Canvas Course Setup (FULL TUTORIAL)

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if you need a crash course in canvas learning management system and you have to take your course and put it into this online platform then this video is for you if this is our first time meeting hi i'm ashley espinosa i have an mfa musical theater and i've been teaching online using canvas for about the past six years and i want to take you inside i want to create a class together step by step side by side only focusing on the basics because this video is going to be a crash course and i'm going to be with you by your side every step of the way all right let's get started so this is what your course is going to look like when it is blank it's probably going to look really scary because it's empty it's plain it's just staring at you going what do i do so don't worry i want to take you through it now i want to take you through seven of the basic steps to create your course in canvas lms the first thing i want you to do is not get overwhelmed because i know this looks a little crazy a little scary but don't worry it's just going to take a little time and following these seven steps to make it feel more filled out so step number one i want to take our settings and our navigation bar and really make them special so it works for your class i'm going to show you what i do but along the way feel free to do what's going to work for your class because we all teach differently so the first thing i want you to do is go on to the left side see this bar on the left side this is your navigation bar now if there is an an i with a line through it that means the content is not visible to the students they don't see that bar how you will always know what the students see and what what is that's different from yours is if you go up to the right hand corner and where the little eye glasses are if you click on that you're going to see the student view so if i click on the eyeglasses now i'm seeing what the student would see once this course is published go down to the bottom right hand corner click leave student view to go back to your dashboard your view so here we are i want to go through in first off we want to go down to the very bottom where it says settings click on the settings tab we're going to get your course set up so first thing is here you can choose an image to display so when you go into your dashboard and see your courses you're going to see that image pop up so you can choose an image if you'd like to here and upload one or click one you know from unsplash totally up to you so you can click an image it will show up there let me go back into settings it took me out so you can choose an image if you want to now most of this information is probably more than likely your institution is going to have filled out for you if you're doing a course like i am this is a blank one that i created from just a free account so you can see what it looks like side by side mine doesn't have anything in it but you can probably it's probably already going to have your course name the section number what not in here it might already have this start and end dates depending on your institution and what they automatically put into your course when they make it except um make it where you can access it to create it so you put your start and your end dates here this is the start and the end date of this specific course the first day the class starts and then the last day the class ends so put those dates in scroll down a little bit more and you may see a few of these boxes to tick so students can only participate in the course between these dates if you take that on i personally do not take that because i want them to be able to log into this class early so that they can get an idea of what it's like before but totally up to you if you only want them to see this content have access to this this entire course from the first day to the end day up to you you can also click down here restrict them from seeing the course after the end date i personally do tick that i don't want them to have access to any of this after the course is done you can also restrict them from viewing it before the course starts i don't personally select that because i want them to be able to log in before the class starts and take a look around you know see what i have posted for them but totally up to you whatever you need scroll down a little bit more again i'm only going to give you the basics to kind of give you a little crash course here now options here for the private for the license i have mine always set on private because i don't want anyone to have access to my course content i like to keep i like to keep it private because i've worked really really hard on my course if it's in the public domain that means anybody can see it and view your course totally up to you i put mine on private though so um visibility some other options you have um format this is either if you're on campus meaning you're face to face or if you're fully fully online or if you're blended or hybrid meaning it's partially online partially face to face choose what you are creating this course for click on to the bottom where it says more options that little blue button down here more options click on that this is really important we want to make sure we do this we want to tick these boxes to show recent announcements on the course homepage because we want the announcements to fold to the top of the course let me just show you an example here i'm going to flip over if i go to the home page of an old course of mine see these three announcements at the top those are the most recent announcements for that course i like it to be on the home page so i'm going to tick that you have some options here let students attach files to discussions i suggest taking that let students create discussion topics i personally don't do that in my courses but it's totally up to you let students edit or delete their own discussion posts i actually leave that up so they can go back and edit it if they want to i do not let them organize their own groups that's just because of how it works for my classes which are college level you can hide these other things if