Kiss and Tell | Shirley Temple | 1945

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Kiss and Tell (1945) [1 h 30 min]

Shirley Temple, Jerome Courtland, Walter Abel, Katharine Alexander
Director: Richard Wallace; Writers: F. Hugh Herbert, F. Hugh Herbert

IMDb user rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 7.4/10 (53 votes)

Corliss Archer, 15, and Mildred Pringle, 17, are best friends, and get into some mischief together which causes their parents to start fighting over who is a bad influence on whom. Their fight also has an affect on Mildred and Lenny Archer, Corliss' brother, who elope one weekend when Lenny's home on leave from the Army. Fearing that the Pringles would want the marriage annulled, the couple decides not to tell anyone about it except Corliss. Then, when Mildred gets pregnant, Corliss goes with her to her doctor, and is seen leaving the office. Mrs. Pringle gets the wrong idea, and goes over to the Archers to tell them that Corliss is pregnant. It's not long before they think that Corliss' boyfriend Dexter is the father. Then, to buy them some time, Corliss tells her parents that she and Dexter are married, all the while trying to contact Mildred at every opportunity. Suddenly, Corliss' uncle, a navy chaplain, shows up and offers to give them a real home wedding right there!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2013 🗫︎ replies
gosh Corliss nobody even looked at them for hours what's the matter with people Mildred haven't be any patriotism well maybe none of them ever have a gift well don't kid about it Mildred it's very humiliating look empty want me to call a cop to hold back the crowds Mildred will you please ask your gasping little brother to go away ring tringa will you please go get your whose and stop bothering people okay okay and leave things alone okay don't get emotional well you are going to make one for you anyway Dexter Dexter hi call us Dexter come here hey go go be dumb you only get hook fraud master's voice what you on Dexter dear would you like to buy a towel who me oh you're crazy thanks a lot thank you we we both thank you thank you too darling uniform crazy that's what's the matter with you and you're doing your best to make all us that way to hell the report the little Duke to go away I think it was a great mistake for that you two girls share a boot she's a very bad influence on you oh stop griping Dexter come on and buy a towel for me holy cow why would I do it again don't waste your time in a mirror isn't like that chorus he's not going to buy anything anyway you said it I might have known you claim to love me so much you claim to love me so much and then when it comes to putting up my measly dollar for a guest how you're not interested well gee you've waited all right Dexter forget it when it comes to taking me out to the movies tonight I'm not interested hey wait a minute okay give me a towel Dexter you've got a $5 bill in there yeah and it's gonna stay there Dexter you wouldn't want Mildred to sell more than me would you come on yes part it's for the USO okay give me five Oh Dexter you're really very sweet Wow holy cow can I do anything for you boy you sure can sister how much only a dollar soul why you fresh thing how dare you we paid you for didn't he and very nice too I think I'll have another go away both of you you ought to be ashamed of yourself what's the matter you're selling kisses aren't you what you must be crazy we saw her sell them to that boy just now oh don't be silly what that's her boyfriend extern he lives next door oh come on cutie pie you serve me go away Mildred come here a sec don't go away boys I think you'd do you think we have to call the copper name here Stephanie after all why not I mean why don't we you're crazy the movie stars do it all the time they sell bond I know but what hurts me I'm perfectly willing to sacrifice myself for good cause in some kisses I know but I don't think my mother I knew your mother's out shopping with my mother and it won't be here for hours by that Tomica Mary's gaps of money and they won't have to know we're late well I guess it's not such a bad idea oh come on let's I think soldiers enjoy kisses more than guest towels anyway come on careful much before I put on it and no let's wait now I'll take them here you take me Hey dibs on him okay boys line up as I was saying then for the paltry sum of 25 cents just two minutes you may have it you wish here comes mom and mrs. Archer try to act human will you hey mom come here oh there's Raymond hey kid where's the guest towel move right over there oh sorry I'll see mom how about letting me get your way there's two men maybe later Raven where's the girls booth next up right over that sorry you're a big help right over there I'm next no I am crazy I've been waiting five minutes devil sailor and she wears business seems to have picked up maybe I brought a mark come on down it I guess your weight sergeant no thanks Oh where's the guest Hogan right over there yes town what kind of an army of weed god Godley I'll buy one from your daughter and you buy one from mine alright boys boys don't cry there's plenty more where these came from let's call it you sell a fishing hole selling things gives young people confidence in themselves your girls can clean up at camp Morningside no I'm sorry we only sell across the counter we do not deliver merchandise to camp that's mildred bless her heart that's my daughter this booth was all her idea don't kiddin don't win time Adam next to salad I'm next - hello mother why are you dragging me home I wasn't selling kisses I think it's all very done mother I don't see why are you making such a fuss about it after all it's a liar to call it I'm sorry you're set mother but I don't see any harm in what we did perhaps not but you are nearly 18 and Corliss isn't even 16 yet besides Corliss has been brought up quite differently I resent that remark mother please look what you're drawing here women drivers car cream holy cow I don't see how you could let Mildred persuade you to do such a thing now just a moment Janet as I understand it the whole idea originated with Corliss as a matter of fact it was Dexter who started it all me holy cow you must be crazy I think it's all very dumb what does it matter whose idea it was you'll be quiet it matters a great deal no kidding mrs. Archer selling kisses is recognized as a purse cleavage I don't want to discuss it Raymond mother if you don't listen it was for a very noble call I think it's all very dumb when we get home Dodds if you'd care to come in where we can thrash this out properly no thank you Donna our no desire to intrude where my daughter is considered a contaminating influence mother please why Dorothy I never said oh yes you did those were you are very worried Jenna and I for one I'm not likely to forget you let's turn on the radio this conversations getting nowhere fast hello Veronica mom aren't you gonna say hello to Monica never mind about me Annika you come right in the house I'm not gonna hurt her feelings what's up son oh boy is mrs. Pringle Goodin man what happened to you Blaney mom tell you later yes sir Dexter your father's calling you let's face it when Carlos is around we might as well still be living in Tennessee folks are nerves free are you easily upset two little things here at eight you hmm well then folks why not try a box of Johnson's magic honestly mother I think you're just wait until I tell her father what she had the nerve to say just making mountains out of mole getting in front I'm pop years about it'll be the Rocky Mountains and if you don't worry about me I think it's all very them and Cameron aiding all this how did you make out person tries to be patriotic honest mom can I even tell Louise my side of it imagine at the Wiis I found that child surrounded by oh stop chewing and bobby-pin me look what happened mrs. art yeah may I ask what you're hanging around for selling kisses I was never more humiliated in