Cargo Handler Build Challenge Final - Part 2 - Stormworks

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and spawning in the next creation um i'm not too sure this is meant to be a crane lifting cargo [Music] challenge everyone my name is mr n jersey and welcome to my channel in this video we are back with part two of the final of the community build challenge two weeks ago i challenged you the community to build the most epic and awesome cargo handler that you could hear in stormwix now we've already checked out the first five we're going to be checking out the second five of those top 10 creations in this video but before we get started if you're enjoying this videos don't forget to hit that like and subscribe button right the little bell icon to get out from upcoming content as soon as it gets posted and while watching let me know your thoughts in the comments below and what else you'd like to see in my future videos well said let's get straight into it and get started with this video and moving on to the first creation of part two is we have the volvo container handler by frederick now this looks really cool i love the design of this and i use these triangle tracks i think this looks really cool and very interesting let's go and jump on and let's see what we have and how it actually works so we can jump into the driver's seat and we have parking brake lights i'm guessing heater back there key switch turn on warning beacons okay we'll turn this off just to help the lag but i'm guessing we just uh go forwards okay that's pretty cool oh it's quick stop stop wow okay um that is very quick if always reverse up and dance let's bring this up um [Music] can we oh wow that's so quick can we left and right is in and out that's quite nice that you can bring it in and out and then we can do up and down oh up and down a pitch oh that's pretty cool so that's going up so then we can bring it like this and then he's also got pitch which is over here oops okay so that's the counterweighted and then we should be able to turn interesting how we turn this so let's put in reverse oh that's cool how it turns like that let's run forwards mode that is really cool i love how the front goes and turns and actually turns the crane at the same time so now we should be able to let's see so let's do pitch and yep pitch is fine then we do in-r which is left and right and then oh we oh it was a slightly tilting you can see that now it's maximum extended let's bring it down before we tip it that is really cool a really nice design on that one uh we can bring it let's bring it up and down so two and then let's go and reverse it here that is a really cool design i love that design there it's so quick if anything i would recommend just changing the gears on this because it's so quick and it's so you know when you're doing such you know my new little details with cargo i don't like seeing a little bit slow or even just a gear mode um but wow that is really cool i actually didn't see the detail he's got at the back here but that looks really quite nice definitely a nice creation let's go and move on to the next one and spawning in the next creation um this was submitted by exploderise and i'm not too sure this is meant to be a crane lifting cargo challenge um and this is a camper van so i'm quite interested to see what's gonna happen um activate crane oh okay that makes a lot more sense now um okay i still don't know how we're gonna do this um but okay let's go and deactivate this and let's can how do we even deactivate this um is there a button somewhere i'm sure there's there was a button um where is the switch to deactivate this i think it's down here somewhere that's a battery there we go oh that wasn't too happy there we go okay it's seems like it's still a little bit wonky up there but let's get into this campervan uh door ignition was already on this is so interesting i don't even know what to say um the camera fan drives really well i let's just see if we can actually reverse it in here um is there a reverse or is it just oh it's automatic okay cool okay so we should be able to bring it i'm thinking about oh no that was a little bit off let's try and bring it to about there and let's know that other direction i'm not good with my reversing skills here so that way yes okay and then we should be able to just bring it back ever so slightly okay and let's bring it back now and i think that should be good yeah put parking brake on okay so let's see how this goes um it's gonna be quite interesting activate it okay we've activated it uh let's get inside here we have extend container mount okay uh reset disable disable okay so in lift it and rotate it we can move it out and we can rotate the piece so that's pretty good actually uh is there any winches or no so no winches something interesting how i'm gonna reach that but we'll see okay and we can extend the container mounts yep there we go and can we bring it down yeah we can i guess that was quite simple actually how well is it gonna lift now is the question here oh come on so and hear these magos going on and off but i can't seem to get this to lift oh those are definitely connected the mangles are definitely connected underneath it you can see the magles underneath there let's extend turn left and right but up and down we cannot go up and down here so we can disconnect so we can reset but i'm actually going to just disconnect the container so you can see it can go up and down we can definitely go up and down with that i'm gonna