The Little Colonel (1935)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] the days are gone with Beauty bright my heart chain when my dream of life [Music] keine if I were 20 years younger right caring at all I suspect some other people have the same idea father you shouldn't say such things I've missed a lot marriage is a wonderful institution yes no family should be without it what you're doing I'm sorry sir you'd better be you've broken a dirty book in your head yes sir pretty isn't it it's valuable too someday your temper is going to split you right open well sir when it does I will send for you to show me but it's too late for you to change your family physician now colonel oh I don't know doctor this is an age of change yeah good night yeah I give you a homeland glorious in defeat gallant in victory and brave in her hour of grief gentlemen I give you the south and confusion to all her enemies my dear friends don't run away hurry Becky Oh Miss Elizabeth I hate to see you go and I'm afraid of what the colonel will do when he finds out he won't find out till I'm well on my way now stop crying and don't act suspicious Lee I'll send for you as soon as I can [Applause] put up your hands don't try to run or I'll shoot come here take my bag down the back way now who are you and what are you doing calling around my place at night my name is Jack Sherman sir shim that names no recommendation huh what are you doing here father this is the man I'm going to marry I knew you would never give your consent so we were going to elope I wanted to come to you sir and ask you into silence why did you assume I would object to an honorable marriage I know how you feel about the north I hate all Yankees that's why we didn't come and tell you then you knew you were doing wrong I love him how can you love a man who represents what every true southerner should hate men who probably fought against your father your brother nor your kinfolk why for all you know he may be the very man who fired the shot that killed your brother I was a soldier just as you were sir and even though I fought on the other side the South has always had my respect and sympathy my mother was a Virginian but may I remind you sir that the war has been over for a long time will never be over for me you're mine sir you know I ought to kill you I don't know but what I will Elizabeth go to your room no go to your room I tell you I'm going with Jack Elizabeth when that door closes it'll never open for you again several main Broadus of the day yes it sound assembly group is farm sir take your post general Weatherby has this day appointed to his staff as honorary colonel like Sherman [Music] this honor has been conferred in you for distinguished services completely unarmed except for your golden curls brown eyes your dimples you captured an entire regiment this one I take great pleasure in handing you your commission colonel colonel I can't read this writing and there's a big enough besides I can't read anyway oh I assure you it's all according to military regulations of course you can well you don't I know sometimes my mother just proud to see this Bob I want to thank you for everything it's been a great pleasure to have you and your family with us even so short a time why different than Philadelphia isn't it yes indeed you know we lived there for six years but I never got used to the dreadful noise of the horsecar well I understood jack that you'd sold your home back there he sold everything lock stock and barrel the Greenies advice to go west and here we are to find our fortune depending on your help for that goal there's plenty there for the finding if we're lucky man I do wish I didn't have to go back home to Lordsburg no we've settled all that this country's no place for women and children and where Jax going it's even rougher the colonel is right man sighs Jack tell me have a lovely home waiting for you that sounds too grand it's really just a cottage my mother left me no one's lived in it for years well a safe journey to you and an uneventful one thank you now you got a watch very close having a fine time for yourself watchin what's the matter has the cat got your tongue let me go oh I wouldn't hurt you little lady give me a kiss you'll write off and won't you do of course the coach is here mr. Sherman thank you okay what I told you to the kennel kiss me goodbye goodbye darling home sake do be careful I will now honey you be a brave soldier and look out for mother won't you I will good bye my baby good morning Carlson fan right today I hear down at the village prices is picking up and it's a big year for cutting Oh stop chattering Walker yes sir gossip nothing I was going to tell you about the cottage sir but I reckon you wouldn't be interested Cottage yes sir someone is moving into it Walker yes sir come don't you why don't you let me know what's going on around here who's moving into the cottage I don't know sir Colonel but I hear tell they moved in this morning well well well well it's been empty a long time now ever since Oh maybe I'd better call on our new neighbors and see what kind of folks are oh yes sir having neighbors won't make it so lonely around here who says just lonely around here not me no sir anyway I like to be alone mother who was that your grandfather why didn't he come in he didn't want to did he make you cry what job does my grandfather want to come and see my mother well he might have mad at you I guess you matter he your grandfather get mad when your mother married your dad yes they should seems mighty funny to me well it's cause all the lords of stuffing the old colonel is your mother is and you is I'm not don't you call me that and no use you're stomping your foot at me that don't change it that just proves it now look here honey does you want to fight with me or does you want to help I want to help you that's fine come on bear I'm expecting Aunt Sally Tyler for lunch would you have enough I don't know