Canvases Who Ditched Their Original Artist 😳 Ink Master: Redemption

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- Christian, this tattoo you gave me is bull (beeping). When I tell you I want Athena, it's supposed to look like Athena, not some chick with red lipstick on my thigh. - Oh, my goodness. - I asked you to do a chariot and an owl. - First off, first off, tone down how you're talking to me. (upbeat rock music) - Litsa, your artist was Nick. - Yes. - You go down in history as one of the most memorable canvases we've ever had. - Me, how. I would have not thought so. - What got you so angry? - He added something without telling me simple, as that does that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Who does that? I want to pull my hair out. What gives you the authority to put something on my body that I did not approve? There's no eraser, you know what I mean? I'm surprised I didn't walk out. - That is a good question. Why didn't you? - It's because charm, he had a charm. Too bad the charm didn't match the talent. - Litsa, we're sorry that you had this experience and I want to make it up to you. In the shop right now, we have an artist to work with you on a design of your choice. If you like it, he'll tattoo you. If you don't like it, you're out of here. What do you think? - Worth a shot. - Why don't you head over there and meet him? - Okay, thanks, Dave. (upbeat rock music) - You're welcome. - The last time I was here, some of the artists were calling me crazy and that just totally hurt my feelings. (upbeat rock music) I'm hopeful for another better experience to replace the terrible one. (upbeat rock music) Oh, (beeping). - Oh, my God, of course. - Are you kidding me? - It's been awhile. This (beeping) bitch. I was praying that she wouldn't be here. I just can't believe it's her. - I was not expecting this. I'm a little shocked. - Am I someone you would even get a tattoo by right now? - I don't even know if I want to do it. - I've done a lot of growing. (laughing) (sighing) - Wow. - I came here for redemption but I wish I could tattoo anyone but this girl. - Litsa. (upbeat rock music) - Help. - Let me tell you guys what's going on today. I want to have a chat. Nick is here. He's ready to tattoo. We also have another artist standing by who's also willing to tattoo. - Oh, no. - Right on, yep. - Come on in. (loud whooshing) - [Nick] Uh-oh. - [Host] Our own returning Ink Master Champion. - Hi sweetie, how are you? - Well guys, let me tell you what's going on. Steve, you likely don't need any redemption. You've proven to the world that you own the title of Ink Master. Nick, on the other hand, probably feels that he could have done better here. - A 100%. - Redemption is at stake for you. Litsa needs redemption for her experience here at "Ink Master." So Litsa is gonna come up with her idea for design and I'm going to have both of you guys draw it up. We're going to present both designs, but here's the trick. - Oh, man. - It's a blind pick. (upbeat rock music) - Okay. - Oh, wow. - You won't know who designed what. You will just choose the design that you like the best. Also, you have the option to not get any tattoos. - Oh, Jesus. - [Nick] The choice is really up to you. Are you game? (dramatic instrumental music) - I'm game. - Are you guys down? - Let's do it. What of the underdog's design prevails? - I hope it does, man. - Fellas. - I'm going up against Steve. He's the Ink Master. If I can top him and then do a good tattoo and make her happy, you can't get any better than that. (dramatic instrumental music) - Okay, let me just spit it out because... - Spit it out. - A mermaid, like one with a big tail. I was thinking about like... - Maybe like sitting on a rock? - Yes. A mermaid, maybe sunset, rock, or anchor, or shell with the, I mean. - You gotta try to get eleventeen ideas down to like three. - You gotta read my mind, you know what I mean (laughing)? - There's a lot of pages in that books. - This canvas is crazy. She's the reason I got eliminated. Even though she's the last person I want to tattoo, I have to if I want redemption. So sending out something that's that you like that idea so far? - You want me draw her for you? I mean, goddamn. - [Steve] Trying to rope these ideas in. - Oh, a rope, rope. - See? - Thank you. - Anything else? Like a flying turtle or a unicorn ladybug or something? - Is this going to represent anything to you? - Jesus, you