Canvases with VERY Specific Design Requests | Ink Master

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- I'm at the mercy of this asshole who will not budge on his idea. Do you feel comfortable just doing him? - Nah, man, I need it to look like it's apocalyptic in the background. You're not gonna put a background behind it? - That's a lot of (beep) to cram into a six hour tattoo on the ribs, you know? (tense music) There's no way I'm gonna be (beep) able to pull this off. - You will have six hours to create a terrifying black and gray demon. Based on your work, one of you will be closing shop. Good luck. - [Sausage] So you wanna do it on your stomach? - [Canvas] Yeah. - When the skin is very loose and deflated, it makes it extremely hard to tattoo. It's extremely hard to work on the stomach and it's a disadvantage to me because it's skin that was now stretched down. I have to make sure that it looks damn good so that I can impress the judges - Okay. - and win this thing. - Let me make it clear. - [Sausage] Mm hm. - I do not care if you go home. I don't care if you lose or win. This is going on my body. - Don't think that I'm sitting here arguing with you, 'cause that's not what I'm doing. - No, I'm explaining that your status in the competition is none of my (beep) concern. - What the hell am I supposed to do? I've left my family to come here to win and this guy's gonna come in my room and tell me that he doesn't give a (beep) and all he wants is his free tattoo? I'm screwed. - Stomach tattoo, huh? I knew you could do it. - Well if you knew I could do it, why wouldn't you give it to somebody else that couldn't? - That wouldn't be no fun. Yeah, I was giggling a little bit. I was like, "Oh man, Sausage is gonna have his work cut out." - Yeah, you didn't give a (beep) about me or the competition or anything else. - Really? We picked you a good one. - Yeah, because ultimately I was able to reel him back in and he's gonna get a really cool chest piece. (dramatic music) - What? You talked him out of it? - Uh huh. So, it's all good. - Sausage, you slippery little wiener. Every time I give him a hard canvas, he slips out of it. Sausage talked him out of the stomach. - Get the (beep) outta here. Are you serious? - Yeah. That little Sausage. (chuckling) - That mother (beep). - I know, right? (upbeat music) - [Sausage] What are your thoughts, bro? - This is not gonna work. I'm really disappointed 'cause I really wanted that pillar. - Just the pillar or is it everything else, too? My canvas doesn't wanna work with me. He doesn't give a (beep). - This is not what we discussed at all. - It is what we discussed. - No, it's not. It's not what we discussed at all. - Here, I'll get- - [Canvas] This is not the picture. - Yeah, it is. - No, it's not. - I will tattoo myself to stay in this competition, but the last thing I'm gonna tattoo on myself is a demon. Being a new man of faith, that goes against my religious beliefs. When I look up pillar, there's this kind of pillar. Is this what you're kind of hoping for then, too? - I was kind of hoping that you would do it. - I can't let him walk out the door. - Four hours remaining. - This is gonna kinda come in, and then everything's just gonna kinda fade off as you see it. Is that all right? - It's fine. - Work? - Yes. - Cool. Then we'll get you started, okay? You ready? Little poke. The guys that were up there today, they're gunning for the top people. As much as they sit here and try to throw me under the bus, I'm gonna battle my way to win. - [Canvas] Mm hm. - There's a couple bullies that kind of feel that if they give me enough (beep), maybe I'll just trip and then I'll fall. But they don't realize that my history has been to take whatever is given to me and absolutely crush it. Karma's a bitch. - Artists, today you had to show negative space with a black and gray demon. Sausage. (upbeat music) - I gotta admit, when he said gargoyle, I kind of rolled my eyes like, oh boy. It just sounds so corny. Then I saw it, I was pretty much blown away. There's a lot of layers to it and it looks like stone, but it has movement and action and the perspective is odd and different. It's pretty amazing. - Thank you. - The dynamic hand that you have in the foreground is a really nice touch. All that really heavy shading, but with the nice skin breaks, makes it very legible, it doesn't get lost in the background. Overall man, it's a good job. - [Dave] Sounds like Halo and Scott's attempt at throwing you under the bus may have backfired, huh? - I'm hoping so. - [Dave] Well done, man. - Thank you. (dramatic music) - Before we send you back to the loft, the judges have determined a winner. The judges have decided that the best