- I really think Think Before
You Ink are just delusional. My daughter could draw
better than this (laughs) and she's five. Our canvas passed out, what's your excuse? - For your first elimination tattoo, you must draw your tattoo
using only live reference. - Whoa.
(people chattering) - What the (beeps) - Let's bring them in. - [Man] Oh my God. (people groaning) - (beeps) Holy (beeps) I'm afraid of snakes. - [Man] Why did it have to be snakes? - [Woman] Oh my God!
(people groaning) - [Man] Get the (beeps) out of here. - [Woman] Are you serious? - A Hawk? Really? You got to keep that thing on a leash. (people laughing and groaning) - [Woman] Wait, wait. (tone beeps) - Whoa, whoa. - [Man] Oh, don't be movin'. - Whoa. - Gators, seen plenty of them. Don't want to get near him and draw 'em. - You will have six hours to
tattoo in any style you choose, and your canvases are completely open. But must use one of these
animals and no other reference. - Only using live reference? It's so unpredictable. You can't draw what you see
if it's moving constantly - Drawing is everything
in this competition. Today, I'm hoping that
somebody can actually draw from life and show me details. - If you're cool, I'm cool. - Yeah, I can do that. - The hardest part about
tattooing when you are a team and you're tagging in and out every hour is who's micromanaging? - No, no. I'm just bringing up right there. - [Chris] Who's backseat driving? Who's in control? - Go a little bit in right there. - They're going to have to
be on the same page to come up with a drawing that
they can both execute. - Michael, I believe
it's in your hands, bro. - Let the fun begin. (intense music)
(machines buzzing) - When you're running on a reference, I don't want you to go
past what we've drawn. I'm really aiming to show the judges that we have a better concept
over everybody else's. - Man, I don't wanna, like, waste time just like not doing anything. - Well, it's better to not do anything than to do what doesn't need to be done. For the most part, I do black and gray, but at the end of the day, I want to do whatever technique works best
to tell my client's story. Let me run you this new script real quick. - Dave is changing the sketch. Why are you doing that? We had a plan, let's stick to it. - [Dave] Well, it was never finished, so. - People doubt me because
I'm a young black female. I don't have that many
years of experience, but I'm here to prove everybody wrong. Just to let people know that, hey, we can do that (beeps) too. - Two more hours to go. Switch artists. (heavy rock music) - Lunch time, buddy. - I did not expect to see
live animals walking in. - (beeps) No, that was
the last thing I expected. - I've been tattooing 17 years. I am known for the
realistic black and gray high-contrast photo realism style. - Think you got it? - I do. - Mike's my boss. He owns the shop, so
there's a lot on the line. - I have been tattooing
approximately five and a half years. My style is illustrative
old, bright, colorful. Bu what I'm weak in, he excels in. We're a perfect match. There is no reason we can't win this. - Absolutely. (heavy rock music) - You're killin' it brother. Proud of you, huh? We're a big family. This is my brother from another mother. - Yep. - All right, maybe a bit more
black right in that area. Just to push it. At the end of the day, I want to show my family that
here in the United States you can make your dreams come true. We here to win it. This is a great tattoo. - [Jhon] This is the best snake out there. - Five, four, three, two, one. That is it. Machines down. Time is up, no more ink. - Very, very confidence. For sure. - That's awesome. Tri-Cities and Thicker Than
Blood should be worried about going home today. Jhon and Babiery's tattoo
looks like a weird space worm. And Tri-Cities' Tattoo just looks like just a tube with a head. It's just bad in a different way. - [Babiery] Definitely one of a kind. - Today, you had to prove
the strength of your shop by creating a tattoo
using only live reference. Based on your work, one shop
will be the first to go home. Let's see how you do. Thicker Than Blood. This to me, doesn't look
like the snake that came in. - [Babiery] For me, it looked like a snake and everybody else here knows it. - Look at the top line to the head, look how it goes across all the
way to the back of the body. You see that hard line you put in? So you just took that thing's head and you just took its body
and you went, (croaks) broke it there. So it's already got a snap spine. It's completely anatomically impossible. And you're not showing us
that you can draw from life. - Tri-Cities Tattoo. - [Oliver] The big
questions what's going on with this in and out of the skin thing? - The snake is sitting on top of sand, part of it is going in the sand, part of it is going out of the sand. - [Oliver] To me, it
doesn't look like it's going in and out of anything. It just looks like it stops and starts. - We drew exactly a boa constrictor, and that's what the challenge was, to draw from the reference. - You're drawing from life. You're putting in the details from life to show that you can draw what you see. This does not convince me of that. - The Marked Society. What was your plan of attack here? - To figure out how to
incorporate both their styles. I normally do a more of a realistic style. - [Mike] I actually drew all the frame, and the little medallion. - This is the farthest from
a realistic alligator ever. What you guys needed is
the details in the body. You missed those textures and you missed the length of the snout. One of the two of you gotta be able to see that something's off. - We try not to step on each
other's toes by doing that. For a team to win here, you're going to have to
dance on each other's toes. - Today, you had to prove
the strength of your shop by creating a tattoo
using only live reference. Based on your work, one shop
will be the first to go home. (dramatic music) - Tri-Cities, as much as it
has nothing that I want to see, it still looks like what
it's supposed to be. - So would you guys
say Tri-Cities is safe? - I would. - So now we're looking
between Marked Society and Thicker Than Blood. - We didn't make the challenge, but we show a lot of
potential in that tattoo. As far as drawing, these
