YES, it's possible - Food & Drink at C1/C2 (Advanced) Level of English!

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hello lovely students and welcome back to English with Lucy here's a question for you when you learn another language when you start to learn English what is one of the first topics you want to learn about apart from swear words food and drink obviously you take them off you learn the basic vocabulary and then you forget about them I want to bring them back today we're going to learn food and drink C1 to C2 advanced level you may have seen I've just done this with daily routines that was so fun we're going to do it again but with food and drink in the daily routine video we focus more on grammar today we're going to focus more on vocabulary I'm going to tell you a story and in this story this very Advanced story there are 22 vocabulary words and phrases that are of a C1 to C2 level of English as always there's a free pdf that goes with this lesson it will contain everything we discussed today plus lots of extra information and a quiz to test your understanding I'm also going to give you my C1 ebook that contains everything you need to know to master the C1 level of English all of the grammar all of the vocabulary if you would like to download the PDF and the ebook just click on the link in the description box you enter your name and your email address you sign up to my mailing list and the PDF and ebook will arrive directly in your inbox after that you will automatically receive receive my free lesson PDFs every week plus all of my news course updates and offers it's a free service and you can unsubscribe at any time let's get started with the lesson and I must say when you get to a really advanced level of English people like to say in the comments section but people don't talk like this in real life I agree with you lots of people don't and it's not necessary I would say reaching B2 is the level that allows you to really exist in English C1 is when you are completely fluent to the point where you can have very nuanced conversations the vocabulary we'll discuss today is the kind of vocabulary you might find in a piece of creative writing or you might use with someone who is a real foodie or cooking Enthusiast okay let's start I consider myself a bit of a foodie but I'm definitely not a food snob I'm just as happy tucking into a simple homemade meal as I am polishing off a Michelin starred work of art on a normal day when I wake up I force myself to gulp down a big glass of water before I indulge my caffeine addiction and brew an aromatic cup of coffee that first Swig always hits the spot fellow caffeine addicts raise your hands sometimes I like to work up an appetite before breakfast by going for a run other times I can't wait and I gobble down a steaming bowl of porridge immediately okay here are some of the vocabulary I want to pick out the first is the phrasal verb to tuck in or to tuck into and this means to start eating enthusiastically after hours of preparation everyone was ready to tuck into the roast dinner the next one to polish off another phrasal verb this means to finish all all of something especially food and I always imagine polishing a plate because it's so clean because you've eaten everything I can't believe you polished off that entire Pizza by yourself and next to gulp down another phrasal verb this means to drink very quickly after a run I often gulp down a big glass of juice and to gulp is to swallow it sounds the same gulp the next is a verb to brew which means to make coffee or tea by adding hot water to the beans or the bag the highlight of my morning is the fresh pot of coffee my husband Brews every day sometimes we will cool a cup of coffee or a cup of tea a brew do you fancy a brew as a noun next we had an adjective aromatic aromatic and please focus on the pronunciation here Aroma as a noun aromatic this means having a pleasant and distinctive smell spices like cardamom and cinnamon make curry an aromatic dish note that we can use it sarcastically if I smell a dirty sock I might say oh very aromatic meaning it stinks number six this is a noun a swig it means an amount of something that you drink quickly and it can also be used as a verb meaning to have a large quick mouthful of a liquid or gulp of a drink after reaching the peak of the mountain he took a big Swig from his flask of iced tea we take a swig you can say to have a swig but take is the stronger collocation we could also say he's swigged from his flask of iced tea slightly less common number seven nice phrase here to work up an appetite to work up an appetite this means to do something normally strenuous that makes you feel hungry I was gardening all morning and I really worked up an appetite and the final one a nice slang phrasal verb to gobble down to gobble down so to gobble means to eat quickly to gobble down to eat very quickly with lots of swallowing it's just an emphasis here this particle doesn't really change the meaning of the verb a bit like with to sit and to sit down there's no real changing we're just emphasizing the direction of the action the food is going down we sit down an example my dog always gobbles down his dinner as soon as I give it to him that is so true he really does gobble down there's no better verbal phrasal verb to describe it okay next part of the story when I have time I love nothing more than whipping up some dishes in the kitchen when I was in Tuscany recently I learned to make this incredibly flavoursome pasta sauce the ingredients are so simple but fresh and ah it's mouth-watering I love cooking one pot meals too because they're so easy and there's minimal cleanup speaking of we're very lucky to have a dog who Hoovers up any stray crumbs so our kitchen is usually pretty clean okay there was a lot of good vocab in that passage so let's have a look number nine we have to whip up to whip up this is a nice slang phrasal verb it means to cook something quickly especially using whatever ingredients you have to hand don't worry everyone I'm going to whip up a gourmet Feast of beans on toast beans on toe is a really typical British meal when you don't have any food in the house we nearly always have a tin of Heinz baked beans or actually now with inflation we're buying Supermarket brand ones and toast so beans