Canik Mete MC9 - out of battery issue Fixed!!

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hey everyone wanted to come on here on YouTube and um explain a couple things that I discovered with uh the issue I was having with my mechanic or Janik mate mc9 so this is uh canik's new Micro Compact offering great little pistol a lot of Buzz we sold a bunch of these at our shop and what happened was I was hearing a lot about a failure to go into battery issue okay so of course being a manager at a gun store I had to see for myself so I purchased the firearm and took it to the range and discovered in the first four magazines I was getting the same issue I was getting a failure to go into battery after a couple shots it would kind of stop like this okay your indicator is live okay that's your Striker ready indicator okay that little pin is going to show you that it's so I thought it was in battery and ready to shoot but really it was just like this and what happened was when you pull it goes forward like that and nothing happens obviously it doesn't strike your round and it does not fire okay so at that point it becomes a dead trigger and you'd have to eject the round out and continue shooting once in a while it it would stop just like that just short of going into a battery and when you shot it became a dead trigger that round did not fire on me I did not get any light strikes all right so let me show you a couple things that I had discovered as you can see this firearm is in stock I had already swapped out the stock trigger for a freedom Smith trigger and if you guys wanted to see the pre-travel is amazing okay so gone is that long pre-travel on that soccer the soccer is already pretty good um but reset some medium okay so and also 407k from hollison those are the only two upgrades that I I did on this gun so let's break it down and I wanted to show you a couple of things that I did and um what I found out okay so pertains to the frame um but let me start by saying I took the barrel okay and at our store I do a lot of the Gunsmithing with the barrel I found that polishing your feed ramp and this is going to be a little bit hard to see but into the chamber just a little bit makes it a lot smoother and easier for your round to go in okay so I wanted to just rule that out and make sure that the rounds are going in nice and easy okay so polish that including this little Edge right here okay so I made sure there's those were all polished okay another thing I wanted to make sure was the extractor okay so the extractor right here if it's got any kind of Burr you might get issues with the round slipping you know in from underneath or um you know kind of clamping onto your your nine millimeter okay so it's real simple to take off you can you can see this little plunger pin right here if you push in on that now you want to keep your finger over the safety plunger push in on this little pin right behind the safety plunger okay if you push in on that you're going to be able to pull out the extractor okay keep your finger there I'm gonna go ahead and pull out the extractor okay there's your extractor spring okay that comes out pretty easily you just dig that out I wish I had a smaller pin punch here's your safety plunger that comes right out and there's that PIN in there that's spring loaded as well that holds your extractor okay so I wanted to take out the extractor and examine that took a little file and made sure this Edge was nice and smooth and there were no Burrs there okay so that's another thing that I do just to quality control and check my firearms okay so I made sure that was nice and smooth and no Burrs behind that extractor okay now one of the biggest things that I found was related to the frame okay what happened was I wanted to just kind of run my finger across the rails okay and find out why it wasn't going into battery and this is what I found if you hold your gun sideways I found that the plastic back here okay and the plastic right here behind the Locking block all right that plastic had burrs that were higher than this rail they were sticking upward okay right here and back here near the rear of the frame okay so there were some Burrs back here and what I what I did was I took a little file and made sure all those Burrs were off okay so shave those down on the front and in the rear just kind of shave those down flat and as you can see it's pretty flat now right here okay after that took it back to the range and I was happy to report that this morning I shot 500 rounds through the gun without a single hiccup no more issues with the going into battery I shot hollow point fmjs 124 147 grain everything worked perfect after that so I hope that helps with uh you know with your issues if you're getting failure to go into battery take the slide off and check this plastic right here it's a real simple fix get a little file or even a blade and just kind of shave that plastic off a little bit you know don't go too deep you're not going to hurt the gun you're not going to avoid any warranties because they won't know all right um just check the plastic over here on your frame okay just these black plastic parts okay right here and back here just make sure there are no Burrs there hanging up the slide from going forward so hope that helps check that first and um and see if that helps with your issues take care
Channel: Albert Yau
Views: 8,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: agY1zNqrPIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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