guys' snake is questionable. Your guys' gator is questionable. So now we've got to get down to tattooing. Application versus application. There's a clear victor. Thicker Than Blood. - My vote is also for Thicker than Blood. Thicker Than Blood, the judges have decided you
do not have what it takes to be an master shop. - You guys got a lot of heart
being here, man, keep going, learn and grow from it. - Please pack your machines and move out. (dramatic music) Okay, artists, you have
six hours to tattoo. If your fundamentals aren't right, your shop will be packing. And your time starts now. - All right, come on. - You want to figure out how the hell we're gonna do this ear? - The ear? She wants a full body
tiger caught by the toe with the back foot, stretched
out, crawling down her leg. And that's what we're giving her. - [Wes] Tippy toes black. I just didn't know exactly
how we want to achieve that. - I think our friendship has a lot to do with how well we can perform. More break the line where like the black are going to go, you know. He can read me, and I can read him. You know, when he's upset, I can tell. - I think he's my best friend. - Thanks, dude. We've been through a lot of
(beeps) together, haven't we? - Yeah, we have. (laughs) (tone beeping) - Yeah, Mikey. - You have four hours
remaining, and switch artists. - Just basically double up that top. - Don't worry. And I'm going to go over a lot of these. - Just don't change nuttin'. - I'm not used to anybody telling me don't do this or don't do that. - Nice, beautiful. - It's kind of hard to step back and let someone else take
the reigns, but I'm doing it because I'm doing whatever
it takes to win this. - This is your final hour. One more hour remaining, switch again. (dramatic music) - [Erin] Course yours is lookin' perfect. - It's going to get a lot
cooler, some tricks in store. - I see DJ's using a mag. I'm shocked straight off the bat. DJ's using a Magnum. - [Doom Kitten] Is he? - [Erin] That's pushing it like a liner, but it's still not the same as lining. - A lining needle is a group of needles that are tightly put together like this. A mag are needles that are
put in between each other and make this shape. So he's using a mag to
essentially emulate like five single line needles? - Yeah. - [Doom Kitten] That's kind of weak, dude. - Being allowed to use a mag
in this challenge would mean that you could do multiple tiny lines that are perfectly spaced
with much less work than pulling individual lines. This is not cool. - Pulling lines with a mag? Who (beeps) - These artists might be a little jealous. They didn't think of this trick first. - Yeah, dude, hell yeah. (dramatic music) - Five, four, three, two, one. That is it, machines down. Time is up, no more ink. - [Woman] Oh my God. I love it. - Thank you - You guys are awesome, thank you. - Thank you. - Looks better in the mirror. - Holy crap. - So dope, dude. - It looks shaded, that
was the whole point - Old Time, guess what? You cheated. You used a mag. You're going to the bottom. - Today, you had to
prove your fundamentals. Bubba, this challenge was
designed to test your weaknesses. Old Town Ink, you're up first. Bubba, how's it being back? - I feel like I've been
preparing to come back here since I left. Ready for it. - [Oliver] This is a
very clean, very legible, very strong illustration. Technically, the lines look clean. The varying line weights are used smartly, and from a distance you do create shading with using only small lines. - Little reactions over there. What's going on? - They used the mag. - I mean, I would have used
the mag too if I could have. - Yeah, we all would have. - You guys just didn't think about it. You guys are mad 'cause
you didn't think about it. - No, we did. We followed the rules though. - We followed the rules too. - Dragging the mag. I mean, it is a way to make lines. I think it's smart. It is lines. Every single spot. - Yeah, but the same effect
that they did with the mag, I went through and I did
it with a single needle. A lot of us did. - This is a game. And if you're smarter than
your opponent, oh well. - I will tell you this. I'm pretty sure that these
guys aren't going home. (dramatic music) Tri-Cities Tattoo. - Design wise, it does
have nice flow to it, but it just didn't follow through. There's a lot of line work
difficulties in this tattoo. These aren't lines that
go down the tentacles, very inconsistent. And also some of the
coral looks very similar to the tentacles of the octopus. Today is about pulling one line. I just don't feel like your guys' quality is living up to the rest of the room's. - The Marked Society. - [Oliver] This tiger is crazy. If you take the head out of the equation, this thing that looks like a lizard with some broken body parts Where is the tiger's right shoulder? How does that come off
his spine right there? Anatomy has proven to be a big issue. You've got some clean lines,
but you didn't really capture the look of this challenge. You just crosshatch haphazardly. There's one tooth missing. - Oh, you crosshatched over it. Devil's in the details. That stuff all exposes you guys heavily. - Today, you had the tattoo
illustrative black work. Based on your work, one shop
will be packing their machines. Let's hear from the jury of peers. - Guys, why did you vote
Old Town Ink to the bottom? - You better play by the
rules or you're in the bottom. - Wow. Okay, let's get into Tri-Cities Tattoo. - [Chris] You did come
a little bit stronger with the design, but it's pretty clear. This is a bottom tattoo. - The purpose of this challenge
was to create a tattoo showing depth through line work. - We created depth. We have a foreground, a middle
ground and a background. - But you have a lot of
sloppy line work here. Lines are crossing over,
lines are mismatching. - But there are examples of
some solid line work, also. - You ain't pulled a clean
line since you been here. - I'm gonna eat the (beeps)
out of your tattoo, brat. - [Mike] Yeah, eat it up. - The Marked Society. - [Chris] The bulk of your disability in this tattoo is the design. - It's has been a hell of a week. You know, dealing with personal problems and just trying to get in a groove. - The biggest thing
that would make it hard for me to see you guys being master shop was the fact that this
tiger is so far off. It's odd. - We created depth. They have a flat image. At least with our tattoo, you could tell-- - What about the anatomy on yours? - Can I finish talking?
