Dry vs Wet Aged Steak What’s Better? Very Surprising Results!

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so let's talk about dry aging versus wet aging so I started this experiment a month ago I took two strip lines that were pretty close to the same weight from the same box I took one out of the backpack bag or the cryo backpack and I left one in it and I popped the both of my dry edger at the same time so they've had 30 days since that time and we want to see the difference what we're looking for is the difference in texture the difference of flavor and the loss well how much loss did we get so these are both ebony black angus marble score two Stirling so an excellent eating steak perfect steak to eat as uh you know like a 300 gram steak on the barbecue first of all let's weigh them and see what they've come in at and how much we've lost so I've already zeroed these scales see so this one I'll just grab my notes this one in the bag came in at 5.8 before we rounded that up slightly and it's bang on unsurprisingly it's bang on 5.8 again so there's quite a bit of purge in the bag what we call Purge so purge is um all this in the bag here so what we'll open this in a second and I'll weigh it again just to see what the actual meat's weighing time to weigh the dry Edge one it's a 5.3 so this weighed five point sorry 4.3 and this weighed 5.3 when we started so we've lost a kilo in weight uh in you know in 30 days so like 20 so when you go to a restaurant need a dried steak that's a lot of the reason why it's so expensive you know they just lost a kilo under 30 days anyway let's get this this cryovac one out of the bag and see what that weighs foreign good that's for sure now we're obviously going to lose a lot more in this dry Edge one as well when we start carving it because we're going to need to take all that outside off and I will trim these up as if I was going to trim a sealant for restaurant servers so here this whole part here we call the chain so we're like all the chain I don't know if that's the correct term or not but that's what I was thought it was to be called so that'll come off a lot of this fat here you know and a little bit of silver skin will come off a lot of that side there will come off and a bit of the top that will probably tropical this is a pretty nice amount of fat on this one so I don't know how much of that will trim off but um we'll weigh this now and then we'll go into the boning room and we'll trim these up perf you know so that they're ready to be portioned and we'll weigh them again and then we'll cut a couple of steaks off them we'll Grill them up and we'll see what the flavor is like whoa It's a 5.5 so you know 300 odd grams of purge in that bag so it's 300 grams that's a portion that's a whole steak right all right let's Jump In The Binding room get this cleaned up we'll weigh them again um and I'll fire the grill on in the meantime make sure that's raging hot for the time we get back we'll cook these and see what the flavors are like I'm pretty fortunate that I've got my own boning room sorry if the noise is a bit echoey in here I am working in effectively a fridge so with dry aged meat you can hear how hard that is so we actually need to take off all this exterior to get to the nice flesh start here that chain area now one of my followers was saying and I've had a couple of people saying you can actually mince this stuff the trim mix it with uh raw meat and make some really good dry aged Burgers from it as well so now the reason I'm going at it pretty aggressive but it will send us it's a pretty large piece of fat at the end there probably too large so I've trimmed all that off now we're going to start working on this Underside and the dry aged meat has a it has a smell about it definitely smells different to um to Fresh Meat obviously and I wouldn't say it's bad it smells a bit like um like salami unsurprisingly but you can see that once you get past that outside edge the meat's lovely and red so the the benefits of dry aging which is a question I get a lot is um the enzymes in the meat and in any aging the enzymes in the meat make it more tender now I don't know the scientific reason why that happens I can't tell you sorry you can see that I'm having to take a fair amount off here which you know in this scenario is not such a an issue but if you're running a restaurant you've got to charge a customer for that so that's the the bottom side pretty much done probably wouldn't take this much fat off if it wasn't dry age but the Fat's sort of a bit discolored when it gets dry aged and a little bit funky so nice thin layer off I'm going to call that about done so let's weigh this see with what we've ended up with with the final weight the 2.7 kilos right so we're we started at 5.3 went down to 4.3 and now I've trimmed it further to 2.7 now it's a pretty drastic right let's cut some Stakes so I'm cutting sort of not huge Stakes what are they yeah 200 grammars but they've got a good bit of thickness to them so they'll cook nicely and when the foot the meat's going to be pretty intense so you kind of don't want Goliath pretty impressive I mean these are only scored at a marble score two plus but apparently a bit of marbling in there that's a nice steak these end bits of the sirloins often get a bad wrap because there's a piece of spin I've seen you that runs right through the center here but I'm a pretty big fan of this piece I think it's pretty tasty there's all these crow's feet you know the marbling is usually a bit higher all right so what do we get from that two four six eight ten twelve steaks so we started with 5.3 kilos we ended up with 12 200 gram steaks so so if anyone's wondering why I get to do all this incredible stuff so I work here at kilco Global Foods so we're a meat lamb and goat processor and I'm the executive chef for the company so this is my job you know I um I run this you know Test Kitchen and I