always have to kill it, you know what I mean? Oh, man. - I don't think you can please someone that has no idea what they want. - I don't know if redemption is worth having to tattoo this person. I told myself, if I ever ran into someone like this again, the only way to win is just to walk away. But now if I want redemption, I'm just gonna have to go for it. - Steve, Nick, come on over, guys. As you guys know, this is a blind reveal, so I need your designs. - All right, Litsa, come join us. (upbeat rock music) - Hey. - So Litsa, these gentlemen have spent hours designing for you. As you know, we're not going to show you who drew what. You want to take a look at these? - Yeah, sure. - All right, design number one. - Oh, (mumbling). - Design number two. - Oh. - Both very different takes on a similar image. - They're cool, they're both pretty cool. - They're both pretty cool. - Yeah. Should I eeny meeny miney mo? - No, definitely don't do that. Do you have a favorite? (intensifying instrumental music) - Let's do it. - Choose the one that you like. - Come on, Steve (laughing). - You want Steve's? - [Litsa] Yeah. - [Host] Design number one is Steve's. How did you know? - [Litsa] The skull (laughing). It's beautiful. - I gotta tell you, man, if I wasn't so covered, I'd get this today. - It's just I don't like the face or the hair at all. - Those are pretty big components. - I'm a little confused myself. I just thought, you know, he gave her exactly what she asked for. - [Host] Yes. - I stylized mine 'cause this is what I want to do. This is not so much what she wants, this is what I want. - [Host] Right. - Steve, you said to me, you know, you want it to be an art piece. You want it to be something different, you know what I mean? And I look at this and I've never seen anything like it. (dramatic instrumental music) Even though I asked for whatever I asked for, at the end of the day, I want it to be unique and beautiful, you know what I mean? - Once again, I'm too nice and I gave her what she wants and it didn't pay off. That pisses me off because I really need redemption, not Steve. - All right, so Steve, do you want to take Litsa into the shop and get going? - Sure. - [Host] All right, pal, have fun. (upbeat rock music) - So Nick, this was a very tall order here working with this canvas and I think you listened and you gave her a great design. She didn't choose it, but I'd like you to stick around so we can check out how this thing turns out in the end. - Cool, I'm down. - We doing that? All right, pal. - Yeah. Thank you. - Thanks. - I do not under any circumstance want to tattoo this girl. The one thing I know is don't put anything surprises in because she'll lose it. I'm going to right by what I drew and that's the tattoo. (dramatic instrumental music) - You ready, kiddo? (gun buzzing) - Yep. (gun buzzing) (dramatic instrumental music) - Why did you choose the design you chose? - Sometimes you need to just do the opposite, you know what I mean? - I wanted to make you stoked this time on the exact design you wanted. - Those are just words (beeping) there, so. - Gloves are off, kids. - How do you feel about your tattoo being the one that sent me home? - It's embarrassing. - Do you think you overreacted? - Do I think I overreacted? Some of the things that you say is just really ridiculous a little bit. Actually don't like it when you're here. You're really (beeping) right now. - Nick. - What's up? - Come here for a second. Let's sit here. - Cool. - So listen, I know that this was a tough day for you and it must suck to sit around watching Steve tattoo your redemption. So I'm like, why doesn't Nick just throw a tiny little banger on me right now? (upbeat rock music) - Dude, up top. - Are you into that? - Hell yeah. - Give you a little bit of sense of redemption. - Yeah. - Just like a little dagger. - Dude, I'm down, like a traditional dagger? Like-- - Yeah. Will you draw that out? - Let's go. - All right, killer. (upbeat rock music) - Not only do I look up to Dave, he's one of the most famous people I know, he's one of the judges, and he wants me to tattoo him? I'm beyond stoked but I'm so nervous to do this I'm shaking. I am double, triple checking everything because this tattoo needs to be perfect if I'm going to get redemption. (upbeat rock music) - Perfect, that's the move. - I love that. - Let's go. And your time starts now. (upbeat rock music) - Don't look, don't