tattoo of the day (dramatic music) goes to Sausage. (contestants clapping) You'll have six hours to tattoo a fierce warrior. And based on your work, one of you will be closing shop. Good luck. - I want a kick-ass tattoo. - I just need specifics. - I want a breast plate, a chest plate. The helmet with, like, the nose and the eyes are showing. What do you think of a spear instead of a sword? - You gotta just tell me which type you want. We got ourselves a bitch, ladies and gentlemen. Scott was trying to give me a difficult one to deal with, he succeeded. - I want you to be able to see his bicep and his forearm and his fist. - [Jay] That might not be anatomically possible. We also wanna finish this thing. - That is true, too, but I don't like that idea, I don't like that. - Then that limits us. He just wants to fight me at every single turn. - Yeah, no, I don't want that much. - (sighs) Whatever, dude, I don't care. (dramatic music) This could definitely get me sent home. (upbeat music) Yeah, that body position was weird. The arm was all wonky. - I just don't get it. You told me you're not gonna change it on me, you changed the arm and you changed the shield. - Yeah, but the problem is that it looks (beep) weird. Look, I'm telling you now, it doesn't look right. - [Chris] It doesn't look right or you can't do it? - Doesn't look right. - [Chris] You're not capable? - (sighs) My canvas is an (beep). - What happened was, you told me this, and you said, - No, no, I understand that. - "You're not gonna ask me to change it?" And then you changed it on me. - I had to change it. I had to change it for what's gonna work. And you signed up to get a free tattoo. - No, I'm supposed to get something I'm supposed to be happy with. - You're gonna get what's gonna work for the competition. That's how it works. Don't cost me my opportunity because you're a dick. You're a dick, dude. - I gotta like this. - But I gotta do what's gonna win. So I'm gonna try to do what you're asking for - I'm sure you will. - right now, but if it work out, I'm just gonna wind up tattooing myself. - That's comforting. - Ah, holy annoying. - If you're gonna tattoo yourself, then what's the whole point of this competition? I don't understand. Is this how you treat customers in your shop? This is the skin that I have to wear for the rest of my life, first and foremost. It's a contest, secondary. (tattoo gun buzzing) The shield is dark. That's a lot of dark in one spot. - I can't stand this jerk-off. It has to be shadows, if there's no shadows, we got nothing. - [Chris] You don't think it's too much black in one spot, though? - If I thought it was too much, I wouldn't put it in there. He's complaining, he's questioning what I'm doing. - [Chris] It looks like there's so much black going on there in the arm. - It's hard to concentrate when you keep asking me stuff like that, you know what I mean? I know what I'm doing, bro. I should've done what I would've done in the real world and thrown his ass the (beep) out. And ta-dah. (suspenseful music) - It just, it looks a little, a little too dark. I feel like his arm and the shield it's just like, it's one shade. I would've liked to see his arm - That is definitely - a little bit more. - not one shade. - [Scott] Jay's inability to work with the canvas - Holy (beep). - really shows in his tattoo. If you wanna be Ink Master, you need to be able to work with any canvas and still make a good tattoo. - The judge coming over, taking a look at it with a big smile on his face, he didn't do that 'cause that was (beep) up. - Pack your bags, dude, your girlfriend's missing you. Go home. (Jay sighs) - Today we asked you to show detail by tattooing warriors. Jay. (suspenseful music) - [Judge] Man, really what I just gotta get into is the sky. I mean, we've seen some bad backgrounds, this is a bad background. - That was the end of the tattoo where he just wouldn't stop moving. - [Judge] You woulda been better off just doing your figure alone. - The warrior's drawn and shaded nicely. I think the second you got to the background, you were like, (beep) it. Just looks like you're tattooing really pissed off. (dramatic music) - You will have six hours to tattoo a new school dinosaur. Based on your work, one of you will close shop. Good luck. - Stegosaurus in a varsity jacket. - Playing video games on the stone TV? - Yes. - Okay. What the (beep) am I gonna do with this? How are you supposed to put a TV into this tattoo without blocking half of it? - Some red Converse with a date on the bottom to be a tribute to my father. - Holy crap. This guy wants a dozen elements packed into one tattoo. Sausage, you came out swinging at me right now. You're petty, dude. You're