Can you trade for EVERY 1st Round Pick?

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what's going on guys bengal again here coming back at you with another video back on madden it's been a little bit since i've actually recorded a madden video they decided to put in this big patch today and all a franchise was just gone for hours and hours and hours i actually wake up early for once i said that weird i wake up early i get on and they're like franchise isn't a thing right now and i i'm like okay i guess uh there goes my day don't know what i'm doing now so it's five o'clock of course and we're finally recording hit that subscribe button if you're new this is kind of a weird video it's getting every first-round pick challenge so a couple of things are going to happen one everyone on this box team is going to be traded basically i decided that the bucks have a lot of talent all throughout their lineup their whole roster so i can move guys and get first round picks somewhat easily i'm gonna have to work the system a lot but we're trying to get all 32 first round picks in the first round like i could have done the jets to get two first rounders or the dolphins but those rosters don't necessarily have the trade pieces that i think this box team does so i think this is gonna put us off to a pretty good start trying to get 32 first round picks in one year it's gonna kill our cap for the future but it's not really a rebuild so much as it is just like a challenge and then seeing what happens over uh i guess they're rookie contracts maybe we'll do like four years or something like that but uh yeah should be guaranteed to drive some star better development players which is nice and i guess i'll see you guys when we jump into it hit that subscribe button if you're not subscribed already support's been crazy lately we're pushing towards 300k it feels like just yesterday i hit 250 and we're already knocking on the door of 265 270 i mean it's such a crazy number to me and that of course is all thanks to you guys and your support so appreciate you guys and yeah let's finally jump into it i said let's jump into it like two minutes ago and all right so this entire team is going to be pillaged it's going to be completely destroyed and it feels really bad to get rid of some of these players like tristan warfs is a rookie's up to an 85 overall he's been incredible it wouldn't shock me if he was an all-pro as a rookie i know that seems crazy because you think hey justin jefferson probably going to do that if anyone would as a rookie but i think tristan works definitely could be an all-pro but it doesn't matter because between him ronald jones tom brady ali marpitt antonio brown mike evans chris godwin jemele dean carlton davis sean murphy bunting shaq barrett you get it the entire lineup tire roster is gone well for the most part all we have to do is get every first round pick and i think it will take decimating the entire team so let's get to it so the first trade is tom brady oj howard and a second round pick of course we don't need rounds two through seven we don't need a first rounder next year so those things if need be will be on the move we're getting two first round picks back from the jets and i guess we'll just keep on working in the and get more like we have a lot to go i'm not even sure if we're gonna be able to have all 32. i remember doing this probably like three or four years ago i made a video which seems crazy to even say but three or four years ago i made a video and i don't think it let me get all 32 but we're going to try cameron braid and steve mcclendon gets me a first rounder from the patriots we could have sent gronk back but that's too good of a storyline we'll trade him somewhere else what about the lions you guys remember that rumor they don't want him that's not true they do want him no tj hawkinson he's no gronk lavonte david a current seven and a current third for number seven projected overall from the lions so again like we're just getting rid of the entire roster here and in no particular order which is gonna come back to bite me when i can't figure out which team has a first round or who doesn't mike evans devin white for first and the third i think i could turn that third next year into a first this year if need be we just kind of gave up a lot of value there mike evans was not as valuable as i anticipated jason pierre paul and ali marpett to the bengals for a first ryan jensen vida veya to the broncos for number three overall projected see i don't understand how this doesn't go through i think if a team who needs a tackle who's top needed to right tackle 85 overall rookie right tackle with a good development trait for number two they would do that throwing alex kappa decent youngish starting right guard how would they not do that trade like i don't know that's not the most ridiculous example clearly of the trade system being stupid but uh i think it does work because listen how often do we see tackles go very very high in the draft pretty often and now you have one of the youngest overall players in the league in tristan wharfs one of the highest rated rookies if not the highest rated rookie i'd have to compare with justin jefferson and the bears with a projected top pick in the draft wouldn't trade a first rounder for him when right tackle was their biggest need i find that ridiculous jefferson's uh one higher overall at 86 who else would be very