try can we push it up now so it just won't go up here you can see that if we i'm guessing if we try and bring it in maybe i can't get that to go up i can try to try and brute force it but it almost feels like the okay we are up now what if we try to extend extend so the more i extend the more obviously it drops okay there we go it's gonna try and brute force it okay theoretically theoretically he has made it on there so i'm just going to disconnect the container theoretically he's made it on there what uh what a creation um ethereum theoretically it did it so what a creation let's go and move on to the next one and moving on to the next creation we have the case by president donald trump uh uh looks pretty cool a nice little paint scheme obviously i don't like the paint blocks he's gonna use very real um so pretty cool obviously it looks very similar to one of the other cranes that we checked out in part one let's just close the door nice job ignition exterior beacon lights uh road mode boom in our claw camera iso claws batteries throttles cool okay so we can actually go and move it there pretty straightforward so far turning it looks like it's okay with turning okay we need to get this up now so [Music] boom up and down okay so that's fine uh left and right rotate boom in and out so beam out cool and we can rotate it a bit move forward a bit okay and then we need to get the we actually need to extend that so let's see where's options here so iso select we go is that maybe one more no that's too far out okay so let's do 27. move the crane ever slide to the right here okay and then we should be able to bring the boom down so actually we need to rotate that there we go so boom down and let's bring the boom okay so actually wait hold on we're already connected cool so let's go and bring this up now okay so we are up let's do boom out can we rotate this at the same time oh actually hold on we shouldn't be able to rotate whole boom actually let's go and put it here stop it okay so it seems like it's rotating the tracks at the same time but that's fine got it there let's do boom done yeah pretty straightforward nice and we can do release and then boom up oh it's yeah and really nice very smooth very nice and easy to operate he's done a good job with that one looks really cool too i haven't checked out that back area i'm guessing the engine oh can i stop this turn off um it's going to uh okay i'm now stuck in inside this window okay there we go i want to see what's on the back there so there's a room in the back ansible sign okay so it looks like we've got some engines and things we can override the engines in here cool okay this looks really nice um really cool creation let's go and move on to the next one and moving on to the next one we have a truck done by lyson now this is the first actual truck that we've seen for this challenge which is pretty cool um it looks really nice it's got a nice little detailing on this looks like it's obviously got its supports there um but overall yeah it looks very clean just looks like it's just going to work really nicely so let's jump inside let's see crane controls are they i'm guessing they're in the cab okay so okay so we have crane controls here and we actually have the driver over there so master parking brakes i'm guessing this is on already it is too okay cool so let's go and just drive it up next to container here or try to okay it looks like it's a electric like a diesel electric drive system so we're just going to drive it up here we're going to touch that a bit okay let's get parking brakes on uh hello parking brakes okay i'm guessing parking brakes are now yes they are okay cool so now we're in here we can go and get into the crane operator and let's see how this is going to work so we need to first get our connector so let's see so we got stow so that's unstow so i just pressed one it's not doing its own thing crane looks really cool though okay you can see our supports are going out i'm guessing they're gonna get locked on in a few seconds okay i'm guessing the supports are locked okay uh so we should be able to move this crane oh that looks pretty cool uh we can do extend okay let's bring it down we'll get connected there to the supports here okay so i'm guessing that's connected now yep okay so let's bring it up okay we need to release the connectors there we go and then we can bring it round can we rotate yeah we can look at that we can rotate it just like that and we can bring it in cool we can bring it down get the other side connected cool uh we can bring it out we can bring it up at the same time as my goals don't seem like they're on okay let's try again let's try and can we lift it oh come on you want to lift so come on lift it's just moving the truck so that's up can we try and get the truck up can we try and get this crane up now just just just lifted it i don't know what else i can do here to get that lifted tried rotating it come on maybe we can just brute force it it seems like it doesn't have enough power to lift it come on up almost come on yeah it just doesn't seem like it's got enough power to lift it there so maybe this is going to be the first one that we can't we can't actually lift with i guess it is i can't think of anything else we can do flatbed connectors but that doesn't do anything we've got release adapter so those are the adapter connectors that we just released so yeah it looks like we are unable to do this one um pity though i would have thought it would have done it but maybe