you'd like to and disable comments on announcements i keep those open because i want communication and then down here i have it on only teachers can edit and rename after you do the things that you need at the bottom right hand corner click the blue button that says update course details or your button may be a different color but update course details good that's done go over to the top tab where it says sections you might need to add new sections here but i'm just giving your crash course click the navigations tab this is important we're setting this up okay so navigation we want to make sure that this is in the order of what you want this left navigation bar with all of these sections and tabs for your students to look like home is going to be at the top of the page this is just personally how i like to do mine now this is a brand new course you're seeing me do with you along the way i like to have announcements next then i actually like to click hold it down and drag i like the syllabus to be under the announcements then you have some other options you can do i i kind of like to have assignments then actually i like to put grades under syllabus then you could do assignments discussions quizzes and modules i'm actually going to move i don't know why i did that weird thing but we'll just ignore it i like to have modules right under the syllabus because that's kind of their main go-to other than the home page so rearrange these as you would like to if you have the people one on here that means that they are going to see the roster the names of the people in this class i don't really you can leave files down here you can have rubrics up here if you'd like to outcomes i don't really use conferences much depending on you know what you're doing you could put attendance up there if you wanted to new analytics but i say definitely focus on these main ones at the top if you scroll down a bit depending on your course you might have some other things down here a lot of fancy apps that your school your institution has made available to you that you might want to move up you may have zoom conference or i think they updated the name you may have studio canvas studio you'll want to move that up as well because it's a really great one to use even if you don't know how to use it yet so after you have the basic basic navigation ones that you want on this left side click the save button that's going to save them all right now if there's an eye on it that means either there's no content or it's not visible and what that ideally means right now is we don't have any content in there these are all enabled all right if you click on the apps tab this is going to give you access to any of the apps that you have from your institution that you want to install but for right now i would just move on to the feature options at the top depending on your school again yours may look a little bit different but you're all going to have the new rce enhancements ticked on but you may want to take a look in your extra time and see if there's other things in here depending on what your institution has has had access to and what has made um available to you those are the basics okay so we've got our settings already done that creates our navigation bar on the left side so those are going to be updated we can go to the top right hand corner we can click on the little eyes icon and then we can see this is what the student is going to be seeing now actually collaborations i would probably take that off and move it because i don't really need it nor do i need conferences in my class but again totally up to you go to the bottom right hand corner click leave student view and you will leave that view if you want to go back in and edit that just go back down into your settings go over into the navigation tab on the top and if you want to disable any of these like say you don't need collaborations you can just click the disable button or move it down and it will move it down into this bottom section here i don't need conferences so i'm actually going to disable that as well great click the save button to save those changes and that will adjust your navigation bar so navigation bar first thing we've got our settings for all of our course details we're good to go let's move on to the syllabus i do the syllabus before the home page so syllabus what you want to think about is go to the top right hand corner and you're going to take the syllabus that you already have click the edit tab and it's going to open up your new rce rich content editor box where you type or put all the information in if you have a syllabus all ready for this class or you've already created it you have a pdf go to that pdf copy it paste it into here so you have a foundation to start after you paste it in this box you are going to want to go back and to actually format it so it looks nice and it's accessible for all of your students especially those with readers so type in your syllabus in here as an example what i do here's one of my syllabus from an old class right i put a header title and i have the contact info how they can get a hold of me you know textbooks i'm sure you know how to create your own syllabus requirements i give them how to actually log into canvas the phone app instructions quizzes discussions midterms announcements blah blah blah blah grading breakdown is in here i have netiquette which is online etiquette um accommodations for folks with different abilities and then you're going to see that these these assignments are populated now you're not going to have to put that in that's automatically going to populate in the syllabus page as you create assignments so don't worry about that right now so copy and paste or write in your syllabus in this syllabus tab okay you can use different things at the top here this is your rce box that you will see in every single page you can change the the font the size you can do a paragraph a heading here i would highly suggest using these the headings because it makes it accessible for the students that have readers that can't that can't read they can't see um bold italic underline you can choose the color this is new and updated with canvas currently you can choose the