my life to think that you you of all people Oh dry up and get your big feet off our furniture I should think you'd be ashamed right under the picture your brother's out fighting for his country while you're drying the name of Archer through the mud you leave Lennie out of this but when he comes home on leave you'll find out Lennie mustn't know it's absolutely imperative what he doesn't know you mean Paradis I mean you're to shut up I shall make a point of telling him person and take that bobby pin out of your mouth Dexter Franklin you're about as low and vile a person as Denver are laid eyes on I think you just get up and go home and stay home and I thank you never show your silly face here again you get that from Mildred - she's got a temper like a fishwife Dexter dear don't say things like that it hurts me I just can't bear it when my friends don't like each other well I got nothing against Mildred personally but she puts ideas into your head Dexter dear would you like to do me a terrific favor I'd do anything for you you know I would do you mean that Dex holy cow and always when you put that dead fish in my mother's lingerie drawer who took the blame that was when we were just kids oh don't you believe I'd do more for you now the way I feel about you now well how can I be sure well just ask me there's nothing I wouldn't do for you then will you promise not to tell any when he does come home on account of no didn't Lenny and romance is so beautiful we know that don't we Dexter and we wouldn't want to spoil and his lame would wait so just promise you won't say anything more about it please Dexter okay I promise I knew I could rely on your southern chivalry yeah but on one condition what's that well it's nothing you got to do right now immediately it's just well just what we've been talking about you know what I mean well is there any harm in telling me don't make me go through it all again quality know what I mean after all I will be 18 someday and even 19 and 20 are you proposing to me Dexter don't kid about it Corliss I know it sounds funny when all I gots an allowance of 50 cents a week but it isn't funny to me I'm only asking you to wait for me all right Dexter I'll wait gosh Karlis you're swell hmm you want mom to catch a snacky gosh no don't forget we're going to the movies tonight okay the very idea and don't let her tell you she did it for patriotism very night Oh daddy - oh yes colas I must I'm afraid darling mom please don't tell good evening Jenna hello darling come in my boy Janet this is private Earhart of the tank or Jimmy isn't it Matt right sir how do you do deal private Earhart was thumbing a ride so I thought it'd be nice for him to have dinner with us Oh oh yes of course hello call is hello angel Earhart this is my daughter Corliss how do you do how do you do miss Archer well you don't have to call her miss Archer she's on it daddy you don't have to give him my life history art parents are screened though no matter how old you get they still treat you as though you were an infant or something and infant call is not an infant that is shooting on your words together that way and now if you'll excuse me for a moment so I darling Harry oh pardon me Hey Hey catch I think it was Sully a father to pick up a perfect stranger and bring him home the dinner oh I do too I mean I think we're swirly about you cigarette well thanks well what about you do you smoke oh my yeah but I'm sort of tapering off for a while the doctor said it was affecting my sinuses and after she'd spent the whole afternoon kissing a bunch of soldiers you have to bring home a good-looking boy like that she was kissing soldier yes how'd she make up Helen it's all I hear you've got our brother in the service mm-hmm Lenny's a lieutenant in the Air Corps and I have an uncle who's a chaplain in the Navy my brother's coming on pretty sad well ice well how old is he oh when he's in his 20s he's just a few months older than I am uh how few oh I forget three or four you know I got a kid sister just going on 14 oh my they're cute at that age I mean Oh legs and now you know what I mean we still have some faded old snapshots of me at that age and I was a scream you know call us this is what we miss most in the army being invited to a home like this do you know what I mean yes to me do you know many people in town not a soul that's terrible how do you spend your leave oh I don't know mooch around go to a show alone mostly sometimes with other fellows well don't you have a girl nope don't you like girls huh dinner will be served in about two minutes would you like clean up first hair huh well thank you very much say oh I'm sorry sir he likes girls mom do you know what that poor man said he doesn't know a single girl in town oh he can even take to the movies isn't that pathetic yes dear I know how your heart must bleed for him golly daddy really picked a pip he's so good lucky now call us you know I told your father what you've done this afternoon and he was shocked shocked darling now I suppose you're gonna tell him how old I am and what if he does know nothing no very well I look at least two years older and knowing a girl's right age affects a man's entire physiology I think you mean psychology don't you call us well anyway it makes all the difference in the world the way a man treats you the way even looks at you once in a while I'd like to be looked at as if I wasn't an infant no darling I wish you weren't such a desperate hurry to grow up you've got all the rest of your life to do that in mrs. archer Olli will you set an extra place please I'm afraid mr. Archer has invited young soldier for dinner mum are you gonna serve cocktails before dinner I suppose so your father usually doesn't we have company and we do me a favor man oh you may not have a cocktail very I yeah I know we please at least ask Louise to hand me the tray and then I can say I don't feel like one and then he won't have to know I'm too young to be offered one well if you can fix it from the Wiis it's all right with me Louise did you Sam he's frightfully good lucky he just an extra person to wash up for as far as I'm concerned although wheeze I'll help you mhm Louise would you like to be an angel and young lady I'd die for you and that line of smooch never fooled me for a moment uh-huh you run on upstairs and wash your hands for dinner mom just a sec you know that little bottle of perfume on your trip the answer is no but golly mum it's a very girlish smell honestly soap smells even more girlish I gave him a guest I'll then all right you know that child is going to be a problem dinner is served Oh Thank You Louise go easy on the celery yes Louise hey pop look out do you have to do that in here a lot of famous people collect stamps not in my living room they don't if you didn't have such a violent temper Bob I'll tell you something they would absolutely make you boil now look Dorothy I've just had a very hard day at the office and I prefer not to boil all right Deb since this is such a shocking reflection on Mildred character I almost feel it's my duty to leave what's this what do you say never mind there I don't want to get you a guitar well you've got me excited gone I think it's all very denim nobody was talking to you now what's this about Mildred's character that janet could say such a thing I could hardly believe my ears say what she had the nerve to say that Mildred was a contaminating influence I'm cold mother you didn't tell me why I don't need to know why that's what she said it's 20 you're not to see Corliss under any circumstances father so silly you heard what I said and you're so right Bob I'll look pop in my eye and that goes for you too you're both to stay away from the arches entirely and you're not to telephone or either when he finds out you so kiss then he'll really blow his top find you I give up I'm gonna collect rocks these are the SEC Jimmy oh I was told to put this here is that right that's right that's just where it goes