look, you're gonna make me nervous. - I have to look. I want to watch your technique. Oh gee, you're going in that way? (loud sighing) - Stop it (laughing). (upbeat rock music) - There you go. - That's the (beeping). - That looks bomb, dude. Thank you, man. Nick De Angelo, redemption achieved. (upbeat rock music) - All right, sweetie, we're done. You ready to see it? - Oh, hell yeah. - All right, let's go take a look. - I'm ready, all right. (dramatic instrumental music) I love it. (upbeat rock music) It's gorgeous. - [Steve] So does it look like an Ink Master did it? - I want to cry, honestly. - Really? - Mhm. - Wow. - It's gorgeous. I want to give you a hug. - Awesome. - Oh man. - Steve. - [Steve] Yes? - Litsa, take a look at this. - Okay. - What do you think? - I couldn't ask for a better tattoo. - [Host] What do you think having seen it? - I love it, man, it looks good. It's not what she wanted, but it fits great. - It is what I wanted, that's why I picked it. - Unbeknownst to both of you guys, I had Nick tattoo a little banger on me myself. (upbeat rock music) I just felt like Nick need a little redemption today. First time I've ever been tattooed in this room in one of the shops that you guys, so. - That's awesome. - So, redemption for Nick. You know? - It's so great for Nick to get the tattoo, the one guy everybody on the show wants to tattoo. - How do you feel? - I mean, I was really bummed out 'cause I wanted redemption, but being the first person to tattoo you in the shop, and for you to trust me. - Yeah. - That's all that matters. - Ah, I'm psyched, man. - [Host] Everybody wins today. - Win win. - [Host] Yeah. Jason, welcome back, man. - Thanks. You were a Cleen's master canvas at the big finale. He did the big black and gray piece. How did you feel when your artist came in second place again? - I was furious. Cleen should have one. Anthony did not finish. - I'm with you, man. What do you say to those who claim that Cleen should now go by the name, Cleen Rock Two? - I think they should shut their (beeping) mouths. A lot of America didn't get to see a lot of the details of my tattoo. There's spiderwebs in between the swords, that chick has a rose on her neck, and that has great tiny line work in it. I'm not sure how many people can really tell what's inside of her sunglasses, but that's the Vegas Strip. I mean like he put Vegas on me. - So what, what are we going to do today? - Hopefully win back the right for Cleen to be the winner. - I have Anthony in the shop. - Hell yeah. - I also have Cleen in the shop. I'd like to invite you to head on in there and call 'em out, tell 'em what you think. - Let's get some revenge. - All right, buddy. - I look in the mirror and I see my amazing chest piece that I know I get to die with, but at the same time, I get that little tinge of we lost. It's the best tattoo I've ever had and it should have won. (dramatic instrumental music) - Holy shit. - Hey, what's up dude? - What's up, man. - What are you doing here? - I'm here because I want to defend this tattoo that you gave me and say that you are the proper Ink Master and not him. - Oh, I didn't see that coming. - I think Cleen should have one, I think he got robbed again. Your tattoo wasn't finished. - My nerves got the best of me. I may have said that I ran out of time. What I presented was done. - I don't think it was necessarily Ink Master worthy. - The judges decided. - This tattoo means a lot to me. - Hey guys, come on down here, guys. All right, so you wanted to call Anthony out because he's defending his artist. He feels his artist got robbed. - You can't please everybody. - I have an idea here and here's what we're gonna do. You gotta score to settle, let's see if these guys can settle it for you. I want both these guys to consult with you on a new design. The same concept, same idea, and we will do a blind reveal. (dramatic instrumental music) You won't know who designed what. If you like one, get it tattooed, that artist tattoos it. This would be the true test, artist versus artist. There's no judges here. Let's call it out. Are you in? (dramatic instrumental music) - Yeah. - I saw you walk up and I thought, what are you doing here? Total mind blow that you're like calling Anthony out. - I love everything you did, how well you did stepping outside of your box. - Yeah, I totally shouldn't have lost. Move on to the next one. Take the punches and roll. - So I'm