The Car Wizard's Top 3 Craziest Customers!

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he said whatever's been done to the bed of this truck i'm gonna do to your face [Music] all shops have really crazy customer stories and i actually get asked time to time do you have any crazy customers do you ever have to put up with really crazy situations and yes i have several but i have three that are really on the top of the list obviously i'm not going to reveal any names but i have some nicknames i've given these customers and the first one we named is mr snoopy this was at a time when i was in halsted at my second shop kind of a midsize shop i also had a kansas dealer's license i was selling cars had a small car lot and i also repaired cars had that going on and there was one customer that lived in town an older gentleman and again he's mr snoopy's what we call him but i had done a little bit of work for him here or there and it seemed really odd but one day his oddity increased exponentially i was working in a car and at the time i'd hired dave my office guy and he came and got me also dave he said dave there's a guy in the office that just really is upset he wants to speak with you i was preparing myself for being screamed at or i wasn't happy with the work or something was wrong and i was completely speechless when he revealed to me what he was upset about he said i don't know why these cars are coming into your shop with glove boxes full of condoms i was like i was just speechless i was like excuse me he's like yeah i said one of your guys customers dropped off a car last night and i put the key in the key drop and i went through the car checked it out i said you did what they said yeah he says a lot of these cars i go through and check them out and i just get bored and i was and i got really upset at that point i actually yelled at the guy i was like these are customers private property you don't just go rummaging through the stuff and i said what what is this deal about condoms what did that come from he said well this last one i opened the glove box and a whole like a whole roll of them fell out on the floor and it took me a few minutes to gather my thoughts it was like i was expecting that something's broken i was expecting that i need to call a tow truck how is this even a concern that i need to be pulled off of a job and then i said it now i know it is a concern because this guy is going through people's cars and i went back and looked at security footage and i started looking in the evenings not only was he going through my customers cars he was going through some of the cars i had on my lot if they happened to be left unlocked he would be sitting in them he'd pretend pretend to be driving them so this is a small town it's three to four thousand people i got to asking around some of the residents i was like have you ever seen this guy before we ever heard of this guy and they're like oh yeah he's he's crazy after i realized this guy must must have a mental illness it's not it's not worth yelling i don't need to yell at him i don't need to get mad at him there must be something not right with the guy i got in contact with the local police and i said i really don't appreciate this guy going through my customers cars there could be money there could be valuables i started telling my customers that point i said when you drop off your car make sure to lock the doors luckily every night the cops would make a round or two and check out the shop make sure the guy is not around snooping through stuff okay now customer number two i'll call this person wild west he brought a truck in because it was having issues running rough and also had some air conditioning issues i found out it was a vacuum leak it really wasn't that big of a deal it was causing the engine to run rough and also was causing issues with the hvac system because the vacuum operated it's no longer changing floor vent defrost and all that i got it fixed i figured i had a happy customer he paid his bill and he left and he came back the next day and it was another one of situations where dave in the office came and got me he says dave there's a guy in the office he's really really unhappy and this guy said i dented and damaged his tailgate i went out to look at the truck and it had been caved in a little bit but i was very sure it was that way when it came in i remember seeing that before i had even took the car in it was dented and he he was cursing he was mad and then i said i have this on security camera i have footage of this that i know that it was dented so i said let's go take a look we pulled it up on the screen but it was night time so it's black and white you know how they go to night vision i said see look there's your truck there's the dent in the in the tailgate this that was the day that it arrived it had already had the dent in the tailgate he says that's not my truck my truck's red that one on the screen is white well it's black and white because it's night vision he and he just acted dumb and he was like no that's not my truck that one's white i said okay okay i i knew at that point i've been in business long enough i said i tell you what it's just a dent in the tailgate go and get a couple estimates from shops like a body shop and bring me the estimates and we'll discuss maybe i'll contribute a little bit to the repairs or if it's cheap enough i might just pay for it i know that i didn't do this but i'll go ahead and just take care of this for you because i want this matter resolved i want you out of here later that day i get a phone call from a very large body shop that was not far from me in newton they said hey we have this customer's truck that he said you dented the tailgate he said that you bent the frame he said that it was a whole list of things the bed was tweaked the tailgate would no longer close properly we've got an estimate here for 7 000 and he said go ahead and get started so we've actually already got the bed off the vehicle i said no no no no i've not authorized any repairs i said to bring some estimates and we'd discuss where we would go with it then i knew this guy was running a game on me i called the body shop back and i said no i don't authorize that repair i'm not paying for it the owner of that shop