high chase young would be from football team he is he is what an 85 yeah so worse is one of the highest rated rookies in the league and for good reason he's been exceptional i don't know we all know trade logic is completely busted not just for that reason but for a lot jack barrett mike edwards and donovan smith for a first this year and a second next year again i think i could turn that second next year into a first this year if need be here's a little update we have a decent amount of picks that's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten right now so we're about a third of the way through and we've gone through a decent bit of our trade value certainly not all of it i think it's gonna end up coming down to signing free agents and using them as trade pieces well that went up just straight through okay chris godwin for a first antonio brown and ross cockerell for a first rounder from the vikings so we're doing a pretty good job right now i would say of course giving up a lot of value but it's it's not about that it's about the potential returns so the bills can't even afford gronk broncos we already have their first round or the cardinals they don't have tight end as a big need that's part of how i'm trying to make these trades to see who might have the biggest need in these guys from their top three but tight end you're usually not gonna find up there too often however the panthers we do we haven't traded with yet do have them as one of their top needs we should be able to get that first rounder pretty easily if we can add kevin minter and have any type of value he pushes the needle a little bit strong safety we have jordan whitehead oh andrew adams has green value i can take minor out of there and then it's just straight gronk andrew adams for number nine overall you know what the move is is moving sue to d tackle and then trading him to the raiders should boost his overall and boost their interest in him and dama can sue anthony nelson anthony i don't know he doesn't matter second round pick next year for a first and a first next year from the raiders again i think i can package that first rounder next year into a first rounder this year if i need to kevin minner and sean murphy bunting to the browns for a first rounder of course some of these i just get surprised when they're accepted straight up versus the ones that aren't however carlton davis for a first rounder to the colts jamel dean william gulstan and rakim nunez roches to the falcons for a first rounder and a fourth rounder like not an amazing return it was tough to package some of these players and it is still going to be we don't really have a ton of value left on the roster and most of them seem to be running backs somehow three out of there our top like 10 remaining or all running backs scotty miller lesean mccoy and a seventh for a first rounder from the packers dan packers just got their aaron jones replacement and a big weapon at receiver it's a great trade for them rojo a fourth this year a third next year for a first from the dolphins now the dolphins do have another first round pick courtesy of the houston texans so we need to acquire that as well antoine winfield a fourth and a third next year for a first from the dolphins so dolphins are clear out so who do we even have remaining bradley pinyon in my opinion probably not gonna have a ton of trade value we're down to a 64 overall we have 100 mil in cap space and we have what is this one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 of 32 first round pick so far so we have 12 teams to go and let's go ahead and find out who those are bills are one of them leonard fournette and a future two for a first-rounder from the bills i don't know why the bills have green interest in leonard fournette because they have devin singletary and fournette is a 77 overall i get to use a power back maybe that fits their scheme in the game but it doesn't even i'm not sure why they had green interest in him that is a little weird jordan whitehead first round pick next year fourth rounder next year for a first rounder this year and a third next year from the eagles we are like scraping the bottom of the barrel right now trying to trade any of these guys but the value is low it's they don't have green value like i could see kishon vaughn only having value because he's a running back but the other two players ryan smith tyler johnson not gonna have value from any team keyshawn vaughn and a first runner next year for a first rounder this year from the titans and now i gotta dive in a free agency because we're 62 overall there's no trade value earl thomas might have some colin kaepernick maybe just because he's a quarterback so we'll see just signed a bunch of players so we're gonna try and trade those guys for first round picks earl thomas a future third rounder and a current fifth rounder for a first-rounder from the cardinals we're almost to the end palau powell tony jefferson to the cowboys for a first we're up to a 70 overall after signing a bunch of free agents we're so close i just got to finish and uh get all these picks colin kaepernick darren lee haha clinton dicks cannot get me a first round pick because i'm getting an error message that one of the draft picks offered by the buccaneers which is not any of them by the way we're not offering a draft pick it's apparently no longer available to be traded so i'm not sure if we've hit the limit on