Introduction to Canvas for Teachers

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hey guys today I'm gonna talk about getting started in canvas so where do I go to login to canvas there are two places that I'm gonna show you first is the my NVC login page and I can scroll down and i can choose canvas online and that will log me into canvas it'll actually take me to a prompt where i type in my username and password and then it will take me here to my dashboard another way to go is from our home page you can go to academics and online education go to the distance education home page again academics online education once you are here you can choose NVC canvas login and that will take you to your canvas as well so now we are looking at our dashboard this is where you are going to store all of your class information for the semester the first thing that you want to do is begin to customize so I see these three dots here I'm going to select that and choose an appropriate color I don't know I like no I already have that green I'm gonna choose this green and apply that okay that feels better but still maybe maybe it is not personal enough this color green doesn't tell me a lot about my particular class so I'm going to customize this a little bit more by adding an image in this space here but to do that I actually have to go into the shell once I'm in the shell I'm going to navigate down to the Settings tab very very important you're going to use this a lot so we might as well start by adding a picture so we're gonna click on settings and we're gonna choose choose image right here it will prompt us to to browse our computer and I've got lots of different pictures I'm gonna go for the Panda picture open that up and there we have it so you can change this at any time but you know once you're happy with that now you can go down and update your course details and that will lock that picture in place and now we're going to go back to our dashboard and we'll see that image so the next thing that I'd like to go over is navigation so I'd like to go through some of the navigation options that you'll have when you start your class I'm going to go into my shell and on the left hand side here we can see the navigation bar in order to change the navigation that I have I'm going to go into settings let's go to the navigation tab right here at the top and we can see all of the different navigation items navigation links now anything that's that's here at the top students can see and all of these items down below all of these links are options for you as the instructor but students cannot see them I have quite a few options here say I wanted to add discussions to my list I would just drag it up to the top and let go of it then I would scroll down to the bottom and hit save and now you can see discussions is an active part of my navigation menu now you can still interact with these even though they're grayed out this just means that students cannot see them or interact with them so to prove that let's go to settings let's go to student view on the right-hand side and now this is what a student would see if they were going to your class you can see everything that was great out is now gone and you just have this simple list here that students can interact with so I'm going to leave student view and these buttons cannot be renamed what you can do is you can create your own custom buttons so to do that we're going to go to settings and we're actually going to go to the next tab over which is apps there are a lot of apps that that you can browse through and use a lot of them you have to pay for but I'm more interested in the applications that are already installed so I'm going to go to installed and look at my installed applications this is called the redirect tool and you can type it in so this here allows us to add external web resources as links into our navigation bar so I'm going to click add app it will bring up a window that will allow me to create a link that I can add to my navigation bar let's do something familiar say that we want our students to have quick access to Google just go to the bottom here so we would just copy and paste the correct URL here we see this option and it says force open in a new tab now this is the most reliable option that you can select on this menu there are some sites that actually function inside of canvas the best option and the most frequent option for success would be to select force open in a new tab the other option that you definitely want to select is your show in course navigation I'm going to select show in course navigation the reason that you want to select that is because it will add a link in your navigation this is a link that you can see and that students can see so if you are an instructor you are only going to be interested in these top two options if you select either of these options that functionality is disabled for instructors so makes it very simple either force open in a new tab or show in course navigation again if you want it to work 100% of the time then selectable so now we just have to add the app so at first you're not actually going to see that link here what I like to do is I like to go into navigation go to the very bottom of navigation and hit save we are also going to want to rename this we don't want it to be called redirect tool let's call it Google and now I'm going to select add app the app was added successfully that's how you know it worked however you may not see it here in the sidebar so what I'm going to do is go to navigation and hit save and when I save it it will refresh the page and it will also add our item to the list so now let's let's go to our home and let's go to our student view just to make sure that it's working and now we can go over here to the left and select Google perfect this is exactly what we want we are prompted to open this in a new tab so we're gonna select open in a new tab and here's Google I will close this I will leave student view and I will go back to my home page well that's all I have for today I hope you enjoy the video I'm Brandon and I will see you next time
Channel: Brandon Tofanelli
Views: 71,089
Rating: 4.8062954 out of 5
Id: Mbzzx2g1laQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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