Canik TP9SFx Incredible Value

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hey everybody how's it going it's the daily shooter and today we're going to be taking a look at what i would consider to be the best value in a nine millimeter handgun on the market today you know we live in a pretty good time as far as nine millimeter pistols are concerned we have everything from all steel frames to polymer frames we have competition size we have full size compact sub compact striker fired hammer fired and you know everything possible in between so the market really is kind of flooded with nine millimeters right now but there is one that kind of stands out in value and in price i just picked this thing up yesterday from my ffl which is spartan arms here in north las vegas nevada make sure you let them know the daily shooter sent you if you guys decide to stop in there but i went ahead and i bought this thing over there just yesterday and i am super impressed with not only what this thing comes with but just the overall first impression and quality of this pistol so we're going to do just a quick unboxing i want to show you guys what you get when you buy one of these this is the canik tp9 sfx this channel is proud to be supported by the firearms policy coalition make sure you check that link in the description box become a member and donate when you can because they really do truly need our help to fight for our second amendment rights also i've created some new face masks if you're forced to wear a face mask you want to go into the store if you want to go get groceries or something like that you might as well let your face mask give you some expression of your own personal beliefs i've seen some out there that kind of drive me nuts so let's let everybody know that we support the second amendment even we're wearing a face mask check out the link below [Applause] [Music] okay so here's a quick look at the box now this is a fairly large box that's a fairly large pistol and there's a lot of different accessories in here this is canik's competition ready pistol so it has an optics cut worn tactical sights red fiber optic front sight weight relieving cuts all sorts of cool stuff that you're not going to get on the standard tp9 series uh this is uh brand new haven't fired a single round through it as a matter of fact it still has a price tag attached and i'll show you guys that here in just a second uh but let me go ahead and flip this over so i can show you a little bit more information on it if you guys want to you can go ahead and pause that screenshot it do whatever you got to do or just read the information that's on the back right there that's exactly what this pistol is right here now let's go and open this thing up again first impression not a review i'm going to put about a thousand rounds through this thing and then i'll come back to you guys with a full review but for now we're just going to take a look at it because again it's a very nice pistol especially for the money so we open it up and you'll see that the presentation is very nice okay so we have our pistol there's no magazine inserted we have two magazines over here these are 20 round magazines so typical uh tp9 has an 18 round magazine and then we have two plus two base pads here so each one of these is capable of holding 20 rounds it also comes with a holster and it's actually not a bad holster as a matter of fact i have several other caniks that have very similar holsters and the holsters work just fine i mean there's nothing fancy about them you know it's not super incredible but they work just fine as a holster they protect the trigger there's decent retention the retention is adjustable and so forth we have our little trigger lock that's located right here uh on this side we have a little tool kit and this tool kit has a bunch of different stuff in it it has looks like we have our fiber optics in there let me see if i can pop this thing open i don't even know how to open it let me push this that way yeah that's how you do it okay so in this little tool kit right here we have this little baggie in this baggie we have different colored fiber optic front inserts okay so if you want to change out that fiber optic front sight you can go ahead and put these little inserts in there we have our tools that we need in order to install and adjust things we have this little side lever charging handle right here so basically this screws into the side of the mounting plate and allows you to charge it using this handle instead of just grabbing and racking the slide like normal so a little charging handle again that's kind of meant for competition we have a couple different sized mag releases so this has an extended mag release and that extended mag release you can actually change the size on that so if you don't like the one that it comes with which is a little bit bulky and kind of sticks out just a bit you can go ahead and change it and kind of shorten that out as well so you get all the little things that you're going to need right there in that little tool kit and then there are some other things that are going to be located in the top of this case so we'll go and we'll slide this down real quick you can see it says canik it's very nice laser cut we'll go ahead and remove that we'll flip this over on the back you're going to get your paperwork and stuff i'm not sure if i still have everything that it came with but you're going to get your paperwork and your owner's manual and everything else is going