first round picks because i can't get any of them yeah i just don't think i can get any first round picks anymore so i think i'll just have to try and figure something out during the actual draft we have quite a few of them we have quite a few if i go to uh trade center we'll count them again so to my knowledge we have 25 first round picks i could have miscounted counting is not really my strong suit that's not one of the skills i've developed yet but that's pretty much all i got for you we're gonna simulate to the off season i'll sign free agents and i will trade guys to get all 32 first rounders but some of these trades might have to happen on draft day not going to resign anybody just will work in free agency it's not like we had anyone really good at or starting caliber anyway but we might make some offers and free agents to try to bring some of these guys in like maybe even chris godwin man what if he was on this team that'd be something so the biggest issue that we're running into at the moment is the cap penalties for trading all the players i just traded were so large that we actually have no cap room so it's not listed here but we have no money we're in kind of a rough spot chris godwin rejected our contract so i don't know who we can bring in that we'll have any trade value we got xavier rhodes i also made an offer on mike davis i guess he's not interested and we actually can't do anything in uh in free agency oh my god so we have the first not the second third fourth fifth sixth seventh blah blah blah picks in the draft we have to figure out a way to get number two and i don't know how that's gonna be we have 115 million cap room now but as you'll notice i don't exactly have the most trade value at the moment so this could be a little difficult the jags have two first rounders i never did a trade with them that's something so because free agency's locked i have no idea how i'm gonna go about doing this it might just be impossible i have no trade value okay so it seems like we're working backwards here but i'm trying to take you know a step back to go two steps forward okay so xavier rhodes a sixth rounder next year and a first runner this year guesses in dominican su julian love and xavier mckinney and i need to make a trade with the jaguars they needed to de-tackle and i think also they might have an interest in one of our safeties and they do so julian love could be on the move here got to back out to make that register but i think we should be able to get number two overall we definitely can't get every first round pick i just don't think there's a way okay and dominican sue jordan love not jordan love i knew i was gonna do it i always do that julian love number 32 overall this year for number two and devon hamilton devon hamilton i'd like to send to somebody for a first rounder i'm doing my best to get every pick it's just pretty difficult as you can imagine tyler johnson straight up for deandre swift okay that's not too bad all right i have i have no idea how we're gonna do it i don't think it's possible but this is the draft class i'm seeing for the first time so as far as our future quarterback search goes they all are terrible so that sucks but let me go ahead and scout this class it doesn't seem overly good if i'm honest i'm gonna say that this draft class really doesn't look that good at least on paper but of course we're gonna see because we're just gonna start taking these guys the goal is to get every first round pick and i mean take every player and build a team but i'm just not sure that it's doable it doesn't really matter where we take guys because you know we got to take 32 first-rounders anyway at least we're going to try it's not going to be possible but let's just start taking guys i guess keyshawn wayne is the first pick nothing like taking a safety number one overall he's only 73 86 speed nice zone coverage 83 hit power he's a box safety it's really what it is doesn't really offer a lot in the way of athleticism or cover abilities coverage is not terrible but more of a box guy not terrible manu elias will be pick number two also normaldev 74 overall he's pretty solid across the board decent speed decent route running pretty good catching he's just very very solid number three overall let's just continue the theme of taking positions that don't belong being taken that high in tight end kenny adams also a 74 overall number five in the class sticking with three the fact that a 74 overall is the fifth highest player in the class concerns me a bit he's got decent speed and catching good catching traffic not a whole lot to like there though number four overall we're going to continue this the theme this time with the center steve upshaw number three in the class 75 overall normal dev man we got super unlucky with this draft glass imagine if it was stacked and we got all these guys that would be really nice but you know he's he's okay normal dev of course as the giants pick as the next team uh let's go keegan montgomery here finally a star dev player number six in the class took a number five 81 tackle he is what doesn't he seems like a hybrid type player but they're calling him a pass rushing linebacker his finesse moves and power moves are not crazy high coverage is not particularly good or bad like 61 is just kind of like meh decent tackling number six overall will go with the corner and dom boykin out of penn state number seven we took him