NEW REMOTE CONTROLLER!!! - Stormworks Version 1.0

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[Music] hello everyone my name is mr and jersey and welcome to my channel yes we are back with some more version one content for you here in stormwix now in this video we're going to be having a look at the brand new remote control unit handheld item that we have here in version 1. we're going to go through it kind of show you how to actually use it and how you can set up in one of your own creations i'm actually going to test it on two different vehicles here in stomachs but before we get started if you are enjoying this videos don't forget that like and subscribe button and look a little bell icon to get enough of my upcoming content as soon as it gets posted and while you're watching let me know your thoughts in the comments below and what else you'd like to see in my future videos so i said let's get straight into it and get started with this video so we're back here in the world of stormworks in version one and we're going to be taking a look at the new handheld remote controller now with this new handheld remote controller add-on that we got this actually enabled us to do a lot of really cool things here in stormworks the possibilities are pretty much endless on what you can do with them now the handheld controller works pretty basically you need to obviously have it in your inventory and you can see here that we can go and have a look at it we can press the b button to actually cycle the frequency at which it transmits out at it goes all the way from zero up to nine so anything that you are controlling whether it's a crane or a car or vehicle it needs to have a frequency from zero to nine now you'll notice here that if i switch over to frequency number three and i do a left click which enables this controller it pretty much acts as a seat now you can see i've already hooked up a little radio over here to this little car that i have and i can actually go and drive it pretty simple quite straightforward as you can see now this is a very rudimentary example of what you can do with this another cool thing with this is i can actually turn it off i can carry on moving and i can switch it to channel 2 for example and you'll now notice that i can go and control my crane over here which is pretty cool too so you get endless opportunities with this new remote controller and once again as i said it's quite easy to actually figure out how it works now it requires a little bit of logic so i'm going to show you how to actually go and get that sorted out so we're going to do is we're going to start off here we're going to go and delete my mac controller that i was working on and we're going to create a brand new mic controller for our example we're going to go and click on the new mic controller button and this time i'm going to call it let's say our remote video okay there we go i've called the remote video now the size of it is up to you you can add as many different controls on this as you want or as little controls as you want once again as i said it's up to you for example we're going to go with a 2x3 mic controller we're going to go and switch over to the logic and we're going to start adding our logic on the first thing we're going to want is going to be a composite in that's going to come from our radio and it's going to go to our actual vehicle itself or to our crane the next thing we want is going to be a number output and that's going to be allowing us to actually change the signal frequency okay along with that you're also going to need your actual controls so for example we'll need w s we will also need our a and d and um for my example i'm going to have a um number one and i'm going to have a number two because you can also output that hotkeys also which are just on off notes we're going to go and make this a number a number and we're going to put it outputs and then when we come down to the one and two we're just going to make them output also we're going to spread that across our actual mic controller as you can see it just fits in my microcontroller we can then switch over to the logic i'm just going to go and move this around so it's nice and easy to see what we're actually going to be doing and once we have that we're then going to now and go and read the composite and convert it into number and on offs to do that we can scroll down you can see we have a composite read number and a composite green on off we can do the on off add two of them here and we can go and get the number and we can add two of them here once we have that the next thing we want to do is obviously do our signal so let's go and find our signal which is over here we're going to use a constant number and i'm going to say that for this mic controller it's going to be signal number four okay so that's what's going to tell it to read on channel 4. we're then going to get our composite and connect it up to all of our readers and then we can go in and see okay well this is number two so i'm going to put this on channel number two this is going to be channel number one so i'm going to leave it on channel number one and then i can go down and connect these two i know that my a d is channel number one so i'm gonna make sure it's number one and we're gonna get connected and i know that my ws is number two okay if you're ever confused on what numbers it actually works on just grab a seat and hover over it and it'll actually tell you what numbers you can read on once we've got this we can go and save it so i'm going to call it my remote video i can close this off and i'm going to go and get it and i'm going to place it on my creation now what we're going to do for our example right now is i'm going to get some dials okay i'm going to get two dials so we can actually read the numbers and we can kind of do example here and i'm going to get two lights just to make sure that everything is actually working so we're going to say that this one is going to be our w and s and this one is going to be on our ad this one will be 1 and this one will be two we of course can go and get everything connected so one from a microcontroller over to the light switch two over to the light switch a d over to our a and d and we can get a w s to over to rws our signal can go over to our little radio we can make sure we have our electric connected and lastly we're going to connect our composite from our radio into our actual mic controller we can then go and spawn that in and we can now go and test it make sure that you set your radio frequency to the right frequency i know this one's not frequency number four and i can go and click my remote controller and you'll notice now if