going to want color, more realistic style kind of tattoo. Halloween themed. Things like crazy pumpkin, tombstones, crazy trees, anything that has to do Halloween, I love. - I'm gonna do you proud. - Hell yeah. - There's no way I'm going to take this challenge lightly. Anthony is a fierce competitor and he's going to bring everything he's got. I might not have that check for a hundred grand but I got a lot of pride on the line. I'm glad you like your tattoo. - Love it. - So what's going on, man? Where's your head at with all this? - So my idea is going to be on my upper arm up here. - Yeah, yeah, you're talking about your tattoo, I'm backtracking, man, 'cause I think we need to pick up where we left off from, how you feel. It stung a little bit. To hear someone be like, you know, you shouldn't have won, it doesn't sit right with me. - I didn't mean to cause any hurtful feelings. That's just, I based off the work and not you as a person. - I want to put that aside and hopefully, you know, give you something that you're happy with, too, so. - I respect that for sure. - What are you thinking? - Halloween themed, lots of color, evil, dark kind of stuff. I like it realistic, anything else, man, it's free range for you guys. - You got it, man. And this one will be finished. (upbeat rock music) Everything is on the line right now, my pride and integrity. You're not gonna call me out on my name and discredit everything I've done. I am the Ink Master. - If Anthony gets to tattoo my finale canvas, it's just gonna be the nail in the coffin. I'm hoping to set the record straight that I am the true Ink Master and I deserve that title. - Anthony. - Yo. - Cleen. Come on down, fellas. So how do you feel going into this? - At first, I was taken back but, you know, it is what it is. - I mean, yeah, there's a title on the line, and yeah, you know, I finish tattoos, but-- - Whoa. - [Cleen] But, you know. - Snap. - No. - So let me take a look at this thing. I'm just gonna take a little peak here. So these are both very cool. All right Jason, come on in, man. (dramatic instrumental music) You're looking for redemption for Cleen. This is design number one. - I definitely like the dark with the color. I like the orange is used as like her eyes. The spider in the amulet, that's awesome. I like that it fades off into the birds going off into the distance, that's cool. - All right, design number two. (dramatic instrumental music) - I love the use of the color in that. That's for sure, I mean, that's Halloween through and through. That's just wicked evil, Jack O'Lantern right there. - You're getting one of these. - Damn. This is, it's brutal. - I think I'm gonna go with that one. - Guys, you wanna let Jason know who did this design? - That's my design. - They're both phenomenal, I just think that the top is so dark and fades out that it would blend with this. - [Host] They're both pretty badass, dude. - Hell yeah. - You guys ready to get going? - Yep. - All right Cleen, so good to see you again, pal. - Hey, for sure. Thank you. - Anthony, congratulations again. - Take care. - Thanks a bunch. - Always. - We'll see ya. - Yeah, for sure. - I lost again. Just seems like the runner-up title is stuck with me. All this means is I'm gonna come back swinging. This isn't the last you're gonna see a Cleen Rock One, 'cause I'm sure I'm gonna be back at season nine, ten, 12, there's no stopping Cleen Rock One. (upbeat rock music) (mumbling) - Definitely rubbed me the wrong way, dude, for sure. - I'll never apologize for the things I think and how I feel, but I do apologize how I made you feel. You're an incredible tattoo artist. - That's awesome, so thank you. I fell that I'll always have to prove myself as being the Ink Master. I gotta back that (beeping) up. (dramatic rock music) (gun buzzing) All right Jason, let's look at the damage, dude. - All right. (dramatic rock music) Dude, wow. Oh, my God. (upbeat rock music) Castle, crows, dude. - If this ain't redemption, man, I don't know what is. I know Cleen's your boy, but this was my time and hopefully I shined in your eyes, you know? - I appreciate it, man, this is fantastic. - This tattoo is gonna put everything to rest. I'm tired of all the controversy, everyone needs to stop hating. I am the Ink Master, it is what it is. - Frank, welcome back. Your artist was Duffy. - Yes. Two months after I got the tattoo, I got deployed for a year. People that I deployed