Canning beef stew pressure canning

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[Music] hey everyone its Natasha welcome back to my channel I thought I would get on here today and do a caning video it has been a while since I have done a caning video and I think sometimes we those of us that have canned a lot stands for a long time take it for granted that everyone else knows and there's comfortable caning as we are so I need two cans some beef stew for going into fall I'd love to have jars of beef stew on the in this cabinet that we can just pull out and feed up and eat for dinner or I can give to a friend who needs a meal for church or whatever I can give you a kids they can take it to school or to their apartment and they can heat up you know beef stew for dinner these students not hard it's a very simple recipe I have a basic one I'll link below it is just it calls for roast or stew meat potatoes carrots onion celery before you so I instead eginning sometimes I'll buy beef stew beef but today they had a really nice top choice top round roast boneless at Kroger on sale it was on sale for 449 pound and this one is 4 pounder so the recipe says 3 to 4 pounds worth of meat so I think that'll be just about perfect so I'm going to cube that up and then we're going to put it in with the vegetables and what's really nice about this recipe is you don't have to pre cook the soup you just put it all the pieces in and then it calls from water and beef bullion but honestly I just can't a bunch of a beef broth last week so I'm going to use the jar that's pull up my Georgia so come along with me as we can beef soup [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] okay I'm going to come back here instead of fast motioning for everything others before to show you this is where I deviate from the recipe I've been making beef stew for a long time I help my mom make beef stew growing up we kind of added on a little touches to it but we always do which is not in the recipe is we always add some tomatoes to our bees do it helps tenderize the meat and get the broth beautiful color and it just tastes good so the idea here is I just take a can of tomato sauce in home can once I can use those but honestly the canned ones are just fine so I just scoop up a few into each jar we're getting towards at the top so just whatever will fit and I'm not too worried about on the rims because I'm going to go back through thinner water and wipe these rims down real well when I'm finished so that nothing will prevent that charge from sealing and I like these Red Bull tomatoes because they're you they're growing and here in Indiana and the factory is in Indiana right down by Tipton so if you're familiar with the area where gold tomatoes - stripped in Indiana so there's putting some tomatoes here I don't measure any of the ingredients I just put in what looks good if your family like more potatoes and carrots I all need to put more potatoes in and carrots or vice versa if your family doesn't like so I'm just put the celery in it your family doesn't like onions like I like onions but my husband doesn't like onions and he doesn't like to find them there's a little trick I do to hide onions in some of my recipes so he doesn't know they're mashing back that I set up at my seasonings in and then I'll just throw the juice some of the juice on top and it will start filtering down through like I said give me the broth are really nice rich look and flavor so there's the tomatoes and then I'm gonna start with the spices now the recipe itself really only called for some salt so I listened a little hint to get my husband if you like children they don't like a lot of onion or a big pieces what I mean I used to hide it onions and this happens to be from paid tastefully simple but you can use store-bought you had it on you whatever you have so I guess again I'm not a good measure so to speak they remembered a hydrogen and will increase in size so I just I I borrowed on super like just about a rounded tablespoon per jar or a teaspoon at me per jar like I said if your family loved onions by all means I'm more in Union make the shores okay so there is the onion and then we log off some garlic here that's very good our favorite thing and so I've got some Italian garlic seasoning cuz I like to put Italian seasoning in my beef stew so again i put probably a little less than a teaspoon in each jar we like our food to have labor so and if your family likes it spicy for him add some hot sauce to it if that's what your family likes and you know if I added mushrooms to mine and that wasn't helping us either so there is the Italian herb now if I'll add some seasoned salt so that's one usually say to add about 1/2 a teaspoon per jar so it's going to add a half teaspoon of basil both to keep stir [Music] then we're all creatures all we have left to do is add some beef broth and I got a little trick with that hold on here seconds okay I'm back isn't that beautiful it was so pretty okay so now I'm going to add my beef broth like I said the restaurant should call for water and be fully on but I just can't and be proper to use that I'll give it much more flavor and then I use this little wooden score bamboo stick and what that does it helps get the air pockets out because the air pockets are bad you do not want any air pockets in your canning food you want it all liquid so I'm going to just start pouring that in and let it slowly season for the bottle of the dark important to faster you'll end up with a mess trust me I've done it before [Music] and you can see it's all enough there see about how quite up now I've got some room to go [Music] okay then we poke around make sure you get all those little air pockets out and what I'll do is I'll go through and I'll fill all my jars checking for air pockets and then I will go back through when I'm done see there's an air pocket right there but push that down which is the air pocket out once I've gone through and filled all my jars I'll go back and check for more air pocket because sometimes they will show up as the food settles in jar so there should be two beautiful perfect coming up into fall so we'll do one more jar [Music] [Music] you [Music] okay so there you go I'm going to go ahead and finish filling these jars and then I when I get done I will wipe the rims off of vinegar oil and then over in your water sorry operator all whenever water and then I will put them in the pressure canner and pounds of pressure because that's what it is for my albeit elevations you'll have to check out to see what it is for yours and then I will can them for 90 minutes because these are quartz mist which you always can is for the longest amount of time which is the meat so I will can them for 90 minutes at 10 pounds pressure so thanks for watching hope you enjoyed this video and let me know what you think in the comments below [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Canning, crafting, crocheting through life Always
Views: 110,947
Rating: 4.8141952 out of 5
Id: n9cTbJ2OsyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2017
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