Can you pass this prepositions test? (Beginner to Advanced)

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hello lovely students and welcome back to English with Lucy can you complete this sentence we go to school foot is it by foot onf foot in foot this is what I'm going to test you on and teach you about today I'm going to test your grammar skills but today we're not focusing on tenses or Advanced sentence structure instead we're going to cover prepositions where words like four two on inside they might seem simple but it's not as easy as it sounds I'm going to teach you through a quiz the quiz has 12 questions you answer the question and then I give you a mini lesson about each answer this way you're really going to remember and retain the information something that will also help is the free pdf that I've created for today's lesson it breaks down everything thing that we talk about I've also included a prepositions review that you can look over before you take today's test I've also included an extra quiz at the end if you'd like to download the free pdf all you have to do is click on the link in the description box you enter your name and your email address you sign up for my mailing list and the PDF will arrive directly in your inbox after that you'll automatically receive my free weekly PDFs alongside my news course updates and offers it's a free service and you can unsubscribe at any time I have also included a secret Link in the email that you'll receive when you download your free pdf that link will take you to an interactive exercise pack with loads of activities that you can use to test your understanding of prepositions it's really cool it's interactive with instant corrections but it's only available if you download the PDF okay let's get on with the quiz I'm going to go through three different levels of preposition Mastery beginner intermediate and then Advanced the beginner ones are harder than you think so don't skip ahead I will read each question along with the potential answers and I'll give you five seconds to answer if you need more time use the pause button grab a paper and Pen write down your answers as you go and make sure you let me know how you did out of 12 in the comments section let's start with are beginner level number one she arrived 8:00 p.m. she arrived 8:00 p.m. is it a in B on or C at I'll give you 5 Seconds okay the correct preposition of time is C at she arrived at 8:00 p.m. we use at to talk about specific times when we say she arrived at 8:00 p.m. it means she came at that exact time number two are you ready Greg put his guitar its case is it a into B at or C off the answer is a into Greg put his guitar into its case we use into to show that we move an object in or inside another object this sentence means that Greg moved the guitar from where it was to inside the case into shows the action of entering or going inside number three they live South Wales is it a in B on or C at the answer is a in they live in South Wales we use in to talk about locations within larger areas like regions country countries cities and parts of cities in this sentence we are saying where their home is located number four we go to school foot this is the one that I mentioned in the intro is it a by B on or C in the correct answer is be on but you will also sometimes hear by I'm not going to say it's incorrect but on is the most correct according to my research we generally use on in the phrase on foot to talk about walking or going somewhere by walking the expression on foot is a set phrase in English that specifically refers to walking as a mode of transportation now you might hear or read by foot used due to a common confusion with other methods of Transport that typically use by we generally use by to say which mode of Transport someone is using for example by car by bus by train or by plane by foot is creeping into modern usage I saw a statistic saying that it's used in 10% of cases the traditionally correct phrase is on foot okay how are you doing so far we're going to move move the difficulty level up a notch it's time for some intermediate level questions number five I'm looking forward the weekend is it a 2 B 4 or C at I don't know what I'm doing with these fingers they're never correct the correct answer is a two I'm looking forward to the weekend here we're using the phrasal verb to look forward to to is used as a dependent preposition that connects the verb phrase looking forward with what one is excited or eager about in this case the weekend number six Jamie is responsible managing the team is it a of B B 4 or C 2 the correct answer is B for responsible for Jamie is responsible for managing the team here for is the dependent preposition of the adjective responsible to describe ja's specific role responsible for is a common collocation two words that just go together number seven that book was written an anonymous author is it a by B from or C through the answer is a by that book was written by an anonymous author the preposition by is a preposition of a agency showing who performed the action in the passive voice number eight this is a double whammy double whammy is slang we use it to describe a situation that is bad in two different ways I'm implying that this question is bad because you have to answer two separate preposition questions in it it can also describe situations where two bad things happen one after the other my girlfriend broke up with me and the next day was fired what a double whammy let's get back to it they should be Paris the afternoon is it a at and in is it B to and in or is it C in and by the answer is C in and by they should be be in Paris by the afternoon the preposition in is a preposition of place indicating location just like we saw earlier with Wales or South