Canvases Who HATED Their Tattoos 🤬 Ink Master

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- That tattoo I put on is dope. - Really? Everyone in the room voted for it. It was unanimous that this was the bottom. To come on "Ink Masters" I expect perfection and greatness. And this is by far not greatness. - I apologize on behalf of everybody here. - It's not my first bad tattoo. - (beeping tone)-a dude. - [Nick] Thank you. - That's a (beeping tone) kick in the nuts. - [Alex] I like my tattoo. It's unfortunate that Nick doesn't. - You're calling the shots. What's the next elimination tattoo? (dramatic suspenseful music) - We're gonna to do hot rods and choppers, Neo-Traditional style. - (beeping tone) Not my strong point. - Probably half the guys here don't know (beeping tone) about hot rods and choppers. I'm a gear-head. I'm gonna kill this tattoo and there ain't nobody gonna get in my way. - Good luck. - Great to meet you. - Let's go into the station and talk. - How similar does that look to you? - No. I took my turn signals off, so I don't want them on there. - Okay. That's these little blinker things here? - Yes. You better know a turn signal (laughs). - I thought I picked a cool chick, but this woman's extremely picky. - That's a Super Glide, that's not mine. That's a custom. Looks like a different frame. - She's talking about the different (beeping tone) parts of the motorcycle. I don't know what she's talking about. - And I had an idea, you do the front-end coming out of a flower. - I know I'm going home if I don't figure out how to do this. - When you're doing hot rods and choppers, you wanna make them dynamic. The only way to make something dynamic is to bump up the contrast with a lot of black and a lot of bright solid, bold color. Without that, we're gonna really have a flat tattoo and it'll be easy to pick apart. - How's it initially, not bad? - I'm fine. Tattoo away. - I found something that is a close match to her bike, so I was able to do a Neo-Traditional rendering of it. - You kick their asses, girl. - I am. - I wanna go back home and say, "You know what? This chick rocked it." - My canvas loves it. It's boostin' up my ego a little bit. I think I'm going to do (beeping tone) awesome. Definitely feeling color? - Yeah. - Yeah. I think so, too. - What is that? What is that little line? Right there. - [Ashley] Let me grab the picture. - I don't understand what this is. - That's the other side of the bike, like if you're seeing through it. - Now you have an extra line there. This is screwed up. - [Ashley] Okay. - I don't know what this is. And you got these (beeping tone) up with this. - Okay. - This is your frame. - Yep. - [Blonde Women] You have to get that pipe into there. - Okay. How the (beeping tone) did she go from liking the drawing to now having a complete issue? This needs to go under, hon, is what you're saying? - Yeah, but you already drew the outline- - No, no, no. - You can't. - I'm just asking, do you want me to straighten that up? - There's no way. - I can. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get her to stop complaining and nitpicking. - Make it good. - Make it good. If I don't finish this tattoo, I'm (beeping tone). - Happy tattooing. You can tell that Ashley's canvas is pissed and I love it. (laughs) - Three, two, one. That is it. Time is up. Machines down. No more ink. Today, Cleen challenged due to tattoo symbols of speed, hot rods and choppers, in Neo-Traditional style. Ashley. - [Chris] The mechanics of this motorcycle do not line up. When it's a tattoo that's going to be on this lady's arm forever and she's gonna be hanging out with motorcycle people, they're gonna make fun of her. Everybody's gonna look at this tattoo and they're gonna make jokes about how her forks disappear into the headlight. - Well the motorcycle expert that she was, she could have done her job as a canvas. She was the expert. I was the artist doing my job. - [Chris] So you did this? - I don't think I should be penalized for something I don't understand. - Well, unfortunately, you get a bad reference, you get a bad canvas, you get a bad tattoo, you get a bad critique, you might go home. (dramatic music) - Must tattoo, (dramatic music) a Japanese koi fish. - Oh (beeping tone). - In front of Chris Nunez. - Koi fish rely on clean, solid lines to make them strong, readable images. - This thing's got hundreds of scales. It's got lines in its fins. I mean, it's basically built and created out of lines. Without the lines, there is no fish. - It's classic position, classic koi design. It's mandatory you do scales. And any background of your choice. - Damn. - That outline is gold. You really don't have an excuse not to come with a strong background and really strong elements to add to the design. Good luck to you. - You guys ready or what? - Thank you, sir. - Make me proud. - Japanese style tattooing is near and dear to my heart. - It's gonna be pretty traditional Japanese. - Everything about a koi fish is line work, in the scales, in