- Hey everyone, welcome back. In this video, I'm going to show you how to take course content
that you've already created and transport that into another course. So you can literally use
what you've already created in multiple different courses. It will save you time, and it will really allow
you to use something more than just once. So let's get started. The first thing you're seeing right here is just an old shell
that I'm gonna show you from an old class that I have, but there's nothing created in here. So you'll see this home page is blank as if you were
starting from scratch. Now say I already have a home page that I've already created, and I want to put it into this and just use it from another class. Say you teach multiple
sections of the same course. Now there are a couple of
things that you can do. I'm gonna show you a couple
of options that you have for the home page first, and then I'll show you
for different modules, and then I'll show you how
you can take an entire course and put it entirely in a different course. So let's get started. Go down to your Settings
here on the far left. You wanna be in the course
that you want to add to. Go down to Settings at the
very bottom left-hand corner. On the far right-hand corner over here, you're going to see Import Course Content, Export Course Content,
Reset Course Content, a few other things over here as well. You want to Import Course Content because I want to use a home page from another class into this one. You get to this selection here. You want to select Copy a Canvas Course. You have many other options here, but I'm just gonna give
you the basics at first so you can utilize it right now while you're creating multiple classes. So Copy a Canvas Course. Then you wanna select the course. So select the course that
you're wanting to use from. Let's say I'm going to
use the home page from... Sure, we'll use that one. Okay, so you select what you want. You also want to click
this little box here, Include completed courses,
if it isn't already ticked because this will showcase
all of the courses that you have already taught even you're not teaching them anymore. For example, you can
see here that I've got Fall, Spring, Spring, Summer, Winter. All of my courses that
I've ever taught in Canvas are listed by ticking that box. Now here's where it
gets really interesting and you have multiple options. Do you want to do all of the content, transport all of the
content from that course to this new shell? Which you can definitely do. If you're teaching the same section, that is a good choice to do. Or you can Select specific course content. For example, I just wanna use a home page from another class that
I've already created and taken the time to do. You can also adjust dates and events, due dates if you want to. If you're doing all content,
I would suggest that, but just focusing on
the home page right now. So I wanna go ahead and click Import, and there's another
step after you do that. It doesn't automatically import. See over here it says
Waiting for Selection? They're waiting for me
to pick what content I want to utilize. So go to the blue button on the right, select Content, click on that, and you will see all of the content that you have available
that you've already created. Now for example, I want the home page. Now most of the time, it's not gonna pop up
here and say home page. So I want to look within my Pages for that because again it was just
a page that I created and said I want it to be my home page. If you click the arrow on the left side, it will pop down all of the pages that you have created before. So what's really great
is most of the time, it's gonna be on the top because it's going to list these in order of either your creation or how you have the pages
set up on your modules. So look, right here is my welcome page. So Welcome to Intro. I'm gonna click that because that's the home
page that I wanna use. At the bottom right-hand corner over here, you can see, I'll move my head and see it says Select Content. That's the one I want. So I'm gonna click that. I'm gonna select that content, and you can see now that it says Running and it will tick this up when
it's done, it's completed. Great, now I wanna go back,
and I wanna find that. It might, let's see. See how it's not automatically
going to the home page? That's because again like
we did in the creation of a home page tutorial that I did, I'll link it up in the
cards if you missed it. But now we want to go to that page, and we want to tell it
to be our home page. So see it says Front Page, it's already incorporated
as our front page. Now we wanna go to our home page, and we want to tell it
to be our home page. So that means you wanna
go to the right over here, choose Home Page, click on that. And then it should already
be the front pages, click on that, and then boom. I have the entire home page that I've already taken
the time to create. These are old links, that's why they don't really work anymore. But the entire home page
that I've already spent so much time creating,
it's right here so quickly. Okay, now the next thing I wanna show you is how to take course
content like a module and use that module for another class. And here's an example. This is actually what I'm working on right now for one of my classes. So in one of my classes, I have here I wanna take this
module that I've just created, so this Unit Three module. I wanna take this entire unit, and I want to put this
unit into another class that's the same section. So I want to choose the class again that I want to import the content in. Go down to the left-hand
side for Settings. Go to the far right for
Import Course Content, click on that, okay? So now I'm focusing on
just utilizing a module that I've already created
from one class to another. Copy a Canvas Course, click that. I want to again search for the course. So here, I wanna make sure... Make sure you choose the right
class and the right semester because they start to separate them. So the module that I wanna pull from and import is from this
class, so I click on it. Again, make sure you have this box ticked so you can see all your courses. Again, I'm just wanting to pull
that one module that I have. So I'm gonna click Specific
Content, click Import. Again, it's going to say over
here Waiting for Selection. So this is the one I'm waiting on is this top one right here. I want to Select Content. So I'm gonna click on that. Again, all of my- Everything's pulled up over