to be located in that little envelope that's on the back of this foam padding then we lift this and you're going to find a couple extras so obviously we have our cleaning brush we also have something to put push through patches and then we have our mounting plates so these mounting plates right here are gonna allow you to mount just about every major popular optic that you want so instead of having something that's um set up specifically for an rmr and will only take an rmr this one you can go ahead and run these plates very similar to like a glock mos or something like that you can go ahead and take these plates install the plate that you want on here and then install the optic that you're looking for also you get two different back straps the back straps are actually very nice there's a lot of really nice texture on these things you can see right there texture looks really really good it's got this kind of you know squared off pyramid pattern thing on the back right there and all reports that i've i've seen read or watched here on youtube say that they're actually pretty nice uh the only person that seemed to have some type of uh at least a bit of a negative opinion on the grip or the ergonomics was going to be honest outlaw reviews i trust his reviews 100 the guy is extremely honest and he's got fairly large hands i've met that guy in person and uh i can tell he's a big dude he's a tall guy big hands and he has a little bit of a difficult time even with the large back strap on there so keep that in mind if you have big hands for me i have kind of medium hands but long fingers and it seems to work out just fine for me so again we have our mounting plates cleaning rod we have the pistol we have the holsters we have magazines we have color match tungsten uh base plates plus two on there and everything else i mean it's such a good value but take a look at the price this is that one thing that i was talking to you guys about tag's still on it from spartan and i'm sure if you talk to him maybe you can get a little bit off i'm not sure but uh that's the price for everything if you can't read that because of the light i apologize it says 549.99 549.99 for all of this stuff that is a pretty good deal if you ask me i mean that's a really good deal and you know one thing that i've had a problem with in the past is i like to say something's good for the money which is a kind of a problem that's something that i need to change because something's either good or it's not good it doesn't matter if it's good for the money if it's two hundred dollars a 200 pistol and it runs good it's a good pistol it's not good for the money it's just a good pistol and uh from everything that i've seen this is a really good pistol and it just comes in at a really good price as well so let's go and take this stuff out of the box and take a closer look at it okay so let's go and get started by first taking a look at these magazines these are mega magazines and mechar makes some of the finest magazines that you're going to find these are again 20 round magazines they have 18 witness holes but again with a little bit of an extension you're going to get 20 rounds into this magazine it does actually say mecgar on the front right there and there's a pretty good chance that if you own a lot of different pistols that you have something that has an oem mag from mecgar so they make very nice mags both on their own that are just by guard that you can buy extra and they also oem their mag so they're really nice mags and again this has that same tungsten cerakoted base plate on it and the nice thing about this base plate is it has this kind of as you can see this kind of an angle or this little cut right here that allows you to get on it and really strip it out so if you have a double feed and you need to strip the magazine you can really get a good hold on this thing and just go ahead and yank it out so again the magazines are very nice 18 witness holes 20 rounds and both magazines that it come with are going to be the same i also have a standard 18 round canik tp9 full size magazines several of those and those fit just fine as well those are just more of a flush fit obviously it has a standard canik tp9 base plate on it so it's just a flush fit base but they do work with this no problem you just have to get those full size so next let's go ahead and take a look at this holster so again it's nothing fancy but this is definitely a holster that works uh the only downside to this holster which is probably something that you could change out i'll have to take a look and see if you can do that is going to be the clips while the clips on this are definitely stronger than some other canik clips you know they definitely hold on a lot better they're still not the strongest clips you're going to find on the market so you know after market parts or aftermarket holsters that have you know really rigid clips are probably going to be better than this but still the clips aren't bad and it's got a pretty decent hook on it so it's going to hook onto your belt pretty well and i don't think that this thing is going to come off again i have several different canonic holsters that have come with mechanic pistols and they've all worked out just fine you know it looks like it's molded pretty well and again adjustable for retention uh thing fits in there great locks in there pretty good i don't think this thing's gonna go anywhere obviously when it comes to competition a lot of guys will really get highly modified holsters