Captain January | Shirley Temple Full Movie | Virtual Doll Convention Movie Night

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Captain January (1936) Passed

A little girl named Star lives with a lighthouse keeper who rescued her when her parents drowned. A truant officer decides she should go to boarding school but she's rescued by relatives.

Comedy, Family, Musical
1h 17mins
Directed by David Butler
Starring Shirley Temple, Guy Kibbee, Slim Summerville, Buddy Ebsen
Rating: 7.1 with 1,229 votes

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/5o7bot 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2022 🗫︎ replies

Hard to watch knowing how much abuse she suffered.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SlamJammerXOX 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2022 🗫︎ replies
Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good morning nature hogs when morning comes along day is dawning stop yawning and begin to join me in my song early birdies always get you one more - so don't be late the way to stay young man always miss the fun whistle in the morning in the morning [Music] I'm not an errand for you in the village I'll Slocum send me a plate of brass polish my mother was beautiful wasn't she camp my booty star according to her pictures lucky I never have know about my mother looked like wasn't for that trunk did you swim an egg no teeth - no no it just washed ashore [Music] knew she had a llama mom do you think they name the song after my mother I reckon so she must have been an opera singer from the dress she's got on and the clothes in the trunk I wonder could she sing asleep in the deep always damn buddy deep down on the hatch for a soprano many brave hearts are asleep in the deep so beware how can anybody sleep in a deep anyways that means the last long sleep star does everyone have to die sometime you wouldn't need to when the time comes do you think will last till Christmas I shouldn't be surprised if we made it you better up anchor now and get on your way [Music] I see your tap seagoing halibut start running I hope soon you can't rush a halibut money mrs. Kroc he's the captain with you no ma'am till the dear captain I asked after him don't forget it I will I mean I won't [Laughter] better look out star I shall try a tow-rope on 2 January and you lose him while I'm in charge of lighthouse we need another case of brass polish we need it right away and don't forget what we get off for being government you know we always aim to please you miss January the price is still the same and we'll make prompt delivery mm ever on the house oh they're all the same size I measured I know thank you you're welcome now don't forget about our special price you know I'm giving you all our trade I won't forget and you music star let's get going [Applause] next Friday night you're wrong live I to do dance from 8:00 to 5:00 all the vicious still alive are having a boy they'll be there from the herring to the whale Mike's already [Music] [Applause] well star you can sing about being the Sailor and you could dance like one but you'll never be one can you learn just by the curve in the wind just a broom and landlubber can you can watch me stand back boys go cap that ain't it now watch me closely who is that child she's the adopted daughter Captain January the lighthouse keeper isn't she a pretty little thing does she go to school well no you see the former truant officer wasn't very strict and yes I know that's why she's the former truant officer you schoolteachers will find me strict enough 1 2 3 stop this reputable loafers want to be ashamed of yourselves teaching a child to behave this way don't be mad at them they always have fun with me like this do you know the captain John Ruskin spent 15 pigna twenty-mile deal indeed and the skipper he's the one with the accordion once he killed 3 who was a table knife you should be taken home and spent what kind of man is this Captain January to allow you to run the finest man of the whole world see that lighthouse down there well cap he saved a million ships from his day you go right home and tell him I'm coming to have a talk about you yes ma'am lady I didn't mean to be kept always tells me to be polite old ladies what's your name I think y'all about her tonight who is she Paul new truant officer they sent over from Salem what's a truant officer stormy weather for kids did I guess I'd better a banker what did the woman say then she just got mad with me and went away I'll forget about it she can't do anything mean to us can she Oh remember I work for the government I am the government here maybe she's government to I hoped captain jar up say she was some kind of officer well don't worry have a trouble camp can I look now cap oh no no no I'll have her in trim in a minute why do I have to work on this all nice little girls work on samplers don't seem like nothing no need to seafaring life that's why your own star good sailors got to be able to steer a needle can I look now honey fly my eyes can I even give a birthday party around here without you barging in pipe down your catawampus I didn't come to see you come on on out I didn't see the present i brung remember me why should the crane remember you go crane I thought it was the stork no it's a crane something you always wanted wait you ain't seen nothing yet star watch is cobot look at him look at him it wasn't for the ribbon you couldn't tell them apart you win invite captain Melrose stay for the party aren't you well it wasn't counting on it but as long as he's here I'll fix a place for you whether you was counting on it or not I'm here and I'm gonna stay for a while oh you are are you yes I are time I do a little inspecting around us here lighthouse they must be daft in Washington appointing you an inspector you