the fins, line work makes it all work together as one. - You definitely don't want water. - At all, period? - Yeah, no. I want it to blossom out of water. - My canvas is not only picky but lacks common sense. Why you don't like the water? - Just looks cheesy. - It looks cheesy? - Yeah. It's not moving in my body. - Koi fish are in water. You don't see koi fish tattoos without water. So there's no way I can talk you into getting some water? Just a little bit. - Yeah, no. - We can't get no understanding. I feel like I'm talking to a toddler. Well, but what if I draw it on here, then just let you take a look and then see if you might like it? - You can, if you want to, but I don't want water. - I don't know how to handle these (beeping tone). (dramatic music) How you feeling? You about ready to get tatted? - No, I'm not ready. I am so freaking out. - Why? - 'Cause it's a tattoo and it's gonna hurt, it's a needle. - Damn, she want this on her ribs. Can she take it? - How are you gonna do the water wave? - Basically, you want it coming from the outside, going into the fish. - Well, somewhat. - Everything that she prefers is against what I'm trying to do. - [Women] That's a shiz bigger than what we- - No, it's here, this the original size. I'm gonna shrink it. - Can he have one whisker? - Right now, mentally, I'm losing it. (dramatic music) - Artists, you have six hours to tattoo a koi fish as good as Mike Rubendall's and your time begins now. (dramatic music) (tattoo pen buzzing) - I'll let you take a look at it. Like where it's at? - It looks weird. He just looks lonely there. - I'm exhausted. She's having me change this and change that. Looks good. - It's right on the blade though. - You gotta get the other shoulder blade tattooed already. At home, I own my own shop. If I don't want to do it, I send them on their way. Can you relax? Let your shoulders down. I got my back against the wall and I'm having to compromise. - No, I feel like I just have a hole in the back. - A hole? All right, take a look at that. - Yeah. Perfect. - Let's get it poppin', girl. - Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Ow! Oh, my God. Stop, stop. Stop, stop, stop! - I'm almost done with that line. Bam! - Can I have the mirror? It'll make me feel better. - We ain't got a whole lot of time, so I gotta get on it. - Oh, my God. My poor back. I'm not happy with it. It looks like peeing, like the fish is peeing. What kind of (beeping tone) is that? - This bitch is crazy, like, I can't figure out how to please her. - You tellin' me that doesn't look like a puddle right now. - It's a water splash. - Looks like my niece drew it. - Don't insult me, man. - I have to live with it. And you're not paying for my removal. - I'm-a fix it. I made it this far. And I've been having all these nutty-ass canvases all this time. She's by far the worst. - Two hours to go. (dramatic music) - [Kito] Now, take a look at that. - This is BS right now. Like, I'm (beeping tone) pissed. (dramatic music) - He's too orange, though. - That's the blood leaking through the yellow. You and I are not even on the same page right now. - Ain't nobody ever been unpleased with something I did ever my whole life till now. - This (beeping tone) is on my back. I'm trying to like talk to you so we can work together. Your job is to work with me here. It's gonna make me flip out. You know what I mean? - You gonna have him continue or are you gonna have him stop? (dramatic music) - I want to continue. - This is embarrassing. I don't want to go home for this. I cannot let this defeat me. - Five, four, three, two, one. That's it. Time's up. No more ink. - What about the other flower? What happened? - I didn't have enough time to finish it. - And Kito, your canvas didn't even get you on this one, you got yourself on this one. - Kito. - [Chris] I know you had a struggle, but man, every centimeter of this tattoo shows that struggle. This line work is piss poor. - She was kicking her feet. She was moving. - [Chris] The drawing is one of the worst layouts of the day. The shape of the water, totally strange. That top Lotus flower looks like an artichoke. There's no redeeming qualities to this tattoo whatsoever. - We're here to determine who has the worst tattoo of the day. - That's my tattoo and the artist was Kito. It looks awful, unfortunately. - Nothing melds together. It's all kind of like a collage. - It looks like a five-year-old drew it. - [Juror] The blue water looks like another leaf. - [Marie Jean] He told me it was a good idea to have some waves so it could look more realistic. - Those waves don't look realistic. - That was the biggest mistake was to listen to his idea. He told me trust him, he has 10 years experience. Backup your work because definitely it's not there. (exhales) Just looks so bad. - Today, you had to show crisp, perfect lines, tattooing a Japanese koi fish. It's time to find out who the human canvas jury determined had the worst tattoo of the day. (dramatic music) - Kito, you're here because the