Wales I think it was here by is a preposition of time indicating a deadline or the latest time for something to happen Okay let's move on to advanced level prepositions this is going to get tricky number nine another double wammy we went dinner which was surprisingly enjoyable contrary our initial expectations is it a away for and with B out for and two or C down on and at okay this one was super tricky the correct answer is B out for and two we went out for dinner which was surprisingly enjoyable contrary to our initial expectations to go out is a phrasal verb which means to leave your house this phrasal verb is followed by the preposition of purpose for to indicate the reason for going out in the second part of the sentence we have the dependent preposition to which is used with the adjective contrary to show contrast contrary to something note the pronunciation of this word contrary it's got three syllables contrary but sometimes in spoken English we skip the schah in the middle syllable and just say contrary in this sentence contrary to shows the contrast to what was previously thought or believed it means that the enjoyment of the dinner was a surprise because it was not what was expected I think they expected the dinner to not be very good this next one is tricky because we have two parts to the answer again meaning it's another can you remember the slang term double whammy okay number 10 we need two prepositions here the film is based a novel and it's stays true the original story is it a on and two is it B in and with or is it C about and by it is a on and two the film is based on a novel and it stays true to the original story we've got two prepositional phrases here on a novel and to the original story let's look at on a novel first we are using the phrasal verb to base something on something which we often see used in the passive voice it's used to establish a relationship where the novel serves as the material for the film we often say something is based on a novel or based on a true story we follow true with two when we want to express that something is faithful to something else the film is being compared to the original story in terms of its accuracy to the novel number 11 various options here we discussed the problem but couldn't come a solution is it a by means and into is it B in detail and out of or is it C at length and up with the correct answer is C at length and up with we discussed the problem at length but couldn't come up with a solution at length functions as an adverbial prepositional phrase it acts on the verb to discuss and describes how the problem was discussed it was discussed for a long time it was discussed at length that's a really beautiful phrase you can use to elevate your speaking and writing we also have the phrasal verb to come up with which means to think of or produce an idea plan or solution so this sentence means that there was a detailed and lengthy discussion about the problem but no solution was found are you ready for our final question number 12 we have three gaps here triple whammy I'm not sure if that's commonly said but we can use it our new policy is aimed reducing emissions necessitating a shift our Reliance on fossil fuels sustainable energy sources three gaps there is it a at from and to is it B towards off and into or is it C for away and towards the answer for our final question is a at from and to our new policy is aimed at reducing emissions necessitating a shift from our Reliance on fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources let's take a look at what's going on here in these different prepositional phrases first we have the phrase a aimed at reducing emissions at is used to indicate the Target or goal of the policy it means that the purpose of the new policy is to reduce emissions next the from to structure is very common in English it shows a change difference or movement from one state to another it's versatile and it can be used to talk about changes in time location situations or strategies like the shift in our sentence let's look a little bit deeper in the phrase a shift from our Reliance on fossil fuels from is used to indicate the starting point of the change it means that there is a move away from depending on fossil fuels in the phrase two sustainable energy sources two is used to indicate the end point or destination of the shift it means that the move is towards using sustainable energy sources instead of fossil fuel easy peasy right now it's time to count up your scores and share them in the comments section I specifically want to know which questions you found particularly difficult because then I can do more work on them if you are not yet confident and satisfied with your knowledge of prepositions download the PDF because you get access to that secret link which takes you to our interactive exercise pack you also get the downloadable PDF which has all of the lesson in detail with extra examples and a quiz at the end to download that just click on the link in the description box also if you're interested in mastering the B1 B2 or C1 levels of English that's from intermediate to Advanced you might like my beautiful British English programs I am so proud to say that over 10,000 students have enrolled in these programs and they've had the most fantastic results I warn you they're quite addictive when people take one they end up taking another if you'd like to find out more just visit English with that's it for today's lesson I will see you in the next one [Music] m m
Channel: English with Lucy
Views: 119,472
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Keywords: #Grammar, #EnglishGrammar, #LearnEnglish
Id: iLoHu1WaWSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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