here I come come back to the barman's child I felt so sticky in that old dress that I thought I did look at poor daddy trying to balance his coffee cap don't you think you'd both be more comfortable in the living room not me I like to be where there's youth and laughter daddy just loves to be facetious that's value sir Jimmy okay she swiped some of my perfume again I don't embarrass her in front of the boy I think you're being paged sounds like Dexter's making call Carla hi mr. Archer leaving is Archer who's he well it's introduced next to the private Erhard Jimmy this is Dexter he lives next door he isn't 17 yet glad no you Dexter huh really Dexter you look like something out of Tobacco Road ha very funny come on it's time to go to the movie I'm very sorry but I won't be able to go to the movies with you tonight I haven't engaged oh don't be a drip Dexter Franklin have you an ounce attacked you to see me for barging in here that we have company you know you're not allowed to use perfume why don't you go on call it did you have a date with Dexter tonight no of course not why you little liar please call us don't let me interfere with your date Jimmy we never had a date he's just trying to be funny holy cow why do you have to on a corny act all the time oh thank you to go home and leave people alone oh don't be a drip Dexter Franklin do all girls go nuts when they're going on sixteen oh hi I have a suggestion that may save a lot of bloodshed why don't we all go to the movies would you like to come along here I love to sit well now you're cooking a dynamite believe me I'm still broke it's brutal well I think that's a splendid idea Corliss you'll have to change back into a dress Dexter will you put the ping-pong table away and make it snappy firemen's child I'll give you just two minutes flat fine thing the moment my back's turned in as a uniform around I hate you I hate you with all my heart and soul and I shall hate you until the day I die ah don't be a drip go on Raymond sneak in and see if anyone's home I've got to see Carles I think this is all very dumb loud to call her up because mother won't let me that's why not go on and do is your total okay okay well if you're gonna play cops and robbers you might at least hide is anybody home Louise no they all went to the movies that's good Christ a debauch bizarre wasn't their food yeah it certainly was boy you should have heard the hysterics at our house mothers fit to be tied she's getting pop steamed up right now I think it's all very dumb don't you Louise oh they'll get over it oh that was a front door we had cabbage for dinner too some people have no imagination I love Lennie many why didn't you let us know you were coming home well I want to schedule Oh go home home oh it's no use letting it go gone to the movies the hell oh but never mind they'll be back soon Oh Lenny you should have let us know I wish I could have seen your face and you open that door Louise hi Lenny gee who is I didn't know you were coming home so soon are you kid have you had your dinner Lenny well I had a snack on the plane but you'd like a cup of coffee and some of your favorite cookies wouldn't you won't take a second um how's Mildred oh she's fine is she home well as a matter of fact she's right out in the alley hiding behind some ash cans what what for well uh I feel that you should know Lenny that our families are having a pip of a feud right now Oh feud yeah Oh milord and Carlos aren't even allowed to see each other I just nicked in here a case of joint I don't understand it I've been writing to Mildred every day and she saving all those letters from you she sleeps with him under her pillow she does huh don't get her and don't tell her I'm here okay hey Mildred all clear Corliss hello baby hello I didn't see some fun huh Raymond for a girl who sleeps with his letters under your pillow you're not exactly big nip-ups Oh ray dear I'm not ah would you like me to leave Lennie that's not a bad idea are you flipping that because you're nervous or do you want to give it to me well I was going anyway but thanks all the same of course you know you don't have to give me this for beds I'm not trying to pull a kid brother routine for you're welcome Raymond thanks again Lennie Raymond if you popping again I'll strangle you okay okay don't make a pest of yourself he said hello baby isn't that cute oh yeah do many huh marvelous hello sweet miss me Oh Don I didn't think you'd be home for days how did you get here by plane oh I wish you wouldn't fly so much well I'll take it up with general Arnold he's an old-fashioned man though he thinks pilots should fly oh look at me in this old rag quite a Raymond tell me you were here where is he I'll kill him where's cornice well they all went to a movie I I missed them by a couple of minutes I've gone in the garden probably to Nick I think makings dumb hey you think differently when you're a little older I suppose so that's would often depress me oh hello Lenny Oh wonderful now I have you for two whole weeks just think think again baby what do you mean Marley's been cut to 72 hours by Lenny boy you were supposed to have two weeks you said so on your last letter the CEO doesn't sleep with my letters under his pillow he just gives orders dothis mean overseas no yeah Damon tell me I need to come in Lamy Louise he's no mood fries they're both all atwitter William Eldred and then the matter what happens we'll have belong to each other for a little water let him down I'd love to more than anything stop worrying if you like we'll keep it a secret from both our parents till this whole silly roz forgotten will you Mildred Betty doubt that's awful Wow okay so you're both sold kisses that isn't so awful you know I simply can't get over the fact that men would actually pay good money to kiss my kids sister hmm did she really saw more than you did had a dollar yes but he was letting them have a second one for 50 cents most unethical maybe it's because I'm her brother or something but I don't know what he's eating that girl now stop watching them and run along home well she is pretty I admit but intellectually she's a goon Raymond you know sir always I'm glad and I'm old enough to drink coffee I'm very fun hmm I'll pick you up at the crack of dawn will be across a state line and married before breakfast okay okay you two break it up with your boy sir and then thanks a million hey oh that's that even thanked me for marrying it mr. bolter all yeah to be sure but I've certainly with you young folks all the happiness in the world people might remarried now Oh Lenny I can't believe that I'm actually your wife Hey look out you'll be my we'll just pose it's all right I mean I didn't die about my 8:00 tonight I really won't be 18 until next month all right don't worry baby penny I'm worried about what the books are going to do and they know you'll let me handle them I'll fix it up I know but suppose they try to get it unknown oh darling don't worry now look we're married if you just leave everything to me it'll be all right we'll break it to him gently tonight what's the matter ring too small no going to wear it next to my heart until they know yes bloody got home last night that's not lovely oh no you're here just now hi Lenny by the car this morning mom who is it woman of course I will I'll let you know the minute he gets in alright you could buy love who wasn't it's not a real concept about the six presidents car or the woman it could be he hasn't been home all day well he's probably making a lot of visits all over town may I come on in hello Janet Oh Harry please come over here and see I've got this thing right Harry Mary's here what does she want a salute of 21 guns hello Mary hello Harry hi Bill hello I could go for a drink Harry we'll go for one Hydra P ah have a talk sure thing gee whiz away your father's Falls Youth criminal Oh daddy didn't buy them for me Lenny bring him to you know Jimmy set them over this morning in a jeep you still fly