15 Stunningly Beautiful English Words YOU Should Use More Often! (+ Free PDF & Quiz)

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hello lovely students and welcome back to English with Lucy today I am going to share my love of the English language with you because I am a logophile what's a logophile it's somebody who loves words somebody who is drawn to words today I'm going to share with you 15 of my favorite words the words that I find most beautiful in English spoiler lots of them are borrowed from other languages is I'm going to give you their pronunciation definitions examples words that I think we should all use more often I've selected these words because I find that they roll off the tongue or at least some of them do and others just have really beautiful meanings to help you with your English learning Journey even more I have created a free pdf that goes along with this lesson this lesson contains the 15 words we're going to discuss plus 15 15 of the ugliest words in the English language I thought it would be really funny to have that contrast there if you'd like to download that PDF the 15 most beautiful and ugliest words in the English language according to English with Lucy all you have to do is click on the link in the description box enter your name and your email address you sign up to my mailing list and the PDF arrives directly in your inbox after that you automatically receive my free week lesson PDFs plus all of my news course updates and offers it's a free service you can unsubscribe at any time right let's get started with word number one appealing appealing I love that long e sound appealing appealing this means attractive or interesting to me it sounds slightly flirtier than just saying something or someone is beautiful they're a appealing I'm interested in them an example his Rich vocabulary made him sound so appealing this is actually a word that my mother uses quite a lot if she sees something delicious or smells some nice food she will always say that looks so appealing number two ineffable ineffable this means too great or too beautiful to describe in words something so wonderful that you can't EXP Express how wonderful it is it's ineffable an example when I heard of their pregnancy I was filled with ineffable Joy number three quite different nefarious nefarious I love that a sound I know lots of Learners of English struggle with that e sound you're always taught to pronounce it as e however I have a little pronunciation secret that I use with my students and my students tend to find it a lot easier to think of it as an extension of an e sound e e just bring the volume down slightly at the end e e nefarious now nefarious is a beautiful word in my opinion but it doesn't necessarily have a very beautiful meaning it means CRI Al or extremely bad I find this word appealing because I find it very expressive an example they hacked into my bank account and used the funds for nefarious purposes word number four has a story behind it for me the word is ethereal ethereal and it means extremely light and beautiful or seeming to belong to another more spiritual world now obviously this world word as it is is beautiful and the meaning is beautiful too but what I think is really funny about it is that to me it represents how difficult English pronunciation and spelling can be and as you might have noticed the way English words are spelled often gives no indication as to how they ought to be pronounced ethereal is a clear example of that for me when I was young I remember being seven eight nine years old reading this word in a book and simply presuming that it would be pronounced e real e real not real e real I was always quite shy at school but one day I felt particularly confident and I put my hand up in an English class and I told the teacher that I found something to be ever real luckily it was a very sweet English teacher and they didn't shoot me down or make fun of me they just giggled and told me they could see why I pronounced it like that but it's actually ethereal so that's why this word is very deserving of being on this list because I think it has a really beautiful story behind it for me at least an example of ethereal in a sentence at Sunrise the London Skyline almost looks ethereal number five if you know me well if youve followed me for a long time you might understand why I love this word so much it's epiphany Epiphany it means a sudden and surprising moment of realization and 3 years ago when I started creating online English courses I named my first pronunciation course after this word Epiphany I've since changed the name of my online Language School to simply englishwith lucy.com because it's easier for everyone but that word Epiphany still means a lot to me I want my students to have an epiphany a moment of realization and understanding when it comes to their language skills and their pronunciation an example when she took the course she had an epiphany and everything became clear number six it's short it's sweet it's angst it's a feeling of great worry or concern about your situation or your life and you often hear teenage anst I wrote emotional poetry when I was full of teenage angst number seven Euphoria euphoria I think it's the name of a TV show this means an extremely strong feeling of excitement or happiness that usually only lasts a short while an example after receiving the letter of acceptance I was in a state of euphoria number eight cherish cherish I actually met someone the other day whose first name was Cherish and she really deserved that name she was so lovely this is a verb meaning to love someone or something very very much and to want to protect them or it an example I will always cherish the letter he wrote to me before he passed away number nine is eternity eternity and this simply means time without end for example A Mother's Love lasts for eternity number 10 quintessence quintessence you may have heard this in its adjective form before Quint essential which is also very beautiful but I think this one is used less frequently and it should be used more frequently because it's a very lovely word quintessence it means the perfect example of something if you see a perfect Country Cottage with beautiful light Stone and Roses up it you can say that it is the quintessence of an English Country Cottage my 11th beautiful word is feces Fe I'm joking it's not feces that means poop I just I don't know I listen to my intrusive thoughts then number 11 is plethora plethora and this one really does roll off the tongue it means an amount that is greater than is needed or can be used for example the lesson PDF contains a plethora of information we're implying that there's almost slightly too much information there maybe in a good way just so much information more than you could ever take in a plethora of information number 12 love this one I mean I love all of them that's why I've put them in this list but I really like number 12 pristine pristine this word is so expressive it means fresh and clean as if new her house was pristine and that's another one that my mother uses a lot and her house really is always pristine you could literally eat off my mother's floors I don't don't suggest you try to eat off my flaw number 13 surreptitiously surreptitiously it means in a quick or secret way so that people don't notice for example she surreptitiously slid her phone number under his napkin napkin is another word for seriet number 14 dlet dulit delet means sounding sweet or Pleasant and it's often col at with tones dulet tones if you're talking about somebody's dulet tones it means their sweet voice an example I can always recognize her dulet tones I can always recognize her lovely voice you might hear britz using this one sarcastically if someone is speaking with a very loud and unpleasant voice you might say ah I know those dulet tones well or oh I recognize those dlet tones and number 15 the last one is docile docile I love that o sound docile this means quiet and easy to control and we often use it to talk about animals that have a very sweet nature an example the puppy is calm and Incredibly docile said no puppy owner ever my puppy was docile for the first week and then it was chaos for a year and a half and now he's docile again I can't believe is nearly six right that's it for today's lesson I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you learned something don't forget to download the PDF if you want to know the 15 words that I find to be most ugly most unpleasant to listen to in English and of course there's a quiz as well the link for that is in the description box if you enjoyed this lesson you enjoyed learning about the pronunciation expanding your vocabulary you might find my 12we English programs to be up your street we have have the B1 program the B2 program and the C1 program that's intermediate Upper Intermediate and advanced I'll leave links so that you can explore them and see if they're right for you in the description box I'd love to have you join in the programs we focus on grammar vocabulary we weave pronunciation throughout we also have targeted pronunciation lessons and in B2 and C1 we have conversation analysis lessons the students absolutely love them I'd love you to join my amazing students that always give such wonderful feedback aren't they fantastic if you're interested in joining just visit englishwith lucy.com all of the information is there I will see you soon for another [Music] lesson [Music] m
Channel: English with Lucy
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Keywords: #Grammar, #EnglishGrammar, #LearnEnglish
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Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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