if I can stretch one small chicken but as long as the waters running we'll have super no honey don't eat that now you'll spoil your lunch it's Aunt Sally Tyler my aunt too she's your great idea my great aunt oh I know the big fat one you must be very polite to her dear she's coming all the way from Norval to see us alright mother I will mom Beck will you tell me a pink story if you ain't a beating this child I ever seen when you want to hear blue story everything in it has got to be blue and when you wants to hear a green story everything in there's got to be green now I could take you a black story Bob my first husband you better run out and play with me Lily all right and don't let me see you take none of them cookies it's a good thing I didn't see you take them lips I am my gun hey Michael why miss noise did you really do that and you don't have to call me miss are you - you can't be no colonel why not because you ain't got no whiskers I don't need to have whiskers I got a temper I guess that's right if you was I'd be afraid to play with you miss live there's a car those flowers well we're not afraid of the colonel who ain't afraid maybe you ain't but is now listen mate lily and you to Henry Clay I'm the colonel and you're my men you have to obey orders they're so beautiful my mother our love is here Henry Clay you can get a nice round pebble and they can be reasons well put desk over the top and that can be sugar we'll just make the finest mud pies you ever saw who's been picking these flowers colonel your army is retreatin right now hey what's going on around here don't you dare put me with that old stick watch that you better learn some respect for your elders anyone who pokes me for a little girl you've got a bad temper that's your fault what's that who are you they call me the little colonel what Under the Sun do they call you that for because I'm so much like you me how are you like me because I've got such a temper I step my foot when I get mad I get all red in the face can i holler back at people to look at you you're a pretty sight what are you running around the country for like poor white trash I don't know who your mother is but whoever she is she order to teach you better don't you dare say nothing about my mother whose child is that how can I tell you sir when you don't want nobody even say her name I'm my German that's why I am a German Lloyd come honey your mom was more worried about you well I'm sorry I didn't know oh that's all right goodbye grandfather goodbye what are you all standing around gaping for going on oh here we are pushing on further and I have every reason to believe something very good will come of it let me write some personal things can that be learned that Becky is caring how do you do it Sally Keller how did you do where have you been I can't see my grandfather nice little mother she threw mud on him yes because he poked me with the stick and I got mad and he got mad oh he hollered at each other Oh baby how could you disgrace mother going there looking like a dirty little beggar I didn't begging for anything you've been a naughty girl and you're going to be punished take her in the house Becky give her a bath and put her to bed yes'm I'm terribly upset I wouldn't for world have him think I encouraged her in going there well yes I know but just the same there are some things to be considered beside your pride Elizabeth there's the child herself you know you ought to think of her interest I don't care I don't want anything from him I know dear but just the same I say you ought to think of Lloyd if I were you I'd let her go over there as often as she pleases who knows it might end in your all making up someday never not after the terrible things he said about Jack [Music] you look just like an angel out of heaven to look at you now no one ever believed it shouldn't be a regular little demon now look here honey if you don't take your nap like a good little girl mom Beck will bring you along with it to the baptizing saying sure will and wailing - that's a good little girl [Music] i limit chairman how are you so your friends waiting hull out on the trail very early this morning yes they're out looking over some of their properties well locked oh yeah thanks give me the gold it seems a shame to waste twenty dollars where the gold uh it ain't wasting it you'll see stand back now now that's what I call a rich piece of war gonna take you to think of a trick like this it's a sure thing it never fails do you hear that that's opportunity knocking but it don't knock but once you'll have to make up your mind quick Swayze and I want to push on to California we just got word of a big strike out there we own the land this over comes from the or speaks for itself it's rich if you make a fast deal the land yours I know it's a fine opportunity but the price you ask it just about all I've got in the world's worth a lot more we want you to have it because you're our friend you can't lose why you can sell out tomorrow for more than we're asking let's forget about the whole deal in part friends will get another buyer and then we're off to California wait a minute I've decided I'll take it now you're talking you get your money and we'll give you a deed all free and clear fine you can't go wrong good morning miss Lloyd good morning sis boat it good loan to you brother Walker well well this is certainly what I call a coincidence yes I know you never expected to see me say looking at high as Miss Elizabeth Oh health is all right but I think she was bought mr. Jack he better come home pretty soon what you mean you ain't got no money mo and I eat not only that we's most out of you de that's too bad look here wouldn't they kill you any L give a little hello Annie you know miss Lisbeth wouldn't take nothing from him why before she do that she'd go to the P o H OS P oho s yes showing you got no education the poorhouse oh no yes indeed what honey oh that's the place where they