highlight color you have different elements you can use over here you can add a picture i like to actually you know use pictures and images if you'd like to you can do upload different videos you could record an audio file this that you know introduces the syllabus in the class like you would you have all these different documents that you can upload you can do different plugins you can do different you know formatting and lines you can do your bullet points here whatever you need create your syllabus all right after you do that at the bottom right hand corner so you would update syllabus update it smile okay put all of your syllabus in here on the bottom right hand corner and the blue button click update syllabus then it's going to update that syllabus it's all going to be at the top the course summary will be empty for right now syllabus check it off do that after you do the syllabus we're then going to go to step three which is the home page go up to the top and click on the navigation bar that says home when we go to that we're gonna now create a page for your home page now yours may actually have a template if your if your school has done that or not but what we want to do is add a page so let's go over to the left side navigation bar again where it says pages click on pages we want to go to the top right hand corner where it says add page or plus page click on that button we're going to add a new page this is going to be for your home page at the top you may write you know welcome and mine has saved it here welcome to musical theater techniques or welcome to history 101 or english comp 101 whatever your class is give it a title so you know it's the welcome page or the home page then you want to put different elements in here that they're going to see when they pop on the first page let me show you a couple examples and if you want a full breakdown of this i will link it down below my full tutorial about home pages but here's my home page just an example for one class we'll have the announcements up here that will auto populate that's actually a terrible example because i had been showing that for another another master class i was doing with canvas so i have a picture of the school in here i do links to my social media so they can get in contact with me other ways the term my office hours location messages i do a couple of videos they don't have linkedin here anymore i do um tabs but just think of this as their welcome page so create something in here that makes them feel welcome maybe it's a picture of you maybe it's a picture of the school or your your banner something in here that you can create as a landing drop page you know welcome i'm so glad you're here you could um recorded a little video if you would like to and you could put that on here as well you can actually go to the top click on this little section that has the little video and music you could click that and you could actually record media right in here by clicking this little record button use your microphone allow and you could actually record right here into your into your computer and it'll automatically post it so if you want to do that check that out but create something on here that's the home page and again here's a few examples the full tutorial i'll link down below in the cards for you so home page okay so home page after you create this home page we want to set only teachers can edit this page and then we don't want to add it to the to-do list because we don't want them to have to check off the to-do list all right after we do that after you make it all pretty however you'd like to do it no matter if it's simple or a lot the bottom right hand corner click save and publish that's going to publish it where it is available to the students then what we do is we go to the top right hand corner click the three dots we want to select use as front page tick that after we've done that go back to your home page click the in the navigation bar home and then we want to click onto the button that on the right side on the navigation we want to choose home page after you click choose home page we want to select pages front page which is that welcome page that we just created click the save button after we click the save button that page now boom is going to be your home page and tutorial course is the name that i gave this course that i'm showing you as an example so whatever you've created on that home page now will be the drop page so that is your home page make it fancy make it simple remember crash course we're just getting it done for you the next one this is going to be step four this is modules go to the left hand side where their navigation bar is click the modules tab after you do that it's going to look like a blank wall staring back at you don't worry let's create the actual framework this is going to house most all of the content for your course now let me show you some examples here because i think it's it's nice to see what it looks like this is where you're going to create units or weeks how you're going to section and group everything off so your students can easily follow along in the course i do units because that's what works for me as a college professor you may want to do weeks week one week two and then put the date next to it so just just an example here inside each module are going to be separate pages assignments discussions and i'm going to open mine up here so you can see for example this was unit one and i labeled the chapters here and then i have all of my different pages containing my lecture content containing broken down into chapters they're also getting the discussion that they have after they go through the lectures the quiz that they're going to have on that unit a little quiz checklist so they'd know exactly what it has ignore that this was an example when i was working with another another person at an institution and then they have an uh uh that's actually ignore that that's old too so the checklist would be the very last one so just an example here and then same thing with unit two i have it broken down into units i start with the goals objectives readings and then i go into the content the lecture content if you will i like to call it