him in his face oh don't be a drip have you got any sense you accept a huge box of candy from a perfect stranger a soldier is the post respect womanhood and what happens next don't you know anything about life don't you realize that Candy's the thin end of the wedge what wedge holy cow maturing her boy Dexter he's so crazy about Colin yeah I gather from the son he didn't altogether approve of this young soldier you had for dinner last night Oh privatair hi nice boy wasn't he Jenny oh he seemed very nice but he didn't call us we're holding hands at the movie last night they were I know she was holding hands with Dexter I saw them i sat next to Dexter right a little devil really Harry I wouldn't be so smug about it corners should be held down not encouraged long as this is against all my principles you've acquired Oh mrs. Pringle they're all out all right Louise I know where they are Dorothy Pringle she's come to make up now you be nice to her but mother listen I've listened enough you come with me I'm sorry to come barging in like this Janet but there are some things I cannot ignore I guess we'd better show off come on Mary no I'd rather you stay you know all about it and I want this thing thrashed out once and for all you stay here range now da you don't get excited I'm not excited I'm just so furious I could chew nails Raymond has just told me something that you tell them Raymond but I think it's dumb never mind what you think you repeated it to me and you're going to repeat it to them oh I'm very sorry I brought the whole thing up this will be a lesson to me go ahead Raymond well I was over at the Campbell selling a magazine subscription to their cook by the way mr. Archer do you take fascinating love stories I have a special art on mind I'll tell them what you told me according to Raymond who distinctly overheard it from the Campbell's kitchen Marjory Campbell was telling her bridge club last night that you had said to her that Mildred was actually leading Corliss astray holy cow oh how ridiculous why I never said anything of the sort was that what you heard him well did sounded like it of course it could have been leaving her to play don't quibble ring you told me definitely she said leading her astray why you even asked me if I thought Mildred was leading people astray Dorothy I'm surprised that you listening to such garble gossip well I'm quite sure Janet would now kindly keep out of this Mary I'm talking to Janet no wait a minute we wanted to beat it and you asked us to stay seems to me she's got a right to put in her two bits worth now you keep out of it she can't talk to you that way I think it's all very dumb oh you've acquired you think everything's done it's my experience that most thing sar I think we're never gonna get anywhere hashing things over like this let's bury the hatchet and forget it well I think that's a wonderful idea don't you Dexter well I never go so far as the same Miller is exactly leading Corliss astray but I do think she's a bad influence yeah here we go again oh why don't you keep your big trap shut holy cow you asked me didn't you it's clear that the entire neighborhood has been influenced against Mildred and that's perfectly all right with me oh wait a million don't know you Janet I shall forbid both Mildred and Raymond to set foot in your house and call us will no longer be welcome at my house nor will any come Raymond Joey I think we're all being awfully silly I'm goodness with a war going on all over the world I don't think we should be quarreling among ourselves the President himself said we should all be united I'll thank you to keep mr. Truman out of this hey don't raise your voice I'll raise the roof perfect now soul in sight call me later ready and in the meantime I won't say a word attagirl you leave everything to me money where have you been all day hello where the horse well they're out took Monica for a walk Oh Lenny we had the most grisly round with the Pringles what yes it was awful no again I'm afraid so Lenny only this time it was much worse mrs. Pringle was over here and you practically almost hit mother Oh for pete's sake this is all your fault you and that silly bizarre I suppose you've done things up again when he don't be like that I didn't do anything what was that little Thank You Raymond don't pass the buck to Raymond Oh might be treated like a hill when I've been in yell but I didn't do anything no stop that silly sniveling cut it out a fat lot of good a dozen saying to love your brother when he still treats you like a boy huh get out of here you filthy sneaking old spy you're quite emotional aren't you most women are I think it's dumb what is having hysterics - I'm swearing to beat the land words even I never heard before mother's crying her eyes out why what's the matter oh they're picking on her what for well it's really very funny you see she just got back after being gone all day and she won't say where she was and go on gone now pops beginning think maybe she is leading people astray after all get out of here okay many okay I'm sorry I never dreamed I was opening up a can of peas like this I really repeated some kitchen on track okay and don't come back boy Yami hasn't improved your disposition in leading people astray what the Dickens does he mean well that's what mrs. Pringle said that Raymond says that mom said and that's what started as all look you've got to help me can you keep a secret crack my heart Mildred and I were married this morning Oh lemme what a mom and daddy gonna say well I I was going to break it to him tonight and now with this new route going anybody know about your being married I mean not a soul you drove across the state line to Windham Ferry and duck off a justice of the peace he and his wife are the only ones you know except you but you're gonna tell mom and daddy aren't you I don't know I'm afraid now her parents might move heaven and earth to have to know could they I guess they could she lied about her age on the license darling how awful is right gosh that makes Mildred my sister-in-law doesn't it uh-huh oh boy now I won't have to pay him 45 cents I or well Rhonda's never pay up are you terribly in love Lenny well we didn't get married just for the fun of it this is for keeps well rotten to be a secret mom and daddy I don't know they forget all about this row I don't know that's so funny oh you've simply got to tell him about a terrific thing like getting married no I wonder though golly loving people makes life frightfully complicated doesn't it you're not a bad leg at that I'm glad I told you I am too very proud but you trusted me I mean well maybe I'll take a chance and tell him dad's pretty level-headed hang on a minute I'll have him arrested that's what I'll do I'll have him arrested holy cow come sit down dear Oh Harry you're gonna get blood all over everything what's the matter shake what happened both the kitchen is ringing some ice-cubes quickly but daddy what happened what happened stand there yapping what happened I'm bleeding today why don't you sit down and don't yell at me I'm your father not a bombardier please sit down call us will you do as you're told Oh Harry please try not to bleed on the Navajo rug I'll bleed where I feel like it Louis quit I splendide Pantages dance bleeding right man there's my soul in that suit just came back from the cleaners mom was he hit by a car no I was hit by Bob Pringle the dirty cowardly rat and I'll sue him if it's the last thing I ever do well your pants are all taut yes and I'll kill that half with a dog of ours too the filthy cur went for me not him land sakes what happened here Howie drink this loosen your collar dear hold your head down that's exactly what I did when he hit me all right what rat mr. pengal I hope you hit him you darn right I did good for you mr. Archer will somebody please tell me what happened was the Pringles and they were out in the front yard and we got into an argument without any warning the yellow coward