Canvases Who Quit Mid-Tattoo 🛑 Ink Master

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- (screams) I can't. I can't do it anymore. - She might be the one thing that causes me to go home. - It (bleep) does. Just gonna do this bar right here, then I've gotta shade this area. - How long do you think that'd be, because my body's numb. - Are you kidding me right now? Like, really? - My knees are still numb. - It sucks, but I need you to push yourself as far as you can. Because I've been here too long, and I've been through too much stuff to go home. We have to finish it. - I don't know, dude, I don't want to do it to you, but my knees are still numb. - Is it from you just laying there? - No. - What is it from? - I don't know. Cause like, I can't hear out of this ear. That's why. - Are you saying you can't do it anymore? Really? All this work, all this work just for nothing. There's five people going down, that's half of the room, and I have an unfinished tattoo. You might as well have just bought me a plane ticket home because she just (bleep) quit. She's done. - What? Wait. - (bleep) knees hurt? I don't give a (bleep) about that. - Mike. - Right here, I got you, man. - So motorcycle was the idea. - Yeah, like a drag racing motorcycle. See, the pixelated doesn't fit very well with the motorcycle. - What other ideas did you have? - Oh, that was what I really wanted to get today. - It'd be kind of difficult. - One of the things I think is cool about it is that, I mean, that's one thing you can use to denote the speed because all the pixels flying off the back - I'm worried that there's a lot of details. - [Canvas] Or the other thing I want is a woman riding the bike. - This is a design that I can crash and burn on. We definitely have to go with some black and gray to make sure that we get a little detail. So you flexible on that part? - Yeah. - Awesome, nice. - What kind of colors are you going to use? - With this, black and gray is going to be the best thing to keep- - That's not what I asked for, man! I asked for the graphic vibrant color. That's what I want. - But you did say, we were kind of open with- - We talked about some of the background having some gray- - No, that's what the motorcycle parts. - No, I want color. - It's not going to, it won't work. - You're going to give me a tattoo, it's going to be a color tattoo, buddy. - Yeah, well, but with the- - No. - What's going on? - I asked for a color tattoo. He came and showed me this. - It's just a matter of turning this from black and gray to color. - He said, "I can't do this in color." - I'm thinking about your skin long-term. - I just don't think you can do what I asked for. - No, color is not an issue for Mike. I think there was just some miscommunication there. - Well, now I don't trust him. - Why? - You didn't listen to me. He comes back with something totally different than I asked for. I don't want to do it with you. If I can't get what I want, then I'm done. - I am completely screwed right now. I even tried to talk him down. I even told him, "Hey, give me a chance. Let me talk to you." And he was like, "No." If I don't do a tattoo today, this could be it. I could be going home. - So look, we're going to figure out what happens. I hate getting tattooed, but I'll go put some shorts on, bro. - We can do a clean black and gray rose and pixelate it good. - Pull it up, let's look at some references. I really don't want to (bleep) get tattooed. Damn! - [Mike] I'll be light on you, man. I promise. - Bro, you better. I'll kick you in your balls so hard. Gah! - So what I was thinking of doing too was putting a triangle. - Yeah. We're definitely gonna do a triangle too. We're already on the same page, dude. - I'm telling you. - Just don't (bleep) make it hurt. - I appreciate you jumping in. - You guys are in the (bleep) and I'm in it with you, right? - Yeah. This is why I picked to be on Anthony's team because of who he is, and the fact that he steps up and he's jumping in says a whole lot. But at the same time, I feel like I'm taking my coach away from the team. Man, I'm a whole big old bag of complications. I got it. - Come check it out. I kept it really fine, really playful. Clean and Erin thought that they would trip me up by giving me new school, but I'm still going to infuse my own style into this tattoo. I'm going to knock this thing out of the park. Ready? - Mm-hm. - Hey. - Hey girl, ready for some more work or what? - You know, I just feel like at this point, I'm not really wanting to continue on with the tattoo. - Who starts a 35 hour back piece and doesn't go through with it? - I didn't have time to think about it- - There's a hundred thousand dollars on the line girl, you know? You're killing me right now. I finally get here and I was like, "I got all this on the line." I don't know what to do, man. My anxiety is on level 11 right now. I'm screwed. Hey, Dave. You're telling me, dude. I feel like I'm having a panic attack. - If you could do it somehow, that it looks kind of like me, but as Medusa? - Wanna try that? St. Marq definitely is a disadvantage on this one. - I love you. I'm going to say that straight in. - Luckily, Craig just fell right into my strategy. You put me up against St. Marq. He does black and gray. You gave me a full