I have the coronavirus. This is my story.

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hello everyone so a couple of days ago I received a phone call and I was told that I tested positive for the corona virus and to be honest I didn't really want to make a video about it but I'm doing it for a couple of reasons the first reason is to let you all know that I'm fine and I'm healthy and and the second reason is also just to share my experiences of having the virus just just in case it helps anybody so so basically at the beginning of March from the from the second until the 7th of March I was in Italy fought for work I was in Torino Torinos in the north of Italy it's very close to Lombardi which was at that time Lombardi in Italy was already completely locked down nobody in or out and they had they had you know a lot of people already dying from from the virus but that even then even even during that moment when I was in Torino everything was basically normal I ate out at restaurants every day I went to bars I was working in an office with lots of other people obviously I caught aeroplanes public transport everything was was just normal and and then when on the 7th of March when I when I came back to to Spain this this was on my aeroplane seat like I kept it and it basically says if you're travelling from an affected area which obviously Italy was affected if you don't have any symptoms you can go about your daily life family work leisure and school monitor your health for the following 14 days after I think from affected areas and if during that period of time we developed symptoms of acute respiratory infection such as fever or cough or shortness of breath then stay at home and dial one one two and I think that on reflection so I've basically been I basically left left Italy about a month ago on reflection it's incredible to think how how bad the the how bad our understanding of the virus was and also how bad were the the the measures to control the virus and even now based on what happened to me I think it's not it's not not not adequate so I only started to develop symptoms about 14 days after I got back from Italy obviously I don't know when exactly I was I was infected but yeah it was it was almost certainly when I was in Italy because thankfully because of my job you know I work alone I don't work with anybody else in the office I'm I'm kind of a solitary person so I spend all day in front of a computer thankfully when and when I got back from Italy I had very limited contact with people I went to the supermarket you know I I went to my local my local cafe to have coffee but apart from that you know very little contact and the the thought and this is this is something which which troubles me now you know the thought that you know you know I followed this this government advice you know and I I you know at that time people were behaving come normally you know even even in the north of Italy you know the thought that I could for those two weeks you know the thought that I could have been infecting other people is just it's just horrific to me you know I mean thankfully I wasn't teaching any classes you know but yeah I don't know maybe maybe I didn't affect people I don't know in the supermarket maybe I touched something in the supermarket you know maybe I I touched a coffee cup German and and just the the I the idea that that maybe you know I've infected other people and someone will die as a result it's just it's just it's a horrific thought yeah it's not it's a lot of nice feeling so anyway for the past since since I developed symptoms I I had a really basically really bad to kind of head infection so my sinuses were blocked I had incredible headaches even now after two weeks I still have headaches I had a headache yesterday I've got a headache right now right behind my eyes I've had a constant slot completely blocked sore throat but I never developed any of the three symptoms that are that are on this paper I never developed any of the three symptoms that that you see on the internet I never developed a cough I never had fever and I never had any breathing problems which obviously I'm really happy about because I don't think that there's anything more terrifying than not being able to breathe and and especially for me because I have inhalers because I am I have seasonal allergies so when when the plants start to pollinate I have sometimes breathing problems I have also in the past suffered from high blood pressure you know I'm 41 years old you know I'm a good I'm a good candidate to get really sick I'm a good candidate to to go into hospital and and maybe even die and so obviously I feel really lucky that I was not affected in a serious way by the virus but having said that you know even though I wasn't you know affected seriously I was in bed for two weeks it's definitely the sickest that I've ever been in in my in my adult life anyway as a child I don't know but I've definitely never been this sick as an adult I wouldn't I wouldn't recommend it gonna give it maybe two out of ten so now I'm in quarantine I'm not allowed to leave this this room that I'm in I'm separated from my family I can't see my son or my wife which my wife is quite quite happy about but it's only for two weeks and obviously there are there are people who are in a much worse situation and and yeah it's it definitely gives you anxiety to to know that you have the the virus and to think that you know you could end up in a place where you might be in a hospital room isolated all alone and you can't even have anybody next to you who you love you know you might die alone that's just horrible and that's happening so the final thing I want to say is that um is that you need to listen to the people who really know about this so epidemiologists you know virus experts people who really understand pandemics understand how viruses work how they spread they're the people that we should be listening to it's very clear that that politicians have other agendas and there's lots of misinformation out there so I will say that you know in don't listen to me okay I'm not an expert in viruses but all I can say is that seven days of quarantine is not enough 14 days maybe not even be enough I mean I've been back almost a month and I tested positive only a few days ago so so yeah stay inside only have contact with other humans if it's life or death situation if you need food or you know medication and that's it protect yourself protect your family yes that's it so now I'm going to do what everybody else does when they in quarantine I'm going to shave my head I don't really have anything going to give myself a haircut I'm gonna make some funny cat videos gonna just read books study and do work so unfortunately because I'm because I'm quarantined that means that I cannot do any live classes I don't have the technology to do that but I will be I will be making some YouTube videos here from my from my isolation space so I'll be uploading some videos very soon so thanks very much for listening thank you for your your love and support and please stay safe lots of love bye guys
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 263,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i have coronavirus, i tested positive for coronavirus, covid-19, coronavirus symptoms, storytime
Id: yu52yAm3Q2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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