human canvas jury determined that you had the worst tattoo of the day. - I think anybody else who would have had to deal with what I dealt with, would've probably been down here, too. - Excuse me. You messed up my back and you can't take full responsibility for that ugly tattoo? - Well, I ended up giving in and pretty much letting her coach the whole drawing. - That's not my work. That was all you. And it looks horrible. - What, specifically, don't you like? - I don't like the lining, the colors, the flower placement. I don't like the water placement at all. You're dealing with an awful work that you just did on my back, unfortunately, I have to live with forever. - Okay, like I said- - I don't think you're getting that. - I'm just too intelligent, man, for any rebuttal right now. Just leave it at that. Marie Jean, I hope that you find a solution to this. - Thank you. - Thank you. (dramatic music) - Kito, I can't disagree with her canvas. This is a bad drawing. The end result is a poor tattoo. - I was just trying to finish at some point. I was trying to turn something in. - Final decision. - It just didn't have any kind of composition that I can get behind. - Kito, you let your canvas beat you. If we eliminate the canvas, the fundamentals beat you. So, I would have to vote for Kito. - The judges have decided. Kito, you do not have what it takes to be Ink Master. Please pack your machines and close shop. - [Kito] Hold it down, man. - You got it, man. - That's bull (beeping tone) to the highest level of bull (beeping tone). I'm getting sent home because this canvas with the IQ of a toddler, couldn't agree to a design, picked apart my design, couldn't take the tattoo. I'm pissed (beeping tone) off. (dramatic music) - Using the model you just painted as your reference, you must all tattoo a pin-up. - (beeping tone) Pin-ups are hard already. These things have hands, feet and faces and the judges rip those apart every single time. This (beeping tone) blows, man. - As you transform your pin-ups from real life into tattoos, it's up to you to improve your designs. Remember, you're being judged on artistry. All right, you have six hours to tattoo a pin-up. If your tattoo isn't gorgeous, you'll be packing your machines. And your time begins now. (tattoo pen buzzing) - Mama didn't raise no fool, girl. I had a football player model and I convinced my canvas to change it to a military style pin-up. They're sexier, I could show more artistry in that. I'm ready. I'm hungry. $100,000 on the line and I'm getting that money. - That's different. L.T. has the worst tattoo in this challenge. His lines are shaky. It's scratchy. His lack of experience is obvious. He doesn't stand a chance. - Today, you all went head-to-head tattooing the same subject, a pin-up. - [Chris] I sincerely hope that this is not everybody's best work. If you feel like you really did your best tattoo today, then get ready to go home. - L.T. (dramatic music) - [Chris] That's a big-ass mouth she got. She definitely doesn't come off with that cute look. You gotta remember that when you do these small little faces, the smallest little mistake makes a big impact. - My biggest mistake is I went too small with the piece. - But there are good tattooers out there that can bust out a pin-up girl this size and do it perfectly. If you can't stack up to what we know is possible, then it doesn't look good for you. (dramatic music) (L.T. sniffling) - L.T., there's so many shortcomings, his line work, the eyes, the eyebrows, the lips. - It's a mess. We're here to determine who had the worst tattoo of the day. - This is my tattoo, my artist was L.T. There's really not a whole lot I like about it. - [Juror] The face is not appealing at all. - Yeah. - It looks like Ronald McDonald dressed in drag. - Her foot is turning outward and her boobs are down here. I don't think any of it is really proportioned correctly. - No, none of it is. It's just ugly, man. That's flat out ugly. - Today, you had to tattoo a pin-up using artistry to make her beautiful from head to toe. Tim, L.T. and Robbie. One of you is going to pack your machines. (dramatic music) L.T., you're here because the human canvas jury determined that you had the worst tattoo of the day. - The overall design and the application was really lost in translation. There were a lot of mistakes and misfires that could have been avoided. - I know deep down inside my heart that I can tattoo better than these guys. I have more to show. This is not my best work by far. - You need to put out your best work in this competition to win. - The judges have decided. (dramatic music) L.T., you do not have what it takes to be Ink Master. - It was a tough day for you. You have about 10% of the experience of the guys next to you. Those guys are technically a lot more solid than you are. - Please pack your machines and close shop. (dramatic music) - I am so disappointed in myself, probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. Fact that America gets to see it and doesn't