Car Stories #6: More Insane customer stories from the CAR WIZARD! Where do these people come from?!?

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it's that time again for crazy shop stories and I know you guys really love these videos I've got seven of them that are insane let's get started [Music] the first story I have there was actually an Enthusiast group that came through I'm not going to mention any names or give too many details but it was a group of guys that really liked a certain brand of car they came through to tour the shop which isn't the problem it's not a big deal I I enjoy doing that but they brought along some very strange people with them as they're walking around the shop one of them actually goes up to Daniel's son to talk to him you know he's talking car talk and halfway through the conversation and me standing right next to Daniel's son and literally farts on Danielson stop speaking mid-sentence go silent basically and just walks away he didn't finish the conversation it was like Danielson was like what just happened it's it's crazy guys anyways the group is still moving around looking at different cars talking and a guy comes up to me and says hey I've got this old Porsche 928 imagine that a Porsche 928 it's not running it's a part in boxes I took it apart years ago it's literally in every piece down to every bolt every piece every part in some storage area that he has he said what I want you to do car wizard I'll send you the body and everything first it's just an empty shell and every month I will send you a box of parts and you will assemble those parts put it back together and the next month I'll send you another box he said that's the only way I can afford to do this I don't have the money up front to give it to you one box a month and piece by piece will get this thing back together and get it back on the road and I just looked at him and said you probably won't have all the parts we'll be missing bolts there'll be months go by that we're communicating back and forth that this is missing that's missing this got broken during shipping there may be you send the parts I actually look at them and find out that they're actually not usable they're worn out bearings are shot I said this sounds like a really bad proposition and I said in fact we don't do Restorations here we don't I said you really need to get all these parts together on a truck and take them out to the West Coast and have somebody restore it it'll be basically a frame off restoration but the frame off part is already done I said but very likely you're looking at at least 20 to 30 grand if not 50. he said so you won't do the one box a month thing I said no I don't I said I don't know any shop anywhere would even be 10 interested in this project but said I'm sorry but no anyways the rest of the tour went well everything everything was happy they left and they were happy but to this day we still talk Danielson jokes about the guy that farted on him it's like who does that it's like I don't know I don't know who does that but apparently this guy did the second one is actually it's more crazy than it is funny it's not really funny it's actually kind of scary it actually happened this week last week a customer put their Dodge Ram on a shipping truck I think they chose probably the cheapest they could find which was the first mistake it was supposed to be here Monday to have the dash removed and do all the flaps and actuators like which is common on the Dodge Ram they break inside the HVAC case and you guys have actually seen a video on that not too long ago Magic Mike did one of those where we put metal doors in new actuators all the way from Arizona that customer's still very happy with their their work but finally got a call on Monday the customer said the Dodge Ram is not going to be showing up today possibly not at all this week because the shipping company that picked it up I can't get a hold of them they're supposed to call me when they got to a certain point or whatever let me know what's going on I don't even know where my truck is at I don't know if it's even going to make it there it's like they've gone totally radio silent there's no communication no email no text no phone call nothing he said they should have been there by now there should have been some calls hey I made it into Kansas I'll be there Monday or I'm running behind or something but it's just been absolute silence he's like I'm actually worried that they put my truck on the back of their trailer and they took it it's gone forever it's like oh my goodness so Monday we we had kind of a gap there because possibly this customer's truck is stolen now it may show up sometime this week and we'll say oh good I'm glad it didn't get stolen but as of now it appears that this customer has lost their truck forever and you say well get the police involved call the where are you going to go where did they even drive you don't even know where it's at it's probably you know it's possible that it's in Mexico it's gone get chopped up at a chop shop and you won't find it no cops are going to find it no FBI is going to find it that's not obviously not a funny story but it is a crazy story but some of the things to do with at the shop that's how many people have to put up with that that's crazy so maybe if you're going to ship your car somewhere on the vehicle put