We Drove the Worst Reviewed Car in America

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this is the most negatively reviewed car of 2023 it's called the VIN fast vf8 and it has been ridiculed by critics and car viewers left and right but how bad could it be is this thing really going to shut off while we're driving like some people claim or all these rumors just blowing this fledgling company's problems out of proportion welcome to Donut vinfest is a Vietnamese car company that just launched in America a couple of months ago the vf8 is a mid-sized electric SUV that costs about 50 Grand so it's competing with cars like this but in the short time that it's been available in the US Car journalists have described a number of major issues we're going to test each of these complaints working our way up to the most severe claims from these journalists and the first thing we're going to test is the startup sequence all right so we got the VIN fast outside apparently the startup sequence is pretty tough to figure out I got a little timer here we're going to see how long it takes the boys to figure out how to get this car moving let's go when you touch this car the timer starts all right touch the car like touch yeah that's not true oh I'm holding it [Music] there's no obvious start button I'm gonna guess what [Music] how do you start this car eating time steering Drive we've been making cars for over a hundred years just make it work like a car put on the brake put it on the brake a thing press Drive that took you one minute and eight seconds well I did complain for quite a bit yeah I mean well in hindsight it's pretty intuitive so what's the deal you have to put the the close the doors put the seat belt on and hold the brake and press the drive yeah that's not bad seat belts have to be buckled look I don't want to sound like I'm just going to be completely defending this thing all day but look if you're gonna complain about a slightly different startup procedure that is not that different it's possible that you might be a little sensitive so that's why we got this board behind us we're gonna be testing a lot of different complaints that car reviewers had uh from simple things like the blinker being different to something as Extreme as battery failure all right so where'd Vin fast even come from Vin fast was started by Vietnam's wealthiest man family and it seems like the way things are going and moving this is the kind of company that throws money in a problem the infest was founded in 2017 and began selling cars in 2018 and they would continue with that fast-moving trajectory delivering their Flagship Car the vf-8 for test driving in the states and globally in 2022. now considering that that's during covid a five-year path from inception to full-blown Flagship EV production is not just fast Nolan it's been fast which might be too fast let's move on to the next thing that outraged all of these car reviewers the blinkers according to a journalist from Motor Trend quote I may not like the way a turn signal sounds but I expect it to work every time I use it one of the bfh that launch didn't even do that all right so the first thing we're gonna test is the blinkers James which apparently you'll you'll set your blinker One Direction if you go even slightly the other direction they'll turn off it's still on yeah it's actually you're making some jerking it's actually to an annoying I'm annoyed that it's not off yet yeah yeah maybe they died yeah I mean it's the opposite of what was claimed it doesn't turn off well enough so the turn signals technically worked but something else reviewers have pointed out is the barrage of sounds this car makes according to inside EVS the car quote constantly chimes with warnings while driving we did just get alerted that there was a car to our rear left blinker's not on I'm not switching lanes yeah hey just so you know there's someone behind you it's like I know yeah no I get it I'm gonna keep an eye on the Chimes uh for the rest of the day we're gonna count how many we get I feel like that might be a non-issue or it could be the most annoying thing we ever encounter in our entire lives is not even giving us like a reason emergency in this car's giving me a tick apparently the Chimes are that bad and that brings us to another major critique the wonky driving assistance features apparently the VIN fast lane assist has no safeguards and we've heard most drivers turn these driving AIDS off all together my Lane assist in my rear view mirror and like is intermittent on not on not on not on there's a Mustang coming up come on that's not good uh I'm good still good to change lanes passing just tons okay yeah I see that that's not very that's not good it's even worse than not having it at all because it suggests that I should have some sort of confidence in it and it tells me like hey I got your back yep I don't trust this now we're kind of like that should be an easy thing to get right yeah that's not proprietary Tech that's something that's been in the industry for 20 years now at least why can't we do that oh my God if you don't have your blinker on you can't switch lanes no way yeah do it again uh but like can you imagine if if you went to switch lanes and you didn't turn your blinker on and I grabbed the wheel it was like that's not safe bro it's not safe dude this car's abuse it just jerked me okay I feel it next up on our list of complaints is what happens when you put the car in Reverse quote put the vf8 in Reverse to back out of a spot and the whole car shutters violently see here shuttering not feeling any shuddering are you no now because the turning radius is so bad I'm gonna have to do a three-point turn to get out of our normal parking spot so it didn't shudder in Reverse but the turning radius is awful awful awful so do you want to give it give it a bus is that where we're at in our lives and that brings us to the overall ride quality a road and track Rider said quote the VIN fast vf-8 has the