send people who got no money nice no honey it's a terrible place the people there wear rags and all they get to eat is corn down to all the chimpanzee charm your mother won't never have to go to no for house we wouldn't let that have a woman brother Walker I should say not I don't you worry you'll put a little hit about things like that the Lord always provides a man [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's to save their souls and wash their sins away well honey you ain't got little sins use a little angel well wash my sins away Vienna yes honey if you care to write thought believed it would a little river like that wouldn't do her no good child she needs two Mississippi it might kill you that my men don't have to be a face anything now can we play are you all ready have you got the right gun uh-huh you believe that'll rush your sins away well we'll have to do it again one under the Suns going on here what are you doing we were just baptizing Henry Clay baptizing Henry Clay yes and he must be awful bad because it took two ducks to save him look at you Oh wet mushed up when am I going to see you look the way a little girl should look fresh and a there's a flower come on up to the house to get your clothes dry grandfather well what is it I'm sorry that I threw mud on you I'm sorry that I lost my temper and I'm sorry that I took the sheets off your bed what you took my sheets all right young lady clothes need drying yes well I got nothing for a little girl to wear woke up yes sir go up in the attic and you will find a small trunk there may be some clothes in that it will fit miss Lloyd little trunk in the Attic sir yes your numbskull don't you understand English yes sir well then go on attend to it right away do you know whose trunk that is and whose clothes day's course I do you gone now and get them things we don't want no men around him with that face you don't have to worry used a spitting image of your mother you got the same golda hair and pinky cheeks did my mother have a temper too yes indeed she did did you have on all your bone days see anything like that it takes me back 20 years it's been that long since that was in the children in this house don't you say anything I'm a surprise grandfather please in the big room miss Lloyd looks like this old house ain't gonna be lonesome no more [Music] you Oh [Music] that days are gone with you deep right my heart's chained with my dream of life from morn till night was love scale [Music] but there's nothing half so sweet yeah oh there's nothing half so sweet my as long [Music] that was your grandmother dear [Music] and that was her song you just sang I know another teacher to me peached isn't right is it is what was my grandmother's name her name was an emphasis he was a beautiful woman and she had a beautiful soul I wish she was here now I know if she was here she'd go right to my mother and kiss away all of her sorry feelings blue stories [Music] I don't know anything I can tell you then play a game with me what kind of a game well it couldn't be Tiger prisoners base couldn't no it couldn't it better be a sick child game hey I think so you know how to play jacks jacks you play that with cards I don't know how to play it no you play cribbage cribbage no um well not exactly I have it I know a fine game for yes sir I reckon you don't know much about soldiers you don't even know how to salute I do too this is a proper salute they made me a colonel gave me a paper with ribbon on it they called on my permission oh yeah soldiers for Papa jacket oh I never heard such powder out making a colonel out of a little girl just another fool Yankee notion anyway this is the proper salute your years and wait you're probably the stubbornest person in this county come on let's get on to this game now come on come on yeah easy yours now I'll be the Confederacy in your Union oh you haven't I'll show you maybe you'd like it even or give yourself I wish I'd never thought of this confounded game come my trusty Scout see a dirty rib baby bang now eight of my men attack the enemy's right side up you cannot do that why not because my men will fall back on the right flank then they'll let you me in advance then they'll surround them cutting off all retreat and then I'll wipe them out and then I'll order my men to advance child you're a true Lloyd got all the fire and courage our family's always had you've got the same infernal temper that's been our curse it's going to cause you a lot of unhappiness unless you learn how to control it will you try I will help you well you've got a lot more time to learn and I have come on now your clothes must be dry by now I'll have Maggie boy saddled and ride your home would you like that oh yes grandfather miss Lloyd is you all right of course I am can we please take me Lillian Henry play home to impossible I can hold on to the wanted poster no please oh very well then come on you're bigger than this on the rear hey throw me that rope [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're going to come and see me again aren't you even though they tell you not to and the next time we play we won't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can gamble it's important oops don't spend money for telegrams less they got something to say what do you reckon it says mr. never o8 loud tell it's against the rules pretty expensive to standard ain't it well telegrams ain't for poor folks sendin writin over wires I wonder what they'll have next is mr. Sherman Anne yes sir come in I've got a telegram for you mrs. Sherman sign here ma'am I'm sure it's bad news it must be dear your mom back you open it no ma'am not me I don't want nothing to do with it will you open it for me it's the rules ma'am coming home he's coming home mama Papa Jack's coming home it's for my husband he's on his way back thank you very very much it's all right man any answer soon darling and he'll bring us beautiful gold pieces to buy beautiful