a petty son of a bitch. (tattoo gun buzzing) - [Canvas] Whoo. This (beep) is intense, man. (canvas groans) - Hold on tight. Trying to make a winner here. I have to tattoo a new school triceratops playing video games on Jack Skellington. He only has this much fat between his skin and bone. (canvas groans) And it really hurts to get tattooed when you're that skinny. (tattoo gun buzzes) Let's keep getting it over with. This guy will not sit through what I have to give him and this is bull (beep) yet again. - Today, Jimmy challenged you to tattoo his specialty, new school. And we're judging color theory. Matti. What exactly did your canvas ask you for? - He wanted a little dinosaur kid playing video games in front of a stone TV. - Why is the TV not plugged in? - Where would I plug it in, you know? It just has no place to go. - [Judge] On the front of the TV, there's an awkward black line that comes out. - It wasn't a mistake line, if that's what you're asking. - [Judge] It looks like an unfinished line. - I was making that little cord for the controller. - [Judge] The TV itself, I'm not a fan of it. Just not as striking, as powerful, of an image. (dramatic music) - You'll have six hours to show contrast with an outer space tattoo. And based on your work, one of you will close shop. Good luck. - Ideally, in this tattoo, what exactly are you looking for? - Okay, I want a more realistic scene. - [Ryan] And you wanted to do three planets, right? - I have three people's names. - [Ryan] Uh huh. - My two children and my best friend. - [Ryan] Right. - That I kinda wanted to incorporate into there, but not, like, obviously. Kind of atmospherically. Like, you can hide it in a planet, if you want. - I have to convince my canvas not to do names. I never try to convince people out of something that they feel strongly about. - [Canvas] Right. - But in this competition, names send people home. (dramatic music) Like, I might be (beep). - So, I wanted like, a whole battlefield and then with a planet, a black hole or a wormhole, whichever, and then some kind of alien battlefields. - Like, are they battling on a planet? - [Canvas] No, there's just an outer space... - Shooting at each other. - [Canvas] Yeah, pretty much. You know, flying saucers, piew piew piew piew, - Okay, okay. - shooting at each other. - You have gotta be (beep) kidding me. The tattoo that I'm gonna make will probably be around this size, but it'll be easy to build off of. 'Cause we won't finish if you do your whole ribs. - I think you should be able to. Totally should be able to. - It's not possible to finish something that size. If I don't finish this tattoo, I am screwed. (rock music) - I'm gonna kick those boys' butts today. - Uh, yeah. - Originally my canvas requested three planets and three names, but I convinced my canvas that we are not doing the names. Gian, dummy. - [Canvas] Little match made in heaven, Gian, sorry. - He thought he was throwing us under the bus. - No. - Gian thought he was giving me one of the worst canvases, and I turned that (beep) around. - Ryan's stoked she talked that lady out of that (beep). Stoked, right? I would be. (tattoo gun buzzing) - Ah, that tickles. - [Mike] Just a little bit, huh? - That tickles so good, oh yeah. - This canvas keeps moving around. He is not sitting very well at all. - [Canvas] (beep) sorry. - [Competitor] Mike's tuned into outer space right now with his canvas. - He's a (beep) weirdo. (rock music) - Ah. - I think I'm really (beep). - Today you had to show contrast by tattooing outer space. Mike. (suspenseful music) You've hit contrast here. There is some nice areas of darkness in this space, but you've got circles, you've got different areas that are geometrically supposed to be parallel and perfect and they're all a little rough. - That dude was weird. He just kept sitting up and moving all around and he wouldn't sit still. - What I don't like is the way you tattooed. It doesn't have that finished look that I'm used to seeing from you. It doesn't have the polish. - This is why you don't wanna phone those flash challenges in. - [Mike] No, yeah. - You're gonna get a guy like this if you do. - If I get a skull pick, I'm gonna get him. (dramatic music) - Ryan. (dramatic music) - [Judge] A lot of people hit contrast today, but I really think you hit it the best. The top two planets, just to contrast with the bright purple, the open highlight, then the black to really get the idea of contrast to create a shape. - I really like the black that you use even though the rings get a little wobbly. And I think you have a lot of good tricks. - Thank you. - Looking strong here. - Thank you. - The judges have decided the best tattoo of the day - Good