at number six not really a cover guy he's got decent speed well better better than decent speed he's got 94 speed that's very solid nice man but overall not too great this draft class kind of sucks k levon shivers out of notre dame he is the number one overall player in the draft class at 77 overall the other receiver is uh pretty comparable in my opinion kayla von's just a little bit better in every attribute where the other one looked more well-rounded i would say but of course he's a higher overall by like three and the best player we can possibly take so it does not bode well for the rest of this class sydney bridges is the last one that i know is an early first round talent at lsu 76 overall of course also normal development number two in the class we took him at number eight he i don't know what he is either he's not a great pass rusher he certainly can't cover he's a run stop re tackles well cool let's go with back to back guards here at number nine we'll go nick wilkins out of texas hook him horns number 10 in the draft took him at number nine he's got decent strength okay run blocking looks pretty bad not gonna lie to you he's got very odd distribution of attributes we're like run block finesse is super high and lead block is strength is pretty good impact blocking's high but can't run block really or pass block offers you finesse some places other places not so much power some places other not so much only 64 speed weird player and then we'll go greg stovall here out of oregon 73 overall as well he's number 12 in the class a little bit more well balanced but looks fairly similar to the last guard this one just on the opposite side and now we don't pick for a little bit so we'll see what the giants do i just can't get every first round pick it's not possible so we have number 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 and then 25 27 we can't see the rest right now or maybe that's just it we're gonna go back to back linebackers here chauncey walker number 19 took him at 13 only normal dev 88 speed is pretty great 81 tackle coverage is not too bad offers some pretty good hit power as well i could see him being decent jaguar is now here at 14. this draft class is just ass this is the worst possible draft class i could have gotten for this video because everyone sucks pretty badly luke raymond not much of a route runner but does catch the football pretty well at number 16 we'll go with a running back malik overstreet 73 overall number 15 took him at 16. another just well balanced guy there's no superstar in this draft class there are decent players that can help out a team and that's it mike galloway here another hidden guy finally what is this number two out of all of our picks so far he can't cover anybody and his apparent uh style is coverage lb for his trade well let me tell you his style of covering guys is not working he's got 40 zone coverage and 52 man can't rush the passer but he does tackle pretty well number 18 michael schwartz number 13 took him at 18. normal dev great speed great tackle coverage isn't too good but overall that speed tackling acceleration pursuit you got to like what you see with that go von copeland here and von copeland is a 72 overall normal dev good speed nice zone coverage decent hit power i'm only taking one corner we'll go with another here carl winters is a 71 overall of course normal development 87 speed 72 man 65 zone i feel like so disappointed not just for you guys but just in general that this draft class is so so bad for this video it's just killing me like we could take some tight ends they're late first round guys i don't really care about them yo dalvin haywood here out of washington 72 overall normal development number 22 took my number 21 and uh you know has pretty good speed decent zone decent hit power everything's just decent that's the nicest thing i can say about any of these guys nothing like a backup running back 71 overall juwan albert is ranked number 30 in the class took him at 22. a bit faster he's just less well balanced but more of an athlete than the last running back we took i mean should we take the tight ends we don't need them we don't need them i don't know what else to take though man these players suck so badly dustin klein second round guy number 69 we are well overall nice edward jersey number 69. very cool he's number 52 and we took him at 23. i don't know man like there's no real good player we can take unless we take a tight end and they're like also not good not like we can take a tackle they all suck every tackle is projected or not even projected but they're undrafted and true skill every right tackle as well none of these tackles are draftable quality jesus we don't know anything about the centers brooks mcallister had a great combine we're going to take them 70 overall number 38 in the classroom with 25 normal dev looks pretty good honestly looks pretty good 49ers at 26. we pick a 27. i don't know what to take d tackle they all suck also maybe craig cotton will be good doubt it nope 69 number 55 of the classroom with 27. he's got high strength power moves is good but really not much of a block shedding d tackle not great against the run tony bennett goes bernie i'm not even going to try on that one how tailing is a gh silent huffling lord help me if i know i have no idea number 30 now in the class or in the draft probably takes beyond number 30 in the class you don't know where