Canik Mete MC9 feeding malfunction

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okay folks so we've got just a quick video today what we have here is the mechanic mc9 this is the one that I've just got I have put about 150 rounds through it and I've had a couple of issues this is the new one The Meta mc9 and the issues that I have had with it have been nose diving on fmjs into the feed ramp as you can see here we've got a little bit of a beveled feed ramp and you can see right there where the copper nose of the bullet has been diving into the bottom part of the feed ramp I'm going to go ahead and pull this out hopefully hopefully come on out of there there we go okay so I have not cleaned this but you can clearly see copper where they've been impacting the beveled edge of this feed ramp here foreign guessing that they had to do the feed ramp that way for tolerances within the pistol and I don't know if that is the only reason why it's doing that but it's definitely clipping the nose of the bullets now that was with a Winchester white box 115 grains so I'm going to try something heavier and see if that makes a difference I'm also going to be polishing this feed ramp to see if it makes a difference but they're hitting on the underside of it so don't know if that's uh supposed to do that or not and so far that seems to be the only issue I've had out of this but it has happened several times at this point and it just seems like it's a little bit much if it'll do it on round nose makes me wonder about hollow points but anyway we will test it some more and I will get back with you
Channel: eric lambirth
Views: 6,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FJhg23NyMk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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