Can You GOAL KICK From Mars In Roblox?

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can i kick a soccer ball from mars into this goal in order to get there though we're just gonna have to start simple here's the ball and we kick it whoo i missed okay maybe we gotta get a little closer okay three two one oh yes we gotta go wow from three feet away that's not gonna cut it is it it did give me some coins though and to unlock the next area i need 4 000 coins all right this is gonna take me some time but don't worry i'm basically ronaldo the third oh my god 20 sucks wait does this distance matter what if i just stand right here whoa oh my god infinite points oh yes perfect shot kaboom whoa there's no way i can miss from this distance it probably gives me more points if i stand in here wait what is this where did it go oh here it is here it is here it is here it is times two you're in a powered area strength increased accuracy accuracy increased okay here we go whoa oh my god it disappeared try again oh my god whoa i hit the post ah i swear if i get to hit that inside of the goal that would be great that would be amazing try one more time aim straight that was terrible i'm really bad at this how am i ever gonna shoot into that goal from mars oh all right we have 500 coins now here's a crate and i can actually get better footballs all right or soccer balls whatever you want to call it let's open one all right here we go we are unlocking a brand new ball and it's gonna be a red ball is that good okay let's give this one a try red ball i prefer green you know what it shoots further oh that was it right that was it [Music] okay here we go oh come on i just got it i gotta aim better why can't i never hit it from that powered area hundred 100 oh yes whoa did you see that that was a good shot we now have 11 000 coins we are gonna unlock a brand new area here we go we're buying the park would you look at this park nice so now we're gonna have to shoot that ball the red one from this distance uh how am i gonna do that i'd prefer to buy that tree over there for 10k that might be better because this is uh yeah this is gonna be hard we've got like obstacles in the way now wow okay there's something free over here what's this oh a random crate we're getting a new ball which one the one on the right oh squid man ball what wait it's a pet it's a star click anywhere to start kicking what oh my god oh my oh my god well i have pets and they and they click for me whoa oh my god he's actually doing it look at him he's actually hitting the goal each time okay i don't have to do anything anymore uh okay great his goal accuracy is 100 right and he just makes some money for me real quick oh my god i'm about to unlock level 10. alright 200 more bucks to go and there we go let's unlock this new area thank you squid man thank you much appreciated all right let's climb this little obstacle course and shoot a ball from up the tree and we are literally still making money because of our squid man what's up squid man i love squid game okay i don't want to fall down this is this is quite high up i might die or break my neck or something like that okay we're at the top we're at the top all right let's shoot ourselves whoa that was a bad shot what can i not shoot this i can't i can't shoot from here 100 why can't i not shoot is this red ball too heavy oh i get it we have to spend money to upgrade to upgrade our shots guys this makes sense okay here we go let's level these babies up aha aha how did i not see this before oh my god squid man is quite literally still shooting look at that oh my god so how's my shot now i'm level 30 on this stuff wow oh my god i'm good okay let's try from here let's try from here oh yes now we're talking thank you squid man for all the money i'll uh climb this tree again okay let's give this one a try shall we 96 oh my god oh my god this is good how much money am i gonna make if i hit this end the goal oh oh my god yes okay i had to get a level lower but oh my god we just made so much money oh my god 100 percent yo cristiano ronaldo what are you now huh a noob maybe look at that four in a row oh my god oh i should stop flexing it clearly didn't work i have 40 000 coins which means i can unlock at least the desert area the next one starts at 50 grand all right we're gonna move squid man squid man you're gonna shoot wait what's this enchant wait what oh my god i upgraded our red bull let's do that again oh my god okay squid man you're gonna stand on top of this pyramid boy place right here yes yes squid man oh my god how's he doing oh my god yes now what happens if i shoot now oh okay that was bad oh wait was it bad no it wasn't terrible okay these are some pretty far shots guys i hit the pulse all right let's do this powered area boom oh my god oh my god oh my god yes how much money did i make 3 900 just from that one shot all right let's teleport back to spawn we are gonna upgrade our accuracy our strength everything all right let's do a couple of more shots from the desert 100 oh god this is this is so satisfying at this point guys look at that another one three in a row can we get four in a row can we get four in a row four in a row mars here we come elon musk get the spaceship ready i received 25 000 gems wait a minute i think i can actually spend those over here somewhere can i not wait a minute i can buy 1 million coins with 40 000 gems let's go all right let's open the desert chest we're gonna get a brand new ball that's gonna be much stronger giving us many many more points per shot all right which ball are we going to be kicking a tumbleweed ball yeah all right we're going to do this again oh my god i got a legendary a cactus okay okay i want to i want to have a look i want to have a look at that so the cactus is level 27 and it has a times 48 multiplier on it i have no idea what that means but one thing i do know is that we gotta spend some some money all right let's go shoot a cactus here we go 100 oh oh my god whoa did i just get 126 000 from that guys did i i don't actually know if i did but cactus is all be i did i actually did get so much money look at our money oh 400 grand and another one 500 grand yes cactus equals op wait get one we'll get in one of those purple rings jelly is that was that double i was what's going in oh my god i have a million coins already what how many areas can i unlock now let's give this a try yes please i only want this is the city area oh we got we got an area here that i could get unlocked oh wait i could climb up this ladder hey squid man you're gonna be standing here you're gonna be standing there buddy are we gonna be shooting together all right watch this we're gonna make two million bucks in no time oh no that was a miss i don't know if i'm a high enough level to shoot from this distance guys that's a miss even with the legendary ball not good not good oh come on come on come on this is it this is it no this is okay this is too far in it what about here oh 200 000 powered area oh my god 100 in a powered area boom 1.6 million marsh here we come literally one more shot and i could unlock the next area okay here we go whoa hey hello beach how you doing i'm doing great thanks for asking beach here we go shoot from the beach straight into the goal oh my god this is pretty lit the next one unlocks at 20 million and then we got a spaceship okay i'm gonna be honest it's time to speed things up a little bit we're gonna be buying some gems but don't worry okay they're gonna come in handy five billion coins okay i'm a billionaire first things first we want to see how many areas we can unlock with that oh my god that was cool what yes oh rocket ship moon oh my god what did we just buy moon what oh we're on the moon we are actually on the moon you know that's all that's already halfway to mars that's how it works moon base whoa oh we have a little moon buggy here if i shoot now how far do i go okay whoa okay not far enough i gotta level that thing up although i'm sure squid boy could shoot from here there you go squid boy next thing guys mars i don't have enough money oh god oh i think i just died okay so what we got to do is we actually got to upgrade a little bit more get these things to like a high level you know spend our money on a good chest hope for a legendary okay here we go an epic that's a four percent chance all right let's go to the moon we might be a high enough level now so all we got to do is put a little squid boy over here all right start shooting boy that's a miss bro and then me come on come on come on i have to be high enough level oh my god i made 20 million doing that what okay that's pretty cool that that is pretty cool i do have to shoot at 100 though otherwise i don't think i'll make it is this a hit oh that's eight night at ya that was a 96 shot that's a hit oh this is another 100 hot that's that's a hit that's it the what the what i can't believe i need another 5 billion to unlock mars like bro what you think i got money for days son all right well i think i'm gonna cut it here uh we almost made it to mars i mean i mean look i'm basically three feet from mars does that count i think it does press like for more roblox also jelly click here for another video do it now because this one's over
Channel: Jelly
Views: 842,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Can You GOAL KICK From Mars In Roblox?, roblox, goal kick sim, jelly, funny, game, gaming, roblox goal kick, funny moments
Id: m-H0Z9bBHqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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