don't know the difference between a telescope and a tar barrel way you Hanlon I guess there ain't any come & get it sailors [Music] this don't dance around when you play a harmonica and it may not be what you always wanted but I thought maybe you'd like it a little present I ever got thanks camp what is that what do you think it is how many guesses do I get it's a tape cap make yourself Oh Diddy then I guess I'll just eat the candles go on star make a wish and catch her me chips with a spanking breeze you can have my wish I can then I wish if you wish what I think you're going to wish I'll push your faces why are you taking my wish back I'd only give it away because last year I couldn't warn all the kennels anyway all right matey bro what you gonna call it all but it was all your ordinary cow I'd call it Suzy why Suzy after the captain's mummy why has he got a mermaid you in PAP show him now go on eat ice cream please all right make Suzy dance faster faster just a minute then eat nothing take a look at this can you make him dance dance right down you think that's anything stay out until you get something well pop that it's a pleasure what else you not wait a minute I'll show you something that's true me with which one of you is Captain January I'm Captain January I'm mrs. Morgan the new truant officer here why isn't this child in school I was aiming to send her next year what you were aiming to do is have no importance there's a compulsory education law in the state this child is old enough how does she know how old I am we don't even know ourselves from what I have observed this child has been brought up entirely without control she's rude disrespectful being raised like an ignorant little heathen look at the kind of clothes she wears not even a dress say what business is that of yours stars mine tonight listen listen to me captain January you forget this child is adopted that's well within the power of the school authorities to have a taken from you and set to an institution if you fail the raids are properly just a minute mrs. Morgan now I don't hold none with this mildewed old pirate but you're talking through your crow's nest when you say stars being brought up ignorant why she can read writing and write down reading better than any six-year-old on this coast what do you mean any six-year-old well there ain't no eight there nine-year-old from in a Newfoundland that knows as much as star no nor any ten or eleven year old as far as that goes or a thirteen or fourteen you talk about neglect why I've been learning her from the two best books there is the Bible and baggage Bowditch a book on navigation find reading for a child of six any objections to the Bible there ain't better readin in the world in the Bible and Bowditch they both learn you to steer a straight course I didn't come here to discuss reading matter is she talking about taking me away from you yes but just talking have a report to the schoolhouse for an examination next Tuesday my nephew is also taking his examination and who determined then and there whether or not she's been neglected there seems to be some doubt as to the child's age but you say she has the intelligence of a child of eight very well we'll call our eighth baby ships I'll stand on eight now you get out of here this is her birthday an examination or no examination I've had enough of you we'll see about that what was that thing she was talking about uh insti insti never mind honey you'll never be in one now you run outside and play I want to talk to Nazareth I'll visit with Ikki bugger Krang all right maybe you certainly are a lover putting your foot in it that way what's the idea insisting stars as smart as a girl of eight well she is ain't she sure but why make it tough on yourself would have been enough for her to pass a six-year-old examination but you have to insist on eight I ain't afraid after all star doesn't belong to you you know doesn't belong to me that's what I said you just took her without saying anything to anybody or asking anybody anything you got no legal right to her you're never even adopted her she's more than optin she's part of me it's all right but it ain't the law when you fished her out of the water you should have turned her out the authorities are trying to find out if she had any folks I did try yes you did well I tried for a little while couldn't keep on crying forever huh I didn't want to lose her I want to keep her anyway she has no folks they're all dead are they did you ever look through this album carefully mrs. John Mason 326 Boylston Street Boston Massachusetts they may be relatives you know just because they didn't answer your letter doesn't mean they're dead they may have been away or you might have forgot to mail the letter what business is out of yours stars mine and then nobody gonna take her from me how does this look looks like a flag at half-mast well I can't quite make up my mind that's just the thing for school when I was a little girl I had one just like it are you sure you haven't got one with polka dots let me see 450 how about this one there ain't no dots on that it's your astigmatism oh oh I like this one say that certainly is a beauty oh I don't think so much of it why don't you try it on star can I try it on why certainly come I'll help you Nashville could you let me have $50 till payday what do you do with all your money I'm putting it in a trust fund for star you just caught me a little short already cash January but I know where you can get the 50 where Witter Croft let you have it the Witter let you have anything yeah she might start figuring something I don't want her to figure Oh belay that no matter what you do a woman's gonna figure what she wants to figure don't you cap well I am it perfectly the whole outfit I'm the amounts to forty one dollars