discussion content these days but this is an older class again ending with the discussion the quiz the checklist so i have everything broken down into either weeks or units it's always thinking of it as different module sections so the student can easily flow through the course in an online manner okay so let's go back to our blank course staring at us so let's go to the top right hand corner click the button that says plus module after we click that plus module let's give it a name maybe it's week one of your course or unit one but if it's week one maybe you wanna set the dates so let's do january um second through the eighth just making these dates up here okay we're going to create this module for week one add module click the add module button after you do that you're going to see this gray bar which is the top header of that module and then here we can add files to the module choose files and populate it now this is what i like to do if you go to the plus sign let me do that a little slower for you if you go to the plus sign on the top right hand corner you're going to be able to insert other types of assignments as we create them into this module so let's go ahead for an example and let's add a page so for example what i like to start off with let me show you here flip over here's my very beginning of my unit my first page in this module is the goals see and i have a header here a bit of photo always photos less text more videos and photos and engaging content i have the goals of this week or this unit you know the objectives or the slos and then the reading for this unit as well so they can see an overview and then if you go to the bottom right hand corner it's going to set you up automatically for the next page that you list in that module so if you click next the next page that i have or section in this module is the beginning of the lecture i have the bullet points and i have a video that they have to watch again click next it takes them to the next page and this one's very simple it's just the stages you can make your pages longer if you if you want to i just made these short for this course but again always including the photos and the videos so let me go back into hours now that i showed you an example so now let's create this module with some content again crash course basic content go to the plus sign at the top right hand corner of this module click the add button after we do that on this top drop down menu what do you want to be first in your module it's probably going to be more or less a page i highly suggest keeping every single thing in canvas really don't have them go externally to other places and get outside of this of this learning management system you want it to all be concise and easy for them so i like to add a page we're going to click add a page okay and then we're going to click new page give that page a name maybe it is um overview or or goals for that week or what you're going to cover okay and then we can click maybe indent one level that's what i like to do and then click add item after you add item you're gonna see that page right here now you can always go to the three dots the hamburger on the right side and you can always increase it you can always edit it remove it send it to someone share it to someone that's available to you as well if you see this circle with a line through it that means it is not published same thing with this unit or this module is not published just yet now that we created that page we're going to edit it click on the page that you just titled overview it will open up and then now go to the top right hand corner it will look blank don't freak out click the edit button at the top right and here is your again your rich content editor to include photos videos text whatever you would like to in this section again you can always go to your toolbar and you can record a video or just an audio file and insert that for them as well so again that's how i like to start with mine let me show you this module again i like to start with an overview and then i go into the actual content so you would create whatever you wanted to hear your pages maybe you would list something out the bullet points less text less text bullet points and more photos videos inserted in there when you're done with that click the bottom right hand corner we can click save or if we're ready to go we'll click save and publish after we do that we can go back now into the module on the left hand side because it's automatically going to take us out into the pages tab go to the modules on the left hand side here is our week 1 module with our overview page it's green it's checked that means it's published i'm going to go ahead and tick the circle with a line through it it will turn green and that means it's published as well so whoever has access to this course can now see that content now what you want to continue to do is either go to the plus sign up here add page what i would suggest is add pages for your lecture your discussion your actual content within the curriculum you want them to learn after you add all the pages that you want the next thing you want to do is move into the discussions most online classes are going to have a discussion that they're going to do online versus face-to-face so click discussions maybe we'll do new topic definitely okay topic name maybe this is you know um week one discussion give it a simple label i'm going to actually indent it uh one level as well i'm going to add item the bottom right hand corner after we do that we're going to see that it has the discussion a little emoji here and we're going to click into the week 1 discussion right on that text it's going to take us into the discussions tab you can see on the left the navigation bar it's going to take us into that to edit it so this is your discussion tab let me show you just really quickly what a discussion actually looks like in an example an old class here here it is so here's their unit one discussion i tell them exactly what i want them to do what it should include okay they should reply to at least one two or three whatever you'd like so the rubric of the discussion how you're going to grade them i give them tips for success