here that I can pull from. You can pull from old assignments. You can pull from modules. You can pull from anything
else that you want, but I wanna pull this Sondheim module. And you'll see that it clicks the whole module, not separate pages. If I just wanted one
page from that module, I would go down here and I would click what
pages I actually want. And I'm actually gonna do that because I've already incorporated a few bits of the module already. So you could again, you
could tick right here and click the whole module. But I'm actually for my purposes, I just want a few of these pages. So I'm gonna just click those because I don't need the
other parts of the module. So I just want that, so there we go. I'm gonna select what I want from here. And you could do multiple
things at one time if you want as well. I'm gonna Select Content. It is queued up and waiting for me. And then as soon as it
says it's completed, it will be running, and
it's going to go through, and I'm gonna wait for it. Okay, now it says it's completed. So I am going to go back, and I am going to check and
make sure and see where it went. So you can see it doesn't
automatically go into the module. It's probably gonna pop
down here into my pages. I'd wanna click View All Pages. And then be right here, absolutely. So now that it's in the pa- Those pages are in over here in my Pages file within this course, I wanna go ahead now
and I want those pages, I want them to pop into this module. So I'm gonna go over here to
the plus sign on the top right. And I'm going to Add Page. And look, they're popped
up right over here ready for me to pull. I want this one, and let's
see if they'll let me do multiple ones at a time, they do. I wanna copy those, okay? So then you can, I like three
indents for what I'm doing, Add Item, and boom, look at that. They're all right here just
as I wanted them in my class from my other class that
I'm working on right now. And if I go over to Modules, right there it is where I wanted it. So sometimes you have
to do a little backend because if it's gonna jump over as a page. Then you might have to
go into your Pages file, make sure you View All Pages,
the top left red button, and they'll all be loaded in here. Then you just have to go
and add them where you want. So if you want it in Modules, you can add a new module or
just click the plus sign. And then you can go over
here and choose what you want just like I talked about in the modules, how to create a module. I'll link that up in the cards
for you in case you need it. But you can pull from anything that you have incorporated
in here as well. So that is how you
incorporate either a home page or a module here really quickly. This is how you're going
to do an entire course from one course to another. So say this is a class that's brand new. This is an empty Canvas course. But you've taught the class before, the exact same class or it's very similar, and you just wanna edit a
class you've already created. Go again down bottom left-hand
corner to your Settings. Far right side, Import Course Content. Now what we're gonna do is we're going to Copy a Canvas Course just
like we've just done. But now I want to choose
the course that's the same. So let's say it's Intro to Theater Three. I teach that course all the time online. And this is how I start it off. So I want that Theater Three course to... We're gonna pretend this
is Theater Three as well. I want to literally copy all of that content from that class, and I wanna put it in here. I also want to click
Adjust Events and Dates because it's going to be a different time. Now unless you're teaching this course in the same quarter or the same semester, then you may not wanna
adjust any dates or times. But say you do, you would just go down here. Beginning Date, you
wanna change it to here. Ending date, you wanna change it to here, or you can substitute it, okay? But I don't wanna do that, so I am going to not click that for whatever reason right now. All content, okay, I wanna click Import. Click Import, it's queued. Now this one will
automatically run on its own because you've told it you
wanna do the entire content and you wanna put it in here. Okay, so it's complete now. That literally took three
or four minutes to do. It did tell me there are a few issues, sometimes this happens. It says a few things,
the Ted Talk won't work. The YouTube needs to be reset. My Screencast-O-Matic one
that I did needs to be reset. Okay, that's not a problem. Those are a couple of videos that I'd probably delete and redo anyway. Now if I go back to the
home page, it should... ♪ Dee, dee, dee, dee, dee
♪ All be there and it is. ♪ This was empty, and now
it's completely imported an old class course. Now be aware, what you're
gonna wanna do first is go through and delete all of these old Canvas announcements if they're not gonna serve you because they are from a different class. But you may be able to
utilize the same ones. Just go through, do a
quick look at everything, make sure everything is there. Make sure your assignments
are the same due dates. Make sure it all looks good. And then of course you
always wanna make sure that you have on the top right that you've clicked Published, okay? This class is unpublished right now because it's no longer in use. But make sure you click
Publish on the far right so your course is
visible to your students. And then you can go through
and everything should be here, everything that you've
created for your entire class. Again, make sure everything
is green, everything has dots. You'll wanna go through it all, make sure all of the quizzes and the assignments are all there, that everything looks good. That the due dates are right, that the open and close dates are right. But once you do that, you
literally have an entire course. So that's a great way to utilize content you've already created into
other parts of your classes. I also like to pull modules
from a history class into a performance class. It gives you a way to kind of facilitate even supplemental materials that you've already taken the time to create. Just take a gander at
it before you publish it when you're creating entire course content from one to the other
so you know that it's effective and the right date and whatnot. Okay, I hope this helps you. Happy creating modules and using what you already have created and spent so much time creating. I will see you in the next video, bye.