Classical Musicians React to Musician Blind Date Video

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Hello guys! Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin! - That's right. - That's right. New... jacket. - Guys, that's so- - Got nice padding. - Best... - Towel embroidery. Thick comfortable padding. Most importantly, it tells you to practice. Oh! - Oh, what's that? - Oh! - Oh, practice! - Whoa! Look at that! Alright! Now the promo's out of the way. Today's video, we're going to be watching this video. - "Today's video we're gonna be watching this vid-" - Yes, very meta. It just showed up on my YouTube the other day. And it's like... "12 vs 1 speed dating." Damn! We're musicians! Dude, imagine we make- open a classical musicians speed dating game. I don't know. Like this video. - And if you like it, we'll think about doing it. - Yeah. Yeah, don't forget right now since you've made it this far. ACCENT the like button! Ooh, I like that. Wait, what was that?! Is that a sp- - I thought it was a spider! - Spider? It looks like it's spi- I don't know. I have so many questions. - But let's just keep watching. - Yeah, why do they- Yeah, okay. No, but I almost dated a musician. She almost did, but then musician was like... - "Sorry, I gotta practice." - Yeah. "I need to practice." - I'm not sure- - Dude, imagine a world where you just got... Mad ***** - Yeah, from- - from practicing vio- Mad Debussy. Look, - we're reacting to a speed dating video. - Yeah, come on guys. - You just... It's getting hot and steamy. - Yeah. It's just how it is. What do you think she's gonna say? "What's the most attractive instrument someone would play?" What's the bet she's gonna say? Guitar. A guitar and piano. Most attractive? It's probably the... guitar? Oh... Come on! How predictable! Oh... I mean, yeah, fair enough. Ugh... For me, personally. - No, not just for you. - No, no, no, no! Every girl says that! Whatever. No judging. - Ooh... - Vio- Wait, what do you think? Viola? - Nah, but she wouldn't know. - Viol- She wouldn't know viola. - Viola's too niche. - Yeah. Violas, you get a break. You can laugh with us now. I reckon she will say... Trumpet. For some reason I thought wind instrument, too. - Yeah, yeah! - Saxophone. You know that triangle thing? Ting! Ha ha! OHHHHH!!! - She's savage! - "Do you know that-" "Do you know that triangle thing?" She doesn't even know the name of the instrument. If you're a triangle player out there, it's alright. - Yeah. Yeah. - At TwoSet, we love you. You guys make great part- You guys... - are part of the- - make great tings. Yeah. - That's so much pressure! - That's so much pressure. Imagine doing an audition, - and... - Except all the other candidates are sitting next to you! I would feel... so... - Insecure. - insecure. - They're basically touching shoulders. - I know. They're all wearing white. - Maria's not gonna see you guys anyway. - Yeah! Like, I mean, I get it. Like, it's kinda like an audition. But just that paired with dating - is just such a weird- - It is a weird concept. He's got a ice-cold neck chain called... "DAV." - I bet his name is Dav. - Yeah. Hey guys. My name is Dav. OHH!! Called it. This one's for you. - That laugh. - Oh my god! So... - Dude, this is fake. This is so fake. - Dude, it's so fake. Yeah, it actually also makes you wonder how... - real is this TV show. - Yeah. Or maybe it's all scripted. This is so typical. - Yeah... That's true. - Anyway... Just a guitar playing... - ♪ Oh-I-Oh-I-Oh-I... ♪ - What is that? Ed Sheeran? Ed Sheeran. ♪ And I love in the shape of you. ♪ It seems pretty legit. - Oh, he messed up! Oh...! - Oh...! You can see that nerve! "I'm not getting the date." Oh no! Look, at the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was scripted. So it's not his fault. You know how guys get nervous on dates? Yeah. These guys- That's like the equivalent. - You just... - Yeah... - You're fumbling on the instrument. - Yeah. Fair enough! Hey, this is- Producer, you need to put autotune right there, and some bit of reverb. - Oh, she's vibing to this one. - Yeah, oh...! She likes it! Look at that! - She smiled, her foot's tapping the same rhythm as him. - Yeah. - Alright. - Dude, telepathy! Yeah, I think so far this guy is the winner. - Yeah, this guy nailed it, man. - He's got that look as well. He's got the hair. He's playing the song right. Yeah, his voice got me, man. Yeah, he got me. Hey... Ravel! - Except that keyboard can't handle it. - The keyboard is so annoying! I'm so sorry, Alec, but... you should know before going to a mainstream TV show. Yeah! There's no chance to be... Was that him trying to be funny? Yeah, I don't know. He just ruined the flow. I think It's alright. I think the backing track was way too loud. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The beat was like... way louder than the guitar or his voice. But hold on! This game is so rigged. She likes guitar. So if you play guitar, - you already have a better chance. - Notice how there's 3 guitars and 3 keyboards? - Yeah. - WHERE IS THE VIOLINS?!?! Was it because he's not allowed to- - No, but he can sing. - Yeah, I don't know the reason why- Why... I don't know. - Dude, that's the 4th guitar! - Guitar. It's not fair. Dude, guys, come on. I think everyone... - like, recognised the musical talent in that guy. - Yeah. Yeah, yeah, everyone clapped for that one. Oh, okay, who- How many get eliminated in the first round? Does it say? I'll eliminate Aba. I felt a little nervousness in his playing. - Oh, he was the one that messed up! - Yeah... - Yeah, I thought so. - Tsk! Dude... She's actually like the adjudicator on the Berlin Phil panel. What else... I think he was a school teacher? - Yeah... He was... - Yeah... I don't know- - I don't get the whisper thing, yeah. - Yeah, that sounds a bit weird. Yeah, so you don't really know, like... what the musical taste it's gonna be. Yeah, probably not psychotic whispering. David. Maria: Sorry. - Yeah... - Yeah, okay. To be honest, that was a bit random. I guess it was wrong of me to assume that anything I would do will blow somebody's mind. And... I'm sorry. Dav or Jav? - Dav. - Dav. It's okay. I'm gonna blow up in 3 years. Oh, okay! Dav: It's fine. She doesn't get it. She'll have to learn. - She can decide what music she likes. - You don't need to force it on her. You don't get to decide what she likes or dislikes. Yeah, come on. Maybe... Brandon? I don't remember his name... He was playing a guitar, and... Yeah, which one? ...something else with it. - Oh, guitar and something- Oh... - Oh, it's me. That's me. Maria: Sorry! "That's me! That's me!" He's like "Yeah, that's me! I'm out!" Song requests? Ooh! What would you play to impress your girlfriend? Alright, let's see what Fernando plays. Oh, it's Red Hot Chili Peppers. Huh! Nice. I know when musicians feel anxious or tired, they always have this one thing they play to calm them down. What would you play? I‘d play Brett's LoFi song. Yeah. That's what I'd do I'll be like "one s-" "Give me my laptop." This is another original one. Okay. - She's asking different things for each person. - Yeah. That's a bit unstandardised. Yeah, that's interesting. But I guess it makes the video more interesting, right? If you- in the future, you have kids, what would you play for your kids? This piece means a lot to me... - Okay. - 'cause it's what got me into composing. My man Alec made it! Alec, my man! You pissed off your girlfriend, and you need to apologise in front of her window like in movies, what would you sing? Can I ask the audience something? Can they sing the song if they know it? ♪ Shall... ♪ ♪ I... ♪ ♪ Stay... ♪ Sing something you would sing in the shower. Ooh! Who do you think will get through? I think the... two guitars would? I think the piano would. - Yeah. - And I think the... - There's just three. - Yeah. Yeah, those three. - I think so as well. I agree. - Yeah. I'll eliminate Fernando, even though he's really good. - Both: Yeah... - Maria: Sorry, Fernando. No, that's okay. I'll... eliminate Roman? Okay. Dude, that's brutal. - It's like an actual audition. - Yeah. Yeah. I'll eliminate Mark. - Ooh... - Ah... - She saw through the hack! - She saw through his tricks! I was the least deserving to be up there. These guys are so much more talented than me. And I was honour to be able to play with them. Spoken like a guy that your girlfriend sh- should be afraid of. So... who am I talking to right now? This is Andrew. Hello. Hi. Hi. What's your goal in life? - My goal in life? - Yeah. to like never wear pants ever again. Oh, this isn't music anymore. Yeah... come on. Do you want to be famous? I don't mind being famous. You don't mind? So you don't care either way? It's not the goal to be famous. It's the goal to change something or... Maria: to be remembered even if it's like a... closed industry. Yeah. No, totally. He's like... - "I don't know what to say." - Bro... It's kinda hard. I liked all of them. I think... from the three... parts of the video, I... Mostly like, every single time, I liked this one guy. So I'd probably pick him just for that reason, and I think we would have a lot of stuff to talk about. Piano. I reckon the guitar guy. So I'll... pick Alec. Oh, you're right! OHH...! That's right, guys. Practice! - Gotta practice! - Practice. I take back everything I said. - Alec, you're my homeboy! - Yeah! Hey! Hey, how are you doing? Good. Uh... I feel like so, yeah. - What's she meant to say? - Yeah. - "No, now I've seen his face." - "Nah, let me do it again." But I would say something, I wouldn't probably pick him out of a group if I saw him. 'Cause- - No, no, no... not like that! 'Cause I like- - No, it's okay. - Not because of you! - It's okay. Because I'm more into like, guys with brown hair and brown eyes. But you have like, light hair, blue eyes. It's brown hair, but- - But like he has blue- - "No offense, you're ugly." Oh my god! - Dude, he took that personally. - Yeah... I wish... in my high school life... just play violin. He's gonna unRavel her, and get De-bussy... Alright, guys. If you made it this far through the video, - make sure to accent the like button. - Yeah. - Go check out TwoSet Apparel. - Yes. This is some premium quality. This is one of our most proudest apparel ever made! Check it out. Thanks for the support. Like and subscribe. See you guys next time.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 1,621,978
Rating: 4.9797549 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: MgDN0wkpaYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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