get to see what L.T. is really capable of truly sucks. (dramatic music) - For this elimination tattoo, we're going new school. - Oh. (beeping tone) (contestants clap) - New school's more cartoony, pop vibe. You can exaggerate stuff. You can go as crazy as you want. - New school tattoos are bold, bright and include fantastical designs. - My canvas wants a sun and a moon tattoo on her upper back. - You know, we might not even need this. - All around? - [Litsa] I mean, no, we do. - What I'm trying to figure out now is the design. It's almost impossible because she's constantly contradicting herself. - [Litsa] I don't want the face. - [Nick] So I can use, like- - I mean, you could do the face. It's up to you. I mean, honestly- - Yeah, don't say it's up to me, 'cause then you just change your mind instantly. 'Cause you said it's up to me about eight times. - [Litsa] I want it to look good. - [Nick] I know but your very- - So, should I trust you? Should I not trust you? - But you're not trusting me. Every time you say it's up to me, you're like, "Oh, it's not." So I'm drawing things. - 'Cause you're not sure of yourself. - I don't even know what to do. I just don't know how to handle this. - [Litsa] Actually, I do have another idea. - What do you want? - It's basically a heart. - It's your call right now but like, you definitely need to settle on something. - You have six hours to prove your color skills with a new school design and your time begins now. - You said you didn't really want it cartoony, so I colored it darker. - Oh, wow. That's on the ball. I'm very proud of you. - Cool. Thanks. Give me a hug. It was hard. (both laugh) Cool. My canvas has like five personalities. She goes from being psycho crazy to giving me hugs. Just crazy. Check it out. Very centered. I mean, it's not a symmetrical design. - Getting tattooed by Nick is gonna be a total challenge and I'm a little nervous. He better do it right. That's a little high. - You wanna go lower? - Yeah. - All right. She's got a couple weird requests but she's being a good client. (Litsa laughs) I'm actually relieved. Hallelujah! (upbeat music) - [Litsa] To tell you the truth, it looks ugly. - Okay. - You see those three spikes? That doesn't look right. - You kept telling me to do whatever I want. - You went overboard with those fins. I don't like it at all. That's not in the drawing. Why did you do that? You're freaking me out. Oh, my God. All right, we have to fix this. - For some reason, the five little magenta spikes I add totally destroyed the entire tattoo for her. - This is insane. You added that (beeping tone) without telling me. - [Nick] Why would you sit back down- - You said, "More magenta?" I said, "Yes." You didn't say magenta spikes. That (beeping tone) is not my style. If someone's not happy with permanent work that's on their body, that's a really justified reason to freak out. - Well, there are spikes on the vines. How is spikes not your style? - You're making me even angrier. I mean, who wants to get work done by a prick? You don't (beeping tone) do that. And especially it's on my back, I can't (beeping tone) see it. You (beeping tone) taking advantage of that (beeping tone). - Boy, that chick is (beeping tone) nuts in there, man. - [Litsa] I need something other than this. - I really don't want to change it. I like it. - Are you kidding me? - That girl in there, screaming like that, man. - Remember who designed the whole tattoo. - Oh, gimme a break. - That's what I thought. - Nick is just a (beeping tone) really nice guy. There are some clients that you can not be that nice to. - You just said, you're not changing it. And that's what this is about. You're not changing it. - I will change it. I can't change it in that way. - Because you're not changing it because it's your work. Is that what this is? - She's just (beeping tone) crazy. I'm in the biggest tattoo competition and she's just not giving me any leeway. Just digging my grave for me. - You really just did that without telling me, like just (beeping tone) admit that (beeping tone) right now. - You told me to do whatever you want. - You added (beeping tone) spiky crap. - Where there's skin and the spikes, I can do yellow if you want it. - [Litsa] Do the yellow! Just do the yellow. - Are you sure? I'll do it. What I'm trying to do is do exactly what she wants so that I can survive in the competition. - Why would he (beeping tone) do (beeping tone). To piss me off. - Time's up. That's it, machines down. No more ink. - You freaked me out. I almost had a panic attack. - This is one of the best tattoos she even has on her body. I just never want to deal with a client like this ever again. - This week you had six hours to complete a new school tattoo. We're testing you on color. Nick. (suspenseful music) Did she want a sacred heart? - She had 50 other ideas. This is the last thing we had drawn up. She was absolutely insane. - At times like that, you just have to be able to work with her. - It was just crazy. She's just a little