sucked me right no no oh but you started in Harry you called him a vile name I did not I called him a stupid town because he is the first let's kill no mr. Archer stop rattling that dishpan out of my nose for heaven's let me get to a telephone well you know it stops bleeding bad what do you want to phone for I'm gonna call the district attorney and have him arrested for disturbing the peace and causing a riot here daddy put the he's not gonna get away with this no wonder Mildred's a bad influence on Corliss when her father's a homicidal maniac that's my good eye leave it alone get that spawn of Robert Pringles out of my honey okay okay I'm going I just thought you might be interested knowing that pops in far worse shape than you are how would you come along with me now listen after this you're not to say anything you've got to swear oh I'll take an oath in blood like we did when we were kids well I satisfy you Lenny well you know I never went back on that and this is daddy's blood too okay I swear in blood by everything I hold sacred that I will never reveal your secret you'd better not that's all they could torture me and I wouldn't tell well this is work hard ah Ocoee can you imagine I just went through an office well it looks like a deer an obstetrician is it sort of a baby doctor it is Oh golly how embarrassing Oh words like that always throw me for a lot what are you here for money oh well he's in the Pacific I haven't heard anything from now I don't know where he is we haven't had anything ever for several weeks that's the word that confused me then one of your mother phone call it you met mr. Aakash you wish to make an apartment no I was just shopping down heartless I'm so worried about mrs. Wilcox don't be silly I do it completely off the scent mr. P no you have to be patient this is precision dentistry no but this is a sixth time I left my bridge to be fixed I'm getting sick entirely mr. Pringle there's a war on how do you think I wanna save your supposed doctor didn't really relieve my name is mrs. William Smith why not the world crying lessness sign no but I think we should have victim as obviously well even if he does suspect he can't say anything you mean because he's a doctor sure they all have to take a hypocritical Hippocratic oath anyway they all take it they can't even tell me what if you've got a hangnail come on no you've gotta go first we're not supposed to be seeing each other you know okay bonus there's any news dear hello call us Oh Jimmy you got a new stripe oh I'm so proud of you I got a raised house the market for kisses today Jimmy Earhart your terrible do you realize that no one loves you do you Omer Annika you're so beautiful and so full of fleas now you give me that Louise come here a sec the poiice and then he's got your mom's birthday oh they're fine dear I'll tell you what why don't you been up to oh nothing Muffy come on D I oughta fit this on you mom no I was just now well darling stand still mom it's too tight my goodness aren't you ever going to stop growing whoa look at that tummy I wasn't moving it in it's as flat as a barn hi droopy say listen I'd like to know what you think you were doing yesterday after your music lesson mother will you please ask him to go away and you to call us did you use my pastry cutter last night making those caramels I can't find it anywhere no Louise I never touched it Notah was using it and she Millman or she over here last night did I say noted how silly I must have been thinking of her I meant Dexter what did you do with it Dexter dear don't pass the buck to me don't lie to me call us was Mildred over here yes mum why were you and Daddy were at the movies and it seemed like a good opportunity really cause honestly mum you don't know how absolutely crazy just silly throw me scrub away oh darling I agree with you but your father is mr. Pringle or seeing countersuing each other and for $10,000 damages and he absolutely insisted you well you stay here you asked that Dexter will you please Raymond told me that mr. kringles Dennis Bell's over 300 bucks our age hey hello hello this is Jimmy Earhart may I speak to mr. Carlos Archer please yeah we'll wait just a minute is it for me Jimmy Earhart calling miss Corliss Archer I'll take that call it but mom why are you be quiet hello why doesn't he keep his mind on the war oh oh this is mrs. Archer speaking oh we're fine thanks and you well that's splendid Oh oh I'm afraid not well Corliss is away this weekend oh my all means oh no no not at all goodbye mother how could you well he's been here three times already and that's quite enough you're entirely too young to well anyway you're entirely too young I think she did absolutely right you shut up but why'd you have to lie to him you'll know you were lying Oh nonsense how could he possibly know because I just because you just want well I well I'll go on well it's just well that's all oh that isn't what you were going to say well if you must know I don't wait Dexter beat it I know all about it have you been spying on me you you contemptuous thing contemptible colas I'm glad you agree with me mother I guess I got as much right to go into a drugstore as you had Oh children stop squabbling now call us I want to know what this is all about we'll make him scram then I don't have to bare my soul in front of him do I sure you're a shame because you're fickle and deceit that will be enough next to go on home now okay miss you're okay but believe me I'm glad this has come to a head Oh Olli I'm glad you kicked him out mother he's terrible darling have you been meeting that boy well he was mum and that was yesterday afternoon and it was just by accident honestly I swear you sure you didn't meet him by appointment no mames why didn't you tell us about it last night at dinner well I don't know mommy when Daddy are so strict and everything I don't know I was going to is that by he telephone just now did you make a date with him for tonight no ma'am not a date I'm not allowed to make dates but I did town we'd be home tonight and I said I was sure you'd be glad to see him Oh mommy so cute and he's a carpool now and I was wrong about his eyes they're not like van Johnston's they're like Charles boys you know sort of sleeping no Bullen pregnant mm when you were five years old I was sure you couldn't be any more trouble but look at you now alert evening soldiers I see Kara well you can't fight against nature mom you need nature out of this if you please hello oh hello daddy it really is dead mm-hmm Oh daddy's at the corner of Washington and forth and he wanted to feel devote a pint of gasoline to picking him up he says he's exhausted and in tears why doesn't he take the bus buses why don't you take the bus they won't let me on the bus I've got a hundred pounds like a fertilizer with me even the pedestrians are avoiding me Hey tell him I'll pick him up okay Joe rescues at hand I'm just leaving goodbye I've got to see you talk to me about Carla I was never more humiliated in my life I was downtown yesterday mining my own business and there if you please in this drugstore who do I see but Corliss and his soldier and she's looking at him with gooey eye if he making that up I don't wish to discuss it well if you don't believe me ask Betty Campbell she's in the drugstore having a coke with me were you treating very careful - a coke that frizzed a blonde I was well we just happen to meet I mean jus well well well as a matter of fact it was our root beer dr. Franklin kind of leave his property at once oh yeah hey there's one thing I will not stand for it's fragrant infidelity the word is flagrant commerce but what did I say you said fragrant well I met it your behavior stinks now Dexter you struck me I'm gonna tell my father holy cow is insulted warned before that you're getting much too big to flood me I hope your mother does here I'm gonna kill my father and he's gonna tell you never to come in our house again now get out holy cow I'm sorry honestly the