with saw the show, too, they was like, "Can I see that tattoo? Is it really that messed up?" - What exactly is wrong with the tattoo? - Everything. Her teeth look buck, look like she put a couple hundred pounds on it. Extra chin. - What do your kids think of this? - They say it's not their mom. - That's a rough one, man. Well, Duffy is here in the shop today. I'd like to invite you now to go and have a chat with her and tell her what you think. Down to do that? - Oh, that would be great. Oh, yes. - Head on in. (upbeat rock music) I trusted Duffy with this tattoo. It's embarrassing to know that I gotta wear this for the rest of my life. (dramatic rock music) Duffy! Just the person I was looking for. You messed up my tattoo. Remember how important was this for me? - I do. - Supposed to be my wife. This doesn't look nothing like my wife. She's highly offended. - I'm sorry for the circumstances. - Sorry is not cutting it. - So Zack, welcome back, man. - Thank you. - Your artist was Christian Buckingham. - Correct. Everything other than the face is horrible. If you talk such a big game about your artwork, nail it. - What didn't he nail, specifically? - You cannot tell that is a chariot. It's also attached to horses and you absolutely cannot tell that there are two horses because the horses look so messed up. - Did you guys get along? - He was pretty stand offish. I could honestly tell from the time we were matched up that he wasn't really feeling the tattoo. - I have Christian here in the shop. How would you like to go and just let him know how you're feeling about this? - I would absolutely love nothing more. (dramatic instrumental music) - Head on in. - All right. - Good luck, buddy. - Thank you. Christian played it safe. He focused on a part that he knew would capture the judge's attention. But then the stuff that I wanted in the tattoo was neglected. It was definitely a calculated move. Christian, this tattoo you gave me is bull (beeping). When I tell you I want Athene, it's supposed to look like Athena, not some chick with red lipstick on my thigh. - Oh, my goodness. - I asked you to do a chariot. First off, first off, tone down how you're talking to me. - I'm going to get what I would like out. - You're not gonna get (beeping) unless you talk to me like an adult. - I am talking to you like an adult. - Do you think I purposely did a bad tattoo on you? - I think you bunted, right? - No, I didn't bunt. I go for the win every time. - I feel ripped off. This cost me my thigh. - I'm sorry you're unhappy. I really truly am. You were the only way I was coming back here. - Doesn't look like my wife. - I'm not happy with every part of it but I don't think you got (beeping). - Hey Christian. - You're not the one that has to wear it. - None of us ever intentionally does bad on a tattoo. This is the best we've got. And we're fallible. - You know, I'm trying to give you guys an opportunity to say what you got to say. Give these guys a shot at redemption. I have an idea. - You have an idea? - I have an idea. - Let's hear it. - Okay, I think that it would be interesting if all three of you guys consulted with each one of these artists. They will design something for each of you. They reveal the designs and you guys get to choose which one you want. And the one that you choose, that artist tattoos it. You guys down to play? - Yeah, why not? I came here to tattoo. - Yep. - Are we down to play? - I'm game. - [Host] Zack? A.J., it's on you. - Yeah, all right. - All right guys, good luck. (dramatic rock music) - What's up, man? How you doing? You know, things you said are right. - Mhm. - It is something I wish that you could do in multiple sessions. - Understandable. - Still a hot chick though. (laughing) What you thinking? - I was hoping to get like an old school church altar with stained glass, separated into three color to represent my daughters. - This time, if it's more than we can do in one session, I will come up with an alternative and we'll focus more on just the windows. - Yeah. - I wouldn't like (mumbling). - What's that? - The feather serpent God from (mumbling). - It'll be interesting what everybody else has to offer. But of course, I would prefer it if I tattooed you. - Show me what you got. - I'll let you go off and talk to the other guys. - Sounds good. So I wanted to get like a Gothic church altar with stained glass to represent my daughters. - The only thing I'm