on toast is a very common oh I don't know what to make I don't have anything I'll make these on taste next number 10 is flavoursome flavoursome which means delicious and full of flavor notice the pronunciation two schwa sounds there foreign The Source proved incredibly flavoursome transforming the mundane dish into a culinary Masterpiece next we have the adjective mouth-watering mouth-watering which describes food that looks so good you want to eat it right then they served up a mouth-watering dish that tasted just as good as it looked next something I love to make a one pot meal a one pot meal this is a meal that can be cooked in one pot and I want to draw your attention to how I pronounced it instead of saying one pot I said one pot this is a feature of connected speech called assimilation we cover pronunciation in great detail in my C1 program too so you get lots of vocabulary grammar but we also really focus on the speaking skills conversation pronunciation an example the beauty of a one pot meal is that there's barely any washing up to do afterwards and the final one for this section is crumb usually seen in the plural because there's almost always more than one a crumb is a very small piece of bread cake or biscuit or food in general that has fallen off get a plate you're dropping crumbs everywhere next part according to my husband will my best dish is a chicken recipe by ottolengi one of my favorite chefs whenever I make it we'll practically inhales it it's incredibly Moorish too so we never have leftovers what about my favorite foods some of you may know that I door fruit especially watermelon but I also love blue cheese especially some good Stilton it's got quite a pungent smell and I would say it's an acquired taste but it's really yummy I always put it out when I do nibbles when guests are coming over okay let's have a look at the vocabulary first up number 14 to inhale to inhale this means to breathe in literally however in the context of food it means to eat very quickly he was so hungry he seemed to inhale his sandwich the next is a lovely adjective Moorish Moorish this describes something that is so delicious you want more of it this cake is so Moorish I can't stop eating it next I love this one the adjective pungent pungent I love the phonemes together pungent I feel it's so descriptive it's not normally a very positive adjective because it means having a very strong smell or taste normally smell when we're talking about blue cheese though that's a good thing that's what we pay for an example a durian fruit has quite a pungent smell next I talked about something being an acquired taste which means something that you might not like at first but you start to enjoy over time olives are an acquired taste and children often don't like them I used to pretend to like olives as a child because I wanted to sit with the adults and have nibbles and that was often the only thing on offer and if I stopped eating they'd send me to bed and the final word was the noun nibbles which means small items of food that are normally eaten with your fingers you will often see them on restaurant menus nibbles then starters means desserts we also have the verb to nibble which means to take a small bite light of something and if you have a nibble of something again you take a small bite but nibbles in general little snacks you normally eat with your fingers I put out some nibbles like cheese and crackers before dinner okay last part of the story will and I also love eating out if I know we're going somewhere special I make sure to not spoil my appetite beforehand even so my eyes are often bigger than my stomach and I end up with too much food doggy bags aren't much of a thing in the UK but I wish they were I always walk out of a restaurant completely stuffed okay finally here are four more words and phrases to finish off this video number 19 is to spoil one's appetite to spoil one's appetite and this means to eat something before a meal that causes you to fill up or not feel hungry don't have that chocolate bar it'll spoil your appetite next one's eyes are bigger than one's stomach if your eyes are bigger than your stomach it means you order or put too much food on your plate and you can't finish it I always have eyes bigger than my stomach at a buffet I want to pile my plate with absolutely everything and then when I start eating I realize I've taken way too much an example sorry I really can't finish this my eyes were bigger than my stomach the next phrase and this one might surprise you is doggy bag doggy bag and this is a bag or a box you get from a restaurant to take home your leftovers in and it's more common in the US it's becoming more of a thing in the UK when I went to the US I was really shocked at how big their portions were but when I mentioned it to my American friends they said don't judge us because we take almost everything home with us at the end of the meal and we have it as leftovers in our fridge and it made perfect sense for me in the UK I would say we are more inclined and often pushed by our parents to finish everything on our plate an example could I have a doggy bag please it was delicious just a huge portion and the final word I want to talk about is the adjective stuffed which means very full I couldn't eat another bite I'm absolutely stuffed okay that's it for your C1 food and drink lesson I really hope you enjoyed it I hope you learned something new don't forget to download the PDF and the C1 ebook the link is in the description box if you're interested in taking a C1 level course with me visit English with all of my course information is there it is a really cool course our first cohort of students have just finished they've taken their final exams their results have been amazing and so has their feedback it's starting to come in it's been an awesome Journey with them if you'd like to join them English with that's it from me today I will see you soon for another lesson [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: English with Lucy
Views: 697,887
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Keywords: #Grammar, #EnglishGrammar, #LearnEnglish
Id: lKnC7pdqtQ4
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Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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