Can You Speak Victorian Slang?! | Show of the Weekend: Ace Attorney Chronicles

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Take the egg.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/SittingEames 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really whale on these two

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Squarkage 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

"There are quicker ways to kill a parrot" - Luke Westaway, 2021

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/penguingonemad 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ellen is short, has a big head, and is adorable af? Is she a chibi?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Da_Great_Pineapple 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’ve missed this. I’m not taking it for granted ever again.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SeekerSpock32 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Tangential: I would really like to hear what Ellen thinks of the game Last Stop, which as I understand is very London in terms of characters and setting. The game's got IMO very good voice actors too. Btw if you've got Xbox game pass, try it! Game's a bit rough around the edges but the characters are very compelling and charming

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wraith21 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
are you doing now john just uh making your head nicely against the frame right he's this polite way of saying luke your head is too big i'm having to strain every ounce of my skill i didn't want to say didn't want to say back in 2016. right when we launched the channel andy did you see the size of his head i've got things as a short person i've always got the problem in like any photos i will always look like i've got the biggest head because i always have to sit in the front this is is one of the photos that we use for like the thumbnails we're all like that and i'm like i've got a huge head compared to everyone set behind me because my aunt mike me and mike both have huge eggs people's people say that ellen is small but look at the photo evidence guess what came out on the in the world but several weeks ago all right we look the release schedule is slow and we've got a lot of backlog to get through the great ace attorney chronicles [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's right ellen the great ace attorney chronicles has finally been released for switch pc and ps4 the game combines two new adventures in the ace attorney series graphic novel legal dramas this time setting the action in days of your days of my what i knew as soon as i said it soon as i said it i knew you cannot give her an inch she will take a mile you have to be so careful this time setting the action in the past specifically the end of japan's meiji era but with the action also moving to the uk in victorian times where our heroes crack cases alongside legendary detective herlock schoems yay andy sent me an article apparently it's to do with a copyright thing oh yeah anyway i would like to quiz you on the game if that's okay with you yeah that's fine is that all right yeah good this has been a much shorter video actually actually luke not really feeling it let's do something else question one ellen the ace attorney series is beloved by fans for its twisty turny plots and wacky cast of characters but its most famous feature is that all the lawyers yell their cool courtroom slogans objections most notably of course phoenix writes who says how's it go objection ellen i'm going to give you just one minute of brainstorming to come up with your own courtroom catchphrase it must take less than two seconds to yell so it's like you're in the game okay right i'm going to well i'm well i'm just going to sit back do you want pen and paper okay she's going into the zone okay okay [Music] right okay i've got three i've got three options three options i'll give you the context for each one and then check okay yeah perfect okay perfect perfect so one objection you know it's good it's like a lawful thing that you know that is used in courts you know way to do you know how it is to scream it as loud as you can yeah i don't sure need to do that it's basically saying hey i disagree with that okay yeah all right so my ones i've gone for basically when i get a bit angry my london accent comes out you know all right of course if i don't like it i mean my one is no mate that's good can you deliver it in your total silence mermaid mermaid very good yeah all right instead of a hold it yes [Laughter] yeah yeah okay yeah that's good that's good oy phoenix and then finally for the take that yeah take that in your face oh that's that's really good that's really aggressive that's good we've got three but we'll say that the main one because it's like the objection yeah now mate you want to deliver it right now yeah no mate ellen the first case of ace attorney chronicles sees hero ryonosuke hauled up in front of a judge for a murder he didn't commit we've all been there albeit not necessarily about murder ellen can you think of a time you got in trouble for something you didn't do when i was in secondary school i um never got a detention i was a real goody two shoes at secondary school great record but i was in a few class detentions oh right where they couldn't find out who it was so everyone has to stay back and i'm like sure sure sure genuinely in primary school my teacher used to send me out on errands when he wanted to shout at the club oh really elliot ellen ellen shouldn't have to hear this you useless scrubs you can learn something from rose and amazingly my friends didn't hate me for this they just got excited when they got put on an errand with me because they were like yeah i'm