Lego Super Mario: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO BOWSER JR? Let's Build Mario Lego Starter Set!

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This feels like classic Oxbox right here.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SeekerSpock32 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really hope they do more videos like this in the future. It was a lot of fun to watch

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ice-Picker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello folks and welcome back to outside xbox i'm andy and i'm joined by luke from outside extra hello and today we are going to be building the lego super mario starter course yes good lego mario time here we go now luke this is rated six and up are you six years or older uh i reckon with our ages combined we can probably match the intellectual requirements well i think it's probably either because it's scary or if it's scary i'm out yeah and you should have told me before we started or mario nudity oh we may have that's okay we may have to build his dungarees yeah that's what i'm saying to you right no i heard about this i heard about this okay surprising controversy all right well here's the box um before we start uh what i will say is that according to the back bowser jr in france is called bowsey what do you think what do you think about that that's lovely that's especially lovely if bowser is still called bowser so it's like bowser bowser it's like a diminutive anyway let's get started with the first bits crack it open get that box to get that box yes okay now okay the first and most important part of any lego mario is bowser oh my wow okay his legs all right okay i didn't expect that because he's not turned on yet very much just dead dead soulless eyes so if you've ever wondered what mario looks like after um a hundred years in the ground passes away well there's you there's your answer and look it looks like his his legs have been gnawed off by by rats and his ribs are exposed exposed yeah here's his legs some distance away and his trademark hat now gathering dust i've just popped together a little gimbal there oh wow that was quick well it was yeah it was pretty straightforward that one uh all right we've got that all sorts of good pieces here oh we got a flag oh the flag has to look this is this thanks got a little bowser thing on the top all right great okay look andy mario's going what do you need to do is put mario together first so put his legs on okay do it properly do it properly put his legs on all right oh that was satisfying okay and now put his hat on because there's nothing without his hat he's got the legs off again mario chunk and the hat can you wear it backwards i suppose so oh my god this is a fresh new mario cool new mario for the skype generation he's got okay good uh all right turn it turn him on there's a button on the back okay oh yeah there you go [Music] hey he lives again oh my god his eyes i live i die i live again look at this mario that's great look at this okay awesome chirpy expression [Music] he's bloody loving it i tell you what is good yeah if you um everything about this if we lie him down yeah james if you get a shot of that if we wait long enough he will fall asleep oh okay [Music] go to sleep then if you're tired [Music] all right that's enough sleeping murray that's amazing get up this is important so i think the idea is that we can just build our own course oh okay out of all this stuff and it doesn't sound very lego are you sure there's not an extremely prescriptive set of instruments i mean there are an extremely prescriptive set of instructions but also i think we should feel free to ignore it let's go let's go on let's just peace let's just open everything let's just dump it all out oh this feels very wrong and then you go just absolutely oh this feels very wrong indeed yeah all right so you can see on the bottom of mario he's got this little light yeah and there are these little oh barcodes there's one on the goomba and there's one on the gumball they can jump on the gun so so yeah it's got it's got different things that happen when you do different oh that was good okay maybe we should use that so that's right okay that's the dud that one does nothing oh there's a pipe this one says start oh okay so [Music] hey okay so we need he's still going i don't know if he'll stop why would you want it just mario okay so that should go at the beginning really because we want we want that to be ambiently played he's going to turn him turn him off yeah thanks see you later really you should just turn off when you turn them off yeah no funny business okay so that goes to the start yeah baggage doesn't start that's easy that's nailed on um i don't think i've got anything over here that has little do we have code on it all right this looks like it's bowser jr oh rousey so bowsey oh okay okay so bowser needs assembly yeah is there a instructions for assembling bowser well i could assemble bowser while you um build the call while you while you build while you freestyle the course in the app there would be instructions but we don't have the i don't have the app but we don't need the app we can make our own boundaries make our own browsers exactly all right much better all right how hard can it be we know these bits go in bowser genius i'll just start making a browser okay and i'll start making the course yeah so it's going to run it's going to run along the green yes i mean if we were if you were meant to follow the instructions they'd include them but they haven't exactly but they have an app they haven't so that i won't download there's nothing to be done okay so we're going to move from the green into a blue zone this is going to be underwater okay um to allow for a sort of stage transition nice you're only going to need that ah yeah bowser genius famous famous muzzle famous muzzle okay and then i just need [Music] i need see i've got a question block and it's on her you can see this it's a little invisible oh that's cool yeah like so you can bash into it that is good ah here we go here's the deal so that makes uh that's pleasing beautiful maybe this can be useful [Music] oh yeah here we go now we're talking now now we can freestyle bowser genius that's a happy face [Music] how's it looking good it's not possible to it's not i've not been able to do his mouth and his eyes it's a one or the other it's a one or the other situation unfortunately uh and his arms what is bowser jr without his trademark arms okay so as you can see what i've done here is i've created a little item block for mario to run he comes out of the pipe and then immediately he's going to hit that item block and he's going to get some sweet yeah coins or power-ups to facilitate his journey forward into the water zone [Music] if i do one of these i can do both bowser juniors mouth and eyes and then we're moving forward into the fire this is just classic level design really yeah yeah yeah nintendo call us when you're ready to talk talk is when you're ready to take this murray call us when you're ready to talk big boy money yeah then we'll be waiting so into the into the fire zone how's it how's bowser going going fine stop asking okay right so where are we going to confront bowser jr yeah it's going to be this fire zone confront him getting the medical attention he needs oh yeah i think you're right actually yeah oh it's the back of bowser jr oh of course oh no another piece i have to identify james oh god yeah thanks james i'm gonna