- It's all wrong. - Yeah.
- I feel like with ours you can at least tell what it is. Our drawing was flawless. We didn't stumble on the anatomy. You don't know the fundamentals,
you don't know how to draw. - Just because they didn't call
your octopus out for anatomy doesn't mean it's anatomically correct. - [Oliver] It is time to
determine who's going home. I mean, I know the tiger is jacked. I know the octopus looks more like octopus and from Marked Society, they
do have some cleaner lines. - [Dave] Chris. - Marked Society. - My vote is also Marked Society. The judges have decided
that Marked Society, you do not have what it
takes to be master shop. - Your outline and your drawing are the framework for
everything that goes in 'em. So if you can't get those things together in this competition,
then I think rightfully you guys are in the right place. - Please pack your machines and move out. (dramatic music) You have six hours to
tattoo a natural disaster, and your time starts now. - Okay. And here we go. (heavy rock music) - [Made Rich] That works for you? - [Canvas] Yeah. - I decided to just go for it. I'm giving my canvas
everything he's asking for. Here's a drawing. Here's a skin break. We got cars floating in the water. We got some rocks, we
got some board walls, we've got some palm trees. There's no tattoo in
more detail than ours. - Time to get busy. (dramatic music) - I believe Made Rich knows what the judges want more than me. - [Made Rich] Make sure to leave a little skin break off the car. - [Dtatstar] Got it. - And the flagpole. - I trust your judgment, let's go. - Three hours remaining. Switch artists. - Tear it up, Bubba. (dramatic music) - So this is what we're going to do here. We're gonna turn this
thing around for a second. - Dave doesn't need to
take the lead all the time. I just took the lead
on the flash challenge, and look how good we did. Dave, you gonna keep switching
stuff up last minute. - We gotta make the script perfect. - Two hours to go, switch artists. (heavy rock music) - Did you see Carlos and theirs? - [Erin] Yeah. - It's (beeps) massive. - It's what they do all
day though, every day. Black Anchor is a world-class shop and it is known the world over for having really great realism artists. How are you guys doin'? - I'm gonna have to (beep) jam on it. I'm confused at this point that I am even in an alliance in this competition. I think they gave us the harder one, maybe to try and knock
us down a little bit. Bitin' my lip off right now. - Honestly, I feel like
we could really shine. I just hope that time is on our side. - Five, four, three, two, one. That's it, machines down, time is up. No more ink. - [DJ] Donezo. - [Canvas] That's awesome. - Oh yeah. - It's too big, dude. It looks smaller when you
put stencil in, but then you forget about all the
color around the outside. - Today, every detail counts. Made Rich, this challenge was designed to test your weaknesses. So let's see how you did. Think Before You Ink, you're up first. - What'd you have here is a strong design that doesn't really
translate in the tattoo as well as it did on paper. But you do have clean line work. You do have smooth shading. Your application and your tattooing, nice. The actual imagery, lost. You have the exact same
tonal shading in the water that you do in the car. It's all camouflage. So you did all that nice tattooing and all that hard work, not to shine. - Tri-Cities Tattoo. - [Oliver] First of all, you can definitely tell what's going on. Definitely see tornado, definitely see the
graveyard at the bottom. One detail that stands out is this little gate that's
flying up in the air. This thing looks like the kind of gate, it's like two pieces and it opens, but somehow when it flew in the air, both pieces just stayed perfectly
together and are flying. Seems a little weird to me. The details you have in the
bottom of the tombstones. I think you have some
questionable line work. Technically, this tattoo
is pretty challenging. - Black Anchor. - The perimeter shape is
just an obtrusive big smear on the side of his body. You gotta leave some open skin. It's like everywhere
you look in this tattoo is a coverup, the only contrast you have is from the areas of solid color to the areas of light color you did. As far as details go, there's no detail. This is one of the rougher
tattoos I've seen here. - Today, you tattooed scenes
depicting natural disasters. Based on your work, one shop
will be packing their machines. Let's hear from the jury of peers. Why did you vote Think
Before You Ink to the bottom? - One, we could tell it was a
volcano when you look at it, and this, you can't
really decipher what it is right off the bat. - Today's a crazy day. You guys say the worst
tattoo is not Black Anchor. - As far as details, we were
trying to compare the problems in each tattoo and we felt like-- - So you think the details
in Think Before You Ink are not as detailed as that volcano? I mean, look at the Ferris wheel. - It was a yes or no question, Chin. - I feel like ours is a
little bit more recognizable. - I didn't have any detail in that tattoo. - I think it's a little bit
more dynamic than yours. - Dynamic, it wasn't dynamic day. It was detail day. - [Oliver] Black Anchor. This is a large unappealing