presents can I have a pink purse with pink ribbons and a pink bustle of course you can we'll just have everything we want oh so happy hallelujah oh hey mr. Jack sir [Music] Jack what what's the matter please help me what is it jack what's wrong I've been very sick fever how about over it Jerry you better not come near me please go to dr. Scott's and ask him to come here at once yes please Elizabeth don't come near me I don't want you to catch this fever I won't and if I did I wouldn't care Papa jack is Elam just for now you can't go near him why because if you did you might catch his illness and then you'd be sick too that's right there Becky can't I even give him just one little kiss no darling you go with Becky now tell me dear what happened swadian halwa thieves the land they sold me was worthless we're ruined we haven't a penny jack is all our money gone all of it after I found out that I've been swindled I almost went crazy now on top of it I got this fever dear don't think of it now you must be quiet cool Elizabeth we made a sorry bargain when you gave up your beautiful home I'd do it again Oh doctor yeah I never thought I was good to get a call from this house what's the matter did Lord fall down and bump her nose no it's jack I think too bad mr. puppet jack oh I don't think so yes they did just to get rid of it themselves [Laughter] I reckon bed will be the best place for you young man how much people have er oh nothing to worry about in no time hey I run along now and I'll bring you some medicine from my office goodbye mr. Chanin goodbye doctor yeah he's in a very weakened condition and he's still running quite a temperature he needs very careful nursing and plenty of it mom Beck and I will take care of him there's still a chance that his fever may be contagious that won't matter to me oh but if I were you I'd send Lloyd away for a while you shouldn't take any chances with her but where can I send her there's only one place Elizabeth and you mustn't be stubborn about it he's all alone in that big house you know and he'd see that she was properly cared for she's never been away from me one night in her whole life I know but this house is no place for her right now I'd send her if I were you let me speak with him and I'll arrange it very well I'll be back this evening mother I have to stay here very long [Music] no dear just until Papa jack as well cuz I will be awfully lonesome you're going to be brave aren't you you promised you would yes well I promise I didn't know I was gonna feel this way kiss mother goodbye now [Music] you know I can't stand noise take that infernal dog and put him out yes sir Walker yes sir take miss Lloyd to a room and have Mariah put it Abed yes sir good idea good night grandfather what are you wearing those old clothes for why don't they dress you up when you go visiting didn't showing proper respect to send you often the oldest thing you have the best guys got and I like them and anyway I don't need any no ones because pretty soon we'll be going away going away where to the poorhouse now now it's like where are you going my mother she loves me even if my clothes are lovely why the crew loved you to miss a lot it's just because his rheumatism is botherin him that he's so pranking my mind you should hear the things he says to me they were just curl your hair woody you can see what they did to mine I don't wanna go there why everybody's got to go upstairs miss lord if they wants to go to bed I don't want to look here will you go if I show you a brand new way how to go upstairs I'll begin the way to go upstairs now you just watch I went to the market for to get some beef tea five dollars of a great big hole and hope so fat and couldn't get back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] are you ready [Applause] that's the fast as my feet ever move I like to go upstairs that way you sure learn fast now tomorrow I'll show you some more steps good night miss Lora [Music] now you be quiet for spinning until the coast is clear and I'll take you upstairs little lady up there might be powerful Blair to see you [Laughter] yes sir what in blazes you prowling around for Colonel sir I thought maybe you might like one of them special hot toddies before you go to sleep well that's a good idea fetch it yes sir what's that Nissa kind of got a misery in my throat look well do something about that yes sir Oh Trixie I'm so glad to see you now I go to sleep sleep now [Music] okay I don't know how that dog got in there sir honest I don't he probably crawled up the chimney yes sir I'll never mind about that I want you to go to town on Saturday and buy a lot of little girl's clothes what shall i buy sir well what do you suppose hats stocking yes sir Walker yes sir I'm an old fool yes and that's the end of the story it'd be nice if life were more like books then when a couple married their troubles would be over instead of just beginning the only trouble we have is your illness the sooner you stop fretting the sooner we'll be rid of that how do you do is it mr. Jack Sherman at home yes he is won't you come in thank you how do you do mr. chairman my name is Jeremy Higgins I represent the Union Pacific Railroad I'm honored sir thank you thank you how can I serve you well sir short and sweet is my motto and I'll state my business just as briefly as possible and then all you need to tell me is yes or no what is it you want I want a right-of-way through your Western property I don't understand it's very simple our engineers were going to tunnel through a mountain but if we have the right way across your property that won't be necessary well now now we know exactly what you pay for it and we'll give you $5,000 for your right-of-way but frankly sir we will not stand for a squeeze no sir I'll remember all you have to do is give us the right-of-way and you retain all the rest of your property well you deal I'm knocked off my pins now my dear sir I am a man of very few words