Candid Camera Gold: Car in a Tree

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[Music] auto mechanics will probably not soon forget a brief experience they had when they answered an emergency call and arrived to see a lady driver with a little problem here's the way the problem looked this is the lady driver and here is where her car was perched now we call a mechanic and he answers a call and comes to a particular dress and he's looking for a car and now he sees it and now he's going to tell bob about his reaction the way we can help her out or something you're a puzzle i don't want to do well i usually don't find him on the tree yeah i didn't think of that but you're a gas man aren't you yeah but uh well can't you help me your best bets call somebody with the recording lift you down i don't want to [Music] the next mechanic who arrived you have to watch this closely it's just a second he drives up to the spot he turns his eye in a direction and he kept on going he never stopped oh how'd you do that i didn't do that she did that she hit a bunk oh women drivers but look at that she must have really been trying to ask me how fast how fast were you going i think about 50. 50 to get up here look like you flew what'd you say oh she look like she's slew i've never seen nothing like that in my life oh yeah i'm sure this says emergency service right yeah you can fix anything that's best road service that's on the ground mother in the air how long have you been driving oh yeah i never seen nothing like that you've been driving over here you must have a hint you can give her i don't know i i don't know what to tell her oh this is the first time i ever drove this kind of car this is my boyfriend's car i don't know what to do with it you better get ahold of your boyfriend then i think because you're in trouble you better get your parachute i wish my boss could see this because he'd never believe it wait a second your boss can see this take this off he'll be able to see it on television what do you mean on television you'll be able to see it on sunday night on candid camera oh you're kidding me you
Channel: Candid Camera Gold
Views: 20,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Candid Camera, Allen Funt, Car gags, Vintage TV
Id: vD88NQK2728
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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