spot on this guy's body. - Detail could easily be added to that. Back at the shop, we do multiple sittings, and I know that's not the case that time-- - This isn't the shop. - We're judging on today, and today it's just this blocked out mass with no detail on detail day. - But if we did get another shot, pick ourselves out of the slump. You know, this is the third time. - Third time. - You guys keep throwing that around. Like, so what have we
been down here before, at the end of the day,
we're looking at the now, like they said. - [Oliver] Tri-Cities. Compared to the other people
in the room, did small details. You're outshined - I just don't think our tattoo, when you look at it, it's not questionable as much as these two tattoos. - It's the one that's the
clearest to me, of the three. - Correct, but are we not judging on the worst tattoo of the day period? 'Cause that's what I
thought I was here to do. - We do need to make a final decision. - I'm gonna keep it 100% honest. I think Black Anchor did
the worst tattoo of the day. - My vote's for Black Anchor. The judges have decided Black Anchor, you do not have what it
takes to be master shop. - It's a bummer, man. If I was picking teams, I
would've had you guys first pick, but on any day, worst tattoo goes. It doesn't matter what you've done. - Please pack your machines and move out. (dramatic music) Okay, artists, you have
six hours to tattoo. Two cherubs on a single canvas. And your time starts now. - Awesome, let's do this.
- Okay, let's go. - Today, these tattooers are
gonna tattoo on their own, but they have to look
like one artist did them. - I think a little bit of texture in the front would be cool. - Perfect. - It is incredibly easy
to mess up cherub tattoos. The technical application
has to be spot on. - Gray wash, outline everything, I'm gonna (beeps) bag it and gray line it. - [Allison] All right, if
you feel comfortable with it. - So many things anatomically
can go wrong here. (dramatic music) - House of Monkey. - House of Monkey. (imitates monkey) (intense music)
(machines buzzing) - I need you to just make sure that everything over here is straight. - I am stressed out to no end. The stencil keeps wiping off. I'm so far behind. I am literally melting down. - Take a Sharpie and do like a
loose indication of the line. - I don't have a clue how
this is going to work out. If I've got a draw on
every line before I do it. Give it one more go, I suppose. - I think we can do
something with the shading, but, like, how to stop? - When you see that your line
hit one of the other lines. - Dave's style is totally
different from mine. - [Dave] Then just make sure
you just keep the skin tight and it doesn't need,
like, too much pressure. - Our communication is really working. We're checking out each other's tattoos, he's giving me advice. This is the best that we've ever been working together as a team. - [Made Rich] What's up, man? - [Dave] Nuttin'. I told myself I was going to
make your life livin' hell (beeps) but I'll leave it alone. - Tri-Cities, what is your motive in this game you're playing? - [Bang] You're aggy. - You're kind of clueless right now. - [Bang] You're aggy as (beeps) (laughs) - I talk a lot, but I got
the skills to back it up. You showed your colors, Dave. I'm the vet. They could have had a
friend in this house. People always thinking I'm starting. I won't be starting. I won't be saying (beeps) - [Bang] He's annoying as (beeps) (dramatic music) - Five, four, three, two, one. That's it, machines down, time is up. No more ink. - [Woman] Thank you. - Yep. - All righty. - Yeah, those are so sick man. (laughs) - Made Rich talks so much,
but he can't back it up with being able to tattoo. Your tattoo looks like a
toy sleeping on cabbage. God do I want Made Rich and
Think Before You Ink to go home. - Today, you had to prove your technical application was flawless. Tri-Cities Tattoo. (dramatic music) - Looking at both the tattoos, it looks like one person did it because both of you have incredibly
hard times outlining. Bang, the back of your inside leg, that huge, crazy line
you tried to clean up, you have to do it in one pass Dave, your outline is very blown out in the skull, in the
hand and then the hair. - This collarbone area is
just a really tough area. - Think Before You Ink. - Well guys, there's
an obvious divide here. Rich, your tattoo's a lot smoother. You have a lot cleaner outline
and a lot smoother shading. Your tattoo quality definitely
progressed from when you were here. - Thank you. Dtat, yours shows a big
variance from Rich's as far as application goes. You have a lot of shaky lines. The tips of the fingers are blacker than the line coming down. There is a way to pull a really clean line and you're missing it on this. - Allegory Arts. - I do love the illustration. The way they work together
as a design is great. Getting right into the rough side of it. Both outlines really rough. Ulyss, your side, that back leg, those ripples and wobbles
and the nervousness of those lines make the
leg pretty misshapen. Eva's outline looks a
little heavier and bolder, but also has quite a few areas
of blow outs around the top. - Yeah, that skin can be really tricky. - Today, you tattooed
black and gray cherubs testing your technical application. Based on your work, one shop will be packing their machines. Time to hear from the jury of peers. Guys, why did you vote Think
Before You Ink to the bottom? - Someone want to speak? - I feel like Dtatstar's
application was very chunky. - Yeah, but both of y'all
didn't do a great tattoo. - [Chris] Dtat, your tattoo is one of the bottom tattoos of the day. The shading is not smooth like Rich's is. It's a pretty large gap. - I think the flaws that we
