YES, it's possible - Daily Routine at C1 (Advanced) Level of English!

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hello lovely students and welcome back to English with Lucy I was thinking the other day and that's not something I do very often but I was thinking the first thing you learn when you take your first English class is normally the daily routine right I wake up I get up I eat breakfast and I thought what would a daily routine look like at C1 advanced level I started to write this lesson just as a little experiment and ended up becoming so interesting that I've decided to make it into a video for you in this lesson I am going to give you a daily routine on steroids and on steroids means the most extreme version or a very extreme version in this daily routine I am going to give you a ton of super Advanced C1 vocabulary and we're going to cover lots and lots of C1 level grammar structures so if you really want to test your English skills this lesson is for you we'll focus more on grammar for this lesson but I will Mark out the C1 level vocabulary and then in the PDF that goes with this lesson you will receive a full vocabulary list with phonetic transcriptions with definitions and with examples and of course a quiz plus all of the grammar information that we've gone through today in addition to that free pdf I'll also give you the opportunity to download my C1 ebook for free and this ebook contains everything grammar and vocabulary that you need to know to reach a C1 level if you would like to download the free PDF and the ebook just click on the link in the description box you enter your name your email address you sign up to my mailing list the PDF and ebook will arrive directly in your inbox and after that you've joined the PDF Club you will automatically receive my weekly free lesson PDFs along with my news course offers and updates it's free you can unsubscribe at any time I also want to mention before we start but that this is going to be quite an extreme daily routine and some people will probably want to let me know English people do not speak like this in real life no I totally agree I just want to see how far we can go with Advanced grammar and advanced vocabulary all I know is it's going to be complex and it's going to be fun upon waking up to The melodious Chimes of my alarm clock I embark on my well-established morning routine that I've perfected over the years first and foremost I indulge in a brief meditation session allowing me to clear my mind and start the day with a sense of calm in addition to my mental exercise I dive into a challenging 30 minute workout session but I guess it isn't so much challenging as it is invigorating after freshening up I pamper myself with my nourishing skin care regimen ensuring a well-hydrated and glowing complexion I told you this is a daily routine on steroids in order to reach the C1 level of vocabulary and grammar there aren't many people in the UK that speak like this on a daily basis okay so in addition to loads of really great vocab we also have quite a few C1 level grammar structures and let's start by looking at these three Clauses what do you notice about them we have upon waking up to The melodious Chimes of my alarm clock we have allowing me to clear my mind and start the day with sense of calm and we have ensuring a well-hydrated and glowing complexion well these are known as non-finite Clauses and this is a topic that we cover in great detail in my C1 program I've left links for that down below but here is a quick explanation of non-finite Clauses a non-finite clause is a type of clause that doesn't have a subject and a finite verb a verb with tense an agreement in other words it's an incomplete sentence that can't stand alone as a complete thought and non-finite clauses use verbs in their base form infinitive or the ing form the present participle without specific subject information these incomplete sentence building blocks help add more context and information to our sentences now let's take a look at another structure in this paragraph It Isn't So Much challenging as it is invigorating so using not so much plus adjective plus AS Plus adjective is an advanced comparative structure we use to compare two related qualities okay I'm going to address one more grammar concept from this paragraph before we move on to the rest of my routine compound adjectives like well established 30 minute well hydrated so compound adjectives are adjectives that are formed by combining two or more words to create a single descriptive term these adjectives are commonly used to convey complex or specific qualities that may not be easily expressed with just one single word I used several hyphenated compound adjectives in this first paragraph and we use the hyphens to clarify that the words are meant to be taken together as a single descriptive unit there are some other forms of compound adjectives and I cover those in the C1 program right let's see what I get up to with the rest of my C1 extreme day oh this is going to get complex no have I got dressed in my most casual yet professional attire then I am wolfing down a hearty breakfast to fuel my day ahead with a steaming cup of herbal tea in hand I scan the morning headlines to stay informed on the happenings of the world meanwhile as I commute to work I immerse myself in an audiobook relishing the well-written prose and captivating storytelling thus I arrive at work ready to tackle the day ahead of me wow that's really sounding like a novel at this point okay let's see what we've got here in the first sentence no sooner have I got dressed in my most casual yet professional attire than I am wolfing down a hearty breakfast to fuel my day ahead so the construction no sooner have I got dressed is an example of negative inversion a negative inversion is one of my favorite grammatical structures I absolutely love the way it sounds and when students learn it they can instantly sound so intelligent when they speak so negative inversion is where the usual word order of a sentence is inverted or changed when a negative adverbial expression is used at the beginning of the sentence the construction is important because it adds emphasis I'm not just saying I have got dressed but I'm highlighting the immediacy of the action by using no sooner this construction often indicates that one action happens