and seventy five cents that settles it you wait here Starr you're going to see the winner come on come on oh wait a minute don't rush me man what you scare that bike you how do you know she I'd rather face a man in my own hurricane in a leaky rowboat say why the widow's always want to get married again anyway are you going in and ask her for that $50 or ain't you I'll tell you why don't we both go in and borrow $25 apiece huh alright I'll do it for stars sake come on let me know you were coming why look a miss well I miss captain January here has something very personal to say to you so I'll just shove off and leave you two alone dirty double-crossing barnacle brain scurvy judas oh why did you come to ask me Jen well it ain't so much for me it's for star you see oh I understand the poor little dear needs a mother's care there's nothing can take the place of a mother except another mother yes yes of course no no no I mean no it ain't so easy for me to ask you oh damn great big seafaring man like you scared of little old me if you'll only grant me this one little favor I promise yes yes you promise lend me $50 I've got to get startled whole new outfit so she look nice at her school examination why certainly captain there's nothing you could ask I could refuse you got a check for you right no hey y'all right thank you thank you you know I've quite an account for the bank more than enough for one person yes sir well good bye Eliza goodbye Jen dear [Music] goodbye don't you talk to me you lyin crawfish in river rat did you get it jam dear that ain't none of your business yes I was you were he was we were you were they were I was you were and don't sound right gosh I wish I had gone to school instead of running away to see I'm just polishing up a bit but you already polished up this for me can't you stop now cap it helped me some more for the sanitation pretty soon honey ships and lives depend upon this life being just sold suppose that light has been out order the night you came where would you be now I straight for the deep that's right remember the tables I learned you huh well tell me the two table that's right go on remember any of the three table sure [Music] now we'll do some more geography natural natural always natural did I hear my name mentioned what do you want nothing would you you desiccated old profesh but i thought i'd come and help get star ready for the examination you being so illiterate me illiterate I can spread you down read you down write you down and figure you down I can do it all with my hands tied behind my back no you couldn't you'd need your fingers to count with ya I'll bet you couldn't count over ten without taking your shoes off quarreling ain't helping star none with her examination but this might you see I thought it might help things along if we knew the questions they was gonna ask jeez this is great why'd you get all all buried the keys the schoolhouse and the schoolteacher and him and me paid a little visit listen star these are the questions they're gonna ask you tomorrow now here's the first one what would be the area of a field 87 rods long in 206 and a half yards wide and what would it cost at 22 and a half cents a square foot what's the answer how much is a rod how many fathoms I thought you wouldn't know I'll figure this out for you later let's see what the next question is named six animals that live in very cool countries I know three bears three seals no star they mean six different kind of animals that would be bears and seals and walruses and foxes and polar bears but you've already used bears the polar bears are different kind of bears anything gonna act like that you might just as well say she bears he bears and baby bears now what other kind of animal did I see when we were on that r-tx petition I remember a skunk don't look at me you see cow that's the wrong answer star what's the next question can you prove that heat expands expand mean gets bigger can you prove that heat makes things bigger of course it makes things bigger the days are longer in the summer aren't they I guess that's the answer all right write down the quality of Mercy speech from The Merchant of Venice ah it's a put-up job with that old hatchet face no child of eight or eighty can answer that riddle it's a mistake I must have picked up the wrong paper this is a high school examination I just saw the wording examination who thought it was all right ah you can't even steal proper come on star let's get on with our lessons no I guess we finished with arithmetic does she know about fractions sure she does how many abs in a whole star how big captain Nashville every hole would have the same number of halves wouldn't it have bigger hands in a little pool sounds reasonable how much does four quarters nevermind that they're not gonna start anything about fractions now let's go on with our geography again tell me what I learned you yesterday not so fast not so fast government I might know what's this I'm pointing to chair hmm what comes from China tea no what else you're going at this all wrong January nobody's gonna ask a little girl like Starr anything about China how do you know you never passed Nate you're all tested you I could have passed maybe when you was full-grown you know with me telling that Morgan woman I was teaching star from the Bible they're pretty apt perhaps to some questions about the Bible well ain't many children is up in the book of she is I know but one of the four Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John correct I remember the story i read you last week about the prodigal son and kill it and let us eat and be merry that's fine but everyone was merry star that was a brother and some neighbors now who was sorry that the prodigal son came back listen Mary you can give star break if you want to