and then i give them the content that their discussion is they have to watch one of these videos and then reply with with this in their post and i'll just scroll down really quickly and you can see all the replies thread below here just like you would in facebook or whatnot so let's go back into hours that we're creating here's our discussion that we're in go to the top right hand corner click edit after we click edit it's going to open up again that rich content editor and you're going to type in your discussion discussion what it's about what do you want them to do all that information that i just showed as an example over here give them the assignment for the discussion after you do that again all we do is go down to the bottom now before we hit save though on this one we want to post it to all sections or you can if you have different sections and you want to choose different ones if there's any attachment you want to you can choose that file here we do want to allow threaded replies so a student can reply to other people what i do for my discussions is i tick this box meaning they have to make an initial post on their own their first post before they can see everyone else's posts to reply to i don't want them to see other students before they create their posts so i tick that box once they make their initial post then they will see the entire thread of everyone else's most the time it probably is going to be graded i'm in a free trial version to show this to you now but you can see in the bottom of mine if i click on the edit tab here it you probably do want to grade it but maybe you don't maybe this is a non-graded assignment as well so here's mine's graded and then i also take the allow liking which means they can click the thumbs up button on the bottom of people's posts and then i do click add to student to-do list and i put the the due date here so they get a little to-do list on their side and it populates it so again easier for them to navigate everything and know what you want them to do then pick the due date here okay and then all you have to do is go down and click the available from and until meaning the available day you want them to be able to access this and the day until meaning the day that it is due and it will close and they will not be able to post on it any single and at all anymore i make sure you give them enough time i would definitely suggest at least a week if not more depending on how long your class is but if you're working week to week then you put the first day they can access it and then the last day you don't want to give them 24 hours or 48 hours especially for online courses because we don't know what their daily life is like and we want to be accessible for all people so put the from date the until date whenever you're done with that click the save and publish on the bottom right hand corner or save if you're not ready to publish and it will look like this when the student goes to a reply they will click the reply button and it will look like this uh i'll go back click save yeah it will look like this to them they'll see all your information at the bottom right hand corner they'll click reply and they'll start replying to it and they'll have a box to type in so that is your discussions then i'm going to take you back into the modules tab again the left-hand side keeping it all kind of together for you if you will we're going to navigate back to modules we're still in our our first module here we want to click again the tab for the plus sign so we can add to this module and then now you may want to include an assignment so let's include assignments we're going to add a new assignment give it a name maybe this assignment is um an essay paper something you want them to to create to do as another assessment let's indent it one level click add item again repetition more you do this the easier it gets so here's maybe their essay or the paper they have to write or the paragraph they have to write or something they have to you know upload a video of them talking about what they learned whatever it is we're going to click that title again go into it now we can go to the top right hand corner we can click the pen tool for editing once we click that this is going to open up the assignment meaning again rich content editor box our ce box here you can put the assignment in here for example let me show you one of mine an assignment that i have for them i do discussions and i do a quiz in this one but another assignment that i have in some classes is maybe they do a journal entry or whatnot for example here's a journal entry from one of mine so i have them in the rce box i i put the description of the assignment and i give them the rubric 250 words blah blah blah tips for success the due date and the available date so we want to create an assignment this is how you do it put that assignment in the text box here scroll down give it some points whatever your point system is for your grading and also you're going to notice that i don't have grades in this one yet and that's because this is a free version which you can't give grades but on the navigation bar on the left hand side on your course you're probably going to have grades you can see it right here i would actually keep that right under modules which is how i have it in this course you always want the student to be able to see their grades so my apologies for not showing you that sooner i forgot that i was in a free version so here's the graded one so back again in our assignment put your your assignment in here whatever it is describe it and then set your points okay we're going to put it in the assignments group display it as points or if you want to do percentage or you could give a complete or an incomplete no grade a letter grade you could even make it not graded at all your choice and then how are they going to submit what you want them to submit is it going to be online is it going to be an external tool or are they going to give it to you in person and paper for some reason what i like to do if it's online click online and then i like to give them the options here maybe it's a text entry box which is what i do for my journals a box opens up for them and they