Candid Camera Gold: Man vs. Shelves

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thank you [Music] I measure the shells on this these planks of wood and cut them and just place them there then I'll come back and take them downstairs to be painted all right any problem no sir okay fine I'll see you later and also this one this one over here those are all done right here all right now our friend is going to measure the bookshelf and he's got the exact measurement for himself now he goes to the board lays it out nice and carefully on the board and this looks easy he's gonna saw off the board and now while he's doing his sewing you'll keep your eye on the bookshelf [Music] and now that ought to do pretty well let's see now foreign ERS of an inch I think maybe he's now a little distrustful of the ruler you see the ruler must have been wrong so instead of measuring it in numbers he's going to mark it on the rule I wonder if you've ever done that you know just put a little Mark right on the ruler and are you where you can't miss you take that Mark you transfer to the board and you never even have to worry about whether it was 23 inches 22 inches just make the marks meet well he might have used a t-square but he's going to use the ruler and now he's in the money all you have to do now is uh see now that's right so once again you keep your eye on the bookshelf [Music] just a little bit not much ah we're ready again we have something away imagine maybe the first one fits this one no one's one maybe turn it the other way the bookshelf isn't Square am I not funny now he's gonna mock it right on the board that's don't trust the rule at all mark it on the board oh he gets the road you can imagine as he works it he's thinking to himself you know this new Lumber it's all sort of wet and it shrinks but this time I'm getting it I'm going to surround it I'll cut so many boards always going to be super careful this time he's going to use a t-square Melody it's been so long since and you need a couple of boobs uh is the shop all done I can take it down have a pan if it's ready wait no I want to cut it two more um you know oh I see because the paint shop is closing in about 10 minutes and I got to get these downstairs okay we'll be back with you no I'm sorry [Music] how can you imagine him saying they gotta rush me too you know I haven't got enough trouble without being rushed now look at the bookshelf just a little bit but this time it can't miss because I use the board as a measure once you use a board as a measure you're in um we made sure to have plenty of Knotty Pine around there bro he's going to use a board to make his mark and this time for a little while for a little for a little while we're gonna leave the bookshelf at the same measure see [Music] After all you've got to give a man some encouragement now watch this he's got it now slips it right into place and it fits like a glove funny the way that thing didn't fit before now he's got his master void he's here now I can cut them all that way and I tell you it's always the first one that's hard you know once you've got it made same measure the same thing that twins those two boards are just about as much alike as you can make two boys let me see now let me measure with the other one I had here the same size exactly let me imagine them both together maybe they'll fit see this is the one that was too big let's put that one aside this was the same size still too big crack it up they say try it once more Now by this time look at the lumber he has you know there's one from before almost made it he's got 22 and a half inches 21 and a half inches 23 and a half inches and one of them fits look at that and that was before or maybe that's the end of a board he cut off and never intended to you the size of nine that's too big now this is a here's a man who really feels confident you know at least he's got one board that fits and as he turns his back now he's going to show you all the boards he's cut here you got to see that come up with a very nice neat pile foreign
Channel: Candid Camera Gold
Views: 184,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Allen Funt, Book shelves, Candid Camera, Carpentry, Vintage TV
Id: 3OknkaCbKW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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