Candid Camera Classic: You're Downgraded

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[Music] yourself [Music] did you get any good upgrades this week you know upgrades like when the car rental company says you've been upgraded to a bigger model or when the airline upgrades you to first class now that's a great upgrade but perhaps the most frequent upgrades take place at large hotels we sent our crew to this Embassy Suites in Santa Clara California Chris is behind the desk so let's watch what kind of rooms have you got they were short on summer we need two double beds uh it says here that you had a suite with two beds for one night and they downgraded you to a I don't want to go the other way yeah oh no I'm sure yeah upgrades yeah all the time but this time they downgraded you from a suite with two beds to a single room with one bed a small business what's wrong with the two beds um you know it doesn't say what they did with it I'm sure they upgraded somebody else what does that mean uh you have a single room I know but why did we get downgraded you know everybody gets something you know either upgraded again you guys just kept me ungraded today what do you mean by downgrading if we came here for two beds we need two beds okay go downgrade someone else it's manager uh yeah I'm the acting manager manager well who down those are the two basic questions and what's the difference in price uh there is no difference in price who downgraded us and what those are the two questions you need to answer or we're out of here usually a downgrade is because we've upgraded somebody else oh without advising us right why would you give our room away anywhere to upgrade somebody else right downgrade us yeah we upgraded somebody knows from anything um that was something ridiculous well it's the same thing as upgrading someone degrading somebody it's not the same it's reverse it's the other side the other Spectrum here's upgrading that's good this downgrading that's bad and it looks like we went ahead and downgraded you downgraded how can you downgrade from a studio two double beds with no living room how can you downgrade you don't get any bathrooms I used to stay here close I think you understand right um I'm not sure what you're trying to say um we need two beds but it's not acceptable it's not acceptable no not even for television not even for time we don't care about television television you know like the Candid Camera television show if you look right over there and smile you're on Candid Camera you're kidding no this is the Candid Camera television show I thought you were nuts like that we're gonna raise hell if both of you look right over there and smile no way get out of here get out of here no no no no you are kidding get out of here I'm gonna put you back in your Suite and I'm also going to have you look over there and smile because you're both on Candid Camera no way didn't you think that one woman added a nice visual touch you know she said upgrades are here you see downgrades are down here that's it [Music]
Channel: Candid Camera Classics
Views: 121,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Candid Camera, Hotel downgrades, Hotels, Peter Funt
Id: oMtMRc-b2n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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