immediately after another almost without any delay using negative inversion helps to add a little Flair to the story instead of sticking to the same subject verb type construction but it should be used sparingly if you use it too much it will sound pretty contrived the final two sentences featured signposts and no I'm not talking about these I'm referring to language like meanwhile and thus and using signposting language like this is giving your writing a GPS it helps steer your audience smoothly along and it keeps your thoughts organized these little words and phrases act as the glue that holds your writing together think of it this way without these signposting cues your writing could get all jumbled up and end up sounding like a bunch of random thoughts let's do a quick comprehension check can you identify the signposting language in our first paragraph I'll give you a few seconds to read through use your pause button now to have a read through in five seconds I'm going to give you the answers okay you should have said first and foremost in addition to and after okay what's the rest of my day looking like upon arriving at the office I buckle down and get on with my work meticulously completing my tasks in the most efficient way possible it's knowing that I'm contributing in a meaningful way that I thrive on and I actively seek opportunities to enhance my skill set throughout the day I engage in productive dialogues with colleagues synergizing ideas and learning from their unique perspectives alright we have a few things to look at here first we have the Clause meticulously completing my tasks in the most efficient way possible this utilizes a post-modified superlative adjective that quite a mouthful post-modified superlative adjective so this is an adjective that is placed after the noun and it modifies or adds emphasis or specific information about the noun and this construction is used to highlight the extreme quality of the noun in comparison to others of its kind the structure of the second sentence was a bit of an odd one it is knowing the time contributing in a meaningful way that I thrive on and I actively seek opportunities to enhance my skill set we call this a cleft sentence cleft sentence and this is a grammatical construction used to emphasize a particular element in a sentence by dividing it into two clauses I know I said that negative inversion was my favorite but I actually think it ties with cleft sentences once you master these it opens up an opportunity to really add some interest to your creative writing the purpose of a cleft sentence is to bring attention to a specific part of the sentence Often by reorganizing the structure to highlight that element in this case I wanted to highlight knowing the time contributing in a meaningful way so I was able to restructure my sentence to make sure that this portion of the sentence was the main focus they're pretty nifty these cleft sentences okay let's move on to the final part of my routine as the day draws to a close I reflect on my achievements striving to be the best version of myself both personally and profession Lee all I hope is that I outdo my previous accomplishments each day as I embrace life with unwavering determination by adopting this disciplined and purposeful routine I feel confident that I can continue on a path of self-improvement and well-being I feel like I'm becoming less and less likable as this um this daily routine goes on but it's not about me it's about the grammar so let's see what we have here in the first sentence as the day draws to a close I reflect on my achievements striving to be the best version of myself both personally and professionally we have a few different things going on here first we have as the day draws to a close which is a subordinate clause but if I see one you should already be familiar with them these are clauses that can't stand on their own as individual sentences they have to be attached to a main or independent clause we also have a participle Clause a participle Clause striving to be the best version of myself both personally and professionally a participle Clause is a type of non-finite clause we discussed those before can you identify the other participle clause in this paragraph that's right it is our last sentence by adopting this disciplined and purposeful routine I can't say purposeful without going purposeful purposeful that's a very is quite a stuffy sounding word to me quite old-fashioned very purposeful this participal clause also functions as an adverbial phrase because I used the preposition by explaining how the action in the main Clause is achieved finally we saw another common construction of a cleft sentence my other favorite all I hope is that I outdo my previous accomplishments each day as I embrace life with unwavering determination the structure what or all plus Clause plus b plus Clause is quite commonly used so it's a good one to have in your back pocket oh my word that was an intense lesson that's probably one of the most advanced English lessons I have ever delivered I really hope you enjoyed it and if delving deeper into the world of C1 grammar and vocabulary and pronunciation and writing and speaking and listening and reading Sparks your interest then I do invite you to join my beautiful British English C1 program our first cohort students have just finished they have taken their final exam they have got fantastic results I'm so proud of my C1 students if you're interested in finding out more just visit my website English with there you can see all of my courses including the C1 program if you want to work on your advanced level grammar don't forget about the free pdf that comes with today's lesson the link to download that is in the description box you just sign up to my mailing list and it will arrive directly in your inbox I'm also giving you a copy of my C1 ebook that will show you all of the grammar and vocabulary that you need to achieve the C1 level I'm giving you that as an extra with your PDF that's it from me today I will see you soon for another lesson [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: English with Lucy
Views: 1,771,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Grammar, #EnglishGrammar, #LearnEnglish
Id: hUFj6sbOiPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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