color piece and you just knock St. Mark out by doing that. What the (bleep) is going on? This girl is passed out. Can I get medical please? - [medic] Hello. - [Chris] I'm screwed right now. - Hello? Hi. - Hi. - You know, you're just passed out, right? - I'm sleeping. - I think you're doing a little bit more than sleeping. - Probably not the best idea for you to get tattooed today. That's my judgment call. I can't have you stay here. - What the heck am I supposed to do? Tattoo my own butt crack? Are you serious? - Obviously this isn't your fault. In order to move on in this competition, you're going to have to tattoo the same exact body part. We have arrangements to get another canvas in here. - In this competition, you must tattoo. So now Chris is going to have to rethink his entire concept for somebody else that's coming in, and this could definitely throw someone off their game. - Hi. I'm Chris. - Brandy. - So, originally I had drawn up a Medusa, right, for the other girl, kind of tweaked it up to make it work. How do you feel about the same concept? - Not my style. I'm thinking water goddess, mermaid. - Okay. Gotcha. All right. I just drew for three hours for the Medusa, I'm meeting my new canvas and she wants a water goddess or a mermaid. Another three hours of drawing. My head's all screwed up. I'm burnt. I'm spent. So that would be like the general idea. And we'll start some seashells. - Awesome. - I finally got the water goddess drawn. We're ready to tattoo. Mentally prepare for six hours, okay? - My goal is to finish and win. - That's it. - Chris doesn't get discouraged easily. If anything he's going to try harder to beat St. Marq out and hopefully just kicks his ass. - Chris, I really liked this tattoo. I think that it's really dynamic and beautiful. Your palette is excellent. It absolutely hits the challenge in terms of making this girl's ass crack into the cleavage of this sea goddess. - It is a solid, strong bad-ass tattoo. I mean, I'm a sucker for a pretty lady and I love all the detail. I think I'll lean to Chris. - The winner of this head to head battle is Chris. - This little back guy over here. My canvas is whimpering with pain. This is kind of a big tattoo. There's no way she's going to be able to sit through another tattoo tomorrow. I have just screwed myself over so bad. - Five, four, three, two, one. That's it. Time's up. Machines down. - Kev. We gotta talk to you. So your canvas can't do it. - Really? - Yeah. She's feeling like she can't make it from her first tattoo. So she's going to pull out. - I broke her. - Kevin's canvas got tattooed by Kelly yesterday and Kelly did a very big, very elaborate tattoo and her canvas can not take another day. - There he is. - Keith and I's canvas, it's bad already. What are you thinking? - Not into it at all. - No? - No. - I want to punch this dude in his face. He's a sucker and he's burning me out. What is, is it the face? You don't want the face? What do you- - That's not even at all. You know what I'm saying? - What are you talking about, man? You mean these lines right here? - It's like two different frames, that's my concern. - I don't want to play with this dude. All these shenanigans, it's just not working for me. - You just want this to be the same. - Yeah. I want them the same. - Everyone else is tattooing while I'm over here playing with this guy. - I'm like a little concerned. It's half an hour and we haven't even started. - Don't worry about it, man. - Dude, chill out, man. Put your head on the pillow. Ruck's pissed, I'm pissed, this kid is breaking my balls. - You need to handle some of these canvases with baby gloves. You don't tell a customer to shut up. You just lost the battle right there, dude. - I'm going to pass out, bro. - Don't say that. - I'm not even joking though. - Medic, medic. - This is really bad. Ah, (bleep). - Feeling dizzy or anything like that? - Yeah. - I've accomplished nothing with this tattoo. My outline's not even finished. - Sit first before you stand, okay? - Because this kid can't handle the pain, I can't do my damn job. - Keith and King Ruck are tattooing way too rough. My guess is they were just shredding the (bleep) out of his legs. That's what's causing this guy to tap out. If that's the case, one or both of these guys are going home today. - All right, buddy. Come on back up. - Hey man, you all right? Buddy, you all right dude? You're starting to shake a lot here, bro. - Time is not on my side. And this situation is only getting worse. - I'm trying to control it. - You might be sending me home. You a sucker, man. - Okay, come on, man. You okay? You all right? Whoa, come here. (bleep) He just passed out. Can you get James here, please, immediately? Damn it. - Straight at me. Stop talking and just look straight at me. - This is the worst possible scenario. Kid's tapping out, I'm finished. Yo, Ruck. Homeboy went (pshaw). - He just passed out out there? - Yeah. - [James] Just tell me if you want to fall over and say it loud, okay? - He's not going to come back at all, he's done? - He's (bleep) done. - I'm going home. - Nah, I don't know about that. What about tattooing yourself? - One hour to go everyone one hour remaining. - I'm not going home off of a chump tapping out. I don't get down like that. What the (bleep), man. I guess Ruck gotta tattoo himself. You know what? I'm not scared to tattoo myself. Let's get it cracking. I'm going to tattoo a traditional style rose. I just need to show the judges I can saturate some black and I can show contrast. It's (bleep) real, right now. - The fact that Ruck is willing to tattoo himself shows that he still wants to compete. Keith doesn't want to compete. Keith wants to cry. He's a bitch. Pack his (bleep) bags and let him go home. - How'd you do, Ruck? - Okay. Tattooed a rose. - That's it? - Yeah. I know that I could still be going home but I also know that I did everything that I could do to stay in this competition. I'm here to compete. - Good for you, man, good for you. Your dude gave out, right? - Oh man. I was going to do a stellar tattoo man. The tattoo was going to do- - I seen it. - You didn't see (bleep). - I know, the line work's all I seen. - The line work wasn't even halfway (bleep) finished, man. - Why didn't you tattoo yourself? - Because I don't have room, dude. - Ruck stayed down there and gave himself a tattoo. - If he had space, he had space. I don't. - Wouldn't have been able to find a spot or even cover up something? - Kyle, I (bleep) tried, man. You hear me? - Ruck only did something that big. - I don't give a (bleep). Dude, my (bleep) mapped out, man. - Just think about it, dude. A hundred thousand- - Dude. Dude. - So why didn't you put it on yourself? - Where, dude? My dick? - I tattooed myself there. - All right, well, cool. - Ready? - Let's go. - All right. You're doing great. - It feels good to know that there's an artist who wants to help. My wedding is coming up and I have a beautiful wedding dress and I don't know what I would do if I had to have this tattoo anymore- (sobs) (bleep) (bleep) - Two lines in, and his girl's already screaming. She's moving all over the place. If she can't sit still, she's going to have a bad tattoo. - I really don't know what Jeremy's doing in there but whatever he's doing, it's wrong. He's screwing up somewhere. Nobody should be screaming. - All right guys, four hours to go. - The stakes are high for these people to come in to get tattoos because they're going to be permanently marked forever. I mean, some of the greatest artists in the world have made mistakes on people. - I was very nervous. I'm glad that I'm not freaking out. (screams) I can't. I can't do it anymore. - Okay? Want to keep going? - I can't. - This is absolutely the worst client that I've ever had set for me. - I can't do it anymore. I can't. I dealt with the pain much as I could so that I could show my family and friends this beautiful tattoo, but I had to stop. I couldn't do it anymore. It's still embarrassing. - There's a hundred grand on the line here and it sucks that I got stuck with this girl for my first client. She's going a little crazy and freaking out. - (bleep) - She might be the one thing that causes me to go home. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have a tattoo that's barely got any work done on it because of that, I think I might be going home today. - Come here, Jeremy, what the hell happened? What, you got a jackhammer in there? - I don't know, man. - She needed a muffler, that's all I know. - Some people just can't take pain. - I'm not feeling bad for Jeremy. He's my competition. And he can't get it right, that's on him. One less person for me to have to worry about. So what happens now? You're not in this competition now? - No, I am. - They're going to judge that? Somebody here gets eliminated and I stay, that's not fair to you guys. - But if you get eliminated, that's not fair. - So nobody goes home in a situation like this? - Jeremy, you're up first. Your assignment today was to fix the crooked angel wings. - [Jeremy] It's hard for me to comment because clearly I'm finished here. She had a tough time from the very beginning. It would've been awesome in the end but we didn't get there. - I want a metal plate that bolts. Like a PCB circuit board. - Some of the stuff you want will not work for this challenge. If I give my canvas the tattoo that he wants I'm going home today. - I definitely want the machine screws. Like a robot. - That's not considered biomechanical. - Of course it is. - It's considered mechanical, but not biomechanical. I'm not going to risk my livelihood for your stupid tattoo idea that has nothing to do with the challenge. If we do not follow the challenge, it'll send me home. Robots are not biomechanical. What I showed you originally- - Are robots mechanical or not? Yes. - But if you don't meet the challenge and if you go off- - It meets the challenge. - Can you let me finish? My canvas is a straight up ass(bleep). We need to have some respect right now. - I'm trying to be respectful, but you're not compromising. - You're just telling me what to do. - I'm willing to move a little bit but you've got to come and move with me too - Getting so frustrated. - You're getting frustrated. - This guy is not receptive at all. He's stressing me out so bad. - You could do that style some, but- - The challenge is this style. So how can I do it some, if the challenge is this style. Give me direction or go. - Punch in some- - Don't be like, "punch in some- oh, oh." My children are depending on me right