knew something fishy was going on he said well put the bed back on the truck and we'll just stop where we're at we won't charge you anything and we'll put the truck outside the next day the owner of this truck that i was having so much trouble mr wild west showed up to my shop and threatened me they said whatever's been done to the bed of this truck i'm gonna do to your face i was like really i don't take threats like that very mildly i just looked him in the eye and i said well let's get to it fella and he stood there and he looked at me and he was shaking and he slammed my door he got in his truck and left and this is another instance where i got the police involved i mentioned his name and they said oh yeah we we know this guy he's troublesome he's very troublesome in the community they went and talked with him and he he claimed he'd never seen me before long story short i got my insurance company involved i said i don't know what's going to happen here i'm afraid this guy is going to get violent with me i don't know if he's going to cause issues so they said they contacted him and they told him when we get done with you whatever you think that omega owes you it will be nothing compared to what you will owe us we will take your house from you if we have to so we will not tolerate this is fraud you're trying to defraud our client i never heard from the guy again but that's not the end of this story i had a mercedes e550 was still a good customer today all of a sudden had a large debt about this big in the side of the car he had dropped off the car the night before and i came in the morning and there was the dent i'm pretty sure i don't know i'm pretty sure that was retribution from that customer because he was so unhappy that he didn't get his way and i did end up having to pay for that i wanted to keep that customer i paid for the damage i think it was fourteen hundred dollars and i still have the customer today i'm glad i fixed it and to conclude crazy customer number two this customer sold this truck to a friend of mine and when i asked my friend what was the real story with this truck bed thing did you ask him about the dent in the bed and my friend said yeah he mentioned that his son got drunk one night and backed into their rv hitch so this was a total scam all along and the last and final crazy customer which is the top three of all of them that if i've had multiple i've had more than three but these are really the top three and the third one in this little series is one that i'll call wacky wendy tyler hoover actually purchased a 745 that had alpena wheels on it and he did a video on it he did everything he wanted to do with the car and i bought it from him to sell on my lot a lady came in which is you guys will know was wacky windy she purchased the car paid cash for it she really enjoyed the car no issues with that transaction but later on she came back after purchasing the car and said she smells a fuel smell gasoline as well that's unfortunate we'll definitely take a look at that for you we'll see what's going on with that she dropped it off i drove it several times i checked for fuel leaks i put it on the lift i didn't smell any fuel i did notice by the fuel cap that there was like staining where fuel had been spilled at some point but other than that i didn't find anything wrong with the vehicle i even had mrs wizard going dry but i said go take it for a longer spin because i can't be gone that long i gotta got things to do i said there's a fuel smell maybe there's something going on after a long drive and she went and drove it for quite a while and came back and she was like i don't i don't smell anything it drives fine there's no fuel smell so i called the customer and i said you can come pick up your car i don't find anything wrong i'm not even going to charge i just i don't see any fuel issues but i did see a fuel spill down the side of the vehicle and then she remembered that she'd been drinking pretty heavily that night and she said i i know now what happened i was filling it with gas i spilled fuel all over my feet all over my shoes and i got in the car she said the smell was so strong i almost passed out she said i i parked the car at your shop and walked i think three miles home and that's where you got the message on your machine there's a fuel smell there was never a fuel smell she spilled it all over her i mean complete i mean she said she drenched herself in gas i i don't know exactly how it all happened i don't know the details but there was multiple other instances of this customer doing work for them that every time the car would show up for work i was immediately suspicious something really crazy has happened and it was every single time was something similar to that there wasn't anything wrong with the car there was never any major repairs that needed to be done it was always something really wacky like that we all love amazon but most of us have had that experience where you buy something with a lot of glowing reviews that shows up and it's just a piece of garbage and it wasn't what you thought you were buying unfortunately amazon can be full of bad actors and fake reviews and things that just don't live up to what you think is going to come in a day or two after you order it that's why new on amazon has been developed it was developed by patrick cupolari a friend of the channel a good storyteller who's talked about bmws and mclaren f1s and things like that and he's a huge e-commerce expert you can learn more about that on his youtube channel but he built a site of trusted sellers well-reviewed products and things that he actually knows will show up looking the way that you want them to and so it's a great way to filter out some of the noise and some of the bad products that you might otherwise discover on amazon so check out new on amazon at the link in the description below and thank them for supporting vinwicki this month [Applause] [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 578,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VINwiki, Car Stories, Hoovies Garage, The Car Wizard, Wizard, Car Wizard, Omega, Auto, car, repair, mechanic, crazy customers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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