concerned with doing the altar is that you're not going to be able to get enough of it in there to tell what it is. - Oh, okay, the snake god. It's like Aztec, correct? - Correct. (dramatic rock music) - These canvases are gonna have a hard time picking between the three of us. I have to make sure that I tattoo Frank or I will not get my own redemption. - I'm kind of torn on this with Zack. I've tried to be the bigger guy and admit to the shortcomings in the tattoo, but I'm still kind of waiting for him to apologize. - Hey guys, come on down. Frank, should we start with you? - Yes, please. - Duffy. (dramatic rock music) - What is that? (foreign language) - It's an Aztec god. - Is that what that looks like? - Yes. - Mean, I noticed right away that it was Aztec, is that what you wanted? - Pretty close. - [Host] Let's see what Christian came up with. - I went for more just the head so that you can get a larger version of it. - Looks great. - Why don't you give it some thought and I'm gonna move on to Zack. Zack, what exactly did you want to get done? - An altar with some stained glass to represent my daughters. - Let's start with Christian. - Okay. 9 know we had originally talked about doing stained glass, an altar, when I really got down to doing it, there was just absolutely no room. Tried to capture as much as we could and still make it something that was feasible to do. - I mean, that is not what I heard you ask for, however, it's a really nice design. - I do like it, I wish it did it look a little bit more of what I wanted. - I think that's how we got into this problem last time. - All right, let's move onto what Duffy did. - My idea, since you liked the stained glass, was to go with gemstones because they do have a similar effect in the end. - My concern would be it's a little too feminine for me to have on my forearm. - This is gonna be a girly tattoo but it's for three girls, so justifiably so. - Zack, which one is it gonna be? - [Zack] Um... - I'll make the decision easier. It still doesn't sit well with me the way things went down. I'm gonna recuse myself from tattooing you. - I was a little angry, as a parent, I can understand that I deserve the punishment. (dramatic rock music) I'd like to go with Duffy's. - Awesome, I'm down. - [Host] Okay, all right, so Frank, what's it gonna be? (dramatic rock music) - It's not gonna hurt my feelings if you pick one that you feel like you're gonna be happier with, if it's not me. - (mumbling) if you do the honor. - I'd be happy to. - Everybody's got a shot at redemption, let's all get in the chairs and let's do it. (dramatic rock music) - So what was it like having three canvases to have to design something for? - My heart wasn't completely in it at first but when I really thought about it, it was kinda like, everybody deserves my best, no matter what. So I'm just going to give them like the best I can do. I'm still pretty bummed that I'm not tattooing Frank, but I'm just going to make sure Zack leaves with a killer tattoo. That tattoo, the reason why you're here for Christian, I mean, that tattoo's pretty cool. - I wanted her to be recognizable. The parts that I wanted to be prominent were not. - I think you got a rad tattoo but I understand your complaint. It's easy to have an opinion about something that you don't have to wear. (dramatic rock music) - I'm super stoked that you picked me to tattoo you but I almost felt bad tattooing you today 'cause I really know she wants to makeup for that, you know? - I really wanted Duffy also, but she's getting her chance, I can live with what I want to today. - Yeah. (dramatic rock music) - All right, let me wipe you up one more time, go take a look. (upbeat rock music) - That is incredible. - [Duffy] You love it? - I love the look of the gems. This is very personal. - [Duffy] Yeah. - I'm glad I chose the right artist for this one. - So I came here for redemption but I really wouldn't call it that. I just think it's like a success. - I'll call it a redemption, I'll vouch for you. (laughing) You are redeemed. - Thank you. As happy as Zack is, it's a little bittersweet. - Thank you so much. - Let me hug you without (laughing) smashing your fresh tattoo. (dramatic rock music) - All right man, I think we've about got this thing. - Sounds good. - Oh man. You nailed it, man. It's crisp, it's clear, all the details are amazing. - Even though you're not the guy that I worked on originally, do