job. - [Dave] goes to Ryan. - Thank you. - You'll have six hours to tattoo a color-realistic battle. Based on your work, one shop will be out. Good luck. - [DJ] What's up buddy? DJ, nice to me you. - [Jessy] What is is exactly that you were looking to get again? - Warrior princess fighting a dark warrior, but we need to add an element that he's getting the (beep) kicked out of him. - Right? - I want a look on her face that's just bad-ass. She's standing over him, she's got her sword sort of resting on him. Gowns can't look perfect. I want blood, I want holes. - We thought we had the best canvas. She said one thing in the lineup, and now she's telling us a million different things that she wants. - We're working with six hours. This is easily a 25-hour tattoo. - Yeah. - There are just elements that I'm not willing to compromise on. - If she's not willing to work with us, then this whole thing's gonna turn into a (beep) show. - I thought you said you wanted to soften up top. - [Jessy] Um, it's pretty soft as it is. - I want the top to look a little more even with the bottom. - The only battle in this situation is our canvas battling with us. - I'm just not seeing your background and I'm not picturing it on the tattoo and I'm worried that it's gonna not look good. - Yeah, but as artists, we like to give you something that we see as well as a collaboration together. - But, it's my tattoo, so. Give me, give me a minute. - Okay. (dramatic music) Now I'm in freaking panic mode. (beep) is going on right now? - We're trying to give her our best tattoo and she's second-guessing everything we're doing. - This is (beep) crazy. - Welcome back. - So I want you to do what you wanna do with the dress. - Okay. - And I'm not gonna do the background. - Okay. - I feel like lot of this comes down to this girl not being able to sit for a six-hour tattoo. Jess, do you want me to get in or you go? - I just, I think you tattoo a little more gently. - No worries. - If you're good. - Yeah, that's fine. - This girl's insane. - Absolutely. - Today you had to create battle scenes with clear composition. Pinz and Needlez. (suspenseful music) Was there a conflict when you got going with this canvas? - Oh my god. - She didn't wanna trust us on any aspect. - [Judge] Aside from it not looking like a battle scene and aside from the problems with the canvas and blah, blah, blah, you drew those hands. Those hands are jacked. And you put that on somebody. - I woulda quit, too. You win your client over in the beginning and you make them shut up by impressing them with a beautiful drawing. Your art speaks louder than anything. Artwork, first and foremost, that's how you get the title. - You will have six hours to show solid fundamentals tattooing a clock. Fail to impress the judges, and your time in this competition will be up. Good luck. - I like the ingredients that you're giving me here. - All right, don't screw it up. - The pressure's is a lot harder on me because I feel like I have to redeem myself. I gotta prove to these guys that I deserve to be here. So she wants a steampunk-ish owl, top hat, black and gray, put some books stacked on something. - That is way too much in six hours. What's the most important elements of this to you? - All of it. - [Christian] It can't be done. - Yes, it can. - Not a chance. What you don't want is your artist rushing. It'll end up looking like (beep). - I don't think I could pull this off. (dramatic music) - How ya doing? - You are no match for me. - I know, you already got me scared. - You are no match for me. - [Christian] How you feeling? - Okay, just check on him, 'cause now I'm worried. - I'm going to. I will make sure you're walking out with the best tattoo he can do. I got you. - [Canvas] Go. - How are you doing, bud? - Just kinda just sketching real quick. - All right, be confident with her. Make sure it's all nice and clean and don't bite off more than you can chew. - I got a tough canvas. She started off very, very nervous, and now her leg keeps on twitching and it's making my line work look inconsistent. - Make sure that all the little stuff is as smooth and clean as you can. - I have a lot going through my head right now. I wanna impress Christian, I wanna impress my fellow teammates. It's just, it's hard. - Today you had to prove your fundamentals tattooing a clock. JP. - Ah, damn. - [Judge] And I really liked the drawing, but technically, fundamentals, you are falling short. It is just really sloppy. - The line work in this, I have a hard time finding redeeming areas. I'm now believing that it's not nerves, I'm believing that it's you. (dramatic music) I don't know if it's your nerves or if it's you, but for me, this one lacks a