one of those little iPhone Air tag deals where you can monitor where it's at or at least choose a reputable shipping company and not the cheapest you guys know in the shop the cheapest price is sometimes the worst idea the bad idea in all the different choices you have so on to the next crazy story the next one's not funny either it's more along the lines it doesn't make any sense it's really a waste of resources and time customer shipped us an F-150 all the way from New Jersey New York somewhere up there in the upper Northeast part of the country it had two pages worth of things that were to be done it was tons of work it was going to be thousands of dollars because there was so much work to do we got the estimate together and we seemed like things were going to go okay but there was a concern about an oil leak from a head gasket because head gaskets can blow and not necessarily blow as far as coolant getting into the oil it could just leak oil out of the side of the head gasket and down the block and actually doesn't damage anything other than it leaks oil we finally cleaned it up checked it over and found out the valve cover gaskets were leaking not the head gasket we could physically watch the oil coming out of the valve cover gasket and dripping down the block we actually filmed it on my phone for proof and evidence and sent it to the customer and the customer refused to accept it he said no I talked to my buddy my buddy said the head gasket's blown I'm just sure that's what it is you need to quote me the head gaskets I said guy if I pull your heads off of this 5.4 liter motor it's going to be timing chains guides it's going to be thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars and it's not leaking I see he's like no it's not the valve cover and finally it was back and forth for a couple of days I finally told the guy I said I'm not replacing your head gaskets there is nothing even leaking out of them I have video evidence showing that it is the valve cover gasket I'm not tearing your engine apart he said I tell you what car wizard he said there's two pages worth of things I wanted you to do he said skip all of it park my truck outside I'll bring my truck back to New Jersey okay so we don't get to do anything he said nope he said I told you this head gasket's leaking oil and you just won't hear me so we're done so we didn't get to do anything that vehicle went back shipped it probably cost him fifteen hundred dollars to get it here and another fifteen hundred dollars to get it back three grand wasted for nothing it's like could we at least have skipped the whole oil leak thing and fix the rest for you no skip it all kind of like the old saying cutting off your nose to spite your face say okay well have your truck back we didn't even charge many things like get it out of here then I'm done you're done I'm done goodbye so the fourth one is actually this guy named Tyler he has this YouTube channel it is the dumbest Automotive YouTube channel in all of YouTube wait a minute I've heard of him I actually enjoyed doing business with him never mind forget that one that we're not going to go that way it is a it is a dumb Automotive Channel you guys agree it is the dumbest Automotive channel in all of YouTube anyways let's talk about the real story I had but this story I'm going to tell you is it can be funny it's also disturbing we had a younger guy I don't know the age you sound like a younger guy called crazy D in the office he was making strange noises almost like demonic sounds like hissing and growling and yelling various un intelligible things you don't you couldn't understand what he was saying he kept calling you know you could hang up you know whatever hang up but he kept calling and calling and calling I actually went through my phone provider and blocked that number but this person used another number and they kept doing that and finally I said well I guess I'll take the call and I'll try to set this guy straight and say look you got to stop calling us I don't know what you're trying to do here but this is not funny and through all the hissing and garble and whatever he was trying to say some clear words did come out when I was on the phone with him he said he's going to come down here and all of us that work here crazy D me Danielson everybody that works here he was going to hang us from the rafters and put phallic devices in our back ends and in our mouths and at that moment I started to think it was kind of funny and then I said no this stuff really does happen you watch the news there's some really weird stuff people die it's like I never thought this guy was serious until it was too late actually called the cops and they got some other agencies involved in things and they really never could trace him down they never could figure it out and they say if he calls back we'll we'll dig a Little Deeper but because he's out of state there's not a whole lot we can do and it ended up the guy never called back I never heard from him again but what turned into hey check this out this guy is funny this is hahaha and real quick it the tables turned real fast it's like okay this isn't funny anymore and what he just told us what if he actually does try to kill us so I better call the cops that was insane guys that actually had us all on edge for the next few weeks we're just watching everyone that