not getting [ __ ] yeah yeah you can just hear it through the walls welcome let's go to the office when you came back into the classroom was the teacher sort of like sweating and headphones just coming and going okay all the other kids are like crying if i've told you a story about when i was in private school with the sticks no please no i'm not okay maybe halfway through i'll go oh yeah sticks in my primary school kids with kids were fighting with sticks a lot because there were a lot of sticks around yeah and so it became a thing of like get the best stick you can fight someone with it like cool sword fights or just more like that one yeah or just like i was thinking like yeah oh yeah like harry perry thrust no it was more like ah and because there was you know a woodland on the edge of the not a woodland there were trees and stuff there was sticks sticks and branches were available so the good like sticks were kind of the currency of the playground like the best sticks you had anyway london school don't understand so anyway there was too much fighting with sticks so the teacher was like from today no more fighting with sticks anyone caught with sticks is gonna get in a lot of trouble so we're like oh man we have to bury our stick collection because we want we don't want to lose our sticks we've all collected these sticks yeah so so i was merely moving my sticks to a secure location i was really yeah absolutely cast iron certain that that they would be needed again or would be still valuable do you know i don't know that i'd go back when i was 15. it's my pension you know these were great sticks yeah anyway uh me and my friends we got caught uh and it was like fighting with sticks what did i say and we're like we weren't fighting we're merely transporting burying certainly holding the sticks school can be cruel yeah okay now this is the last question but i but i have but it is by far the the greatest the longest yeah ace attorney chronicles takes the series from its modern setting back into the past with many of the linguistic quirks of the united kingdom of that time but how well could you get along on the mean streets of victorian london we're going to find out because ellen i've been doing a little bedtime reading of a book from 1909 published by british writer andrew forrester under the pseudonym james reading ware passing english of the victorian era a dictionary of heterodox english slang and phrase these phrases are no longer in use but can you guess what it is what the what they mean i wouldn't expect anyone to get any of these right like the thing is like london has had like you you know about cockney rhyming slang but there was also backslang where they just said words backwards which is where my nickname nelly comes from because it's just ellen that's where that's why like my nickname is nell origin story source box new source box there you go you already got it good using good music can you guess what source box was slaying for well it's very euphemistic yeah ellen i'm just going to get ahead of that and say every single one of these will sound rude especially now that you've said that yeah okay right i think like sauce i think like sauce is like cash so like a cash box maybe that is a great great guess the answer is mouth that makes sense yeah shut up your source box shut your sauce shut your sauce mate afternoonified bigger than 12 like thinking of like on the clock or something like that that that is great thinking it's wrong but it is very logical it's a society word according to this dictionary meaning smart as in and this is a unified the goods are not afternoonified enough for me well that's sort of like an afternoon tea and it needs to be like fancy something has to be smart so for example if i were to walk into the members club dressed as i am they would say certainly to afternoon hikes yes that hoodie is not exactly after unified yes the goods are not afternoon if i don't smart cash basically yeah bags oh mystery oh no i know this one this has come up before i don't know whether it's here or somewhere else did andy ask me this on a previous show oh maybe if which i've wait is this the second time we've done old slang [Laughter] oh god i bet we've done this before but not exactly not exactly not victorian if we've done it before we're doing it again if ellen and i if ellen and i can't remember that should be the test of whether we're allowed to do it we don't we re-watch these as much as you guys do which by the way thank you for doing it yeah thanks for doing that sorry that we're possibly repeating content oh yeah it's sausages it is sausages and would you like some alternative uh terms for victorian slang four sausages yes give me through his dictionary blood worms oh blood worms there that makes blood worms bang up to the elephant right well bang up to the elephant maybe i'm thinking right up to the trunk of the car cars were just starting to be a thing it is an 1882 term meaning perfect complete unapproachable bang up to the elephant yeah well you don't approach an elephant imagine you've just finished your sunday roast that was bang up to the elephant hang up to the yeah it's a good one that's fun i like that one well like you say it's a bang-up job yeah it's a current thing that's true yeah it's a bang-up job you've done a bang-up job you've done a bang-up job there that's fun specifically bang up to the elephants yeah rain nappa dog food i'm gonna i'm gonna let you have it it's uh i believe it's food that's so bad it might be dog flesh that's basically what it means also literal dog bow wow mutton smothering a parrot and now the next slang [Laughter] that's the sound it would make there's no way you'll guess this one but it's a good one um is it like stopping yourself from laughing or stopping yourself