i did something wrong but you guys let me know in the comments below see let me know if you guys can get this to lift this the specific weight container um yeah i just don't know what happened but it's still really cool creation i love the idea uh let's go and move on to the next creation and spawning in the last creation done by tt this is a very interesting one of course it is don't really know how this thing is quite balanced i'm guessing there is a weight system here at the back um but you can see there is only wheels on either side this is very interesting very very interesting and very cool let's check this out let's see how this is going to work um so i'm guessing we go in here we get inside the seats can we close the door oh it's closed itself okay uh we got okay we went up a bit uh we can go forwards we can look at that okay we can move ourselves forwards still trying to understand how this thing is keeping itself level and i'm guessing it's a weight system at the back but um let's go and get this container let's see if we can actually bring this up onto onto the ship here so we can just move forwards i'm guessing uh hold on let's get the raise oops now i want to raise that okay and then let's move forward a bit okay let's lower it oops no it looks like we've got it stuck on the connector there so let's bring it up let's bring it back ever so slightly no other way okay um let's try and bring its boards and not on okay can we get the k okay magnets okay so the magnets are on so we've got it on can we bring it up oh yep you can see it's leveling itself with those batteries at the back it's trying it's trying switch to the side oh my it's not extending itself i'm gonna go all the way to the heart okay i'm gonna stop there let's be fair to it it's still extending itself though uh let's rotate this this is very interesting what's okay let's go i like the spotlights also those are really cool where's the switch though for them um oh too there we go spotlights are cool and he's done it well can we stop at the stop stop okay let's lower this thing there is no it doesn't look like there's an extend option um but there is definitely can obviously you can see there it can definitely go and put it there so we can go and do that put magnets off up again and then reverse this is so cool and so interesting so interesting um he's done a great job with this very very interesting what is off what is what does it off mean so i'm guessing it's just off meaning it's doesn't it's not connected to anything yeah so magnets off what a cool interesting creation something i've never ever seen here to this extent really cool let me know in the comments what you guys think of this one um but yeah so we checked out the top 10 now it's time to actually find a winner so we've gone and spawned in a few of the creations unfortunately we can't spawn all of them in at the same time uh because there's so many things going on here now of course it's time to pick a winner of this challenge and everyone hit the brief uh unfortunately there was only one creation that couldn't make it uh and actually put it on but the rest of them did make it i was really shocked with this camper van um i don't know what he was thinking um but it's still it's a good laugh um really good job with the campervan but all the creations are really cool um i think if i was to narrow it down to my two favorites out of the whole lot would probably be these two just over here on the left the volvo and also the industrial tt lifter both of these are really cool i thought the first little volvo there had a really interesting design that worked really really well but uh and i still think also that tt's done a great job especially with that balancing of the crane there it's also he's counterbalanced it which is really smart in height he's actually built that and of course now it's time to decide and crown a winner for this little challenge and i think it's gonna have to go to tt for this one it's such an unusual and interesting and mind-bending creation that i think it deserves to win um and definitely second place up to the vulva there i think it was absolutely incredible all the creations were they all really were really impressive and i can't believe what you guys have managed to put through for this for this challenge so that brings it to the end of this challenge obviously there will be another one very shortly we have got version one coming out very soon so definitely keep an eye out for the content related to version one uh and as always thank you very much everyone for submitting your own creations for this challenge uh definitely be proud of every single one of them they were absolutely incredible and as always i hope you have enjoyed this video and far so maintaining and informative as always and we'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 16,411
Rating: 4.9711714 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, update, news, major, next, island, map, area, snow, mountain, land, friday, improvements, thumbnail, screens, monitors, radio, camera, lua, code, script, laser, distance, shark, megalodon, attack, bug, electric, battery, winch, cable, fuel, space, space engineers, seats, car, racing, pipes, rails, sonar, radar, new, audio, link, BASE, spawn, new game, game, wedges, slope, winches, connector, rope, logic, node, train, high speed, 125, network, rail, CHALLENGE
Id: ErWN0ftxNr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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