling you by the time we get back in here with sparkling flow sparkling flow sparkling flow little choreography in there lynnster total choreography in there just pop it and lock it just a little bit just for a minute just for a minute I won't scare anybody hello I'm so happy so filled with joy uh-huh so have the sense that we're on a path so I have the sense I'm having to own the idea that we're hearing things here's never heard it's a new day John wasn't great because of what he accomplished John was great because he was privileged to live in an hour in which Jesus would be manifested in a way he had never manifested before that's what you and I are living and we're living in a new day a new age a new he on a new epoch as it were amen so I bless you and I send you into the most authentically uninhibited place of your life feel that don't you you are an artist you are not just creative you are made in the image of creator so I say concerning you that you're going to create I say concerning you that you are going to emit frequency and spectrum that is going to be transformative to people who only see things in terms of black and white in the name of Jesus by the authority of Yeshua you're gonna be so convinced over the next two weeks that with the same love the father loves the son he loves you that it's going to begin to give you grace to become the most authentic unique uninhibited expression of who he designed you to be not partially the old you and partially the new you I say concerning you that the old you with its old nature is passed away and inside of the new day the only thing that will fit right is the full expression of who he says that you are you're an overcomer you're one born for triumph you're not a survivor anymore you're not somebody who's making it through the drudgery of another day you are somebody who was called to arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of Almighty Yahweh has risen upon you Yahweh we honor this day we mark this day I thank you for the witness of o2o to 2020 as a reminder that on that day things shifted and may we accept that what you're doing is glorious because you will visit your glorious temple with even more glory so I thank you for the even more glory that you have designed for us in the days to come may the world even over the next two weeks witness a measure of unity inside of a people who have learned to Sparkle and flow together that they look and say Jesus is the sent one of the fathers and the evidence is the unity that his sons and daughters walk in in Jesus name I bless the people I bless them I declare concerning who they are that that is beginning to erupt on the inside of them people that have been subject to depression people have been subject to feelings and senses of worthlessness are beginning to understand how immensely valuable they are to the king and to his kingdom I declare that they're gonna understand how valuable they are to this family and that not one will be will have an orphan spirit present inside of them but they'll fill the fullness of the connection that you've designed them for all the grace strength and protection that comes inside of us being who you designed us to be in the awesome name of Yeshua Christ can you say Amen come on can you say Amen we're gonna get out of here we're gonna get out of here what an incredible few days these podcasts will be available to you just just take them apart piece by piece don't don't listen listen quit eating religion over the next two weeks even make sure you're detoxing from anything you've been eating on that's reinforcing that religious spirit on the inside of you and just become fully who he's designed you to be you're an amazing to say this you're an amazing group of people you're an amazing group of people you are you are helping me be able to do what I was designed to do and could not find the people to do it with for years this has given me permission to enjoy who I'm designed to be in there the more than I ever imagined or dreamed possible and I honor you I'm thankful for that I'm thankful for you giving these musicians and these artists permission to get up there and to create to have space to sit and not sing anything for 15 minutes and nobody to say when we lost it and we're not focused in no no we just artists need space to be able to be artistic and we're creating that space it's just an incredible thing so I'll honor you I bless you those these parts that you've heard today that you don't understand but you know they struck a chord with you right it's the glory of God to hide a word and it's the honor of Kings to search it out so honor searches out what you always hidden they're parts of this you wrote a note now something struck you take it into the secret place and just begin to peel the layers of that back it'll become life-giving for you I would I would give you I would encourage you to spend some time in Isaiah 60 Isaiah 61 I was in 62 it just let the Lord begin to continue to highlight to you that you were designed to be glorious amen I know a bunch of your getting on the road I know some of you still have to catch flights I know some of you changed flight plans to be able to be here somebody said I just passed so I got a note somebody said I passed for people that were at the airport to haven't leaving all of them or look like they were depressed don't forget we've had an incredible weekend just because you missed that last service don't let it don't let it throw water on the campfire you know so but I could understand that feeling it nobody wants to miss what the Lord is doing we'll be back here the 21st 22nd and 23rd we will be in Panama City I think on the 15th and the 16th a Saturday night into Sunday many of you want to want to want to come be a part of that you're gonna be able to come to the meetings in Florida so that's gonna be awesome i know the Crestview folks are like can sleep in your own bed or look for an excuse to get a room on 38 and spend the night Santa Rosa Beach for a little while you can do that too but you're just gonna have an awesome time together we're gonna be there just to jump in and and just embrace the fullness of what the Lord is doing we love you behalf of Tammy and I and on behalf of Brin and Jen really all the sons and daughters thank you again Brynn and Jen for hosting this for let you know Micasa be Tsukasa right because the Tsukasa in the kingdom we love you and honor you bless you we'll see you back here from South Carolina I'll see you Sunday morning I guess on first church wins you're not I ain't coming I'm this one tell you right now I love you [Music]
Channel: Damon Thompson Ministries
Views: 3,289
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Id: braj5VJeW7A
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Length: 137min 36sec (8256 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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