Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Behind the scenes

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what we wanted to deliver the Russo brothers have done a tremendous job in delivering this is a movie unlike any other Marvel movie it is totally very very different it's got the humor it's got the action but at the same time we see characters exploring their situations in a much deeper richer way than we've done in the other films and there's a level of action in this film and a level of practical action of actual stunts of actual car chases that is above and beyond anything we've done in any of our films we wanted to come out of the gates full force because we knew we were bringing a fresh version of Cal to people in this movie because of the fact he's he's evolved since audiences have seen him last and we just wanted to throw people into it as hard and fast and as exciting as we could we went through months of just staging fights and shooting them in thinking about what excited us about them and then from that we sort of took our highlights our favorites and then we would figure out how we would take those beats and marry them into the locations as we as we began to find them like the Lemurian star caps mission when he takes over that ship is to covertly and as quickly as possible take out all the guards on the deck how is he gonna do that he's gonna move at super speed he's gonna move with super strength and he's gonna you know but what we call knockout shots right every guy when he leaves that guy that guy's got to be out because if that guy gets up and pulls an alarm everything's over so you'll notice that you know every every guy he approaches is either thrown overboard or completely knocked out before he moves on to the next guy what we're telling the audience is in two years since the Avengers he's done all this training so when you drop him on that boat we're catching up to speed on how he fights now that it's real-world that it's in real-world situations with that type of combat to make cool I think you have the Liberty to kind of get a little more of a gritty feel this movies all handheld it's a really interesting approach to a superhero movie I don't think I've seen a super gun when we shot that way yet we want to move away from impressionistic action and into specificity because capped abilities are all about the superhuman abilities so unless you can you know you can really follow its fighting style you're losing an element of what makes them exciting to watch the character we're down in Long Beach at the sea launch commander which is a very rare satellite launch vessel and what we have here is a great sequence for Chris Evans who's been doing a ton of fight training to really make the fights practical and visceral fighting George st. Pierre he's the UFC welterweight champion and has brought his own fighting style to the character of George battler it's an honor getting beat up by Captain America as I guess he did say it's a lot of fun in the choreography we tried to put together a fight that played to Georges st. Pierre's strengths because his martial arts background as MMA notoriety want to put some moves in there that people who recognize but and make him a sufficient fo for captain it's a very action-heavy film and it requires a lot of stunt work and I think both Chris and Scarlett and wanted to be able to do as much as possible when we got to these action sequences for me just having done three films so far with Marvel and also with this you know it's the same stunt group I know what the ins and outs are more I feel when we're comfortable fighting I feel way more comfortable hanging 60 feet in the hair of her Scarlett I've worked together quite a bit now her double is Heidi moneymaker who I hired and put them together on Iron Man 2 and she's doubled her ever since she is truly one of the best stunt women in the world thank you got hiding moneymaker who the two of us have now fused into one person I think we try to push the envelope with each film and there's already these kind of established moves that people recognize and are really into so we get to play with that a little bit we sort of have a style and we have her style and so every time I come on to a new movie a I'd go with the flow and then I start trying to put in really Widow II kind of flippy twisty Lucha Libre type fun moves so that she still had that flair to it a lot of the stunts in this phone involved a lot of wire work a lot of like telling down things we had her up about three stories in the side of a ship and with steel all around and we dropped her down it was about a thirty or forty foot drop and she's shooting guns and very repeatable and he was safe but she trusted us and she did a great job the Russo brothers infuse this storyline with a film history that they bring to the set that I think is very unique they're holding this film up to some pretty high standards we use a strong visual element for this movie that we kept holding out in front of people the bank robber in heat experientially this is still the most intense eight minutes of filmmaking I've seen in 20 years in a movie theater how do we beat it [Music] there's a car chaser and then the script we love car chases but it's like how do we bring something fresh to the table in our car cheese you read a script you look at they all guys great we get to do this gag we get to this guy there's so much fun to be able to treat these accents and these effects these explosions we're gonna pull this car in here at about 50 miles an hour so it'll look like a very violent wreck the way we're shooting it inside with Sam you can really see you know but it's it is a violent I get to do a whole bunch of driving I get shout out a lot I love going back into this world putting my scar on it been Nick Fury [Music] the story dictates the action what's great about this movie is that it was constantly dictating some pretty awesome things the second act climax the end of act 2 is this huge blop out on the shore way we tend to write some of the big stuff in a white box you know we assume some way will be able to do something and whether it's a CGI environment or whether we're gonna build something in this case they did not realize an actual American metropolis was going to say yes sure shut down three miles of a freeway and go to town Marvel had worked with Cleveland before on Avengers so when we asked to come back and ask them if we could have access to some of their biggest locations they were great at accommodating us and we feel incredibly lucky because if you see behind me the pure production value you get from being on a location like this is something that we couldn't possibly build on the back what they came up was I've certainly not seen in any Marvel movie it was really really intricate and very different [Music] I think we developed a really efficient system between our stunt team our camera department in a way that we could execute these things where they were really well planned out before there was a lot of stuff biz that was done so the stunt team was shooting a lot of their fight choreography they were shooting it from the angles we knew we could sell the hits from and then they would bring that to set we all know tit everybody would give their two cents they do some more notes so by the time we got this set we had a very complete stunt biz of the sequence which made it much easier and quicker to shoot it actually coming down the middle so as our heroes are running this way and so this is the car that is going to get blown up which she goes behind it and this is the car that cap was ricocheted off the windshield all of the fighting is last-minute it's really a fight to survive it's all kind of a choreography so it's sort of it's sort of like a dance that you share with somebody and there's some technicalities about spacing and kind of energy and speed and sort of the whole thing like per sentence and to hold the competes and then it moves into a slower section Sebastien is a great Winter Soldier really low-key bounders guy showed up you know for the rehearsals and the fight training was just a sponge just whatever you guys want to do man I really just want to do good and I'm telling you the guy is amazing my friends would make you fun I mean I was just kind of like walking around the house for a while sort of flipping these plastic knife I mean I was like driving in intersections and just flipping in the car I think first and foremost the credit really has to go to our stunt guys sam Chrysostom James Young whose mine they're just really really good wants to be hard hitting so he tried to make it as exciting possible because cap is such a strong character and it's such a such a powerful moral center and conviction to him it's like the way you test the character like that is just by trying to tear him down as hard as you can we want to see that physically in this movie the thing that makes cap the most interesting is when you take him to the 12th round and he's beat up and he's blood and he's stumbling and as he stay on his feet and that's when you feel the real victory in him doesn't fly doesn't shoot lightning bolts he punches and kicks it's very meat and potatoes and so with that type of combat is make it cool I think you have the Liberty to kind of get a rougher feel we often like think of filmmaking as alchemy what do you combine and how do those elements combine and it's a it's fun to take two elements that are a little in congruence and you're not quite sure what they're gonna do when you put them together and I think that was the sort of two elements of the style sort of like handheld Verte you know versus like the massive scope of the world and sort of the big shots we just said oh let's figure out a way to smash those two things together you
Channel: Marvel Studios Movies
Views: 1,094,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America, Winter Soldier, black widow, scarlett johansson, sebastian stan, chris evans, avengers, avengers 4, avengers infinity war
Id: OHtZ1W2Y76I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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