so they're not going to use just a standard kydex holster or a poly mold injected holster like this but still if this is all you have right out of the box it's it's not a bad holster whatsoever okay so now on to the star of the show which is the pistol mechanic tp9 sfx this is a 5.2 inch barreled competition ready pistol it's got a lot of great features to it some added features that you're not going to find on a standard tp9 or a tp9 elite anything like that some of the similarities obviously you're looking at a polymer frame striker fire nine millimeter it also has the tungsten gray cerakote on top right there and it's a very very nice looking gray they do a really good job on their cerakote i gotta say it's pretty strong pretty tough as a matter of fact i i drop tested some optics on the canik tp9 elite sc their sub compact model and dropped that onto some rocks and really kind of banged it up and that coating actually held up pretty good underneath that is going to be i believe it's like a melonite treatment so it does have a treatment below this and when the paint scratches off because i've dinged mine off with rocks and stuff like that it is a black finish underneath so you are still protected against rust corrosion things like that if this coating eventually does wear off but still it looks really nice so the things that are going to be different from your standard model are going to be well you have worn sights okay which is kind of typical of some of the tp9 elites and other models that kanek offers so you have the worn tactical sights but these ones are going to be all blacked out in the back so you can see they're blacked out right there and then we have a red fiber optic in front but like i showed you you do have options to change that fiber optic out so if you want to switch over to something that is green or yellow or orange or you want to use the red you can go ahead and switch that out and they give you everything that you need to do that you can go ahead and you can drift these sights if you want to for windage the rear sight is kind of interesting because the rear sight is part of the cover plate for the optics mount however it still has the dovetail so it is removable and it's adjustable so the thing about that is let's say like versus the sig m17 which has a site that is kind of affixed to that little plate right there this one right here you can always take that out replace the sights if you want to and leave the cap on but still it does come off with the cap so if you plan on running an optic with this you're going to lose that sight so you're not going to be able to get like suppressor height sights and then run the suppressor height sights co-witnessed with an optic you're going to lose that rear sight right there you can see that we do have kind of this ribbing on the top right there that's gonna it's supposed to cut down on glare and i think it would actually do a pretty good job especially with that tungsten color it is a flat color so you don't really get too much reflection but with this little ribbed texture on the top right there it's gonna keep the sunlight from gathering in one spot and then reflecting back up at you which is also good if you're running an optic it's going to help with the glare and stuff like that you can see that there are some weight relieving cuts that are located right over the slide right here you can see we have a total of four ports on either side the ports are not matched to porting in the barrel uh that was one question somebody had for me when i took a picture of this on instagram somebody asked if the barrel was ported and the barrel is not ported uh it's just a slide that's ported to kind of help reduce the the overall weight so you can see right there the barrel is completely solid now another nice thing that i like about their competition model here and again it's just first impressions and not a review i'll let you guys know how it actually runs when i get it out there but it has some extended control so like i was showing you in that little tool kit earlier you have this extended mag release right here this one's fairly large okay it's i know it's a little bit difficult to see on camera but it is a fairly large mag release again not intended for carry or anything like that it's intended for competition but it is big if it's too big for you there are those other mag releases that are located in the box you can go ahead and unscrew this one and make it a little bit more flush to the frame if you want something that's a little bit more flush also the slide stop slide release lever is going to be extended as well not sure if i can get uh the best image for you but that's actually extended out a bit so that you can reach it and manipulate this thing one-handed if you need to or just a little bit faster i mean everything about this is supposed to be about speed right you're supposed to be able to acquire the target faster stay on target better you know with the long barrel 5.2 inches you're supposed to be able to get that max velocity that you want to so if you're trying to knock over those steel targets or reach for something that's a little bit further out there you can get that max velocity and so forth so it is kind of glock 34 ish you know in the way in the way that it's designed except if you ask me there's definitely a lot more going on here out of the box than you get in a glock 34. you know the trigger on this thing is absolutely fantastic um all the cannon triggers for me have been