Can You Guess The Pokemon From Emojis?

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my team is planning to stump me as I try to guess what Pokemon their emojis represent fish with the crown I don't like this it hurts my feelings Sea King is no King but it's it's the right answer for better or worse oh my God are you kidding me you know what I'm fine with that because that's what I want to see Magikarp is the king it is crazy to call that a crown no we're not just going off of names sometimes we're going off of loose appearance here interesting okay well this one is the name last time it wasn't the name if this is just a Pokemon that looks like a sock I'm gonna lose my mind all right keeping me on my toes I I see you I see you oh interesting what is that wheel of Dharma I and then anchor has to be delmized yes I mean it I can't imagine it'd be anything else I it was my first thought and my last thought I don't know if I know how to spell it but hey there we go what a wide variety of these everyone came in a little different I see a lobster I was thinking cloth but cloth hasn't tried to rob me at least not in the past few months two hours later there is one tribe to rob me not too long ago don't even know how to spell this Pokemon I don't think I've ever had to spell out clauncher in my life that doesn't feel right at all I'm just gonna purposely spell it wrong as clouncher and pretend that hides that I don't know how to spell it wait why is the baby one the one that's trying to rob me of course it was its parents oh you got me by all accounts it doesn't make sense this is tomfoolery what's hat Mass this is not popping up immediately into my brain that's a horrible sign there's so many different cat Pokemon I'm realizing there are far too many cat Pokemon oh God meow I'm stuck on the word mask that's obviously not the a mask or masquerade I need that word out of my head wow I I don't even think I have a good guess that that stinks I'm just gonna go with purloin and accept that I got stumped this is this is tough this is a tough scene I still don't know if I know that Pokemon's name yet that makes sense meow scarra it's it's meowed something it's meow something gen 1 to gen nine I gotta be ready for anything okay all right yeah I yep yep party har har radicate yeah I I guess sometimes we make mistakes uh sometimes over a year ago maybe I made a mistake radicate I mean it's got to be eradicating we're right oh my God what's wrong with me [Music] are you stupid or something Have I Ever use emojis before maybe did I ever uh call them eradicate possibly did I correct myself and say Raichu yeah was it Pikachu I this is [Music] it ends here I will not be haunted by this mistake for the rest of my Pokemon career I know what Pikachu is I swears it to you I know what Pikachu is I'm not dropping another question I said I'm not dropping another question Give Me Your Best Shot it ends here ends here man let me know how many of these you guys got right I'm doing my best let's see if you can beat me is there a clown in between the clouds is this a shot at me am I being called a clown is this just laugh at John hour who came up with this video why am I doing this it's a clown in the clouds those are those are rocks that's supposed to be a rock that's not a cloud that's a bad emoji okay well it's it's concelder it's um I knew it was concelder I almost got tripped up on the cloud looking Boulders but I'd recognize that clown knows anywhere angry mushroom there's a weird amount of mushroom Pokemon obviously Parasect and Paris we got you know Among Us I mean braillum and oh wait a minute oh yeah yeah Shroomish it's face yes it's the face and the fact that it's a mushroom it has nothing to do with the name it's just its actual appearance yeah there we go there we go I'm learning they're not getting anything by me come on everyone knows the answer to this everyone knows the answer to this Squirtle it's a it's it's a squirrel Turtle uh people really like to say no Squirtle it's squirt Turtle no no no it's it's a it's a squirrel Turtle yeah this has come on not enough people understand it's look at the tail come on full round and I'm not dropping one let's do this I don't think I like this the simple answer would be Lickitung or licky licky but I don't think either of them are really grinning you can't really tell if they're grinning because it's just a giant tongue and it's not like it's a frog plus a tongue so it can't be Greninja oh I could actually oh this man okay I know how he thinks wait a minute there's a reason though this Emoji is grin grin ninja ah this is a big guess I don't know what the grin is for Gengar he's grinning do you want to lick gangdar that's just a weird thing to announce in a video like this why would you handle yourself as someone who wants to lick a Gengar that's bizarre I don't count that last one as a mistake that was ridiculous what are we talking about here I hell vomiting can't be bronze or bronze song make any sense what it's Tyler did fish crown for fish The Magikarp basically us crowning it king of the sea has like nothing to do with the Pokemon or the name it's just me using that logic Bell plus vomiting it would probably be tingling or chimeko probably Chingling as it does make me sick to think that they gave chimeko a baby form rather than an evolution this game is really difficult there are way too many things I need to think about and so few of them are just the Pokemon it's the people there's another Bell a brainiac Bell oh that was so sneaky to have them back to back I feel like I'm forgetting something but my my brain is so laser focused on bronze on I feel like this is where I have to really admit that maybe um maybe I'm not built for this game [Music] even when I'm doubting myself I can surprise myself with the right answer what's next keep them coming coats orange diamonds hold base I see the cold face I immediately think of glaly and paragonal diagonal there'd probably be a snowflake with Glalie I don't think there would be coats oh okay actually wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I think it's this wait no no no no no no wait one sec please my brain bad stupid is Snover the little baby dude okay Mama snow is the big tree and on the smaller tree what is what's the stupid what's the ice cone guy that turns into Glalie oh my God my brain I'm good at emojis bad at thinking oh snow runts I don't know I knew the Pokemon the whole time I'm exposing a completely different thing I'm bad with this is this is how I I guess to Raticate for for that Raichu all those years ago I knew it wasn't Raticate I just like the words got mixed stuff okay I'll just move on cat farting oh my God it really is a cat farting it's gonna be stun tank right that actually what it is uh I guess there's clouds on his feet ethereum forms were very powerful kind of goofy looking creatures [Music] I think that's the first time we have four right vomit plus posh awesome cow [Music] let's hush why are there two washes we've had formulas we've had so many different types of things