run a bunch of experiments and input and you know new product development on sous vide lines and the dry aging stuff's probably a bit more of a hobby um did anything you know I kind of really enjoy it so and I like to document it and share it with you guys on to the um bag aged one prepping a sirloin like I was saying we're going to take this chain off here so you you just start at one end and you can see it just actually pulls away anyway so just give it a yank it'll come away and then you might need to help it through a little bit but not too much and it's a much different butchering experience this you can just tell straight away you know there's far far less play when butchering a a dry aged piece of meat to this and you just you can just tell you're gonna have to trim this up a lot less so all you're worrying about here is getting rid of the silver skin really so this stuff here that you want to get rid of um just to make the eating experience a bit better and then there's another big piece here that we're going to cut away you can see that just comes apart so if you're I mean honestly if I was having butchering this at home I'd probably just leave that on there but if you're in a restaurant or no that's that piece there was fat that's all that was not a I'm a big fan of you know a bit of fat and your steak but at a certain point it just gets a bit a bit much so if you're looking to start doing breaking down some pieces of meat at home a sirloin is a good way to start you know they're pretty pretty easy to break down there's nothing kind of too complicated about it there's obviously not on a bone or anything anyway so that's kind of makes it easier let's make sure you've got a sharp knife take your time and use your common sense it's pretty much the only advice I've got I'm just going to trim a bit of this off but not a great deal all right trimmed dressed ready to go that wasn't zeroed 3.6 so we started with that one at 5.8 stayed at 5.8 and it went all the way down to 3.6 nice nice sirloin this one really nice so yes you lose more weight and a dry aged steak but I reckon you can eat less anyway but being so rich this one's a beautiful marble score too really nice all right so two four six eight ten twelve thirteen so I got 13 Stakes but bear in mind they're a bit bigger these are 300 grammars so take from that what you want all right we're going to choose this guy right here he looks lovely you're going to be mine and we chose this guy these are the two stakes we'll cook right now all right here we go steak so baggage dry age so we are going to keep this simple now I get really annoyed when people go I'm going to keep the steak simple and then cover it in garlic powder like seriously stop covering your steaks and garlic butter if you've got good beef especially dry aged beef you don't need doesn't always need to have garlic powder on it anyway rant over salt that's it just salt not dry Browning it not letting it you know it's not at room temp it's going to grill it let's go time to let these rest before we cut them open and have a taste all right let's eat some steak so here's the bag aged sirloin and the dry Edge Sterling [Music] slice cooked pretty nicely try the bag aged first that's a delicious steak super tender like literally mouth of the mouth you know and it doesn't taste aged if that's a thing definitely doesn't taste funky at all just tastes like a really nice clean grilled steak all right guys it has actually cooked a bit a bit further than the other one which is interesting because it was thicker so I guess the less moisture in it means it's cooking faster and it's delicious it's just as tender and it's got a slightly stronger flavor but not by much you know to the point where you know is it worth dry aging at 30 days you know there's not a great flavor difference in here there's a mild flavor difference don't get me wrong but it's not a huge flavor difference and remember we lost 20 percent like you know it's a lot of volume to lose the bag stuff just as tender arguably slightly moister too but is that because I overcooked this one a bit because it cooked faster look don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with both of them but I think if you want to eat dry edged meat you probably need to take it further than 30 days You're Gonna Lose you're not going to lose much more moisture because certainly you know I think you're going to lose the most amount of moisture in the first 30 days so how lucky am I so my conclusion is dry aging worth it for 30 days thank you honestly if I was running your restaurant probably not I don't think it's worth the amount of waste that you get from it I think the steaks start coming into their own when you go to that 45 60 day age stuff they really start taking on some different characteristics which is worthwhile doing but don't also don't forget it's a bit of an acquired taste some people don't like it I love it but I know a lot of people and people that work in the beef industry that are not a fan of them so the 30-day dry age in my opinion probably not worth it in this scenario or if you're at home definitely give it a go but in a restaurant you're there to make money at the end of the day so so just leave it in the bag it's going to get tender it's easy to handle anyway guys thanks for watching this one tune in again Wednesday back to my normal guy recipe stuff but I thought I'd just Chuck this up anyway um because I thought it was kind of interesting and there's been a lot of questions about it peace [Music]
Channel: Andy Cooks
Views: 444,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beef, Dry aged, BBQ, Smoker, Slow and low, Meat, Meat sweats, Beef, Dry aged, BBQ, Smoker, Slow and low, Meat, Meat sweats, Beef, Dry aged, BBQ, Smoker, Slow and low, Meat, Meat sweats
Id: 0HbBmtIqPtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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