can type in right inside that assignment or they're going to give you a website or media recordings meaning they're going to be able on their end to hit record in canvas or upload a video and they can film themselves talking about something or saying something or showing their work or do you want them to upload a file meaning a pdf document if you want to restrict it you can click that restrict file and only allow maybe a doc or a pdf but i click just file uploads totally up to you allow attempts do you want them to have one attempt to upload or maybe two attempts meaning a rough draft and a second draft after you give them notes how many times can they upload maybe you want to just limit it to one they get one time to upload that journal assignment and it's done and then it's not probably a group of sign assignment you may want to do a peer review but i just again crash course and then you're going to assign it to everyone or if you want to sign it to certain people you have to type in their names what date is it due select your due date and then available from and until available from means the day that they can access this and then until is the due date last day it's available then it closes after you're done you click save and publish or just save your choice but save and publish on the bottom right hand corner it will be accessible to them now when you want to go and grade this i definitely suggest using the speed grader option in the top right hand corner it's really easy again i will link all of these full tutorials piece by piece for you down at the bottom after you have that assignment we're going to navigate over into the modules back onto the left hand tab and we so we have that we have an overview we have all of your content all of your pages in here we have maybe an essay or a journal assignment or some type of assignment for them and then the last part we want to do is add probably a quiz go to the top right hand corner click the plus button after you do that we're going to click the quiz button after you do that we're going to click new quiz give your quiz a name maybe it's week 1 quiz chapter quiz unit 2 quiz okay it's all the groups we have right now is assignments and then let's indent one level add item after you do that here's your quiz click on the quiz button after you do that you're gonna go into your first quiz on the left side you're gonna see in the navigation bar now you're in the quizzes tab so click the top right hand corner the edit button now this is where you're going to create your quiz again our ce box describe your quiz and then here the top tab you see details and questions if you click on questions this is where you can add the questions to your quiz or exam whatever you'd like to call it if you scroll down here's let me show you an example as well for one of my classes here's one of their quizzes this is what it looks like i give them i put a little image here for them i tell them what it's about that it's timed how long they have and then once they hit start down at the bottom then the quiz starts for them uh full breakdown for quiz tutorial download links i'll put it down for you if you want to see the whole thing but break down the basics of the quiz is it going to be graded is it a practice quiz is it an ungraded survey at the beginning of your course choose your type and then right now we don't have another group created i would shuffle the answers definitely i would give them a time limit a full breakdown in the tutorial link below put how many minutes you want how how many minutes they have to take it because it is timed for online you can select multiple attempts highest score latest averaged whatever you'd like in this section let the students see their quiz responses this is pretty self-explanatory if you'd like to check it or you can just untick it and move on for crash course show one question at a time i don't allow i don't do that let them see as many as they want at a time you have some other options here but most importantly assigned to everyone or certain people depending on what you need and then again the due date and the available from and until so maybe they have a week to take this quiz maybe they have four days take the quiz whatever you'd like to put the dates in there click save and publish at the bottom right hand corner and now you have your module again navigate back to the modules tab now you have your module framework don't freak out yours probably does not look like my module that i've been showing you probably does not look like this but you have a framework to start from now all you have to do is fill this in and then when you want to go in and actually um redo this for every week if you navigate over to the right hand side you can click duplicate and it will duplicate that page and then all you need to do is add a new module maybe this is week two with the dates take two of the dates okay add module here's my next one and then i can take that duplicated one pop it down here hold the left side all the dots and it will pop down in this one there it goes and then again we want to make sure that we make it green and publish it so they can see it if it's not published even the very top gray bar they won't see it so that's your overview of content that's the longest one okay last couple little things here is creating group assignments go over to the left hand side click on the assignments tab at the very top hand corner where it says add group click on that now we want to group these assignments so they're not all just hodgepodged in as an example here are here's an example for um assignments in one of mine i have them broken up into introductory assignments i have them broken up into quizzes discussions exams whatever you'd like to do but we're going to add different groups so maybe you have one that are um essays essays we can add that okay and then we'll populate all of the essays in that section maybe you have another one ad group maybe you want to populate all of the um quizzes okay click save and then as you start to create those assignments we can add them into these groups so the student sees them versus it just being all one thing so actually here we'll move the quizzes