lot of the fundamentals. - I think it's a good-looking tattoo. Could it be my technique or could it be the nerves? I'm still trying to just figure that (beep) out, bro. - You have six hours to tattoo a difficult part of the body. And based on your work, one of you will be going home. Good luck. - [Kyle] How do you wanna do it? - Apocalyp the Angel. - Okay. - He has a staff, standing by a tombstone with the crow there, with his hand out. - Do you wanna do, like, a full-body type of thing? - [Canvas] Yeah. - I'm at the mercy of this asshole who will not budge on his idea. Do you feel comfortable just doing him? - Nah, man, I need it to look like it's apocalyptic in the background. You're not gonna put a background behind it? - That's a lot of (beep) to cram into a six-hour tattoo on the ribs, you know? (dramatic music) There is no way I'm gonna be (beep) able to pull this off. - [Canvas] (beep). - Just keep pushing through. - Yeah, man, I'm pushing through. - [Kyle] You got this (beep), man. - Yeah, I got it all right. A lot of (beep) pain, I got. - I think Kyle's in trouble. - [Cleen] Kyle's dude's hurting a little bit. - And the drawing sucks. There's some real shaky lines in there. - You think his drawing's better than TJ's? - TJ's is realism. - [Cleen] You can't tell what it is. - [Christian] Get the (beep) outta here. - [Cleen] Stop. - [Christian] When you guys were on top, it was all fun. You guys wanted - No. - to run your mouths and talk a bunch of (beep). - Dude. - And now, you lost two in a row, and your people went home. - That's how it goes. Wait till your dudes start going home. - And it's gonna happen, I know it. - [Canvas] (beep) (beep). (dramatic music) - My canvas wants a 16-hour tattoo condensed into six hours, but he's squirming like a little bitch. - Ah, damn this. All right, that's it, oh (beep). - [Kyle] I gotta finish it, man. - No, dude, nail in the coffin. Ah! - Great tattooers go home all the time on this competition because you're at the mercy of your canvas and this dude is done. (dramatic music) I think I'm going home. - Don't plan your funeral before your body dies. Even if he was being a dick, Kyle is still my little brother and I love them and I want him to do well. It's so difficult knowing that I can't do anything to help him out. - [Kyle] I'm gonna drop the ball today. - Cheer up. - No. - Cheer the (beep) up. - [Kyle] It's hard. I'm gonna go pack my bags. - [Cleen] Oh my god, Kyle, you're (beep) killing me. - Today you were being tested on creativity tattooing difficult body parts. Kyle. (suspenseful music) I like the illustration, but you shaded over your own artwork. - [Judge] What you're missing here, man, is different values. - Contrast. - [Judge] You've got one tone of black. You've got the same value in the cloak, the beard, the staff, the hood, the wing, and the background. - I definitely would've gone in there with more tones had he been able to sit longer. - This one's probably the biggest struggle you've had since you've been here. (suspenseful music) - All right guys, you're gonna have six hours to demonstrate color theory by creating new school tattoos. And based on your work, one of you will be packing your bags. Good luck. - The women really hit their targets because they gave me and Cam the hardest canvases. A horse riding a cowboy? - [Canvas] Yes. - I do not do new school. That cartoony (beep) don't fly with me. Maybe the cowboy look like he's struggling because a horse is heavier than the man, so. - You could even make the guy bucking, if you want, you know? - Okay. It's gonna be hard trying to pull off this design. I definitely got screwed over on this one. (dramatic music) - No one on my team does new school. So basically now I just have to teach a bunch of artists a whole new art form in a few hours. - I might have to switch up this whole design, honestly. The whole body situation is just driving me crazy. So, I mighta just try to convince him to get a cowboy horse, especially with the time. - I think that's a good idea. - All right. All right, so, I had trouble with putting in a horse and having it proportionately right on the body. - Right, okay. - So I feel like the safe way for me to do it is do a cowboy horse. - No, I still kinda want the horse riding the man. It just has to look like the horse is on top of the man. - If you were to do something where the man is in front and he's blocking the horse body, would that be something you'd be - I mean, I can settle for that. - cool with? I just don't want a horse-man combination. - I am struggling for real. All right, so I finally got a drawing. How do you like that? - Yeah, that could work. - It's definitely gonna be more detailed than