it's impossible for the examination must be conducted honestly you know I love star as much as you do your powers in your place I leaned over backwards to see that kid enhance I'd like to but I can't mean either way the test has got to be perfectly fair remember when I was in school once I miss Terry question on examination but they promoted me anyhow I guess they needed your desk no that wasn't that but I did see the teacher kissing the principal even if star saw me kissing the principal I couldn't favor her anyhow mrs Morgan is no woman to trifle with she'll be watching me like a hawk I know honey I know but yeah we should give a starve break I wish you'd give me a break pause well Mary I'll see you tomorrow Mary here thanks cap that's for the teacher I think it's a good idea excellent what lots of luck honey I'm coming too no but we'll be around I'll listen dear you've just got to pass this examination you've just got to it may mean that they'll try to take you away from me if you don't know now I don't want to make you nervous I know you don't want to make you nervous you old fool Oh cack now take it easy and don't worry I'm not worried named nothing to worry about no of course not [Music] I wish she was stronger on fractions oh you and your fractions come on maybe we can see in the side window you clumsy old son of a sea slug why can't I go in now cause the teachers playing the examples on the war what's an example why you don't know nothing I'll bet you don't even know who discovered America what crusader I know yes so did he didn't do no such thing Christopher Columbus discovered America I know why he discovered it too it was in 1492 are you awful smart sure that's why I'm taking the examination today my aunt wants me to jump from the first grade to the third grade I can jump from the first step to the third step in the lighthouse jumpin come children what's she doing nothing they ain't started yet quit shaking this barrel we're ready to start now mrs. Morgan that's fine the sooner the better for me I'm sure my nephew is ready Oh Sara you sit there and star you sit beside him no talking please she's a problem Jane Jane Jane Jane Jane we'll begin with arithmetic children what did I tell you fractions here are eight fishing schooners those aren't swimmers there catches your quite bright star but let's go on here are eight boats these five sailed away now start how many boats were left why would they left they fouled earn it because they're slipping is she having trouble yes a night your fault Oh waving at children raised their hand star when they know the answer what is the answer Cyril three that's correct Cyril of course there were three maybe she's nervous maybe she'll get going good ah I guess mrs. Morgan was right you ain't fit to look after a child boy you ain't you ain't fit for nothing star honorably took away from you well you lopsided old swab your hand maybe this room performance so the father said who chopped down the cherry tree George replied father I cannot tell a lie I did it with my little hatchet hatchet hatchet [Laughter] you've both read very well now I want you to make up a story about being left alone to take care of a little brother you first Cyril I know but make believe that you have one and your mother has left you to take care of him what happened I stayed home with my little brother we play games we had a good time yes that's all what can you make up star when night cap went away and left me alone in the lighthouse with my little brother my little brother's name is Jimmy oh the sudden the biggest wave in the world came along Jimmy was scared but I wasn't maybe I was little scared but I held Jimmy's hand we should have a prayer Dwayne tapped on us well Jimmy always over to China China yeah they'll probably set her down for lying so hard there were a lot little tiny boys and girls there we played games with them one of the little girls gave me a nice kimono and give me some pretty toys we were very happy to kill a lot of pirates came out for ship and stole me and Jimmy first Jonah big storm came up so Jimmy and I like the Pirates and the hook then we sailed the boat to darkest Africa after that we wrecked off the coast of Finland but we were picked up by a steamer on the way to Singapore there was a postman that won't who scuttle the ship that would be enough star more happen I know but you've told us enough but history is hardly a third grade subject I suppose you taught her all you know about history she don't know a thing about history that's what I mean very well Cyril who discovered America Columbus that's correct when did he discover America in that yes Star King thank you very good star well not now come here Cyril go back to your desks and write the answers to these problems this will finish the examination [Music] well what about my nephew Cyril is a very bright child mrs Morgan but I don't think it would be advisable for him to skip a grade at this time can I pass as a man nation yes you did star you may enter the third grade you better put that dumbbell nephew yours in one come here they think they're through with me they're very much mistaken you Village People stick together but you'll forget I have my authority from the State Board and I'll take steps have some more cider nazzer all yeah pretty good Murph well I didn't have much book-learning huh what's book-learnin got to do with cider are you talking about cider I'm talking about my educating star so good she jumps right into the third grade no educator why you couldn't get into the third grade yourself with the things I learned her that put her through quit your bragging gooseneck let's drink the star you don't think I'd drink to you you'll blow our head of Blowfish to star the star you think I look as good in this press as my mother did I