comes in the door luckily we have security cameras and everything could be recorded but still just part of dealing with the public I guess it's really really strange on to the next one oh look it's more hoovies garage cars the dumbest Automotive decisions made on the planet but I'm glad he makes them we get to work on them and I enjoy working on all of his cars I enjoy being his friend he's a really really good guy so now on to the next one it's actually baffling to me it's not really a crazy story but crazy D in the office has actually had to field four or five calls and I've had to talk them down to not do it as someone to ship their car from Hawaii to Kansas to have the car wizard work on their car and I get that they want someone on us to do a real good job an honest job and have it fixed once and for all to get their car back and they just enjoy their car but every time I would talk to them it's like you realize your your car is going to have to be put onto a ship and shipped over to California then put onto a transport it could cost you five grand four to five grand to get it here and four to five grand to get it back you could be out eight or ten Grand just shipping alone and they're they're like yeah I get that I'm fine with it I'm like no there has to be someone local to do this work for you and every time it's been simple stuff like a timing belt or breaks or different things it's like really you should look around the Hawaiian islands and find someone who can do this for you there's got to be somebody there that can get you taken care of and get you good service maybe they're not the best or maybe the prices are a little high I would pay the higher prices than rather than pay the shipping eight or ten Grand I said I told him I said you know I would be happy to work on your car but I really think you should think this through that's a lot of money it's not like we're talking about a McLaren P1 or some old Bentley that's worth a million dollars or something these were like Toyotas and Fords and Chevys and stuff like I don't know most I guess most shops probably don't have to put up with people shipping their cars from Hawaii but I had to talk them all down all four of them and say don't do it really don't so now we have another dumb Automotive decision but it's not Tyler's this is the one you guys have seen where the customer wanted to salvage it they said send it to the junkyard and I actually bought it for them and we're getting it fixed up and as insane as this looks it's kind of insane like the story I'm about to tell you we actually had a truck driver stop through was a fan of the channel and they were passing through delivering their goods or whatever and they asked could they get a tour of the shop so crazy D gave him a tour of the shop they were walking around then he started getting some tools at some of my other Mechanics Tools and it's like hey I can join in I can help you guys out I can I can actually help you get some work done today I don't have anything else going on and I said no no no no no my insurance guy will not like you working in here first of all I don't even know who you are I don't even know if you're going to do a quality job you're not an employee here you can't be working on my customers cars he understood that he put the tools down he was walking around he went to talk to Michael which is Magic Mike you guys know Magic Mike he actually tried to convince him to go take a break with him and go in his truck with him and leave he's like man we could go cruising together we could go have a good time we can listen to some music you can see the the countryside Michael's like bro I'm at work I have to work and I got to go home tonight I can't go on a truck with you somewhere he's like well my truck's right out there we can hang it we can be buddies we can Michael's like no bro let me tell you again no I'm not going anywhere with you I didn't know this was happening so after he got rejected by Michael he went to Daniel's son and said the same thing hey let's go hang out in my truck we can hit the road I could show you some really cool highways some different things and finally Danielson came and got me he's like this guy's trying to take us and put it in his truck and leave and I came out and I said hey buddy I'm glad you stopped by it's time for you to leave he said well I'm not done I said yes I guarantee you you are done or I'm going to call the cops all right yeah he says I don't want the cops just yeah I'm good I'm gonna get in my truck and leave it's like okay so he got in his truck and he left but it took a while he sat out there for a good 15 or 20 minutes I don't know what he was doing and I don't want to know what what he was doing finally the person left and never seen him again but it just got me thinking who does that walk into a random shop no one even knows who you are and you're going to work on the cars and then you're going to take the mechanics on a cruise in your truck to God knows where and they're supposed to be on the clock working for me I don't know it took me a few days to just kind of grasp it it's like I couldn't even think something up like that who does that so that's insane and another dumb Automotive decision actually like this car I would love to have it it's a really cool car but I'm not trying to buy any more cars right now me and with wizard have