i press one the light goes on if i press 2 the light goes on if i press w you can see this is moving forwards and it moves backwards if i do left and right it goes and moves left and right okay so it's reading the signals from this mic controller and also from the actual remote control well how do we get this connected up to a crane or a vehicle for example well it works in two different ways by default the remote controller works as a push button okay in theory for your controls it is not sticky so for example if we were to connect this directly up to my crane so if i do w s to let's say the up and down of my crane and let's do the a and d to the rotate if i go and connect that up now you will notice that it goes and it constantly moves it okay and you see it goes back to its starting position it doesn't stick at its position there it's not a sticky number okay it's a reset so we need some way of making it sticky now unfortunately it is no option on the remote controller to make it sticky as it is right now while it's resetting it's perfect for a car okay because you don't want it to always be going forward always turning left you only wanted to do that when you push the button so making it reset is perfect but for a crane not so good so to actually change that you can simply go back into the mic controller for your actual crane itself and we're going to add a few different things here so we're going to go and make a little bit of space and i'm going to go and disconnect wns and disconnect the amd the next thing we're going to do is we're going to use some threshold gates i'm going to get four threshold gates and you can go and set these now to pretty much anything you want but what we want is we want one to read if it's negative so we're going to go from negative 1 to let's do negative 0.5 well actually let's do 0.4 and then we're going to the positive we're going to do the same thing so 0.4 and 1. i'm going to repeat the same process for the second batch so minus 1 and minus 0.4 and then 0.421 okay we're going to get those connected up to the numbers that we're reading and we're going to go and simply use an up and down so what it's doing is it's reading the value and saying okay if you're above 0.3 go and move it up if you're below 0.3 or negative 0.3 you're going to move it down and so on and so forth so we're going to get this connected up okay and then you're going to go on to your up and down and this is where you can configure it you can set a clamp if you want to we're not going to do it for our example and we're going to put the increments as 0.05 okay you're going to change this as much as you want to adjust your sensitivity so if you want more sensitivity increases if you want less sensitivity decrease this we're going to go into our second up and down do the same thing and now we're just going to go and simply connect to our ind okay we're going to connect it to ind here we can then click on the update button we can then go and make sure everything is still connected and we can go and spawn this in i'm going to go move over to the crane here so you can see a better example so before what was happening as was always resetting to its starting position so i'm going to click and open it now let's use the up and down okay and you can see it is moving up and down but this is moving way too quickly for us okay really really too quick so we can go back into it we can adjust one of two things we can either adjust the speed at which this rotates at okay or we can go into the mic controller and adjust the speed at which it does on up and down let's just stick with these two and let's see what difference that makes so we're going to enable the controller again let's have a look okay so that is still a little bit too quick for my liking so i'm going to go back into my mic controller and i'm going to adjust the sensitivity all i have to do is go to my up and down and i'm going to change the so let's make it a 0.01 okay so we now have adjusting on that we're going to go and click on update again click on spawn we can now move over to our creation and let's see if it's a little bit less sensitive perfect there we go you can see i can move it down and i can keep on moving down up i can move it left and right as i need to and as i said you can adjust the sensitivity as much as you want to okay we can even use the up and down to move that winch up and down so how about this let's go back in we're going to use the one and two to actually move the winch so one is going to go to bring it down and two is going to bring it up let's spawn in again we're going to run over to our creation let's go and use it let's go and move the crane a bit just get the winch to move the rope down and then let's go and press the one button that brings the actual winch down okay and two will bring the winch up okay and you can see the winch is now going up if i stop it i can press one and it's going to drop down okay you can once again change the sensitivity on your actual winch itself so that's how you use the little radio remote controller i think it's a really cool thing like controlling your cranes on the back of your trucks or maybe on the back of your ship or even driving up to a port and controlling the crane that refuels your your boat i think these are really cool and i can't wait to see what people are going to be creating with this remote control unit i would like to see some changes to it possibly a setting on it where you can change it from either sticky to a reset i'd love to see some type of way of changing that but of course at the moment there isn't uh and yeah i think it's a really cool thing but once again guys i would love to hear your comments in the video description below let me know what you think of this new remote control unit are you going to be using it in your creations are you not as always love to hear your comments but i hope you enjoyed the video and follow to maintaining and informative as always and we'll see you in the next one [Music] foreign
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 28,993
Rating: 4.9468689 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, update, news, major, next, island, map, area, snow, mountain, land, friday, improvements, thumbnail, screens, monitors, radio, camera, lua, code, script, laser, distance, shark, megalodon, attack, bug, electric, battery, winch, cable, fuel, space, space engineers, seats, car, racing, pipes, rails, sonar, radar, new, audio, link, BASE, spawn, new game, game, wedges, slope, winches, connector, rope, logic, node, MODULAR, ENGINES
Id: lZdGTt2XU_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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