Candid Camera Classic: ATM Roulette

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[Music] yourself [Music] we flew our crew to beautiful South Lake Tahoe Nevada to Harvey's Resort Hotel Casino here's Harvey's and they do a lot of gambling here so many people withdraw money from the ATM in the lobby here's a guy withdrawing two hundred dollars and pretty soon he hears from the voice of the ATM machine Let's listen welcome to Tahoe's ATM roulette Tahoe's hottest game now we've withdrawn 200 from your bank account and in just a few seconds you'll find out whether you're a winner in ATM roulette round and round she goes at Tahoe's most exciting ATM game and uh too bad a 200 Loser on machine number six would you like to make another wager all I wanted to do was get my money out of the machine right but we you've wagered two hundred dollars we've charged that to your credit card and you are not a winner sir would you like to play again I just wanted to get money out of the machine yes but you've lost that 200 did you want a double or nothing no can I stop this no the wheel is spinning on Tahoe's hottest game ATM roulette have you ever played ATM roulette no I didn't want to well it's very convenient you see you simply withdraw money from your bank account savings or checking and a bet is automatically placed on Tahoe's hottest game I can't stop it no the wheel is already turning your sixty Dollar Bet is down you could be a big winner we've had winners of several hundred dollars I'm sorry we do not have a winner on machine number six would you like to place another bet ma'am no I didn't know it doesn't say anything here oh gee everyone who comes to talk I don't get the 60 I'm in a suit I'm gonna suit this to this place I don't bet 200 on anything did you did The Voice come on after I after I put my um my my money my card in they told me to give me my number asked me how much I want it out of what place to take it and I told them I wanted 200 yeah that was me who told you that I want I want I did not get 198 I mean I didn't bet any I thought this was an ATM machine it is an ATM machine it's brand new it's called ATM roulette it's the hottest game in top it's not hot I wouldn't I don't bet I mean I I did didn't you come to Child Mode a bit I play nickel machines well let's just think of it as a lot of nickels no think of it as like 200 worth of nickels no I thought this was an ATM to withdraw 20 so I could go buy a beer and have dinner I had no intention to gamble here in an environment that has no drills and Spills so it's like the sky's the limit this is your machine yeah I want my twenty dollars back when I was speaking computer voice I I was yes I I function here as the voice of the computer and I'm also the host of candid camera I don't care did you hear what I just said I'm the host of the Candid Camera show and if you look right over there and smile you're on camera nickel of your hard-earned money shut up what was a little Richard saying there at the end shut up yeah shut up it's a contemporary figure of speech yeah I kind of like that don't get any ideas shut up it will be right back [Music]
Channel: Candid Camera Classics
Views: 95,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ATMs, Candid Camera, Gambling, Lake Tahoe, Peter Funt, Reno, Roulette
Id: qb16248N9BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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