Can You Wall Off an Entire Town in Project Zomboid

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in Project zomo one of your first objectives is to find a base to live in and defend and most people settle for a nice house on the edge of town while some others choose to live in solitude in a nice Cabin in the Woods a smaller portion of people may even build a house from scratch but then there's this other group some may call them undesirables but I call them my kind of people and these people aren't satisfied of just a simple home to live in and store their loot they need more and when I say more I don't mean a couple extra side bases no no no I mean an entire [ __ ] town and that's why today we're going to see if it's possible to completely wack to make your base in project zomboid but first we're on the road to 50K subscribers so if you want to help get us there go down and subscribe it will be a huge help but now let's talk about making a town your base so is it possible well yes this game lets you do whatever you want including spending an ungodly amount of time Walling off an entire town but the question isn't really is it possible instead it's is it plausible see all you need to do is turn off zombie respawn go out there and gather a large amount of supplies you'll need to pull this off and then go destroy an entire ecosystem and start building then after a week you might actually be done and you can kill off all the zombies IES inside your walls and Bam you have an entire town to yourself but the thing is doing this is kind of like running to the edge of the map in Minecraft you know you can do it but you know you also want to have a girlfriend before the age of 40 and these two things can't exactly coexist so is it plausible well unless you consider genociding an entire species of trees plausible I'm going to have to say no but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try it in debug mode at least sorry but between this college and my crippling addiction to rock League I wish I was joking I just do not have the time to RW dog this and do it without cheats so I'm going just spawn in a little bit of this and a little bit of that and I'm G to see how much time and resources this takes me now while doing this keep in mind that I'm skipping the entire Gathering and transporting resources process so however long this takes I'd say double that time and that might be an accurate number to how long this would take you now obviously as a solo player this isn't a great way to spend your time unless you're just doing it for fun for one person building up a singular house is more than enough but let's say you're playing multiplayer and have a group of maybe five or more people anything below five and I'd say you be F off a house or two but if you have five or more doing this might actually not be a bad idea the time it would take will be greatly reduced and if you're playing on a server you will be the top dogs no one's going to want to mess with the group who made an entire town their base but really quickly let me talk about a big con of doing this any walls you build are destructible and building such a large perimeter will mean it's pretty much impossible to defend at all so there will be many times where a small horde might break through and you won't even realize it then you have to clear the zombies and get more resources to fill the breach so even if a large group of people this will be challenging but let's go ahead and see how long this took me and how many resources I had to go through and also I'm doing this in Rosewood because I mean well come on I know mraw in the thumbnail but it's just too damn long like whoever built this town was like all right so you know how towns are like kind of squarish and rectangular but what if we just did that but then stretched it way out so yeah Rosewood it is and after doing this while watching YouTube shorts like a true iPad kid I have the dece that takes 1 Hour 1 minute and 13 Seconds To Wall off all Rosewood well at least this section of Rosewood because I am a dumbass and I made my turn too early and missed half the town I used 2732 logs and rip sheets and if we take into account the area of the town I missed I would say you need probably more like 6,000 logs and sheets and it would take probably an extra hour if I didn't miss half the town and I also need to add in the time to gather 6,000 logs and sheets and transporting them around the entire town each tree gives you on average four logs so that's 1,500 trees you need to brutally murder and then most clothing items give you about four rip sheets so you need to find and rip up, 1500 pieces of clothing doing both those things will probably take longer than actually building the walls so I'm going to say that's an extra 5 hours of work and honestly it may take even longer so adding all that together it will take you about 7 hours to wall Rosewood and that is a very crude estimate so don't be surprised if it takes even longer so yeah doing this solo is possible but a very big commitment attempting this of a group would make it a lot more plausible and probably more fun so I'd recommend doing it that way but honestly this is something I've wanted to try without cheats so maybe one day I can do a live stream where I actually attempt doing this so if you guys want to see that let me know in the comments but anyways thank you all so much for watching and I will see you all in the next one
Channel: Spoodle
Views: 77,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OlMpPlQQjU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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