other plans than cars right now this is the last story and at first when it starts off it seems like it's normal but it gets crazy towards the end again this is another F-150 I don't know why we have problems with F-150s but an F-150 came in it's like an 0506 I don't even remember why it was here it was quite a bit ago but one of the mechanics came and got me says car wizard I just want you to sit in the driver's seat and I was like what's wrong is the driver's seat broken or they're like no just we don't want to sit in the car and once you sit in there you'll see why so I hopped in and I looked around and I started seeing what they were talking about up in the roof was a rifle I think it was an AR-15 so okay whatever you know so I started looking around and beside both sides of the driver's seat were two pistols in holsters kind of like mounts or something like that behind the seats was a shotgun and when I opened the center console and looked in there there were two more pistols and holsters inside of there and that was odd enough I was like why so many guns is this guy like a drug Runner or something again I don't have a problem with guns but here is the problem it's a safety concern anyone who even collects guns will agree with me on this I was in the military I know a thing or two about weapons I started looking at these especially the AR-15 I started noticing every weapon that I saw in the vehicle had a clip loaded fully loaded with a round in the chamber and the safety was off on every one of these weapons I really didn't mess with them too much I'd raise them up just a little bit to kind of take a look the safeties were off the AR-15 had a clip in it I pulled the charging handle back a little bit and I saw there was a round in the chamber and the safety was off on it as well I got out of the vehicle I called the customer I said at any given time one of these could go off and put a bullet hole in one of my mechanics I said come and get your truck take all these weapons out of the vehicle then bring the vehicle back and we'll be happy to work on it but we don't I mean we're going to fix your truck I don't need all these weapons in here they could be working ratcheting underneath your car and then bow one of them goes off and I have a dead mechanic we hear all the horror stories of children playing around with guns or things happening like that and if you're going to have guns you should have safety you should have all the safety mechanisms and everything in place you know like I said I don't have a problem with guns but why is all these the safeties off locked and loaded round in the chamber I mean this guy is driving and it's like as if they were ready to go right now start pulling out putting out bullets everywhere zombie apocalypse maybe that's what it was I never got into the conversation with him why I really didn't care why I was just like look bro I get what you're trying to do just just get all the weapons out of the truck and bring the truck back we'll be happy to fix it for you I just don't need any of that going on I don't need the liability he said I'll take my truck I will not be coming back because that's how I operate that's how I roll I'm not taking the weapons out and I said then don't bring the truck back he said I will not and he left and until this day I think about that I was like why was he so afraid of that I mean like I said guns is cool and everything but why are we rolling with around in the chamber and all these weapons with the safeties off it's like I don't know why he's afraid of what was going on I really don't care I'm just glad that that vehicle was gone that felt very strange it was like is this guy ready to take people out right now or think about this guy in traffic road rage and things this guy's got a round ready just for you I don't want to be involved with what he's got going on though so that was crazy so that's it for the crazy stories I know you guys enjoy to hear some of the wild stuff that happens here at Omega and some of the things are they're very very well like you just heard the reality is most days go by nothing crazy happens we have a good day and everything goes as planned but these are accumulated over years this this didn't just happen in the last couple of months this has accumulated over the years there's many more stories I could keep going but I'll save that for another video someday definitely wanted to share you guys some of the things we go through here at Omega some of them are funny some of them are mundane and some of them are actually scary there's a few that I just told you that was actually frightening very scary so the curious what kind of tools we use to work on a lot of vehicles I just showed you check my Amazon Affiliates Link in the description below we get a small cut we really appreciate it and make sure to hit the Subscribe button because we have so many more cool videos to come thanks for watching [Music] thank you
Channel: Car Wizard
Views: 281,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car wizard, david long, hoovies garage, tyler hoover, car issues with tyler hoover, omega auto clinic, car repair, car maintenance, Hoovie, mechanic, Car issues, BendPak, Car trek, Car, Repair, stories, customers, crazy, insane
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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