worst body control of any modern car I've ever driven riding in the passenger seat I became sick for the first time in years end quote it can't be that nauseating right we just got to like kind of vote the worst part of the freeway here in Los Angeles and I it's not a great ride but dude this bounciness is pretty rough I mean this is a pretty crummy section of the 405 but uh there's kind of a good amount of road noise a lot of road noise and the bumps are not great oh yeah this car like one of the reviewers said I'm not being hyperbolic I got nauseous and like I kind of made fun of them yeah I'm a little nauseous dude I have like a headache I have a headache it's from all the jostling around and also just like the stress of the situation yeah what we're feeling Here is known as oversprung under dampened suspension the Springs are too stiff and without strong enough shock absorbers the car bounces around a lot more than it should we have a few more egregious claims to test but let's talk about what vinfast is doing to make things right by their customers according to Vin fast they're patching the majority of these issues with software upgrades things like faulty blinkers the annoying Chimes the walking driver's AIDS will likely all go away soon and they're also doing something downright bizarre to compensate owners they've launched a program called the special after sales policy quotes then fast strives to promptly address all vehicle issues and provide customers with direct support including service vouchers or cash based on the issue specifically these issues are classified into the following types type 1 issues these are issues that cause an inconvenience but you not impact the use of the vehicle eligible customers will receive one hundred dollars for each type one issue that they experience I think we'd get a couple hundred bucks type two issues render a vehicle inoperable so in addition to providing roadside assistance bin fast will provide eligible customers with three hundred dollars for each type 2 issue that they experience type 3 issues require a repair time of more than three days and so from the fourth day onward eligible customers will receive one hundred dollars each additional day that their vehicle is being serviced by VIN fast end quote end quote I've never heard anything like that it is such a funny amount of money too you spent fifty thousand dollars on a new car and then when it doesn't work they're like here hey on the fourth day I'll start giving you a hundred dollars it's like a bad roommate what the hell now for one of the most annoying grievances about the vehicle car and driver said that between some of the vfh they tested quote one had a jumpy accelerator another laggy the uh there's a there's some lag on the accelerator really okay watch oh that's strange you're just it's weird you're jamming on that accelerator and nothing's happening we're just kind of going along this is like the worst car to escape a murderer in you get in this thing you're like oh my God oh my God oh thank God the keys are here oh how do you start it and he's like and then you're like stomping on it on it might add a battery no that's just how the car is dude that's in sport mode how long does it take to react all right let's see yeah all right one one thousand seconds full seconds I think more than a second that is that is wild yeah and that leads us to one of the scariest claims of all a reviewer named Tom Pang was driving the vf-8 when he suffered a complete electrical failure in the sport mode ready all right okay three two one go oh car broke it the car is broken the car thought it was driving but in reality it was completely bricked in our case the battery did not suffer catastrophic failure you get a pass there we didn't die yeah we didn't die does this car actually deserve the scathing reviews [Music] absolutely the reality is they released this car way too early most cars take many years and hundreds of millions of dollars to develop Vin fast rust this to the Finish Line just like no man's sky or cyberpunk 2077 but even though those games were garbage when they first came out they eventually got most of the bugs worked out hopefully vinvas can do the same it's a really extreme case of of a criticism I have about a lot of EVS trying to reinvent the wheel just make a car that's electric powered you don't have to make it all weird and this car has all the annoying things about EVs and none of the cool stuff cool stuff like it barely has any Neon Lights it doesn't look like it's from the Future No fifty thousand dollars gets you a lot of different cars and that's where this car fails it doesn't live up to any expectation no nothing works but regardless of how we feel about Vin fast we do want to thank the owner of this vf8 Natalie Lee for loaning us her car to make this video Natalie thank you and we're sorry thank you for watching this video and everything else on Tony make sure you don't miss anything hit that subscribe button hit that Bell follow Nolan on social media at nolanj Sykes follow me at James pump free follow Vin fast [Music] a little bit of an update for you guys Vin fast they actually found out that we're shooting this video and they reached out to us they told us that the vf8 we drove was exactly the way it came from the factory but apparently some of the issues that we found are already fixed by their latest software updates that they do over the air so it sounds like there might be hope for the vf8 if you want to see us give Vin fast another shot and see if those updates really have made a difference like this video leave a comment down below and maybe we will only give this thing a fair Shake in the meantime subscribe to Donut media and we'll see you next time
Channel: Donut
Views: 5,313,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: donut, donut media, cars, james pumphrey, up to speed, moneypit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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