way you treat that poor boy oh he always comes back for more look Carlos don't tell your old man he might get sore I most certainly will now beat it you bully but you had to show me if I came to tell you I don't love me than her from letting s well how is seeing me wonderful I can't wait to find out what you'll see when he finds out I sent him a cable last night girls I just have to go April any you cannot pay me over better scramble scramble good why what's the matter mother's on her way over here here what for I don't know all I know is she was talking on the phone to mrs. Wilcox for half an hour and I heard her say she was coming right over here golly come on well it's where you won't tell I swear I already sworn blood old woman one crisis after another good afternoon Louise is mrs. archer home well she went to pick up mr. Archer well that's fine Louise I'll just wait on the porch she ought to be back in a few minutes mrs. Pringle hello call it hello miss Pringle I'm sorry mum's out she'll be back in a minute who that's all I call this hour wait have you been Oh fine thanks and you oh I'm fine thank you aren't you putting on a little weight No whew mrs. Pringles here I know you I know what the devil she wants how is she here she's certainly will hello Dorothy what's on your mind you wanted to see me Isaac that's right going up your room Colin you don't send her out of the room on my account it's not here that I've come to see you go on call it yes mister now Darcy what is it I've just learned something Janet but I feel it's my duty to tell you and you were the people who felt that my daughter was a bad influence on your if you've come over here to please let's try not to forget we're gentle people too bad you didn't think of that when he knocked four of Bob's teeth down his throat oh hi Dorothy now what is it I thought you might be interested to know that your daughter who might be contaminated by associating with Mildred is in serious trouble with a soldier get out of my house Harry get out here before I lose my temper smash her Bridgeway I don't blame you for being upset I was shocked myself just what do you mean I mean just what I say she's in trouble how dare you and I say you're a liar then suppose you ask call us why she's been visiting dr. failing in the professional building Boris just in case you don't know already dr. failing only takes up stick dribble cases polish Carla's come down here corners come here Hollis this this woman has just had the gall to say yes daddy I heard what she said I wasn't actually listening up I couldn't help hearing then tell her that she's alive go ahead you have my permission to use the word well I ever I saw guilt written on a human face that's it down : you want to lead up to it gently ask her if she was at the corner of Jefferson and 5th yesterday with her soldier friend having a cocktail it was a shrimp cocktail I'll murder that betty campbell what soldier I know all about that Harriet was privateer ha crop for Wyatt calleth what's this about dr. Faye bling in the professional building whoa right now there's no use trying to deny it you were seen leaving his office yesterday and the week before by two different people and yesterday you were seen meeting this soldier call it call is look at me is that true yes mother oh darling I'm sorry Janet but perhaps in the future you'll be a little bit more careful when you talk about people leading people astray you little fool you little fool operator get me camp moaning sorry but you do hurry I'm gonna speak to the commanding officer inhabits this Earhart court-martialed and shot O'Hare you can't do that we've got to have time to think I've already thought Corliss I don't know what to say I don't know what to say either get morning tide let me speak to the commanding officer I'll have him before a firing squad within 48 hours hello daddy okay you love it he knows very well that you and who is it Oh who is it Oh Dexter desk I'll kill him I'll kill him higher body get out of my sight you vile unspeakable shameless filthy little swine who is I'm sorry it'll never happen again Harry please I implore you control yourself murdering him isn't going to do any good holy cow it was Corliss fall as much as it was mine you filthy little cat oh you don't know what you're saying holy cow I asked you not to tell him but look mr. Archer it was all in fun please don't kill him oh how did please let's try to sit down calmly and think what we can do Oh dolly boy he was livid I didn't suck you that hard Dexter I'm in an awful Jam you Gila sword me said he wanted to kill me I know any minute - holy cow I didn't do anything so terrible well of course not Dexter but for some reason he seems to think you did gee whiz why'd you tell him Dexter you've got a ticket open but not to breathe a word if I tell you the truth okay I swear you can take it sitting down all right I swear in blood duh look here's blood on my chin of shaved one the first place Mildred and Lenny are married not married holy cow and in the second place notas gonna have a baby she is but her parents and my parents don't dream they're married so of course they can't know she's gonna have a baby see I'm the only one who knows well go on well I've been going with Mildred to see her doctor dr. family in the professional belly and anyone and evidently someone saw me coming out of his office and must have phoned mrs. Pringle and well she came tearing over here and now everybody seems will jump to the conclusion that I'm going to have the baby oh boy you are in a jam aah Oh for a while everybody thought Jimmy was to blame me daddy was just calling the CEO to have him executed chief weird yes then then daddy was just a man you know who it wasn't then you came in and well for some reason they all seem to think it's you why no one your father tried to kill me holy cow I'm a dead duck huh Dexter would you mind not denying it for a while I've gotta have time to think your profession he doesn't kill that boy I will you said you'd do anything for me Dexter Oh what's my father gonna say you said you'd do anything for me text holy cow stop bouncing that ball in the house miss Litella fault okay shoot it's your nickel hello Raymond this is Carlos I've got to speak to not immediately it's an absolute matter of life and death it's no dice Corliss she's out it's no use getting emotional quilt look I don't know where she isn't if I did I probably wouldn't tell you so long little stinker go arrange another skirt yes sir I mean ulcer serve you right to fail it sure what gee whiz day huh yes back home where we come from you be tarred and feathered and I help no but let's not be unfair pets dicks that can explain all right let him explain well what do you got to say for yourself I got nothing to say that's just as well cuz I wanna believe you and don't keep telling me to calm down I don't want to calm down hello his doctor tabling come in yet yes I'm the party you call before and I'll call as open as I like what the devil do you it's just like a nightmare can you beat that for deliberate rudeness not home yet no and I've called every Country Club in town an obstetrician has no right to play golf Saturday so what people could be having babies right and left Louise where are you going I'm taking callers her dinner she's not to have any dinner she's to stay in her room incommunicado until I say different he needs nourishment she's got two mouths to feed now Louise did you hear what I said Harry please do you want the Franklin's to hear you yelling why not I've heard him yelling at Dexter for the last two hours it's all in the family now do you still wish to keep food from Carlos mr. Archer all right take her her tray that woman gets on my nerves Harry don't be silly louise is wonderful she's been with the 17 years then why isn't she more upset I've seen her more excited when Carla skinned her knees what do you wanted to do have hysterics I distrust people who are calm in a crisis