I get my redemption? - Oh yeah, definitely, man. - All right. - Definitely showed your skills. - I feel like I got redemption, absolutely. I get to present a great tattoo and I got to make somebody who wasn't happy, happy. - Thanks. - Absolutely. Yeah, good deal. - Mike, welcome back. - Thank you. - Your artist was Josh Hiburd. - Yes. - So what ultimately are you unhappy with? - It looks incomplete. The color faded out. - With what he did do, are you happy with that? - It's not what I asked for. All I heard from him was what he couldn't do. (mumbling) trying to make a flag. - Think that might be too much, you're saying the same thing twice, like you got the American flag and you got the background. So to me, I would normally say that's redundant. I don't want you to unknowingly screw yourself. (dramatic rock music) - I feel Josh did manipulate me and then by the time the tattoo was done, and you're looking at the whole thing, and then you're just like... Maybe I shouldn't of did that, you know? And it's tattooing, so it's permanent. - Yeah. Well Mike, I'm not happy that you're not happy. There's an artist in the shop who's willing to come up with a design for you that's all your ideas. You look at it. If that's not 100% what you want, you're not getting it. - All right. - Does that sound like something you'd like to try? - Let's get it done. - Won't you head in the shop, waiting there to meet ya. - Sounds good. If I would've walked out last time, I wouldn't have so many regrets about the tattoo I have now. This time around, it's about what I want. And either you give me what I want or I don't get anything today. (upbeat rock music) You gotta be (beeping). Oh, man. Really? - How's it going, man? - (beeping), man. Scarred up, ink pulled out, dude. (beeping), man? It just looks (beeping) incomplete. Really? Oh, he gonna act like that? (beeping) - I'm the one with the tattoo that's (beeping) up and he had an attitude. You gonna act like that over some criticism? I don't even want (beeping) touching me. - I don't need to (beeping) do this. It's not a fun game. It's not a (beeping) up tattoo. - I don't even want him (beeping) touching me. - When I get attacked, I get the (beeping) away. - He gonna like that over some criticism, I don't want him touching me. - I would rather walk away from the situation than blow up on that guy. - Josh. - What's up? - [Host] I understand that you're packing, that's all good. - Yeah. - Here, let's sit down. So dude, what's the problem? - He just came in with the wrong freaking attitude. I don't... (loud sighing) - [Host] Okay, let's-- - I don't have like a place in my life for people to treat me like that. - I know you to be a smart dude, I know you to be a master of vocabulary, you've succeeded here probably better than most with that kind of ability. I'm surprised that you weren't just able to diffuse him. - Well, maybe I'm the one that needs to be diffused 'cause I'm the one that feels disrespected. - I wanna just the (beeping) out of here. - Okay, and you're totally welcome to do that. Or could have a conversation with this guy and move forward? (dramatic instrumental music) (dramatic instrumental music) Mike, have a seat. So... - Let me first start off apologizing. I was a bit of a dick, my language was uncalled for. I know that made you feel uncomfortable, so I'm sorry about that. - I definitely didn't expect that. - Me seeing you, and also being unhappy with what I have on my arm and the condition of it, I reacted off emotion in how and felt, and that's what came out. - To me, this is too important for me and it's too important for you, that you're gonna be getting something that you're stoked about for us to have that conversation being the foundation. I really do appreciate your apology but I don't know that I can feel comfortable enough to tattoo ya. - Do you feel like, at least, on a communicative level you guys are squashed on this? - I mean, I'm squashed on it. I've said what I said-- - Are you squashed on it? - I don't feel offended 'cause he apologized and I have a lot-- - Yeah, I mean, that's a huge, that's a huge move-- - It's huge, yes, but at the same time, I'm not gonna move forward with somebody that I've had-- - Then, that's totally your choice, that's on you, that's totally cool. I do have another guy here who'd be willing to work with you. - That sounds great. - Do you want to meet him? - Yeah, definitely. - All