off-the-wall. - What's coming out of the heart? - Smoke. - Smoke? We really think it looks like a used tissue. - Why would you put magenta around a red heart? - I was just under the impression that new school was weird. - That's not right. (beeping tone) It's done to be done. When you do tattoos, have a rhyme or reason. You're (beeping tone) your tattoo up. - Unfortunately, someone has to go home. I think this tattoo drops you down a little bit and may put you in that category. (dramatic music) - The judges have decided. (dramatic music) Nick, you do not have what it takes to be Ink Master. - At the end of the day, we gotta let somebody go. - I need you to pack up your machines and go home. - I would still be in the competition if I got a canvas that was more open. My canvas is definitely the reason I'm going home. I didn't know how to put up with her. The whole thing is just upsetting. It just sucks that I had to be put out of the competition because of that. - All right, Sarah, welcome back. This week, you're calling the shots. What is the next elimination tattoo? (suspenseful music) - Today, we will be tattooing a surrealistic female. - A what? - Surrealism is a juxtaposition between dreams and reality. You can include any surrealistic elements to distort or warp portions of the face. - What the (beeping tone) are all these big words they're using? - 75% of the face has to show. - Sarah, why did you choose this as your elimination tattoo? - The female face is one of the most difficult portraits, you have to have perfect blends, perfect saturation and precision. - Damn. Of course, she's gonna choose something like this 'cause it's only her that understands what she's talking about. - Good luck. - Sarah has chosen surrealistic faces. It'll be a face with an object melding together. Atom bomb off in the back and like half of the city is torn down already and the outside's still pristine. - The woman's face right in the middle just kind of looking forward. - The composition is everything in this tattoo because taking two things and constructing them together is gonna create a lot of flow and a lot of movement on the canvas's body if you do it right. (dramatic music) - All right guys, Sarah Miller challenged you to tattoo a surrealistic female. You will have six hours to tattoo. Your time starts now. - Comin' along nice? - It is, man. As soon as we get done with these buildings, I'm gonna move to her. My canvas wants a surrealistic setting of Philadelphia being blown apart by a nuclear bomb, along with a girl's face. I'll be using my girlfriend as reference. She's hot. It'll work. - (beeping tone) cool. - Thanks, man. Having a good day. This mother (beeping tone) might be going home. Last week, knocked out Saint Marq. It would be gigantic if we could take out another veteran. I'm expecting somethin' good here. - All right, Mister. - What are you thinking, dude? - Ah man, I think Alex should've done a different face. - [Women] He says the face he's doing is his girlfriend. - It's awful. (dramatic music) - Today, Sarah challenged you to show composition by tattooing a surrealistic female. Alex. - [Chris] 100%, the most surreal face of the day. I don't know if that's a good thing. - So I understand that you used your girlfriend's image as reference. The photo that you used, she's at an angle that's tilted like this. - [Alex] Right. - [Dave] I don't feel that you interpreted that angle well, and you created a face that has more of a traditional alien shape. - I think when people look at it, they'll get the idea. - [Chris] I don't know if they will. You didn't get that depth. You didn't get that perspective. I saw the photo. Looks like a beautiful girl in the photo, looks like a freak of nature on the tattoo. (dramatic music) - Is it safe to say Alex is in the bottom today? - [Chris] Yes. The drawing itself, the composition, is terrible. Worst face of the day. - We're here to determine who had the worst tattoo of the day. - This is my tattoo. My artist was Alex Rockoff. - [Juror] Her one cheek bone is definitely a lot higher than the other one. - It's not a very pretty face. (group laughs) That sucks. - It's almost like a scary woman's face. - [All] Yeah. - [Nick] I wanted a beautiful woman's face. - It's very wicked witch. - I've gotta live with this forever and that nose is (beeping tone). - Yeah. - Today, you were judged on composition and based on your work, one of you will be packing your machines. Now, it's time to find out who the human canvas jury voted for. (dramatic music) - (beeping tone) that. - Alex, you're here because the human canvas jury determined that you had the worst tattoo of the day. Nick, why did the jury vote for Alex? - The shape, the cheekbones are too pronounced, the eyes are off level, the nose is butchered, that's (beeping tone). - That tattoo I put on is dope. - Really? Everyone in the room voted for it. It was unanimous that this was the bottom. To come on "Ink Masters" I expect perfection and greatness. And this is, by far, not