Which Sausage Expert Can Make the Best Ramen Sausage? — Prime Time

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- This week on Prime Time. - We're gonna make another sausage. We were issued the challenge after the last one. - Today, we're gonna turn this bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich into a sausage. - People wanna see us make a ramen sausage. Brent, you ever been to Japan? - Never. - Me neither. We are very unqualified to do this. However-- - We might as well try. - We're gonna do it competition-style. B versus B. - Gonna make it really confusing when one of wins and one of us loses. - We're gonna have some of our employees judge which one they like more. Not us, but the sausages. Walk with me. Let us look at the ingredients with which we can choose from. Do you wanna do a kind of touch football teams, like you choose one, I choose one, so on, so forth? - I actually want to make a broth. So I am going to go pork bones. Pork bones, off the table. - I'm gonna choose some instant noodles. - Where the broth is already made and powdered for you. - I love it. - I'm gonna go fancy mushrooms. We have shiitake and oyster. - Scallions. - I'm gonna go miso. - [Ben] Garlic. - Ginger. - All right, I'm gonna go onions. - Soy sauce. - Chicken bones. - Ah. I'm very surprised you did not go mozzarella cheese. - Well, that's the next step. - [Brent] Uh, carrots. - I can't believe we both left it so late, but I'm gonna choose salt, because apparently now I'm the only one who can use salt in their sausage. - [Brent] Go with this rice seasoning. - Do some celery. - [Brent] I'm going noodle. - Feel like this is already over, 'cause I have salt. - (laughs) Yeah. What do you wanna wager? - How 'bout whoever loses has to eat this ball of cheese? - (laughing) Like in one bite? - Yes. - (laughs) All right. - All right. May the best idiot win. We have our barrier. Obviously, I can't see what you'll be doing, and you can't see what I'll be doing. - Exactly. I see you have a lot of packaged ingredients. - I'm gonna make a ramen sausage in the flavor of roasted chicken flavor. Really, I'm really liking where you're going with this. Like, you have the ginger, you got the carrots, you got the mushrooms. You're like, high-brow. - Little bit. Some of us take our jobs seriously. - Oh. - I came to play. - Well, as long as I hold the salt, you can wear all the fancy hats you want, chef. - Damn you! - What protein are you going with? - I'm going pork. - Makes sense, you're-- - You're not going pork? - Making pork broth. No, I'm going chicken. I have all this chicken ramen. So we're actually, we're really clearly defining this thing. I feel like I'm going with a lighter profile that's also disgusting. - I got a lot of flavor going on, so any pork and pork fat to hold up against the bombardment of flavor that's coming in your face. - Dude, don't cross the line. Don't cross the line. Don't cross the line. Also, would you mind helping me cut all my vegetables today? - (bleep) Yeah, what did you do? - Have you ever seen Rambo IV? Don't bother about it. I went to Myanmar. - Let's cook! - I looked at the back of this noodle pack, and the only three ingredients that I know what they are are onion, garlic, and chive, so I figure I'm gonna take those flavors and just try and like, make them a little bit fresher, a little bit brighter. - I wanna get my broth going, 'cause, I mean, my ramen broth takes 24 hours. I gotta get all of this stuff hot and then cold, so I wanna start cooking, probably these mushrooms first. - [Ben] Right on. - I remember reading in, like, a magazine that it was like, cool college hack! You only have a coffee maker in your dorm room? You can just put the ramen noodles inside the coffee maker, press on, and the hot water just makes the ramen noodles in your coffee pot! (Ben laughing) Which I did once. And then my (bleep) coffee tasted like ramen noodles for a week. (dramatic music) So I am kind of shocked that out of the ridiculous amount of sausages that we've made before, we never have actually done a ramen sausage. - Honestly, like, making sausage is the most fun, creative outlet. You can come at it from any angle. Like, I think we've both gone out to dinner and tried dishes and we were like, wow, what are the elements of this dish that I'm really loving and identifying with? I think that's probably the way that we most often come to recipes. The great thirst for knowledge. Yeah, a thirst for knowledge. - Being a whole animal butcher shop, like, you have to utilize every aspect. If you can't sell it out of the case, you gotta turn it into something else. Did you (bleep), did you touch my mushrooms? - I'm just giving them a little twirl, man. - (stuttering) Twirl your own ingredients, all right? Don't touch a chef's mushrooms. (dramatic music) - The thing is, you can say we're being dumb by putting noodles into sausage, but actually, the noodles will make, like, a really, really good binder. So yes, we're idiots, but we're at least thoughtful idiots. - Go ahead and get this ready for Ben. - Can we go to confession booth? I really don't want to eat that ball of mozz. And I really wanna watch you eat it. - Don't worry. I don't need your salt. Once I cook my noodles, I'm good to go. Good to grind. We grinding. I think you're inadvertently going to absorb my ingredient of ginger-- - [Ben] Yeah. - Because it's definitely in the grinder now. We're gonna start mixing. Miso to round out the whole sausage. Chilled mushrooms. Never added noodles straight into a sausage. Well, there was the spaghetti sausage we made once. That didn't turn out very well. Our chilled 24-hour ramen broth that we made in no time to help us get a ton of flavor into the sausage. Furikake. Three types that all taste totally insane and awesome. I don't need Ben's stupid salt. Got my carrots. Pickling to get just a little bump of acid, balance out all of the miso. Quickest way to try. Needs some salt. It tasted perfect, I just want it to