any of the first round guys are outside of a tight end you know maybe we're going to be a team that runs three tight ends joaquin cruz number 21 took him at 30. he's got normal development good speed though looks quite a bit like the first tight end we took and then i guess my last pick will be a tight end as well jamie pricinski out of south carolina 73 overall number 14 in the classroom with 31 82 speed 77 catching good acceleration good catching traffic and i guess that's gonna do it for the draft we tried to get every first round pick i'm glad they didn't let me honestly i'm glad they didn't let me because wow having to sit through and draft 70 overall players i wanted to just end it like they were so terrible i maybe have not seen a worse draft class the entire year and of course i get it in the video where i'm trying to get every first round pick so this is the team of draft studs we also have deandre swift and i think xavier mckinney too yeah we have we have those guys so i could have traded them probably but maybe i could have gotten one extra first round pick and still not know who to take because they were so terrible but man this team is super bad so this is the team we've rearranged it so most of you guys are playing i do feel kind of bad i forgot about xavier mckinney and devon hamilton and deandre swift it really wouldn't have changed much because again the draft class was so bad but yeah i wish uh i wish we would have tried and traded for one more pick we really couldn't have traded for more than that with those two guys we probably can get a first rounder then we have one guy remaining with no other trade value to get a first rounder unless i would have traded a different first rounder so it was just it was too much to trade for the game stopped to set the first part and then when we got to the off season of course we didn't have any money we didn't have anything to trade for any first rounder so i guess we'll simulate to the end of this year it probably is not going to go that well we don't even have a quarterback i don't know what to do about that just yet but all the quarterbacks in the draft were terrible maybe we'll sign an undrafted guy jeremiah middleton he's a 62 that might be the best we're looking at 64 from kevin dawson a little bit on the older side but that's our new starting quarterback hell yeah dude mack weeks 24 maybe he'll compete for the job dude we're getting some studs in here jeremiah middleton let's go the rejects are five and three that's what we're calling this team because uh no one in the draft was particularly good except for this receiver k levon shivers shiver me timbers makes sense he's playing for the bucks i wish i never said that we are going to check out the defense see our dev trade guys we got star dev from montgomery he's sick and then mike galloway i'll be excited to see what he has if this doesn't show the bigger problem with the draft i don't know what does i don't know what does and like a number of different people have told me a number of different things and i'll show you i'll show you right now that it doesn't matter because the draft is not affected by this setting whatsoever in league settings you can turn on 75 100 and 500 for x factor superstar and star dev players and guess what it will not affect the number of development players in the draft it will not i have talked to ea about this i have tested this it does not change we drafted two players two players who had better than the lowest possible development rate one of them we know has the second worst development trait you can get the other one's barely playing get him in there and we'll simulate to the end of the season did not make the playoffs color me shocked we finished six and ten i didn't think it'd be that bad we were doing great just trucking along positive record to start the year and then we're like nah lose every game except for one against the falcons where we squeaked out a three-point victory i'm sure the falcons were up by 100 and blew it um no they just had no second half for the most part scored a touchdown in the fourth quarter and that was it but yeah we basically lost out show me stardev on that rookie i can only hope for it come on stardev whoa let's go man that's great that's fantastic lucky me pretty awful year for kevin dawson well i mean considering the fact that he's some random 60 overall guy pretty good but as far as actual you know quarterback play goes not so good deandre swift was very bad caleb on shivers and manu elias or elias had very similar years shivers was just a bit better chauncey walker had a ton of tackles a few sacks couple sacks i should say and an interception so decent year for him four interceptions for the entire team i think we are guaranteed to win an award though for the rookies probably nothing else nfc offensive rookie of the year we didn't even get it we didn't even get it i don't even know what to say to you right now defensive rookie of the year of course we did get that one with chauncey walker and except for the cardinals at number seven we filled up every single spot but for offense it really did not work out that way i mean we didn't even get the offensive rookie of the year how do we have like 30 chances to draft a player in the first round and not get the offensive rookie of the year it's pretty bad the cardinals blew out the jets in the super bowl 52-27 that's crazy did we see any dev trade