Oh No why not who want it are you listening to your radio and if so what problem Oh Harry please do sit down and relax I cannot understand it I cannot get it through my mind that those two unspeakable fools those infants well what does she get safer herself she wants the more yellow gel at a time like this is her door locked Harry she's not going to try to sneak out she gave me her word her word Harry we've got to try to be tolerant it'll all work out all right dear Dexter is really a very nice boy nice boy do you call the beef Harry you're not helping the situation after all we do know they're in love with each other I'm not once you're practically still in their swaddling clothes Harry how do you remember 1918 yes what about 1918 you remember that flavor you had Harry yes what about it well you were quite impulsively in yourself Harry do you remember that night you wanted me to alone at the time to which you refer I was 22 when earning my own living Dexter is 17 and gets 50 cents a week well between us and the Franklin's will have to increase their lift cream for pete's sake where are you going I'm going to take a walk around the block and try and pull myself together that's a good idea Oh Harry yes take my Ronika with you the poor don't know if dr. fiddling calls tell him to hang on I'll be back in him well what has she got to say for herself he's listening to the radio soup man mother what is it call us where'd daddy go round the block you were told not to leave your room call us I left my darling that's practically almost the same as still being in it mother do you think I'm awful I've already told you what I think it has made the slightest impression you don't seem to realize what a dreadful thing this is oh I don't understand you call it mother do you hate me please don't hate me oh darling God was that I don't hate you no I think daddy liked to break my neck but only because he loves you so me little idiot mum please don't feel so awful oh please don't cry I've only I could explain I'm so ashamed court I feel it's all my fault mum no no Oh dolly think how we used to dream about the day you get married mother we are married what well naturally mom honey darling sure you don't think that well naturally we're married call us mom how would you possibly think we weren't married then why didn't you say so well I haven't had a chance daddy's been yelling ever since I was sent to my room I know darling I know we got all excited good boy you ought to hear what the Franklin's are saying too Dexter I've been meaning out my window listening and poor Dexter his father's been bawling him out like nobody's business there hasn't been a peep out of him well I should hope not mother in many ways that you don't understand this is far more difficult for Dexter than it is for me then why hasn't he said that you Dexter's lips are sealed I made him swear in blood that that this marriage had to be a secret hello Veronica Callie it's daddy Harry Hallie Cole is has just told me the truth they are married what married who said so Corliss Paulus yes daddy car let's come down here do I understand correctly that you and Dexter are married of course daddy then for the sweet glove of heaven why didn't you say so in the first place well daddy when a person is yelled at and screamed at and sent to a room you can't very well blame a person's being sort of flustered well you did yell at her Harry where was the marriage performed at Windham ferry that's just across the state line when Oh couple of months ago it was just about the time when Lenny was home would it be too much trouble to let me see the wedding certificate Dexter acid hmm by whom was the marriage performed by Justice of the Peace daddy didn't he question your age I was wearing mums hat with a little veil very well thoughtless that will be all you may go to your room yes Daddy somehow I just can't quite believe that I'm the father-in-law of that holy cow happy you don't doubt her word operator get me long-distance I want to speak to the Windham ferry information operator please there's no harm in checking up Harry hi Windham ferries a little hick town that can't be more than one or two J pees in it alright operator I'll hang on I ought to break every bone of your boy yes it Dexter you're terrific keep it up used to heard what my old man said to me I did most of it really Dexter your father uses the space for language did you hear him say if a mob came to lynch me turn me over to him without a qualm golly boy we are in a jam that's all right Dexter stop worrying everything's gonna be all right huh everything's gonna be all right Dexter I had a terrific idea and I you keep away from that poor girl but Jesus come with me all right Harper let me talk to him she's located at JP but the name of Waldo why who what's the name is Emmett 8 r CH ER Archer you get that thank you now I'd like to find out when Oh a couple of months ago huh what hang on a minute on d-day what is your family bragging still there mr. Archer when I take and I found it on July 20th I really joined in the bonds of holy wedlock and Archer and all right thank you that's all I want to know I'm sorry to bother you goodbye it's okay they're married well goodbye just think our little girl married to Dexter just so long as it takes to get it annulled Harry you can't why not because they're going to have a baby I hope it'll be a girl Janet you amaze me how can you stand there calmly and hope it's going to be a girl well it's got to be either a boy or a girl I can have my preference can't I what do is one more book how are you I'll knock you so helping G will you keep quiet I don't hear no you know the unfit country hair you see beguiling these DS tacit hell and I'm gonna horse with holy shut up I've got a horse with heresy Oh Dexter my poor darling what are they doing to you I think you're terrible you shouldn't talk to him this way after all he is my husband he's a disgrace to what you see I said that after all he is my lawful legal husband I think it's just terrible the way everybody's picking on him he's your what what does she mean it's true Mary can you imagine those crazy kids is this true are you married to her go on Dexter you can tell him now huh you tell him I made him swear that he keep this a secret and he never said a word and I think it was very noble of you oh well I must confess this is somewhat a relief to me why didn't you tell us your big dope now stop yelling at him bill after all they are married would it be all right if I see Carlos alone for normally but not now Harry mom you're suppose I could phone the Pringles and find out if notit's home yet no you could not but mom I simply got to I mean golly notice my best friend and well in many ways I feel practically almost like a sister to her Carlos be quiet excuse me yeah that was the front door oh we're not at home to anyone Louise oh that's what I thought and may I inquire how you propose to support a wife and family yes well sir mr. Archer huh well I figured we could live right here with you I mean holy cow I would mind a bed that's darn white of you but I want come on open up that doorways Oh Eloise good to see ya that sounds I can go George what where the hook don't tell me how about there in the porch I know my way it is George oh he would come at a time like this I children the bleep them hello Harry I have a sick looking younger and prettier than our Jenna and call us how's my favorite niece Franklin mrs. Franklin glad to say yeah well [ __ ] it Dexter ha ha he certainly did grow up didn't he you must be pretty proud of him Franklin oh yes indeed why don't we go to tell it the truth naturally after all they are married I bet all the boys are crazy about her huh yeah she's quite popular well I suppose you're all wondering why I pull in here this way so I'm going to tell you I have come in regard to a christening what yes sir I'm flying back to the Navy Yard tomorrow with colas and she's going to christen the destroyer