now, and his things he wants in this tattoo are going to send me home and I can't let that happen. You need to go so I can get to work. - Right? But I want to see what you're- - Go. - How you doing? - All right. So this is what I've come up with. I got in the cables coming around and then we have the vial part which is what they're looking for. And if you don't like it, I'm just going to tattoo it on myself. - Yeah, I'm not really feeling it. - All right, go on. - I mean, it's just nothing. - Peace. Bye. - It's my tattoo, it's on my body. So I want ideas that I had too, I'm trying to work with her and she's not willing to work with me. Not one bit. Are you willing to compromise a little bit because you really didn't put anything that I want in there. - No. I put cables and metal in there. Don't worry about it. I got it. Tattoo on myself. - I compromised a lot on this. - You didn't compromise for (bleep). - I really want to do a great tattoo. - No you don't. You kept saying all kinds of stupid (bleep). I'm not putting pistons. - I didn't want a (bleep) piston. I said- - Goodbye, have a nice life. Go (bleep) yourself. I don't want to tattoo myself but at this point, I have no choice. I'm not going to let some ass(bleep) be responsible for me going home today. - Is this the design that the guy didn't want. - He didn't want any of the biomechanical in it. He just wanted only mechanical. - Okay. - So it wouldn't have met the challenge. I know I have to do this for my children. I have everything on the line right now. - So what's your take? Did you hear any of that? - She was just going off on the guy, you know, so... - Would you have bounced that guy? - I would've gave him exactly what he wanted. Julia is a dumb ass. She should've just tattooed her canvas but I think her art abilities caught up to her and she couldn't provide what he wanted. - My tattoo is so awesome. I really showed today that I deserve to be here. - What are you thinking, Julia? You sent your canvas home, you told this giant-ass dude to eff off, plus it looks like you did a coverup on your own leg, girl. You're going home. - Hey guys. - What's up? - Not much. Super tired. - I think you could have came up with something to tattoo the guy. I would have drawn exactly what the guy wanted. - He just wanted metal and cables. - I was listening. I heard exactly what he wanted. - But this guy would not budge. - No, I think you were just trying to give him a style that he totally didn't want. - No, I was trying to compromise with him the whole time, and he's a disrespectful dick who was unwilling to compromise- - Well, after he found out that you weren't going to give him what he wanted. - I did everything I could. - I don't know, what do you think? Think she copped out? - If you can say I copped out after just tattooing myself for six hours. I didn't want to tattoo myself. I really did not want to do that. That was the last thing I want to do. - Julia. There were some unusual circumstances with you and your canvas. Before we get into that, let's discuss the work that you have presented for us. This is probably the strongest thing as a judge I've seen you do. It has a lot of contrast, it has a lot of depth. So Julia, now let's talk about what happened in your consult. - The guy just kept cutting me off and I was just like, "I'm trying to work with you. I'm trying to do what you want." And then at one point he shushed me. So I was just like, "Look, this is the design. And if you don't want to do it I'm just going to tattoo it on myself at this point." - There are two sides to every story. Maybe we should hear from your canvas. (dramatic music) - Bet you're not happy to see me. Should I eff off now? - Hey buddy, thanks for joining us. - No problem. - What is your side of the story? - She hated every idea that I had. She said they were all crap. She said they're all so outdated. - No, I didn't say they were all crap. - She just said, I have to do her tattoo or I wasn't getting a tattoo. And I said, "Well, can't you just change anything?" She's like, "I will not change nothing." - I was on the computer the whole time. Just like, "Well, let me show you this. Let me show you this." And I was like, "Just tell me the components you want then." - Yeah. But you were super rude about it. - You have to always work with that client or starve and not feed your family. - Exactly. - Okay, because that is how we make our money is working with our clients. - Everyone that knows me as an artist knows how I am, and- - Listen, just stop. Stop. Don't dig it deeper. - Mark, thank you very much, man. - Thank you. - Good luck, buddy.
Channel: Ink Master
Views: 5,568,708
Rating: 4.8887715 out of 5
Keywords: Tattoo walk out, canvas quits, tattoo pain, Biomechanical, Bio Mech, Bio Mech tattoo, Jack Daniels, liquor, whiskey, Best tattoo artists, ink master winner, compilation, Best ink master moments, best of, tattoo, ink, tattoos, best tattoos, best of ink master, ink master best tattoos, ink master, tattoo artist, reality tv, judges, dave navarro, artist, inked, drama, needle, canvas, great tattoos, awesome tattoos, best tats, NewTrending, walk out, painful walk out
Id: oxbqgSdoTHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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