down and now we've already got the groups created for you so they'll all populate in here but now you can filter them into the one that works when the student clicks on assignments they're going to have another way to see what they're looking for other than just the modules tab next thing we want to weight the grades now you're going to notice that i don't have grades in this one it's a it's a um a free class go to the top right hand corner in the three dots click down and we want to click assignment group weights after we've created these groups we can now wait the final grade based on assignments again i do this but it depends on how your grading is broken down so what this means is that every section is only going to have so much percentage to the final hundred percent so let's say you want all of the essays to be worth 60 and you only want the quizzes to be worth 40 percent of their overall grade put those groups in the percentages and then click the save button and then you're going to see and the student will see this as well this is worth 60 this is worth 40 percent of their total grade instead of everything in here all of these assignments being weighted equally again it is weighting grades is kind of confusing i feel like it just depends on how you teach your course so i like to give that option in case you need it otherwise it's going to if your essays are worth 20 points each and your quizzes are worth 50 points each or whatnot it will populate that automatically in your grade book that you will see over here on the left hand side as an example it'll populate the students names and their grades and whatnot okay so last little thing crash course is publishing and setting lock dates go to your home page yours will probably have something on the right side that says unpublished or published we have to click the publish button for this entire course to be accessible accessible to your students so they can access it click the right hand button where it says publish on the right side after you click the publish button it will turn green that means the course can now be viewed by the students so if they if they're emailing you and saying i can't see the course it's because you didn't publish the entire course after you do that you may want to consider setting lock dates so let's go into your modules which is the big chunk of everything okay let's you can always collapse it up here which will collapse everything you can view the progress of the students up here as well but we want to set a lock date so let's click the edit button on the top gray bar of this module now we're going to take a look and see about the lock date if you want to let me actually go out of this one and go into week two i'm going to click the edit button on the bottom right on the right hand corner click edit let's say week one is available to them let's say you don't want them to work ahead you want them to stay with you in the class we can take the lock until button and we can lock this until a certain date maybe week two starts on the 25th of january you can click that and you can add a time we'll click done that means this module they'll be able to see the module but not the content and they'll just see that gray bar and everything else will be not um open and available to them but they'll see that it's there that it's coming up they'll get access when you want them to be able to jump into that this is what i do for my course because i don't want them to do everything in one week i want them to stay with the class with the course you can also add a prereq where they have to read through every page and you have to tick through it i don't do that anymore i used to do it but it just it gives them makes them really confused whatever you do after you're done click the update module button after you do that um continue after you do that then that means that this is going to be locked until that date meaning you can edit it you can see it but if we click the student view top right hand corner we're going to see that the student sees week one this is available to them but take a look at week two they'll be able to see all of this content that you have in this module but they won't be able to click in it i can't click in it i can just see the title of it i like to do this because it's really nice for the students to know oh you're you have the next week planned for me i can't wait to see what it is it's like a little sneak peek but they can't get inside of it so let's leave student view in the bottom right hand corner that is pretty much an overview other than the grade book that you're going to see in your course as well so those are the seven basic steps this is a crash course i only think i'm gonna make like two little edits in this video so you're with me side by side if you need anything else down below i will link my entire canvas tutorials playlist that has all of these broken down into great detail but i wanted to give you an updated version for 2021 of canvas now let me know if you have questions in the comments below remember take it slowly create the framework and just fill it in as you go if this was helpful if this was helpful for you don't forget to click the like button the thumbs up button and subscribe to my channel if you want to get more tutorials and videos of online teaching and coaching i've got new ones coming out every single week thanks for sticking with me through this entire crash course video of canvas lms wish you the best in your course and i will see you in the next video alright good luck
Channel: Ashlee Espinosa
Views: 33,167
Rating: 4.9585185 out of 5
Keywords: Canvas course setup tutorial, canvas lms tutorial, canvas lms tutorial for teachers, ashlee espinosa, canvas lms, canvas tutorial, canvas tutorial for beginners, canvas tutorial for teachers, how to build a canvas course, creating a canvas course, canvas lms tutorial for beginners, canvas instructure, canvas lms tutorials, ashlee espinosa canvas, ashlee espinosa youtube, canvas course setup tutorial, canvas course setup checklist, how to create a course in canvas
Id: IJIP0XCy9s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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