English Preposition Quiz (Beginner to Advanced)

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oh I'm very angry you what what should I say prepositions are very challenging in the English language that is why in this lesson we're going to talk about prepositions hello my name is Maddie from POC English and in this lesson we are going to talk about prepositions prepositions are very challenging for English learners for example look at this sentence I'm very angry my father what he did complete this sentence with prepositions I'm very angry at my father to my father with my father that's it you are angry with someone oh I'm angry with my father for what he did to what he did about what he did about what he did you are angry with someone about something so I'm angry with you about not listening to what I say so angry with somebody about someone but why that's the point never ask why because there is no reason just memorize the prepositions there is no real explanation why we use with with angry or about in this lesson I'm going to teach you about the most common prepositions in the English language but I'm not just going to teach you to make it fun and more effective I have created a preposition quiz for you now this quiz has 30 questions I have divided the quiz into three parts beginner intermediate and advanced each part has 10 questions first I give you a question you will have some time to think about the answer then I will explain what the answer is that is more fun right now let's begin but hey before we start if you are new to my Channel and if you haven't downloaded my English booklet you can do it for free this book has about 400 pages of my videos lesson summaries in addition you have the link to each video and a review sheet and for my YouTube subscribers this book is for free to download it simply click on the link above my head or the link in the description and now it is time to begin our quiz the first 10 questions are for beginner level ready let's start with question one he went the market at the market in the market to the market we went to the market generally with the verb go we use the preposition to go to the market go to the park go to the restaurant go to a supermarket go to now the passive go is went so when's to he went to the market question two of beginner level he lives a small town he lives on a small town in a small town or at a small town the preposition of live is in he lives in a small town I live in the Milan what about you let me know in the comments where do you live question three I met him the afternoon on the afternoon in the afternoon or at the afternoon in the afternoon for different parts of the day we use different prepositions in the morning in the evening in the afternoon at night at noon and these are fixed so you have to memorize them there are no reasons why question four he put his bag the table in the table on the table at the table he put his back on the table you put something on the table which means on the surface of the table right if you look at my table I have my YouTube play button on the table question five he is sick let's hope the best let's hope on the best for the best or at the best let's hope for the best generally with the verb hope we use the preposition for hope for a better future hope for your best performance at the test hope for the end of all wars question six there is someone the door in the door at the door or on the door if someone is behind the door of your house then that person is at the door he's not in the door you cannot be in the door right and he's not behind the door he is at the door that is the correct preposition oh I think someone's at the door question seven I was born Italy I was born in Italy at Italy or on Italy with the verb born we use the preposition and if we want to talk about the place I was born in China I was born in the United States I was born in Japan I was born in Korea were you born in Germany were you born in India next question we celebrate the new year first January we celebrate the new year on first January or at first January celebrated on the 1st of January pay attention for days or dates we use the preposition on I was born on 28th of January our next lesson is on 12th February so for dates or for days we use the preposition on my birthday is on Friday 28th of January question nine I live the same I live near the sea I live by the sea or both of them that was an obvious question both of them are correct you can live near the sea which means you are in the proximity you are close to the Sea you can walk to the sea or you live by the Sea which means near the sea next to the Sea both of them are correct instead of C you can also say the mountains I live by the mountains or I live near the mountains and the last question of the beginner level let's see what you do there is someone hiding the curtain in the curtain behind the curtain or on the curtain well the answer is behind as you know curtain is something that covers the windows for example look behind me here are the curtains in my room now if someone is behind the curtain it means they are hiding behind it they cannot be on the curtain right and they cannot be in the curtain so they are behind it that's it with the beginner level of preposition quiz how many correct answers do you have let me know in the comments now moving on to the intermediate level question one of the intermediate level she smiled him and he blushed she smiled to him she smiled at him or she smiled on him the preposition of the verb smile is at you smile at somebody if I smile at you I'll do this I'm smiling at you are you smiling at me yesterday our teacher said something funny and I smiled at him question two of the intermediate level he paid the meal and she paid the taxi two four or nothing the preposition of the verb pay is for you pay for something so he paid for the meal and she paid for the taxi question three he insisted coming with us he insisted at coming with us incoming with us or on coming with us the verb insist means keep doing something even if others disagree right for example I invite you to dinner you say that I'm busy and I tell you no no no no no excuses you must come to dinner with me no excuse I am insisting or for example we go to a restaurant together and then I want to pay for the both of us so I say I'll pay it's on me and you say no no no but then I insist hey I want to paint I don't care if you're disagreeing I want to pay come on take my car now the preposition of the verb insist is on you insist on something or insist on doing something for example I insist on paying for dinner he insisted on coming with us question four we want to invest the money the stock market on the stock market at the stock market or in the stock market the verb invest means to use your money to earn more money for example you buy gold and after 10 years the value of that gold has increased so you have invested gold what is the preposition in so you invest in something we want to invest the money in the stock market next question I am always arguing my dad money with my dad about money to my dad with money to my dad about money you argue with someone about something right so I always argue with my dad about money I always argue with my students about their homework next question of the intermediate level question six I am writing you because I have a question I am writing for you because I have a question I'm writing to you or I'm writing at you you write something to somebody right so I am writing this letter to you I'm not writing it for you if I write it for you it means you have to write the letter but you're lazy so I write your letter for you and then give it to you and then I tell you to send it to whoever you want to send it to I write a letter to you means that I write it dear for example Jack here is your letter and then I give it to you so write a letter to somebody question seven it depends the weather it depends on the weather to the weather or with the weather this is one of the most common mistakes I see in beginner and intermediate students depend to and depend with do not exist depend on something it depends on the weather it depends on you it depends on how hard you work depend