some of the best out of the box triggers that you're going to find i mean they just feel really really nice and very smooth let me just double check here that we are clear it doesn't matter if it just came from the gun shop or not you know you still want to be safe so this thing is totally clear but uh when it comes to the trigger on these things you know the initial pull you get a little bit of a pull here kind of soft it's not gritty there's no grind or anything you just kind of come back to like the first stage and then that first stage brings you all the way back to a pretty decent wall and then your second stage kind of leads you to that break and it's a pretty nice pretty light trigger pull and then the res reset is phenomenal there's your reset right there i don't know why i did that bring a reset again and then break so the trigger is indicative of canik pistols they're great triggers right out of the box on the back here we have a striker indicator so that's going to let you know that the striker is being held back does not let you know that there is a round in the chamber so keep that in mind that is not a chamber flag that's just a striker indicator okay so uh you can take a look at the slide right there as far as the you know the milling goes we have a lot of serrations towards the back right here and there are semi-aggressive serrations and then we have some serrations up front up here these serrations are not really pronounced but towards the bottom they're pretty aggressive so if you want to do a press check before you get into that match you want to make sure that you're good to go because trust me i've done it before i don't i don't have any problem admitting it i've done it before where you hear the little beep you pull it out and go click because there's nothing in the chamber and so then you have to chamber one and then you have to keep going so uh press checks are good both in the competition world and the tactical world just to make sure that you're ready to go so what i'm going to do is i'm going to mount an optic to this thing i'm going to take it out first without anything on it run it just the way that is with the warren sights on it and then we'll switch over to red dot i'll run it with a red dot uh i use swamp fox optics red dots now that they've sent me a bunch of different ones that i still need to try out uh and i plan on running a swamp fox on this too just kind of see how everything goes and i'm excited for it um if you guys are interested in swamp fox just because we do a lot of videos for swamp fox here you can always use the discount code daily shooter and that'll save you 20 off swamp fox optics there so it's it's nice it's really nice it's just a good looking pistol with a lot of great qualities a lot of great attributes and uh for me at least it feels very ergonomic uh even just with the standard back strap now i might change out that back strap just to kind of fill up my hand a little bit more but you can see right here that when i get a proper grip placement you know there's all my fingers everything's filled up leaves me a little bit of space still to be able to fill that up with my hand not a ton but if i add that other back strap sorry for the bouncing in the camera there if i add that other back strap it should just give me a little bit more space to be able to fill this up and get everything good to go it's got uh you know squared off trigger guard it's got a little bit of texturing on the front of the trigger right there so if you're like nothing fancy and you like to wrap your big old meat hook around the front of that trigger guard you can do that but otherwise yeah i i think how do you beat that value you know under 600 bucks 550 bucks at spartan and you get the pistol two magazines you know 20 round capacity magazines which is phenomenal you got the mag loader you get the optics cut you get the mount you get to all this stuff worn tactical sights and everything else it's a great value and again that's kind of what led me to think saying something is great for the money is probably doing it a disservice because it's kind of at that budget price for what you're getting but this is not great for the money i think this is going to be based on again only based on what i've seen what i've read and what i've heard i'll have my own personal opinion built on this thing once i get a chance to shoot it but based on that and what i'm seeing here this would just be a great pistol at any price so i'm really excited to get this thing out there and try it out ammunition is a little bit short right now and i'm i'm not doing well on ammunition because i use so much of it for this channel and i do buy 95 of my guns and i do buy 99 of my ammunition so uh it all comes out of my pocket i don't know how those guys get all that free stuff sent to them but uh for me when it comes to guns and ammo i usually have to buy again 95 or 99 of all of that stuff so i'm gonna try and get on that as soon as i can we'll get that ammunition and everything squared away we'll run a thousand rounds through it i'll come back to you guys with my opinion and let you know if it's uh as good as i think it's gonna be so that's the kinect tp9 sfx i want to thank you all very much for watching i really do appreciate it please like subscribe have a great day [Music] you
Channel: The Daily Shooter
Views: 165,768
Rating: 4.9039068 out of 5
Id: 8oJiKmTWrZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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