from coming no but that's great so like if you're at the hi it's the building manager yeah we're having some complaints about the parrot noises i just like to ask you all to keep it down in here i'm the building manager you know you have a very similar voice to andy farrent but you're not i can see you're not here yeah you can see it i can see your physical build is completely different yeah i've got all these other extra arms you do and it's making me take you seriously and your complaint i don't know who this andy farron is but i imagine he has the regular two arms he does have the regular two arms yeah anyway very straight legs have been coming in thick and fast building manager um can you guess what the slack can you guess what the slang term smothering a parrot in victorian language meant i'm afraid uh the union terms don't allow me to guess in quizzes [Music] well thanks very much you've been a lot of fun thanks smothering a parrot is draining a glass of absinthe neat oh there must be like a parrot on the bottom [Music] if you're swallowing it you're just depriving it of alco of air even you're not depriving it of alcohol you're treating yourself a lot of alcohol i mean if you swallow a parrot technically i guess you've smothered it yeah it's a very long way about it you know which also there are quicker ways to kill a parrot kick his head off sorry to any pirates watching because sometimes people are standing in photo like my birthday or something who's a pretty bird you're a pretty girl you're a pretty birdie yeah and that goes out to if you're not a paris as well yeah you're a pretty birdie who's a pretty polly want a cracker probably deserve a cracker well now we've cleared that up bone shaker um the toboggan ride at disneyland the the mountain one not thunder mountain but the other one andy and i went on that and when we came off it we were like i can feel my skeleton yes well perhaps there's a clue in that there's some kind of conveyance i think a train or a um no no it's a horse carriage that is too rule think what think what would be think what would be even newer at the time potential car even more cutting edge weight less cutting edge less cutting edge than a car tram bus think smaller small buffs it was an 1870 onwards youth term uh to describe the earliest bicycles oh bikes of course because they didn't have inflatable wheels [Laughter] all right i really really like this one take the egg [Laughter] to take the egg means to seize the day that's really good because you have an egg in the breakfast we do have an egg we've started talking in a victorian lilt always have an egg in the breakfast i began my day with an egg in the breakfast then i went round to my banker to take a draft um to win it's to win that's an american one apparently so many americans watching congratulations on your great slang that i assume is still in use to take take the egg take the egg wow he's really taken the egg in the archery but who but it but of course it was ellen who took the egg in the show of the weekend quiz the golden egg so take the gold the golden goose egg from the in olden times eggs just much more valuable so you know get an egg get the egg get yourself an egg i've got an egg everything isn't anything of this butter upon bacon it's butter upon bacon it's a bit too much i'm going to give you that the the dictionary uses the word extravagance yeah you don't you don't you don't like you don't need bacon you hardly need any oil at all you can just put it in straight really if you want if you've got a good pan it's an extravagance so putting in butter is a bit much it's ostentatious it's extravagant it's butter on bacon i know maple syrup on bacon however is legit that's different that's different that's different collie shangles i mean that sounds painful oh he's got he's got his colleague well it's not a pleasant thing this so i think this is quite a sort of posh phrase or whatever so nothing to do shepherding i'm afraid i'm afraid there's been a little bit of a college angles a mishap a miscommunication miscommunication is very close it's it's a quarrel quarrel they've had a bit of a collision right ellen this next one is very apt for you i think giggle mug well a mug is like a face smiling face you've got it and habitually smiling face giggle mug what would it mean if i said that i've got the morbs got the morbs uh to do with morbidity so you're depressed depression that's right it's an 1880 phrase for temporary melancholy so yeah there you go i've got the morbs got the morbs we've got the morbs over now mafiking a fight down the pub street rowdyism there you go there you go street rowdyism they all poured out the pub for a bit of mafiking i want to get this one right humble come stumble humble come stumble something a little bit ramshackle they're like good because it sounds like mumbai um yeah we should just take that clip and make it that's a few seconds making our channel trailer no umbilicum stumble means thoroughly understood okay so if i for example if i described like some directions you like let you go you go down down station turn right there right there you got it will come stumble umble come stump it's ample come stumble i think you might know this one this is an 1883 term mutton shunter vegetarian no were there vegetarians of victorian times could you afford something vegetarians by force because you could only afford or or they tried to eat meat but it just was always bread or just water or something i don't know uh a shepherd also yeah i mean yes actually they are shunting it is a slang term for a policeman 1883 i've heard that i've heard that one before it's the only one of these i'd heard before nancy knocking well if you're a knock you tell on people that's true checking your id that's good probably not