on something question eight again a little bit challenging I've seen many students making mistake with this one I am looking forward seeing you soon I'm looking forward at seeing you soon to seeing you soon or for seeing you soon this is generally used at the end of letters looking forward hearing from you looking forward to hearing from you now the reason why many students make mistake with this one is because of two and ing together well we know that we have infinitive which is two plus verb I want to go we also have gerunds I like playing tennis he hates eating chicken but we cannot have infinitive and gerund together right that's right we cannot have infinitive endurance together but two in this case is not an infinitive it's a preposition and after prepositions we must use gerund so looking forward to hearing from you question 9 of the intermediate level we arrived the city early but we arrived the hotel late arrived in the city at the hotel at the city in the hotel in the city in the hotel or at the city at the hotel which one you arrive in the city and at the hotel why for cities and countries we use arrive in arrive in London arrive in the UK arrive in the states arrive in Chicago however for places we use at arrive at the hospital arrive at the meeting arrive at the supermarket so arrive in cities and countries arrive at places and question 10 the last question of the intermediate level let's see what you will do I have never complained my salary my bus I've never complained about my salary to my boss about my salary with my boss about my salary about my boss complain about something to somebody so I have never complained about my salary to my boss if you go to a restaurant and the food is cold what do you do you will complain about the food to the staff right if your upstairs neighbors are very loud you complain about the loudness to the police well don't do that don't be a party pooper by the way party pooper is someone who destroys and ruins a party and that is the end of the intermediate test how many of the questions did you answer correctly let me know in the comments before we get to the advanced level and now let's begin with the advanced level if you're enjoying this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and if you're new to my channel click subscribe let's get started with the advanced level question one I'd rather be single in a bad relationship I'd rather be single besides in a bad relationship two in a bad relationship or then in a bad relationship then in a bad relationship with would rather we use then I'd rather have tea than drink coffee I'd rather travel by train than by plane so would rather one thing than another thing question two of the advanced level after payment you will receive the product three business days during three business days inside three business days within three business days within three business days the preposition within means no later than or inside a time period so if a company tells you that your product will be shipped to you within three business days it means it will take no longer than three business days perhaps it can also happen in one day or two days earlier than expected right so within a time period question three of the advanced level is he Italian I was the impression that he was Spanish I was under the impression I was above the impression I was below the impression the correct preposition is under the impression impression means an idea of something if you are under the impression it means you have that idea I was under the impression that London is not a good City it means I had this idea that London is not a good city which I was wrong or I was under the impression that Italian universities are not good but when I went to an Italian University I realized that they are very good so to be under the impression means to have an idea about something which is usually false or wrong or not accurate question 4 of the advanced level I've put a lot of effort this project I've put a lot of effort inside this project into this project or with this project the correct preposition is into you put effort into something this is a collocation it's a fixed phrase put effort into something or put effort into doing something I took the IELTS exam so I put a lot of effort into preparing for the test question five of the advanced level his teaching fee is fifty dollars hour four hour per hour or by hour if you are talking about a unit you need to use the preposition per he charges fifty dollars per hour it means for every hour that you spend in his class he will get fifty dollars or if you were driving on the road perhaps you're driving at a hundred kilometers per hour it means in each hour at that speed you will go a hundred kilometers those questions were challenging right if not I don't want to make it even more challenging let's get to five questions of C2 level ready let's start with the first one question six Diana showed a complete disregard her own safety disregard of her own safety disregard for her own safety or about her own safety at this regard for her own safety what does this regard mean it means not caring about something or ignoring something the preposition of disregard is for for example what amazes me is her complete disregard for anyone else's opinion her complete disregard for anyone else's opinion which means he doesn't care about other people's opinions that was challenging right let's get to the next question question seven the athlete dropped out of the race the early stages of the competition in the early stages from the early stages until the early stages and the correct preposition is in the early stages which is a collocation of the word early in the early stages of something means the first of something or the start of something for example the disease is still in the early stages it means it is the start of the spread of the disease question 8 of the super advanced level you can clearly notice the Outlook of author life the Outlook of author of Life a bad life on life and the answer is on Outlook on something but what does that mean an Outlook of someone is a person's way of understanding someone it is the perspective of someone it is the ideas of someone the way someone sees something the preposition of Outlook is on for example he has a fairly positive outlook on life it means he views life in a positive way so outlook on something question nine I think it is necessary to raise awareness racism raise awareness for racism about racism of racism you raise awareness about something about an issue which means you make other people more aware of something for example the guidelines are an important tool for raising awareness about current management thinking raise awareness about something and question 10 the last question of C2 level and the last question of this test as the owner of the company the burden to compete with other companies is you the burden is on you for you or at you the burden is on you now burden means something heavy if the burden is on you it means you have to carry that heavy item this is metaphorical of course if the burden of something is on you it means you are responsible what is the preposition of responsible responsible of no no no you are responsible for it so if the burden is on you you are responsible for it and that's it guys I hope you've enjoyed this lesson if you haven't taken notes watch the video again and take notes of the prepositions that you have learned in this lesson don't forget to practice them see ya foreign [Music]
Channel: POC English
Views: 804,954
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Keywords: english quiz, gap filling english quiz, grammar test, prepositions, prepositions of place, prepositions in english grammar, english prepositions, english preposition quiz, english grammar, preposition, grammar quiz, learn english, prepositions in english, verb prepositions, noun prepositions, learn prepositions, test your english, english, english language, preposition to, preposition for, how to use to, how to use for, to or for, to vs for, pocenglish, poc english, maddy
Id: ntdRx-L9i44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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