greatness. - I apologize on behalf of everybody here. - It's not my first bad tattoo. - (beeping tone)-a, dude. - [Nick] Thank you. - That's a (beeping tone) kick in the nuts. - I like my tattoo. It's unfortunate that Nick doesn't. I thought my tattoo was fun and colorful. I mean, her tattoo was pretty much butchered. It looked dark as (beeping tone) and then Cleen's tattoo was messy. I really didn't think my tattoo would be even close to that. - It's an unanimous, said the tattoo, the face itself is unappealing. From clients, your peers, definitely from us. - You know, Alex, even with the bright colors you were able to put in that skyline, just the shape of the face. It's hard to get over. (Alex sniffles) For me, Alex, it's the most unrealistic face of the day. - The judges have decided, Alex, you do not have what it takes to be Ink Master. - You came into a season that is the best of the best. This looks like a finale and you're here with them. So you made it far, man. Don't bum out, head up, always head up. - Please pack your machines and close shop. - Okay. (dramatic music) I still feel like I had the most wearable tattoo down there. And that's why I'm a little perturbed. The tattoo was solid. And if anybody wants to knock me for it, you can kiss my (beeping tone) ass. - Today, you must tattoo a style that is quickly growing in popularity, trash polka. - Wow. - What the (beeping tone) is that? - Trash polka combines realistic images with abstract elements. And they're all about making a composition that's dynamic and appealing. - Oh, my God. - Composition is a huge thing in trash polka. There are a lot of elements that need to work together and you have to have a good balance of beauty and chaos. - Trash polka is a style that originated in Europe. And these tattoos are usually done in only black and gray with red accents. Artists, you have six hours to create a trash polka tattoo. And your time begins now. - Ahh. (beeping tone) - My canvas wants a bunch of random New York (beeping tone). - By far the worst spot. I got the (beeping tone) shakes. - Brace yourself. You're getting an easy spot tattooed, shut the (beeping tone) up and let me do what I do. - Three, two, one. That is it. Time's up, machines down. No more ink. Today, you had to use composition to create a trash polka tattoo. Let's see how you did. Tyler. (dramatic music) - Looking at the tattoo, it is very busy. But at the same time when I look at composition if it's interesting, I can overlook mistakes But the Empire State Building's lined pretty strange. That outline gets a little crazy. - And I had to hold that kid down. - We always compliment you on your application and this one, some of the line work just gets away. - I wasn't trying to go for clean. I wanted it to go for like that messy punk rock. - Then here, always go for clean. (dramatic music) - We're here to determine who had the worst tattoo of the day. - This is my tattoo and my artist was Tyler. The image was just Photoshopped and traced onto my leg. It really wasn't original. - I think it's too busy. I think from a distance, I wouldn't know what that was. - That Statue of Liberty deliberately looks like crap. - All he did was Google Statue of Liberty, Googled the Empire State Building, copy-paste. - Today, your composition was put to the test with trash polka tattoos. It's time to find out who the human canvas jury determined had the worst tattoo of the day. (dramatic music) (indistinct talking) - Tyler, you're here because the human canvas jury determined that you had the worst tattoo of the day. - I'm 100% surprised. - Everybody pretty much agreed that everything was just very clustered. It's just very unreadable from a distance. - What do you think about it? - I'm unsatisfied with it. The Empire State Building, it just looked so corny and just stenciled. - It's a (beeping tone) trash polka tattoo. - Tyler, I mean, this is not personal. I'm just saying the tattoo that I came away with, I'm unsatisfied. - I did the challenge. I (beeping tone) like the tattoo. - Thank you very much- - Thank you, guys. - Appreciate you sharing your thoughts. (dramatic music) - Tyler, the design itself has a lot of the style that you were asked to do but pleasing your clients, that is the mindset you have to have to win this thing and not put yourself up for being at the bottom. (dramatic music)
Channel: Ink Master
Views: 1,508,675
Rating: 4.9081497 out of 5
Keywords: hated tattoos, bad tattoos, canvases who hate their tattoo, ink master bad tattoos, ink master canvases, master canvas, compilation, supercut, worst tattoos, ink master, ink master sneak peek, ink master challenge, ink challenge, art, drawing, tattoo, tattoo artist, reality, reality tv, judges, dave navarro, chris nunez, oliver peck, challenge, artist, ink, inked, drama, needle, canvas, terrible tattoos, worst ever, horrible tattoo, best tattoos, artists, bad drawing, bad tattoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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