this like sounded out and there's a chance it is just the noise of I've seen vomit before but it was me vomiting at the sight of a Pokemon even cow related Pokemon we have Mill tank it's usually connected with Tauros doesn't make any sense oof a lot makes no what none of these make sense it's gonna be some super clever over my head thing let me just say miltank and then it's gonna be like I don't know I knew it was sounding it out I was so focused on the sound effects instead of puke I was like [Music] I'll have to ask him about that this is clever I do not get what The Hush Sound was gonna be but I knew what he was going for it's [Music] oh my God I I'm losing my mind I poop hair well you would think poop plus something would be relor but it's not I can't make any sense I feel like this is not good it's gonna be some sort of like inside reference who is poop hair oh my it should have been three poops and then the hair it should have been three that's the number one thing you think of with Doug Trio it's three of them I'm gonna need the bureau to investigate this I've been wronged woman Circle hey there's different appearances for the the gender for oink alone it could be a reference to that but I don't know the circle and that's the big question right now the circle or is that just an O email oink alone I resent this I resent this so much it's not a pig it's a mammoth it is a mammoth I hate these conversations it is a woolly mammoth it is not a pig I get it it's got the Oink Oink nose hey it's not a giant boar it's a woolly mammoth congratulations you played yourself I hate it so much I hate it I hate it it's an explosion and a turtle okay well Squirtle is a squirrel Turtle as we've talked about Wartortle I mean there are explosions at War and the turtle um it's not the fossil Turtles I don't think it's dreadna I think it's Blastoise it is so difficult to move through these of course the incredible artist would go visually this is this is genius for someone so visual because it's back in Shell is that symbol and of course it's the turtle this is this is genius but my mind would never go there I'm upset because this is so clever they're stumping me they're gonna call me Stumpy hmm he was number one Beetle ninja one the one is really messing with me here I think I'm just missing something big this one might take me the longest I don't know why I'm struggling best guess I got I hate it because now that I see it it's incredibly clever if you in the Commons playing along got this before it was shown three pats on the back that's insane wait oh God okay Hospital wait School frogs cool frog I'll go through the frogs it's not gonna be any of the Gen 1 frogs because they're all tadpoles Holly toad frog I don't know if polytoads ever attended school I haven't ever asked about it you know what degrees it has what it's pursuing academically Greninja Froakie okay this is who let him hear I who allowed this why did I hire him this is what wait is it Bogan beer it's like the middle Evolution So It Goes to School codes are frogs and that Pokemon is name codes cool let's play that one back it's a frog but I don't know if polytoads ever attended School Holly toads ever attended school told school I gotta pull it together I gotta pull it together all right okay this has been crazy I have one goal and one goal only I'm not missing a single one in this final one okay this should be unknown a but I don't think it's going to be that simple or maybe it is I'm already upset I'm already upset uh it come on has to be yes what does yes mean I just got excited that you actually got it whoa yeah John yeah I'm sure the rest of these are going to be straight forward like this that it no mine games nothing extra Three Blind Mice Three Blind Mice I found some cheese oh they have me second guessing everything where I think this should be Mouse hold with one child you know I'm just you know what no it just makes sense Mouse hold I even know the name of the new Pokemon with one kid okay just sometimes it's straightforward sometimes it's not interesting Statue of Liberty Rose was either Roselia or Rose raid I need to I need to I need to really think Rosa raids head is actually a rose but Roselia I'm pretty sure the head has Spike could be very wrong but I'm pretty sure Roselia yes okay I was right it does have the spikes on the head that was a good one that was a good one I'm punting a pair and it makes me happy so I I punt Chikorita into the Sun and I'm happy like punt it to the Moon is that the logic is it because I I like punting Pokemon to the moon and and beat em up to your list chickarita you are a pair I will be punting you directly to the moon and there's nothing anyone can say that's going to stop me I assume this is me punting Chikorita through the field goal posts to win the Super Bowl so that's all that really makes sense to me I'm questioning myself for getting this correct but sense this is for firing me only a real Pokemon Master could get this one I came here to redeem a mistake from long ago this seems like it would be the most difficult one I've been given yet they all think differently this could be how the Pokemon looks the Pokemon name how these objects sound my first thought was gonna be like Carbink or Diancie and I thought of Mega Diancie I used to use Mega Diancie a lot in draft league and superblaw did defeat me and GBA season 2 in the championship his mascot's always been stabilized Sableye Hoards diamonds super blah wins trophies if it's Sableye the point of this is even if you get it right you have to acknowledge that I beat you in a championship but if it's not sably and I get both get it wrong and acknowledge that he beat me in a championship I'm super lost I think he got me in a box and I don't think I can escape from it this is what my heart's telling me [Music] oh my God I was on the right track it was about a champion oh I had got into that at the end oh but what wait how does diamond go with Garchomp couldn't beat him in the championship I couldn't beat him here Pokemon Diamond Pokemon time Pokemon Diamond say his profile picture is diamonds the I whatever I I was not how am I supposed to get this why is Tyler messaging me Redemption there's one more wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute hi One Last Shot end of the game okay Mouse tooth right okay it's over it's finally over that that's radicate that that's Raticate
Channel: PM7 Plus
Views: 655,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, guess the pokemon, emoji puzzles, emoji challenge, can you guess the pokemon from emoji, pokemon from emoji, guess the emoji, emoji game, emoji quiz, guess the pokemon by emoji, emoji challange, emoji riddles, pm7, pm7 plus, pokemon emoji quiz, pm7 pokemon emoji, pm7 pokemon quiz, can you guess the pokemon, can you guess the pokemon from the emojis, poketuber tries to guess pokemon from emojis, pokemon quiz, pokemon challenge, pokemon emoji challenge, pokemon emoji
Id: eGFIgow7pDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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