have in our tattoos are very minimal compared to the other two. - Blowouts live on the bottom, period. No matter who you are. There was a lot more blow outs on those tattoos. - No there's not! You can see a blow out in
the top of Dtatstar's halo. - [Dtatstar] Get the hell out of here. - And it's filled with
solid black around it. - Y'all got two bad tattoos. - [Chris] Honestly, guys, I don't find these two tattoos amazing. Y'all were less challenged in the design, but technically you jacked them up. - No one's brought up Tri-Cities tattoos. - Tri-Cities has equal
amount of blow-outs. Bang's legs almost connect on a blowout. There's blue bruising. Do you guys not see that? - I see it now. - [Chris] You've already
had previous critiques on other tattoos about
technical application. Today was the day to really hone in on it and not show us those mistakes. - We got caught up trying to like match our tattoo aesthetically, and that ended up being why
had those blow out issues. - Time to determine who's going home. - [Oliver] The most appealing
imagery is Allegory Arts. The more consistent
application between two artists also is Allegory Arts. In my mind, Allegory Arts
is safe from going home. - You guys aren't going anywhere. - Thank you guys. - [Oliver] The best single
application out of all four of these tattoos is Made Rich. Rich's is better than Dtat's, but then if you go to Tri-Cities, there's application problems
on both sides of the fence. - No brainer for me. Tri-Cities Tattoo. - My vote's for Tri-Cities tattoo. The judges have decided Tri-Cities Tattoo, you do not have what it
takes to be master shop. - Exposing yourself in
this environment is tough. You guys are just at a phase
where you need to grow more. And then who knows,
maybe y'all will be back. - Please pack your machines and move out. You have six hours to tattoo. If you fail for you, this battle is over, and your time starts now. - Let's get this thing started. - We're testing composition
by giving these artists color realistic battle scenes. - Now this is kind of what we're thinking. - [Woman] It's beautiful. - Cool, yay, awesome. - There's many different elements that are occurring at once. There's movement. You have flesh, you have cloth, there's a foreground and
you have a background, and that all takes composition to execute. - Hit the contour. - That you showed me. - Don't even come in on the nose, don't come in on the mouth, just do that outside of the face. - [Dtatstar] Got it. - I am going to take my
main Dtat up off the bench. I'm making sure that
we work on this tattoo as a complete 50/50 team. This will knock out the line on this one and then just move to the next one. - Cool. I don't want to hear (beeps) from nobody. I can do this, and that's that. - We've been in this
bottom too many times. Made Rich is not meant for the bottom. This has to be our week. - This is your final hour, one hour left. (dramatic music) - I thought you said you'd
wanted to soften up the top. - [Jessy] It's pretty soft as it is. - I want the top to look a
little more even with the bottom. - The only battle in this situation is our canvas battling with us. - I'm just not seeing your background and I'm not picturing it on the tattoo and I'm worried that it's
going to not look good. - Yeah, but as artists, we
like to give you something that we see as well, as
a collaboration together. - But it's my tattoo, so. Give me, give me a minute. - Okay. Now I'm in freaking panic mode. (dramatic music) (tone beeping) Is going on right now? - We're trying give her our best tattoo and she's second guessing
everything we're doing. - This is (beeps) crazy. (suspenseful music) - So we gonna do the cuffs. These cuffs are leather, not the skin, but it's the same brown tone right now. - [Man] Okay. - Our goal to make this tattoo stand out is to plan a good foreground,
a battle scene in the middle, and then a nice background to accent it. My only nervous thought
is, did we go too big? - [Man] Guys, we're gonna
have to stop for a minute. I'm gettin' light-headed. - [Thom] Breathe nice and slow. - Feel like I'm gonna pass out. - [Thom] Try some of this. Some sugar is your system is gonna help. Here. - [Man] He passed out. - [Derek] Pass out! Hey, you with us? - [Thom] Tim. Tim. - [Derek] It's probably from the magnum. Tim, you awake? - Oh. - There you go, buddy. - [Thom] It's all right,
man, it's all right. Just need some sugar or something. - Get the chair up, put the feet up. - Are you kidding me? I do not want to go home
on an unfinished tattoo. - [Medic] Slow breaths,
man, you'll be all right. - Welcome back. - So I want you to do what
you want to do with the dress. - [Jessy] Okay. - And I'm not going to do the background. - Okay. - I feel like a lot of this
comes down to this girl not being able to sit
for a six-hour tattoo. Jess, do you want me to get in, or you go? - I just, I think you
tattoo a little more gently if you're good. - [Jessy] No worries, yes, that's fine. - This girl's insane. - [Jessy] Absolutely. - Five, four, three, two, one. That's it, machines down, time is up. No more ink. - Okay. - Oh my God! - Would have loved to have been
able to do a lot more to it. - We killed this challenge, man. Most of these other people,
they ain't even finish. - I mean. - [Allison] Hopefully
we get a stick around. - I highly (beeps) doubt it. - That was like so relieving. I feel like this competition just started. - I really think, Think Before