expect so it's been quite a job of work cutting it down yeah wouldn't you like for me to live here so I could cut him Oh all down the picture no I'd rather go up to fit the dresses oh you mean you wouldn't like me to live here well I liked you but you see I'm the lady of the house and we couldn't have to meet each other house well now you tell captain January that I fix this for you I'll remember [Music] [Music] [Applause] nah-nah [Music] da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da [Music] [Music] da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da [Music] [Music] [Applause] No [Applause] [Music] gosh you look pretty in that just like something out of a picture book did you fix that dress over I've been looking all over for you captain I thought maybe this telegram might be something important thanks bud bad news no just Department routine oh is that all I thought maybe they was getting wise down in Washington and throwing you out of your job no not exactly what would you like me to play captain Ezreal uh uh nothing starring not now I got some work to do good idea Finn actual albatross good nice captain Enzo [Music] I got seven fifteen - fifteen foreign dates a dozen well I've been beating you steady now for ten years and it looks like I'll beat you for the next ten even boy on the way home put it on the table over there I can't figure out what you laying only supplies inferred you won't need this much for just a week automatic automatic pretty soon they'll have a machine to do your eatin for you and your two and to go ahead January sure deal what's your gabbing about what's all this automatic stuff why that new light to put them in here I couldn't get up the nerve - when does it happen 30th now see what you're done you made me swallow I could make you swallow your cud you lamebrain what's a matter cap no no nothing at all honey nothing at all I don't fall asleep unless you read to me you go [Music] you look I think I like this one I feel about you [Music] [Music] one you lay up in your now I lay me down [Music] and is yours [Music] I can't understand why I don't get no answer to that letter two days January I'll be out of a job and that's what old hatchet-face has been waiting so of course it is it's a shame January can't get another job he's one of the best navigators on the whole Coast jobs ain't to be had for the asking nowadays maybe when the halibut start running or walking or something perhaps your letter was lost why don't you send a telegram that's an idea do you think I'm doing right and sending for these people of course you are you never did anything Ryder in your life we need to think what January's gonna say when he finds out I know but if someone doesn't come to take Starr mrs. Morgan's going to add her way the minute she can prove he has no job and no means of support she'll get a court order like that but I don't know nothing about these mason people except what I read in the album maybe they ain't even related to Starr whoever they are they're better for Starr than an institution certainly better than any institution mrs. Morgan would pick out that's right and Boston streets a very tawny neighborhood in Boston will you phone the telegram to Salem for me here's the address we'll take care of it right away come on Paul I wish there were Denis jobs in the whole world why star you worry about jobs chapter is about people even worse than you it's just miss chair all day just looking and looking hello star Oh having a good time not really I'm just pretending to kept feeling awful bad about having to leave the lighthouse cheer him up he looks worried - he was born worried what do you want I'll come out of it the way you're acting you'd think I was responsible for putting in those newfangled lights no it ain't that I'm just plumb worried I can't seem to connect with another job with all that ruction the Morgan woman's turn up about star I think everything's gonna be all right with star I've sent for those people people what people those people in that album the Masons I've asked them to come you did that you you and me have a lot of quarrels but I always thought deep down you were my friend I am your friend my friend you'll happen to take star away from me and you call yourself my friend are you dirty double-crossin I'll bring you out for the best January don't you understand I understand I understand I've been sold out by a man I trusted you haven't been sold out genuine I have been your rotten hip hop into the steel star I suppose you've been figuring this out for a long time no no January you being with Alex yeah I remember you tell me if the schoolhouse at mrs. Morgan was right but I wasn't fit to take care of star I didn't think you met at the end for January no no you did mean it you've been plotting with them to take star away from me if you ever come to again I'll break your lion carcass into out [Music] go check up on that spot all this stuff around here should have been junked years ago I guess you don't know how many ships kept saved with this light what that old Chinese lantern you could do better with a candle in a box of matches come on come on boys it's getting late yes star it is getting late we better be going you get that way sticking around alone these lighthouses where are we going cap this calls you know star I'm kind of glad we're going I ain't so young anymore and this climbing up and down has been getting to my legs too mrs. Potts ready it's near the spool and I won't have to walk so far oh yeah yeah I'm relieved to be getting out of here I'm tired of looking out here I'm seeing nothing but the sea nothing but the sea [Music] quick it's have I told you no but she's got the paper she's got the order order order order to produce star in court come on you gotta beat it mrs. Morgan's on her