in the victorian times but it's what it is we should bring it back to the idea in victorian times i promise and it's probably not even written in english because most people couldn't go to school so yeah like everyone can have a pint of gin yeah okay there there was a lot of juice well the water of the thames was so bad they were like we can't drink that let's just drink gin so it's not healthier not healthy not healthy but healthier i'll tell you it means great fun wales a country like england that's like it's not it's no longer in use this is an antiquated term no whales with an h like the animal whales andy is absolutely whales on disney world like very knowledgeable they know a lot about it or they're a big fan and they big fan desperately devoted right yeah absolutely whales on something yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh brilliant yeah you had this new band mate oh my gosh yes no i'm absolutely whales on them yeah it's great i'm whales yeah what are your whales on similar to andy disney um absolutely absolutely whales on disney john you're pretty whales on tottenham hotspur aren't you sadly for my sake yes oh i'll tell you what i'm pretty wales on watching people run real fast in the olympics that's been fun wales on olympics also a great event yes let's get them involved you'd get like one in the pool and then have to be like okay let's get it back out again yes it's sad give it gold give it to give it bronze get it back in the sea grumpy whale swimming away with three medals do i do that again don't do that just tucked over the little the little dorsal fin this is a this is a lovely one that i really think we should try and bring back and um i think it will be especially appropriate for corazon mind the grease um hold the butter uh no sandwich holds no but you're not a million miles away and like philosophically it means let me pass please approaching someone on the street you're gonna go mind the grease oh they'll probably be like what grease it's slang i've not heard it before it's from victorian times okay and last one last one what a collins now a very good friend of mine is a collins and i don't know how that i don't know how they will feel about this bit of slang well what are collins what's collins like a bit of a nerdy type character a little bit of a kind of like i don't know a little bit socially awkward like we all are um because i'm thinking of mr collins from pride of prejudice will have which will have come out before this yeah yeah that's that's excellent deductive reasoning it's not nerdy it's greedy greedy person uh evidently the dictionary says from the name of a gourmand who has long since been forgotten so at some point there was a collins who was an absolute greedy guts so much so that everyone said what a colin what a calling imagine yeah people cleaning their plates or like all right got a collins here at the table what a co what a collins you've turned out to be yeah all seconds yeah collins oh i shouldn't i'll go on i'll be a college i'll be good i'll be a colleague i'll be at collins today finally you're allowed to use your laptop for this i'm going to give you five minutes to write your ace attorney murder alibi it must use as many of these terms as possible oh my gosh okay then you will present it to judge john and if he is convinced you were nowhere near the crime when it took place he will declare you innocent on all charges [Music] all right okay right well hang on hang on you you should you should sit in the middle it's like you're dude that's fine ellen rose you were accused of the murder of i don't know let's say andy explain where you were at the time look i promise you the words coming out my source box are true i was dressed up all afternoonified enjoying some bags of mystery which were uh you know they were bang up to the elephant i mean definitely not bow wow mutton but me what a collins i mean i added extra gravy or i added extra gravy which was a bit butter upon bacon but hey you know take the egg i went out you could get moved to the beer well i went out into the in the wet city with my rain nappa all right and rode along on the old bone shaker when i saw some people having a collie shangles outside the pub actually they were straight up maficking that's when i saw the mutton shunter come round the corner and say mine the grease to a mysterious figure you seem to have got the morbs after seeing the fight going by how worried they looked they've been really getting into the nanty narking previously but i don't think there are very whales on fights maybe should ask them wow that was amazing ellen i didn't i expected you to give an alibi i didn't expect you to also shine the light of suspicion on another party yeah the narrative thread pulls you forward john how do you find ellen guilty not guilty not guilty or yes [Applause] we don't have to lose any more people just well ellen you've really taken the egg bye [Laughter] good stuff good stuff thank you for watching everyone yeah thank you yeah thank you all have i try to think of a single bit of slang that we used may you all people take the egg yeah maybe we'll take the eggs we're absolutely whales on you viewers yeah um yeah so hit that like button and check out some of our other videos and just get out there this weekend take the egg let's get out there and take the egg it's our egg now get bang up to the elephant back get bang up to the elephant say listen mr elephant i'm having your egg [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 56,761
Rating: 4.9879355 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, ace attorney chronicles, switch, ps4, pc, steam, xbox, trial, objection
Id: nZfEVvqporo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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