this, though. - For sure. - Okay. Phew, now it's time to get started. In order to finish this, I gotta tattoo faster than I ever have before. - Damn, grease lightning. So you're one of those people that responds well to pressure, then? - I try not to lose focus because when I did lose focus, I did bad on the tattoo. So, I learned my lesson on that one. I've given up time with my daughter and today is not gonna be the day I give up. - Today you had to show solid color theory by creating a new school tattoo. Fon. - Go get 'em, buddy. - Wish me luck. - [Judge] It looks like you put the stencil on in the dark. You just put the boot right into the other tattoo? - 'Cause he had a small arm. - Dude, you're telling me that that boot can't move over a (beep) quarter of an inch? I know you're in a hurry. And then we've got that bottom horse hoof. Nobody knows where that foot's coming from, nobody knows where that foot's going to. - It looks like you were like, "Oh, shit, what am I gonna do?" And you had to come through. - Yeah, I was just focused on finishing, honestly. - This is a tougher outing for you today. - You'll have six hours to precisely tattoo a traditional illustrative portrait. Fail to impress the judges and you'll be going home. Good luck. - We're doing full size. These details are gonna be as close as I can. It's gonna be like a pinup. - Yeah. - Well, I was thinking about maybe doing a little flower in front of it? You know, so you have a little illustration and then you have her, so it makes sense, the transition. - But that's like, flower on my wrist. I don't give a shit about flowers at all. - Maybe I could put a ribbon under it? - But I don't know if I like the ribbon. - This canvas is giving me such a hard time. She doesn't wanna work with me in any aspect of this. - [Canvas] Could you do, like, a stone? - I think that's gonna feel morbid, like a tombstone. - I personally don't mind if it just ends. - I do. Like, that's like the most unartistic way to end. It is unflattering. She has to meet me in the middle or I'm going home. The flower is literally just an afterthought. - But I feel like it's tacky. And then tomorrow I'll be like, "What the (beep) did I do?" - Let me sit with ya. - She won't let me add any kind of frame to it, so it's just gonna end like that. I wanted to add some kind of filigree, a rose, a flower. She wants nothing. - So where does she want it to end? - She wants it just to end like that. Like, just fade. - I just did not think she was gonna be like that at all. - I think it's gonna be so hard to make this look like her. - That's really what she looks like. I'd just make sure you get these real nice in there. This is super important. - [Pon] I think I may have (beep) myself with this one. - [Jake] The other ones, I don't know what I would have done with them. - [Pon] I'm not mad at anybody. - [Jake] No, I'm saying, you know, like, I truly thought that would be a good one for ya. - I'm just doing it how I wanna do it, and then that's what she's gonna get, to be honest. - [Jake] Yeah, I mean, that's what it is. - [Pon] I was afraid that I scared you away. I wasn't trying to be mean, I hope she doesn't think that. I'm actually really nice. - No, I definitely went back, and I was like, "I don't think this is gonna work." - Since I gotta go more illustrative, now I have to show a little bit more detail and the face is too small to show all the details and make it look like this person. I got a little nervous, I'm not gonna lie to you. - Well, we felt the same, but we feel the same now, so that's better. - That's it. It has teeth in the tattoo and I don't know how to approach this without making it look like it has veneers. Ah shit, Grandma's got a mustache. - Oh my god, I was like, "Are you (beep) kidding me?" - Tough crowd, tough crowd. I am shook as (beep). I think I'm going home. - [Jake] Why? - Like, I'm supposed to be making it look traditional, but I went to black and gray. - [Jake] Like this? - Your's nice. Mine doesn't look traditional enough. - I feel like you have to go traditional, but not so traditional it doesn't look like the person anymore. - Today you had to tattoo a traditional illustrative portrait. Pon. (suspenseful music) - [Judge] As far as capturing the look of the person with a simple drawing, you don't do it. If you look at her right eye, the top of her eye is curved and the tattoo, it's a straight line, and then curved underneath. Just the little looks of what's going on, you lose it. The shape of the mouth is off, the width of the neck. - As dark as you went in the collarbone, as weird as the shoulders come out, I can be like, okay, it's stylized gritty. It's whatever, if you're looking to go that