all I want from you is yes or no it's yes of course good I have the necessary papers join up and all except the legal description of the property which of course I can get from your deed oh you have your deed of course yes it's at my back you have it here tonight and I'll have a check for you that's the way the Union Pacific does business good day good day this is more cure than all the medicine I'm well again oh no you're not you just be quiet the best part of it is but then we won't have to ask your father for anything and he can't laugh at me for being a failure now look Elizabeth you must go to the bank I'll give you a note to mr. Jennings and get all the papers I left there the deed is with them yes dear I will oh it's almost too good to be true miss lourd there's only one word for the way you look in your new clothes and that is scrumptious are you gonna show me some new steps today not today miss Lord you see I got a drive to town you hear that now you know I ain't got no time for dancing I say you didn't I just ain't got time today [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now really going well bless my buttons if it isn't the little Colonel a good day young lady how does your capacity seem to suggestion what's the matter has the cat still got your tongue you ought to be glad to see us we're old friends of yours and we've come a long way to see your daddy where is he he's sick Oh sick Izzy that's too bad where's home thanks colonel you are still a colonel eyes aboard goodbye those are bad men I heard Papa Jack say so come in Michael partner strong jaqen what's happened to you I've been very ill oh I'm sorry to hear it anything I can do no thank you maybe when you find out why we're here you'll feel better when we sold you that land we did it in good faith didn't we huh that's right we thought there was gold and plenty on it and we went on to California on our way back we stopped off to see how you were faring and we found out what had happened partner we felt bad about it didn't we that's right go on now we'll prove we're honest we made this long trip to find you to give you back your money oh you did did you yes sir every penny of it why I couldn't sleep again if I thought you'd lost money on account of me all you have to do is to hand over the deed to the property and we'll pay you what you paid us you're very kind and generous no we're only being fair and now be kind enough to leave my house apart you found out my land is valuable and the railroad wants it and I found out what kind of men you are get out of here that's no way to talk we're being square with you we came here to make an honest business deal but if you're going to get rough about it we'll handle it another way get out that land like fully belongs to us and we mean to have it we'll give you a check that's as good as gold and you give us that deed free and clear I haven't got the deed where is it I turn it over to the railroad company he's lying you haven't had time for that where is it where is it how did mr. Jack I just left Miss Elizabeth and she told me to tell you that you're a rival with a deed for your property so you haven't got the deed take care of that woman out there lock her up [Music] [Music] get it hurry up come on get in there [Music] we mean to have that deed we kill your foreign if we had to and that is an idle conversation either so you don't mind we'll wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know he [Music] [Music] [Music] I trust we won't have any unpleasantness when you're a good wife arrives we should hate to alarm her good evening mr. Sherman good evening mrs. Wetherby has mr. Sherman feeling much better thank you fevers are dreadful Anthony now we have an old family remedy I'd like you to try by stopping at my house now I'll give it to you it's only a step I really must be hurrying along mr. Sherman's alone you know cross with good night good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wouldn't set foot in that house for anybody or anything got two copper jacket sick why should I help [Music] [Applause] bad mean wicked a fool man I never want to see you again as long as I live [Music] hi good evening mr. Sherman I'm happy to see you again ma'am your teas beautiful as ever what is it jack what do they want there's no need for alarm man we're here on business we've just made a deal with your husband for his land at West Jack is this true no she did me once and they're trying to do it again I won't trouble to explain further ma'am if you will kindly give me the deed no I'd advise you to do it ma'am [Applause] [Music] don't waste any more time my partner's a very impatient [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait give them the deed Elizabeth that's what I call being sensible handed over man [Music] here's your check that makes it legal what's going on here now what's going on here speak up what's the matter has the cat got your tongue hmm why sir this is just a business deal there's nothing for anyone to get excited about come in howdy colonel your cook told me there was some trouble here oh but there isn't any now take these two men and lodging for the night I'll see you in the morning ma you too father well as long as I've been fool enough to go this far I might as well go the rest of the way yes justice Pinker those flowers [Music] I oh he's already get sick today Lloyd she's right around here somewhere [Music] what's going on around here [Music] you [Applause] you
Channel: Classic Film Channel
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Keywords: The Little Colonel, The Little Colonel Shirley Temple, Shirley Temple, Shirley Temple movies, Shirley Temple films, classic movies, free movies, free movies youtube, classic film channel, movies youtu
Id: eRpTnpZdYQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 5sec (4685 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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