right, can we bring in our other artist, please? (dramatic instrumental music) - My name's Kyle Dunbar. I'm from seasons three and four of "Ink Master." - Look who we got here. - [Man In White Tank Top] I know this guy. - Do you know this guy? Kyle Dunbar? - [Man In White Tank Top] How you doing, buddy? - So Kyle. - Yes. - You good with working with this gentlemen today? - Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely. Josh and I didn't get along so hot. I planned on coming here and talking his canvas into letting me tattoo him. I kinda came here expecting a little confrontation. - [Host] Josh, you can pack up. - When I make a decision, I do not change my (beeping) mind. I will not tattoo somebody that disrespects me. (dramatic instrumental music) - What is it we're working on? - You're a dope artist, so I want to get something dope. I'm and EMT, so I kind of want like an angel and demon theme with the-- - EMT kind of. - Of course, man. (dramatic instrumental music) For some time now, I've had Oliver and Nunez on my shoulders every single time I pick up a pencil or pen. All the criticism that I've swallowed, it's all kind of rushing around and coming back to me. It brings up a need for redemption. I need to excise the voices from my head by having a good tattoo. - Mike. Kyle, come on over. So Kyle, this is the first time you've been back in the Ink Master house for quite awhile. - It's been a minute. - Mike here has the option of looking at your design and choosing it or walking out of here. So, there's room for redemption for you. - Oh, I'm happy with that. - Mike, are you ready to see the design that Kyle came up with? - I'm definitely ready to see the design. - [Host] I know I'm ready to see that. (dramatic instrumental music) That's a hot EMT. - It definitely is, man. - [Host] Does it sound like something you want to get done? (dramatic instrumental music) - I definitely want him to tattoo that on me. That is dope. - Very cool. Good luck, fellas. - Thank you, (mumbling). - Bye. - Sweaty palm time, guys. Sweaty palm time. Maybe this is my last chance for redemption. I have to nail this. I have to knock it out of the park. (dramatic rock music) - That's gonna hurt, I know. - [Tattoo Artist] Less it's gonna hurt, we'll go there first. (upbeat rock music) - This is going a lot better than I expected. We got off to a rocky start with Josh, who took off, but possible redemption for both of these guys in a huge way. It's too bad that Josh didn't want to take the challenge but that's on him. See how it goes. (upbeat rock music) - So, what happened, man, with that last episode? - When I kinda got crazy? - Yeah. - I got tired of Nunez and at the meantime, my wife was at home going through economical problems. - I can only imaging how hard it is for you to focus on doing this and (mumbling) wife and kids. - There is a lot of redemption that is needed for me to be able to calm down a bit about this whole experience. (upbeat rock music) All right, let's got take a look at it. (dramatic rock music) - Yeah. Yeah, this is dope. (dramatic rock music) Okay, this is like the best tattoo I got on me right now. I appreciate that, yo. - Let me take a look at this thing. - Yeah dude, you're smiling. - Yeah, 'cause I'm excited. - I haven't seen you smile since you got here. - No, man, I'm excited about this. I feel like I got something that I'm in love with. Once I put on my EMT uniform and I'm at work, (mumbling) love it. - Oh yeah, man. Kyle, massive redemption for you. - I never thought I'd be back but here I am and I just did a badass tattoo. That's my redemption. - That was easier than any critique I've been through. - Damn, man. (laughing) (dramatic rock music) (upbeat rock music)
Channel: Ink Master
Views: 4,055,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redemption, ink master, ink master: redemption, dagger, dagger tattoo, cleen rock one, anthony michaels, unfinshed tattoo, ink master fights, redemption fights, tattoo lines, ink, tattoo artist, artist, master, every single, every single ink master, every single tattoo, Master canvas, flash, challenge, canvas, inked, paramount, paramount network, elimination, finale, winner, finals, episode, full episode, episodes, full, clip, moment, compilation, cut, best, best of, tatoo, tattoos, master canvas
Id: -ApL2rn28tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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