route of illustration. But what I can't not see is the precision in the face. Her eyes don't line up, the nose has a crazy curve to it, the mouth is off-center. That's all the places where you need to be precise. (dramatic music) - You'll have six hours to tattoo a pinup. Fail to create a dream girl and you can kiss your dream of a hundred thousand dollars, goodbye. Good luck. - Having her hold an impact wrench, and then obviously it has an air hose connected going into it. - Honestly, I have no idea what my canvas wants. He's saying a lot of words that I'm not able to catch. - With the route right itself, And then the air hose going, basically, around her nipples. - Every time he talk about something that is already complicated, he adds more things to it. - And then I don't know if it's possible to get a car in the background. - There's too many stuff. We're not gonna be able to accomplish that in six hours. - I actually, I had a pinup girl on me and got it covered up. The guy did a horrible job. - Well, let's make sure this one is great, because it's pretty big. This canvas was definitely a shot at me, but guess what, man? I'm a canvas whisperer. We came out from (beep) 10,000 elements to three. I'm having a lot of fun, bro. - Good, man, I'm glad. - Even when I came to the States with no English, I still were able to survive, you know? Because I'm able to create this interaction when people trust me. - Today, you had to show artistry, tattooing a pinup. Let's see how you did. Hiram (suspenseful music) - Her face is great. On a face this small, keeping the eyes black like that really sinks them in and makes it look great. - [Judge] You do have a couple of wonky lines going on in the tire but overall man, I mean, that's a tough tattoo to pull off and I think you do a great job with it. - Thank you. - You'll have six hours to tattoo a Japanese crane. - Okay. - Keep your composure or you will be heading home. Good luck. - The rice field down at the bottom, the crane, and maybe a mountain. - Rice field. I'm trying to picture this design. It's a lot. Just trying to make sure, composition-wise, it's gonna flow well. His calf is about the size of my forearm. There's not a lot of real estate here. So I'm gonna have to try to remove some of these items. Do you want its wings open, - No. - about to take flight, or just like? - No. I don't want it to take flight at all, no. - Okay. It's too stiff of an image. If I can just open this crane up, I can really shape the calf. But if I can't, I might be screwed. Yeah, it's the last five and I'm a major competitor in this house. Like, nobody's been able to really stump me up yet, you know? - Oh shit. Is that why they gave this to you, 'cause it's the most painful spot? - Ah, they gave it to me 'cause it's a painful spot and you asked for a lot of things. - [Canvas] I did, really? - I love tattooing so much. It's one of those things where I can just shut out the world. As a child, I used to just go to my room, shut everybody out, and I would just draw for hours. It was my outlet for a lot of emotions and pain that I had to deal with. (canvas groaning) Bob definitely screwed me over hard, but I'm not gonna let your shot land at all, buddy. - Today, you were being tested on composition, tattooing Japanese cranes. Let's see how you did. Jerell. - The question here for me on composition is, is that an ant pile? Because the size relationship from that mountain to that sun to the white cap and the bird, there's serious issues with depth. The sun can't be bigger than anything on the whole tattoo that's in the back. - Is that a wind, that scoop that comes back? - I was trying to show off some wind, just to break up the elements. - You have water, you have wind, you have clouds. And tonally, they're all exactly the same. And it's just a lot to take in. - Yeah - There's not a harmony going on with anything in here. The clouds don't really match the water. The water's dramatic, the clouds are bubbly and loose. Today, this did not fly for you. - That's rough, man. (Jerell sighs)
Channel: Ink Master
Views: 252,631
Rating: 4.9173837 out of 5
Keywords: Canvases, canvas, VERY, Specific Requests, requests, request, tattoos, tattoo, idea, change, artist, stubborn, ink master, most difficult canvases, difficult, hard, irritating, worst, best, judges, judge, competition, compilation, paramount, paramount network, bad tattoos, Ink Master, tattoo ideas, tat, ink, tattoo artist, master, every single, every single ink master, every single tattoo, Master canvas, inked, elimination, winner, episode, full, clip, moment
Id: T0yyxXUbbYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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