You Ink are just delusional. My daughter could draw better than this, and she's five. Our canvas passed out. What's your excuse? - Today, you had to create battle scenes with clear composition. Pinz & Needlez. Was there a conflict when you
got going with this canvas? - Oh my God. - She didn't want to
trust us on any aspect. - Aside from it not looking
like a battle scene, and aside from the problems with the canvas and blah, blah,
blah, you drew those hands. And those hands are jacked,
and you put that on somebody. I would have quit, too. You win your client over in the beginning, and you make them shut
up by impressing them with a beautiful drawing. Your art speaks louder than anything. Artwork, first and foremost. That's how you get the title. - Classic Trilogy Tattoo. What's missing from this? - There's a rock face
that rise the ridge line. And then the clouds in
the sky were going to be like a washed out blue. - Lot of time spent in that green. It looks like a battle scene
that has the same color green in the hatchet blades than
it does in the background, with a little darker shade
than that in the loin cloth and a muddier shade
than that in the pants. - Yeah, that came into my mind shortly after putting the grass in. - You guys went nuts in this thing. Drastically under-finished tattoo. And the 20 minutes that he was
passed out is not the reason. - Think Before You Ink. - As far as composition goes,
you got one guy going one way, one guy going the other and
a bunch of scribbling stuff in the background. The shape of the sword
look like a feather fight. - [Made Rich] Those are the shapes that the gladiators had though. - I got you, but the way yours look, look like they're bending, like "I'll hit you back." It looks playful. The guy on the left is
wearing a Spartan helmet. What helmet is the guy
on the right wearing? Samurai! - We wanted them to be different. - Well, they're different. Different continents. As far as doing anything
real, the hand's not real, the arm's not real. So you're not competing. (guys laugh) - Today you had to prove that
you've mastered composition. Based on your work, one shop
will be packing their machines. Let's hear from the jury of peers. Why did you vote Think
Before You Ink to the bottom? - I feel like the majority
just picked the tattoo that we found the least appealing. - Yet again, yet again. - Do you feel that
that's a personal thing? - Of course. - It's just fundamentally man. The color doesn't mean a line. Could you call yourself
Ink Master doing that? - I'm good with the piece. - This is serious (beeps) to me. - It is serious. And I'm seriously standing by my piece. - There's technical problems throughout. The line work has problems, the black shading has
problems all over the place. But I do know there's two
guys that are about to have a feather fight. I know what's happening. - But what's realistic about that? - Nothing's realistic. - Of the three, it's the least realistic. - Oh no. - What's realistic about the girls'? - Well, first of all, there is anatomy that is proportionate. - Where? She has no right shoulder. She's a shoulderless woman. - We have decent anatomy on ours. - I just can't see it. - That green, when you go into it with some highlights or some
tones, like you were saying. - [Oliver] You guys,
that is not the technique that's gonna finish a
one-sitting tattoo in six hours. The canvas--
- Oh we've learned that. We're not disagreeing whatsoever. - [Oliver] No. - We have three challenge tattoos here. - The problem I have,
is if somebody cruises in the middle of your work, that's the ultimate slap in the face. - It's really difficult,
man, because Pinz & Needlez didn't really do much of a
battle, nor is it finished. But overall, the tattoo looks cleaner. I'm going with Think Before You Ink. The judges have decided
Think Before You Ink, you do not have what it
takes to be master shop. Please pack your machines and move out. (heavy rock music) You have six hours to tattoo, and your time starts now. - Let's go. - Let's do it. - This week, the tattooers
are being judged on artistry. Free handing is something
that I want to know that an Ink Master is
going to be able to do. Drawing straight on the skin, going directly to your
outline with your machine. No stencils. - I'll be done when the
time starts, I promise. - [April] You shush. - [Dane] Did you say that? - [April] He's killing me right now. - The person who's
drawing has to quarterback the tattoo throughout,
because they see the vision, and they have to translate that to the person that's inking it. - Any time you do
something that I don't like I'm gonna go (hisses) For this challenge, we decided it's best if I just walk away and
let Lalo do his thing. Sometimes we don't work very good when we're sitting over
each other's shoulder. Do us proud Lalo. - [Lalo] Don't worry
your pretty little head. I got it. - Please don't screw this up for us. - You ready to do this? (dramatic music) Not there, but on the (indistinct). - I have to work off Derek's freehand, but I'm only taking it as
a loose interpretation. I'm gonna do my own thing. There should probably be
a little bit peeking out, 'cause there's a shadow. You know what I mean? A little black there. - Not there, that's all plum. What are you doing, Thom? I gave you a straightforward,