attach a don't say using lego i'm building a little bowser bowser fortress down here so show the camera what you've done but he's not ready though show him show him it's basically it basically right i found a way to get the eyes and the mouth in at the same time so so in a way it's actually pretty good i just need to figure out a way of getting the shell onto the back though so you know the engineering challenge continues a pace [Music] it looks it looks very similar to the picture [Music] fine maybe it's a sticker or something i don't have it this one is prescriptive this this one is nude okay it's about creating harnessing luke's creativity and allowing him to express himself that does okay so look it doesn't it might not go on exactly it's not exactly flush but it is undoubtedly a shell where is his b where is his bib we're missing that it's got to be here somewhere uh i don't know i've sort of given up on finding it to be honest so wait unless oh oh right there it's right yeah it's just literally right there but this is just another problem because how am i gonna attach this how's wow the course is looking really good courses coming together yeah this this little tower here is what i've deemed to be bowser jr's tower okay where mario will confront his diminutive nemesis his hated rival yeah and then hated rival for bowser's love once he's defeated then there will be a small brown section yeah which will lead to the goal flag how about this like a little dark souls monster it's good yeah it's good [Music] from there it's just a hop skip and a jump [Music] every lego kit contains about two or three hundred pieces that you can just throw away yeah yeah exactly you just you can just get them straight in the bin uh right okay i think we're gonna stick with bowser face being like this is being like being the way that it is okay i'm pretty happy with the course i'm just gonna i feel like i've got all the yellow pieces all right i'm throwing away all this useless lego okay good it's important to know that whatever bowser jr looks like we'll love him all the same you haven't seen him you have not seen him all right while you do that james i'll just run you through the course mario will emerge from this pipe he will then run forward hitting the item block and receiving a good item you'll then carry on through the green zone forward into the water zone where oh no he'll be confronted by his old nemesis the goomba once vanquished he will then carry onwards into this cloud zone where he will receive cloud-based power-ups before moving forward into the red lava zone and the final boss where he will imagine a good bowser junior here imagine the engine of finishing how's the dude finish passing his standing proud atop his tower and then once he has done that he'll move onwards through the brown zone into the final flag where he will achieve his final victory so that's over death that's the course currently as it stands good okay here's what i've got so far seeing as bowser jr is now the only outstanding piece is outstanding okay right here's his little arms warning you now mario is becoming tired oh no i'm becoming tired i had a perfectly good bowser junior why did i why did i let doubt creep in he's going [Music] wake up fine okay i can't wake up have i died [Laughter] i get no this is fine actually because his head is going to be centered okay good it's not joined up on this side but it doesn't attach his back no no i can attach his the back's not the not the not the big challenge the big challenge is the vest i haven't managed to overcome that challenge yet there we go yep but as you can see he's missing his vest yeah so my solution is to duct tape duct tape yeah duct tape mario stopped snoring now i think he may actually be dead okay so here is the best damn bowser jr that i could make oh his head his thing came off uh so where does he so where does he learn he will live on his little tower all right i'll put him up there very gently okay yeah all right okay all right oh wait hang on what if this what if the vest the iconic sort of negative is the is the prize that he's jealously regarding yeah will it fit in his hand no of course not absolutely not but but we could lie behind him it lies yeah it's it's here it's the treasure so mario get it mario who did it it was he was very he was very brave and he did it what i would say is that i very rarely played with lego in a way where i don't follow the instructions um also it's hard to it's hard to do lego where you're not following the instructions and you're trying to build something that people recognize sounds like excuses to me look at this great course like this is great the course is absolutely flawless okay wake up all right so who is ready for mario's great adventure i am here he goes here we go are you ready mario whoopee he's saying i say yes here we go he emerges from the pipe mario moves down the green grass zone he hits the ice and block what's he gonna get he got extra time it's 15 seconds it says fifth oh i'm actually being tired we actually mean time can we see this how long do we have we're being timed now the time's gone oh let's have more we've got another item no you've got a mushroom we've got a mushroom that time okay he's carrying on down the course what's this bowser jr has dispatched a foe to stand in his way and it's a goomba the delicate dance between the two what's going to happen can you hear the yeah yeah a little splash because it knows what color the things are all right mario faints left he faints right he jumps on the goomba the goomba is failed but mario he won't stop he won't stop he won't stop so he's dead bowser jr is watching all this from on high and he's become very very nervous mario says let this be a lesson to the rest of you mario has run out of time and died all right hooray junior wins again but he moves on through the fire zone good and bowser junior dies again you can't handle it let me repair bowser's junior who's fine fundamentally oh i'm running out of time i'll quickly scrape it go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go he moves no i've not got enough time all right on his final life this is a lot harder than it would appear mario starts again and now he moves he gets the idea to move a blasting mario from here he keeps moving he's oh he's making great time he's in the fire zone alright here we go but what's this his old nemesis oh bowsey junior bowser jr luckily mario has come equipped and he easily kills a junior with ease yes and then he continues forward he don't believe me claiming his necklace prize yes he carries on and he lands on the thing and it goes all the way down and he goes [Music] and he wins [Music] yeah yes yay there we go well done mario mario achieved it everyone he achieved his goals the names and bowser jr is dead and the goomba is dead junior's yeah whole head came off james has just found the lego goomba on the floor mario has now won and to celebrate yeah he ceremonially removes his dungarees [Laughter] [Music] can you pull off his legs what else would he say mamma mia mamma mia and mamma mia to you all for watching thank you for checking out this lego super mario starter set uh hope you enjoyed do like and subscribe for more of this nonsense and we'll see you next time on outside xbox bye [Music] you
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 49,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell
Id: nhbrveVeaqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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