way here now with a deputies in Salem you don't want them to take star away do you I'm not running away I'm not afraid to appear in court listen if they get ahold of star you'll lose their stores you're standing there what are they gonna do to me nothing don't be stubborn you can fight later in the meantime take star and hide out where I got my boat Nicole Paul's aboard waiting for you run around a mile or so and stay there come on come on star send the rest of the things ominous look I'll come out and bring you some food you little one all right take a January right now everything's gonna work out all right let them take me away from you will you don't you fret none I won't let them touch it oh you better lie down for a bit don't you worry honey you just close your little eyes and race I run you the things for slogans hey give me a hand I'm running away is over I'm sorry cap they must have followed me [Music] I'm from the sheriff's office I have an order to produce that child before Judge Thompson it's salable all right when do you want us tomorrow afternoon the three will be there you take that side right now don't you understand that he's trying to sneak her out of the jurisdiction of the call he ain't doing nothin otherss or no what's he doing on this boat there officer just a minute please you're responsible for the custody of the child if he gets beyond the cloud miles oh maybe you're right I can't take any chance I'll be all right Goa star don't let her out of your sight go ahead I'll take care of him and now take it easy star you see you're just being shanghaied by a lot of pirates but we'll get your wave well you'll be back with January before you know it the natural they come they come they're up at the house looking for you the Masons stars and so that's who she is stars am yes they got your telegram and came right away oh how dare you interfere this is some kind of a trick it's not a trick those folks are stars relative well they can tell it to the judge but according to the paper I've got here the child has no relative they've just been found how providential listen here you've got the authority to take star away from January ain't denying that but have you got the authority to take her away from our relatives no but how do I know they are her relatives that's easy won't you drop in at my quarters and have a talk with him it's certainly strange that after four years relatives suddenly appear it isn't strange at all I've had a long talk with him mr. Mason is American Consul in Morocco and they've just come back from abroad they're fine people and they've got all the proof and identification they need well I don't know I suppose you know that under Section three paragraph 2 of the Penal Code you can get into a lot of trouble taking a child away from its kin I guess it can't be any harm and talking to those folks let's go see them I don't need that I've got you take it easy you might be hurt worse than you think you are I don't care I've got to go after star hop now nothing can happen to her tonight remember Nazareth was with her I know but she needs me you'll feel better tomorrow first thing in the morning we'll run the bull do all right but the first thing in the morning [Music] I'm perfectly satisfied but maybe the judgment I'll appear before him anytime he wishes he's my card well goodbye glad to have been of service do you like the doll star that's a lovely name star I think I'd call you that your real name is Helen she says mama if you squeeze her she's a wonderful girl we're going to try to make you very happy star I'd rather be with cap besides he needs me I always take care of him why he lost without me I know he must be a very very fine man are you sure we shouldn't see Captain January before we leave not now ma'am I don't think it would be a good idea you see he feels star as his that might cause a lot of trouble what do you think we'd better do the child feels so badly Oh she'll cry and feel bad for a few days but after that she'll be all right you know children they forget quick yes but it's going to be hard on Captain January no doubt of that but do you see the right of it when I tell him the kind of folks you are better get it over [Applause] don't tell him that I love him do you well I got her away from that old reprobate anyway and as for you young lady you can rest assured you'll be dismissed for your part in this come on Mary [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's time to your nap I love do better than earlier the thing is putting together because you look like my mother and the captain made you with his own hands what makes like Sweden's best and complicated not a big dough house or a Mickey Mouse but the right somebody ice cream cake candy maybe dandy but if you [Music] say [Music] what is my just the right somebody I [Music] guess you'd better get started they're coming for her thank you dear come on store where a star are you ready for a nice surprise how would you like to take a lovely trip very much a merry go on dear I think we found a toy you'll really like besides we're fixing up a playroom for you thanks Uncle John would you like to go up on the bridge to tell me about bridges ol captain [Music] hello start I'm first me hello star I'm the crew now that you got a job Paul you can get married yep and I don't have to wait for the halibut to start running another captain I've got a surprise for you [Music] you
Channel: Rachel Hoffman
Views: 162,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doll Collector, Virtual Doll Convention, Antique Dolls, Shirley Temple, Shirley Temple Movie, Captain January
Id: -kFp0SZesC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 23sec (4643 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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