increases i might do one more season after this to see how these guys develop so i mean the running backs didn't really play because we have deandre swift shivers didn't go up elias did not go up and then defensively hey montgomery goes up to superstar dev schwartz goes up to star dev chauncey walker is not upgraded but we'll do one more season and uh see if this team can turn it around in year number two i doubt it now we could go all out and just sign a bunch of guys in free agency i don't know if you guys want to see that happen because it kind of defeats the purpose of just drafting guys and having them play but we also have so much money and it'd be nice to see this team compete but also yeah i do feel like it defeats the entire purpose of the video of having just as many first-round picks as we can so not gonna sign anybody i also only have a seventh rounder in this draft so we'll just simulate to the end of my life what oh damn we lost our quarterback because he was an undrafted free agent rookie now just for the sake of being annoyed i do want to check out the draft class and just see a way better draft class than last year there it is derrick rose so unfortunately for the broncos this guy is never going to play a healthy season in his career might win an mvp that he doesn't deserve though oh derek rose fans going wild i do feel bad for rose's injury and it was amazing how he's come back and has been pretty good in the nba lately but yeah lebron deserved that mvp i i don't care uh tyler edwards 77 overall you know tied the best that we had last time josh mcqueen also a 77 overall star better development ilani waters star better development all these guys are first round picks junior thompson 75 overall would have been nice to have him here's larry patton third round guy trey cooper star better development i'm gonna be sick with some of these guys and i know what you might be thinking hey i mean you might not have drafted all these guys because some of them were in like the second round and beyond but no we scouted everybody so we knew he was a first-round talent and who is not we just didn't have a draft class even close to this another star better development player you never see this of course we didn't get it man oh my god i hate this game okay one more year with this just god squad i don't know how we're even gonna lose a game i can't think of a way these guys are just way too good we will simulate to the mid-season mark just catch up see how much we're dominating probably probably seven or eight no depending on how many games we play and depending on where our bye week is so i'll see you guys there i expect the perfect season man two and five oh i had such high hopes i hate to just get disappointed like that but yeah i guess this team they're just not playing hard enough the locker room chemistry's not there that's clearly what it is we'll simulate to the playoffs i think we're going to turn it around we'll probably make them sneak in the back door done that once or twice and best efforts came up a little bit short 4 and 12. the team's nearing 80 overall if we were in 80 overall we'd be doing better mason rudolph in here that must be it he screwed up with our locker room and he just you know never allowed our team to really click so you know it is what it is it's on mason rudolph to be honest it really is um yeah that's just not really much else to say man just disappointed i thought this team really could do it all and uh shivers going up to stardev turns out they couldn't do anything though really bad i mean our linebacker is now a star dev across the board devon hamilton went up to star okay but uh yeah that's gonna do it for the video it seems pretty difficult if not nearing impossible to get every first round pick i think it is possible i think it is possible but in order to do it i don't even know you'd have to you'd have to resign players that's where i missed out on i think i think if i resigned every one of my guys i might not have the cap room to do with that anyway i wouldn't have had the cap room i'm not sure how you do it honestly i really don't know because it blocks you from getting a first round pick up to a certain point i guess it'll actually like 25 and then with your cap penalties you can't sign anybody in free agency you can't resign anybody maybe the way to do it is by starting off signing a bunch of free agents and then trading those guys that's probably the way to do it but of course never could have known that going in hit that subscribe button if you guys are new maybe we'll try out another experiment in the future but thank you for watching hope you enjoyed it and i'll see you in the next one take it easy [Music] yeah papa turned taking it back to the house that's a joke i'm laughing so loud
Channel: Bengal
Views: 260,006
Rating: 4.927711 out of 5
Keywords: madden rebuild, realistic rebuild, madden 21 gameplay, madden 21, madden nfl 21, madden 21 franchise, madden 21 rebuild, madden 21 realistic rebuild, every 1st round pick, getting every 1st round pick madden, every first round pick, every first round pick nfl, every first round pick madden, every 1st pick in the nfl draft, every 1st round pick madden, trading for every first round pick, trading for every 1st round pick madden, trading for every 1st round pick
Id: o-bwMWLgwgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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