traditional piece to follow. But you're not following the game plan and you're going right back to the style we're getting called out for. This one here is not black. No, that'll be green. - [Thom] Yeah, you're right. - [Lalo] Picasso! - Yeah. - [Lalo] You wanna take a look? - He is going crazy. The color palette makes
no sense whatsoever. - [Lalo] Don't be nervous. It's a good day at House of Monkey. - We were supposed to have
a nice amount of black and a simple color palette. We didn't need all this blue. Lalo, you had one job. The colors, man. - Final hour remaining guys. One final hour. - Bring a little bit of purple
up in here in these corners. - [King Ruck] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Smooth that blend out. - Oh, E.S., just stop. - [E.S.] Tap it with water. Just whip out. Don't go circular. - I don't have time to finesse. I'm the one doing the tattoo. I got to move on this now. And I want to stick to the
technique that I'm used to. I know it starts from the drawing. If he had simplified it, I wouldn't even be in this situation. - Five, four, three, two, one. That's it, machines down, time is up. No more ink. - Yay. - [Doom Kitten] What do you
think, Marvin, you into it? - [Marvin] Yeah. (laughs) - Looks awesome. - [DJ] Like it? - Stoked. - Yeah, man. - How did it feel for you? - Feel good. Did a big ass tattoo, perfect lines. What do you, don't you like it? - No, no, no, it's, I would've, there's just a couple things
I would have did different. - [Lalo] Of course. - [Picasso] But you know,
you're in the driver's seat. - Today, you had to prove your artistry. Black Spade Tattoo. E.S. drew, and Ruck, you tattooed. The amount of phoenixes that we have seen that actually looked like
phoenixes are very few. So I liked the drawing a lot. - [Oliver] The drawing is very solid. I liked the idea, the
negative flames coming up. But if we zoom into the bottom, this right here is very rough. You can still see your
scratchy wash outlines the color blends between
one color to the next. It's not smooth. This quality work is not going to last, I can tell you that right now. - House of Monkey. Picasso did the drawing and Lalo tattooed. - [Chris] I liked the drawing a lot, but my only problem with
the tattooing is the colors. - [Oliver] The problem with
this tattoo is this big stretchy baby blue bubble on the top. And this light green, that's
not finished in these cactus. It's not solid. It's not smooth. Just a lot of sloppiness. (dramatic music) - Classic Trilogy Tattoo. Derek drew, Thom tattooed. - The black Dahlia flower really muddies up this whole piece. I don't think it's her fault
for choosing a black Dahlia. I think it's your fault
for the way you colored it. It's a lot of solid saturation,
but you have basically paint by numbers feel to it. You guys need to now break
out and show off something because everybody today did a good tattoo and somebody's goin' home. - Today, you had to freehand
directly onto the skin with no stencils. Based on your work, one shop
will be packing their machines. Let's hear from the jury of peers. Why did you vote Black
Spade Tattoo to the bottom? - A lot of the fundamental
technical issues were called out. - And we felt that House of Monkey had a stronger overall
design than Black Spade did. - All we needed was a few more things to make this crispy and complete. I think that what they made might've been more of a mess
than what you're seeing here. - It's a tough debate. I feel like House of Monkey,
it's a strong line drawing, but there's just a lot of
peach, a lot of baby blue, none of which is really applied very well. - Was Classic Trilogy in the vote? - We didn't even talk about (laughs) Classic
Trilogy's tattoo actually. - These guys are doing
the same static thing. We wanted to make a complete
tattoo, but time-wise and all that, this definitely
could have been more dynamic with a little more planning.
- The one word y'all need to add is versatility. Either (beeps) or get off
the pot because what's coming over the next few weeks is going to knock you guys out of the box. - So basically, we're between Black Spade and House of Monkey. - [Oliver] When I see the
Phoenix from a distance, it's very clear what it is,
and the color theory is nice. But when I look at the cow skull, the color theory is all over the place. - Color theory can be fixed. - Cool, but you have blue behind the tattoo and it's not solid. - That's easily fixed. - How is that going to be fixed? To fix that blue background,
you got to make it bigger. - The challenge is artistry and we're damn near closer
to it than they are. - They can see our tattoo from far away. - If you put a whole thing
of orange on someone, you're gonna see it, that's why vests and road
signs are that color, dude. (Thom laughs) - You're out of control, I'm not gonna-- - It is true, dude. - That's the sexiest part of a woman and you ruined it.
- She loved it. She loved it. (Picasso growls) - What was that? I'm sorry. - Bless you, you sneezed. - All right, it is time to
determine who is going home. You know, it's tricky. I admire the artistry in House of Monkey, but the color play within
Black Spade is more pleasing. My vote is for House of Monkey as well. - House of Monkey. - The judges have decided. House of Monkey, you do
not have what it takes to be master shop. - I respect you coming
back trying to make it, but for you guys as artistic
and free as you are, this place is too restrictive. - Please pack your machines and move out. (dramatic music) Artists, you have six hours
to show your ingenuity by tattooing a new school design. And your time begins now. - Sweet.