hug of George yes like me christen destroyer me with a big bottle of champagne Oh would I be in the newsreel I bet you will I want to judge you wonderful Paulus alright I guess I was forgetting something say is what's the matter here is something wrong well George it seems that colas and Dexter oh but you've been getting into some mischief huh oh sorry kept up with you were knee-high to a duck she and Dexter been playing house there they're still playing house go on Janet tell him well well George believe it or not those two crazy little idiots have been secretly married for a couple of months we only found out about it ourselves a few minutes before you came that's why we you saw Tyrone flustered Oh bless myself I don't blame you for being fostered why they're just babies foolish impetuous babies you don't have to look so despondent Oh Harry's very simple all you got to do is just have the whole thing and all you don't understand George we do want it annulled oh come come Harry you've gotta talk to stinger weather obviously too young you're an attorney you know how these things go there isn't one good reason I can I'll give you one excellent reason Oh Dexter you're behaving simply wonderfully I'll never forget it nor will I oh poor Dexter why'd you have to complicate matters by telling them we're married Dexter that was an inspiration it's given me time to think who you calling Mildred you're not supposed to talk to her Dexter Franklin because I said we were married don't start bossing me around hello Raymond there's no turd there no not yet I'd like to find her myself leave it alone Bob it fits beautifully oh you don't have to wear it I never know where she is live and let live that's my motto who are you talking to I want to use a phone pop yeah so what call him Dennis uh no I'm sorry Howard I don't think it would be ethical for me to help you with your algebra tonight goodbye it's all yours pop I can I see you as a grandmother no Jenna it'll be much my grandchild is with his hearth command that's right you be the paternal grandmother call us I have a bone to pick with you how dare you get married without letting me perform the ceremony but our church isn't everybody that has a chaplain right in the family you know well yes that condition she was that high it's been understood it was to be my privilege yes I could charge but not all right don't worry we've been discussing it all we're going to give you children a real home wedding right now holy cow that's my call it won't that be lovely without George that's awfully sweet of you and everything but but we don't need to get married anymore now look eloping to the justice of the peace is all very modern but there's nothing like an old-fashioned wedding ceremony if you want the marriage to last is that true Jenna I think I'll go George is perfectly right now run along upstairs here and put on your new dress whatever I call this your call is gone I think it's a swell idea Dexter back on you keep out of it yes sir I wouldn't really feel properly married to Corliss unless you did it go to church every Sunday never mrs. commander shall we have it in here George no no the living room now Harry you got had lots of ferns and flowers for the fireplace and Franklin you helped him mrs. Franklin yeah don't you go home and change yourself put on your dark one holy cow this is perfect what a break don't be a drip this is better than my roseus dreams always figured at least make us wait laughter I was drafted Dexter Franklin you don't think for one minute I'm going to let it go as far as that to you what can you do you took an oath in blood don't forget and anyway why not I think it's perfect don't be a goon I'm only stalling for time as soon as I can get hold of Mildred we'll just have to tell him the truth well why not wait let get us safely married mental Oh will you stop buying me holy cow you dragged me into this thing I deserve some consideration alright maybe I will at uncle George do it oh boy if I was married they couldn't stop from making dates with soldiers listen if I ever catch you looking at a song oh it's why aren't you dressing Dexter you go on home now and do as your mother told you gosh mrs. Archer she makes me so happy this is so wonderful wait'll I get you alone you have to bounce that ball against our house okay pop okay hi contaminating influence where you been all day none of your business hey there's a telegram for you I hid it under the mat hey three minutes hey mom ha gee whiz imaginary Cyril shot down by home I know it's gonna have a baby by whom huh lady and we've been married all this time oh yeah let me see that telegram Oh mother so wonderful we've been married two whole months and we're going to have a baby here's the ring and Curtis has been going with me to see dr. saving the profession of building oh well she's been so wonderful Oh what have I done well I don't know what have you done hot dog I'm an uncle Oh Harry don't be so nervous Muraki get off of that piano bench now Scoob Oh Harry and call us I want you two to stand right here at the head of the stairs when you hear the first notes of the wedding march right who's going to play it never that's all been taken care of Louise plays it beautifully now you two stand right there and we'll all be ready in just a minute daddy Oh our glass of water no you don't but daddy I'll swim don't you dare grandma Archer right about there then why Franklin here daddy this house wasn't built for weddings the stairs should be facing your wedding you know I'm sorry please forgive me they never use the front of the house are probably all on the back porch and Dexter round in here I don't know if I'm ever gonna face them after all the terrible things I said about course oh just leave it to me Dorothy I'll break the news to them they'll obvious pleased as punch there we are well I guess that's it all right please now Hey go anymore on the way Raymond I'll take care of it you all wait here Harry Harry congratulations Rett have you come here to gloat over me and I am quiet emotional family wait no a b-flat is it Jan Aarthi how dare you come over here Janet you don't understand oh can you ever forgive me did I play it wrong I don't know try it again let's see what happens oh I'm so happy and I want you to be happy to watch me to be happy about my marriage of course they're married and they're gonna have a baby yes so you were good enough to tell me before Miller he was going to have the baby Dorothy Mildred to Dexter Oh Karlis I had a cape over many and he's a hero and they all know about everything how wonderful you know you came just in the nick of time to keep your secret I was going to marry Dexter Carlos ham that's carrying things too far Dexter don't you hit him he's my brother-in-law hello commander art Raymond would you father just to well he was but not for long who Starks is chasing him down the street here's what for well it's a long story commander and I think it's very dumb they were heading east well Mildred why didn't you tell us bread and butter we thought you'd be angry because of the feud these crazy children and they're wonderful about money mom are you glad it isn't me no darling hey mom start your car damn Raymond what happened oh hi he's never a double wow druthers Oh Harry you're more excited on the bride that you'd be excited to that boy of mine brings down three zeros and hadn't got nerve enough to tell us he's married a lovely girl like your daughter ha ha ha ha Janet huh hi grandpa hi Rick for the sweep you off of heaven I'm related to you oh and as for you too sweet quixotic crazy little idiots oh I ought to spank you both mama
Channel: Hannah Grace
Views: 779,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shirley Temple, Kiss and Tell, 1945, Corliss Archer
Id: RMHDy5os7vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 56sec (5336 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2013
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