taste more perfect. Rice seasoning. Wow, that tastes really good. (dramatic music) - Jesus Christ, I don't have a single picture of you with a chef hat yet. Look straight ahead! (dramatic music) As you can see, when we go to the chickens, we save the fat, just so that when we make a chicken sausage, we don't have to add pork fat. I'm gonna grind mine through. Like, I want the texture a little bit, but mostly I want the binding properties. The onion. The noodle's grinding through pretty okay. - How much of your precious salt you using? - 75 (bleep) awesome grams! Do the salt first, just to get our bind going. The powder, got some fresh garlic, I also have some fried garlic. Some fresh scallion to mimic the useless chives that is in those packs. You didn't show us making this wonderful chicken stock, but we made it. I'm gonna cook a sample of this chicken sausage. Wish I had more packets. Brent? Thinking about asking a bud to help me out, case some sausage. (Brent groans) - If you need me, I'll just be over here, doing your job, Ben. (sighs) (whistling) I feel like it's at a solid eight. - Think mine's at like a six, five. Chef, our sausages are done. - You didn't give me time to call you not chef. You ready to cook these sausages? - Yeah. (dramatic music) Sausages are done and cooked. Let us be judged. First up, we have Michael. (imitates crowd cheering) - Michael is our production manager here at the shop, and actually does this every day instead of us. (chuckles) - We also have, from the great state of Colorado, Leah! Leah is also one of our experts in sausage. She teaches our classes on sausage-making. These'll be the two people judging us. - So we have a list of different factors that you will be judged upon today. Taste, mouthfeel, consistency, particle distribution, and originality! - Uh, what about presentation? - No, it'll be on a traditional scale of one through 11. - Start with pork! (suspenseful music) - [Michael] Definitely nice and crumbly. - [Leah] Good color. I see a carrot. - [Michael] Yep. - You know how I feel about vegetables, so that one-- - Keeping it healthy. - Pandering to me. - Lots of lean. Don't see lots of pockets of fat. - And that is the particle distribution that you were talking about earlier. - That is, that is. Let's taste it. - Should we taste this? Mm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Very crumbly. - Terribly crumbly. - [Leah] Kind of tough. I see a noodle. - The crunch, to me, I think might've been the carrot. - As far as mouthfeel goes, pasty. - [Michael] Flavor's really good. - I can also sort of get that feel of when you have a nice, gelatinous stock for your ramen, and it kind of coats the inside of your mouth and your tongue. - Definitely getting a lot of mushroom. - So, we've got our scores for Brent's sausage. Are you ready to move on to Ben's? - I am. - [Leah] Right off the bat. - Definitely a little firmer. - Chill, all right? - Hey, yeah, why are you-- - We don't need any input from you. That's enough. That's a nice, clean cut. Lot of nice little fat rendering out of there. I can see some distinct lean versus fatty chunks in there. And I also see a little bit of veg there, which I appreciate. Maybe a scallion or two? - The flavor is actually really, really, really good. Mouthfeel-wise-- - There's a lot of different-- - [Michael] It's so much better. - Even though it's chicken, which is a much leaner meat, you've got the lean to fat ratio nicely-- - Yeah, it works really well. - [Leah] Evened out. - The fat's a little more buttery. Coats your palette a little better. - I'm still getting the stock flavor for sure. I don't feel like the green that's in there is coming through very much. - [Michael] It's not. - [Leah] Let us judge. (suspenseful music) - Judges have their scores. We got the mozz. - For Brent, he has an average of a 5.2 for me. - (bleep) you guys! - (laughing) 4.8. Sorry, man. It just, that consistency was-- - Yeah, crumbly! That's the way that I wanted it to be. - If it makes you feel any better, I scored you very high in the attitude category. - Good, 'cause I have a great attitude! (Leah chuckles) - I don't wanna eat this mozz. - And for Ben, I gave him a solid 6.6. - [Leah] And a seven from me. That was a delicious sausage. Well done, sir. - Real easy to make a sausage when you have (bleep) salt! - Brent, may I present to you your prize? I can't tell you all how much I've been looking forward to this moment. Slash fearing it all day. (dramatic music) - [Leah] Oh, no. (all laughing) - [Michael] Oh, you're laughing. (Brent mumbling) - [Ben] This is so much more than I thought it was gonna be! - Well, I feel (bleep) terrible right now. (Ben laughing) Congratulations. The sausage had the flavor that I was going for, but also had a lot of insane X-factors, and it required a lot more seasoning, because I could not use salt. But with a little doctoring, we might have an actual, usable recipe. - I feel pretty okay about it. It's not wildly great. I wish I had about twice the amount of ramen packs that I put in it. (coughs) And I think I would really bump it up, but-- (Brent coughs) - Good, good. - Winning was great, but watching Brent eat a mouthful of mozzarella was beyond my wildest dreams. That was fantastic. Thank you, Leah, thank you, Michael. - For more episodes like this, click here. No. - It's a mozz! - We're here to talk ribs with the man. So we brought our already-quartered half hog out here. What do you wanna cook?
Channel: Eater
Views: 1,164,008
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Keywords: ramen, ramen sausage, sausage, prime time, best ramen, make ramen, noodles, ramen noodles, japanese ramen, instant noodles, ramen noodle, japanese noodle, soup, noodle, japanese noodles, spicy ramen, ramen recipe, eater, eater.com, food, restaurant, dining, dish, foodie, chef, food show, how to make ramen, how to make, cook, japan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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