- Go time. Let's do it. - [Man] All right. - Doing a new school tattoo
in a competition setting can be difficult because there's a million styles of new school. - [Eva] Like that? - Just a little bit more, boom. - These artists are going
to have to use ingenuity because we've seen it all. We're looking for these guys
to come out and be original and take a swing at having
fun with a piece of art. - All right, you ready? (heavy rock music) - Hey April, I think that
background's too much. This competition is so stressful. I'm cracking. I just want to get our (beeps) straight. Don't be mad. - Did you put the blue everywhere you wanted it to go, or no? - [Dane] No, not everywhere. - Do you want to tell me where? When Dane's stressed out,
he just needs to like get away, so that I can actually
concentrate on the tattoo and not concentrate on
what's going on in his brain. If you want to do something
to this, you have to show me because I don't, I can't
get inside your head. I don't know what you're talking about. - Got a worried face looking, dog. You worried? - [King Ruck] No, I'm just watching. E.S. is moving too slow. Once again, I'm worried that
we're going to run out of time. This corner right here. - [E.S.] Yeah, I'm gonna
come in with the white. - It's really not that hard. It's a cupcake and three blueberries. I wanted to put more of a fleshy pink in there
to do some of the capsule the ears hide. - I don't have a clue of
what the (beeps) I'm doing. - Just kind of do what you
feel like you need to do. Not only does Hobo not do new school, Hobo doesn't do color. It's a lot of pressure on
him to finish this tattoo. Sure you know what you're doin'? - I'm losing confidence as I'm doin' it, and making the wrong pallette choices. Man, we're crumbling bad. (heavy rock music) - Five, four, three, two, one. That's it, machines down, time is up. No more ink. - Woohoo, finished. - Dude, that looks phenomenal. - [DJ] You got through it, dude. - [Man] I told you I'd
get through it. (laughs) - That is some bad ass tattoo. - I like your part of it. Not really a huge fan of the
other two cats around it. Yeah, he's green. - Today you had to prove your ingenuity. Black Spade Tattoo. - Love the drawing. Love the color palette and choices. I everything but the way you tattooed it. There is not a spot on
this thing that is solid. The background, burgundy's not solid. Orange isn't solid. You put all the right
stuff, and set yourself up for another W. You didn't pull through. (dramatic music) - Artistic Skin Design. - Well guys, I don't think
it's the best drawing. If we look at the hand that's
playing guitar, no way, no how do any of those
fingers make any sense. And the thumb coming from
behind the guitar is crazy. Not a fan of this tattoo. This blue force field is rough. It's just a sea of washed out color. This tattoo looks 20 years old. You guys have done bright, strong tattoos that look like stickers. This one does not. - Boneface Ink. - The drawing is super challenged. These are just two heads of
growing out of this little body. This little green guy on the
left is totally jacked, man. One eye is round and outside
of the bottom of the eyelid, and the other eye is
squared off and tucked inside the eyelid. The finished product has
a very amateur feel to it. It doesn't have the look of what we know Boneface's finished tattoos look like. - Today, you had to show
ingenuity by tattooing new school. Based on your work, one shop
will be packing their machines. Time to check with the jury of peers. Why did you put Boneface
Ink in the bottom? - This one was pretty apparent. You know, they thought
it was the worst ones. We kinda all did, too. - [Dave] It was unanimous? - Almost. - Thom? - I voted for Black Spade. The tattoo application was a little bit worse than this to me. - I will say that Black Spade, they had the perfect
canvas, the perfect drawing, and it still led to a bad tattoo. - I don't agree. There was some saturation issues, but the lines looked good. - If you can't see that
the lines aren't good, then you might not need to be here either. - I don't feel like our lines were bad. - Our tattoo's dope. - [Oliver] Technical
application is the number one most important thing every
single God damned challenge, and this (beeps) is jacked. Scratchy lines, scribbly everywhere, nothing is smooth. - You did mention drawing is
going to be a strong thing. - Yes, I get it, man. But with solid application, you are fighting them for the win. Do you get that? - Of course. - The Artistic Skin Design piece, the problem for me is the
contrast in this thing. It's hard to read. - I personally don't think that our tattoo would need that much help. - If you want it to be
anatomically correct, you need a laser. (contestants laugh softly) - I don't think that
our tattoo is that bad that you need to laser it off. I understand that there is-- - You don't understand if
you're even saying anything. - Yes I do, I understand that
there's anatomical errors. I feel very insulted when you say that you want to laser our tattoo off. - You can be as insulted as you want. I didn't do the tattoo, you did. You're only fighting yourself. - All right, time to
determine who's going home. For me, Black Spade is readable. It's a new school design. My vote is for Boneface Ink. - Boneface Ink. - The judges have decided. Boneface Ink, you do
not have what it takes to be master shop. Please pack your machines and move out. (dramatic music) (heavy rock music)