1000 SPIKES vs. JELLY On A BIKE! (Descenders Wipeout)

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do you guys remember happy wheels but no where's that's not all we're playing today but happy wheels was actually a lot of fun it's a game where you drive on a bicycle and it's pretty brutal well today we're playing descenders which is basically happy wheels in 3d that's right slow go crater and I are bikes and the first one to the end wins not just a quick warning this game is very difficult and there might be a lot of rage quicks and I might have broken my controller throughout this video so I'm please leave a like on this video thank you guys I've got an issue all right so well this is kind of about with bikes guys this is gonna be very dangerous we're gonna time it like really well you're gonna be fast we need to land and there you think I made it but I landed on my bike okay guys I haven't gotten a checkpoint yet but I made the first one how did you even make the first one I don't know - see you guys struggling oh wait but guys how have you guys looked my head to see what's next checkpoint yet and there's a red ball many gods wait how we got to do this together what you want to go first well we gotta wait for Josh okay fine fine Josh will wait for you whoa yay [Laughter] okay okay this is tough okay well at least we made it somehow oh man this is so oh I made it to the official first checkpoint is so good at this game all right you're all here let's go okay yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna put my checkpoint here from now on there we go and then jump and then Hey oh dude I just make that let's go annoy with a jumping on those things I know I know I'm a professional are you kidding me right now okay and up just make it they're never going here here a checkpoint oh this little bit here crater cuz otherwise we're gonna be stuck oh this is gonna be thing that you need to do we gotta get the vessels important oh I made it past all the yellow ones think you found your point finally something you're good at eh oh ah nice jelly okay okay okay put a checkpoint there what are you doing yeah yeah checkpoints yeah I got it I'll check much more checkpoints guys yeah I am I put down the to put down the checkpoint you want it but I made it blaze who close to the ball wait here for 20 okay crater crater where are you spawn stand still okay with your over it's really bad okay I think you gotta be lucky yes everyone the circle how did you guys make a circle guys I might have just done a really bad tech point Craner what's the problem can you point I have the same problem I got the bad boy in the middle is a good idea hey guys I made a checkpoint way too late okay this is the second time I'm in this thing okay yes Oh have to do a back flip okay yes yes okay are you kidding me right now I really hope you said you wait for me first yeah my checkpoint is really not optimal either but I'll just go okay great there's no contest what's this it launched me shows me it launched me carefully launched you checkpoint guys oh my god yeah make it tight that's a good yes oh hey over the the tube okay I'm really good just test out the next bit oh really talk about me Josh no I hate it that was I made it wait why you always wait for you guys I made sure yeah yeah yeah you know you know Creina okay Josh I'll talk to you I'll jump over this big no that was really easy I crashed on the last second I hate everything about this bicycle alright I made it to the checkpoint ever exercise Josh you gotta wait for us it's tough you know waited for you so it's out in like three seconds okay I mean I laid it first try but okay wait well did you guys make that jump okay I'm at a tightrope now Josh I'm afraid you're both on it's easy this is what's gonna take us forever what I'm on okay I'm on my way all right Josh tell me about it am i should i checkpoint here probably no oh my goodness do this no oh no this is checkpoint is so bad oh gosh did you know yellow part in one go huh I'm on there now oh I love the yellow I am right behind you okay honestly really oh my honestly I think that this bit I'm on is gonna take us a very very long time well I love to hear it Josh like extremely long legs - - I got really far in ah I'm really struggling at this wall but you cater this is like impossible I made it yeah I mean yeah - made it you've got lucky lipstick you don't even have to jump from here mean you need to leave boards and that tough ones coming I got hit okay this is a really hard guys and yeah who decided that this playing this game was gonna be a good idea cycle game nice yeah cuz I like cycling I guess yes okay you officially suck it's true that's not very motivational baby hate that another person made it because that means that it's all eyes on oh yeah yeah it was just luck you don't die Jenny you want to get this next bit try yeah I think I do I feel sorry Craner I'm sorry but balls to conquer okay the first one he won and I think just wait on there and then just go to the second and then the I don't know I think we might need the momentum jelly I don't know about that Josh oh I tried waiting it didn't really work that way day huh oh okay dude the waiting's not bad okay this is almost have glue on them I think first one nice I made it I'm here oh yeah that's a spam checkpoint didn't struggle watch guys point we could just know in it though no no no I'm on it with a checkpoint how do I reset my checkpoint you're gonna go back a long way okay oh I almost made that you just gotta get your tires glued on the next ball oh okay how do we do this what you landed like half sideways so you're both both tires are higher you made it [Applause] okay do that so quickly I'm still here well I made it I made it widely both of you made it yes Jenny I don't lean back like you I just kind of wait flat if I do it longer charge oh I just figured out if I do it longer charts that makes it a lot easier little tough not gonna lie to you how will you go okay oh but once you got it you've got it you know I mean okay you don't need to jump to the first bar okay okay okay who decided to make a tightrope for a fight don't worry there's a dozen typewriters even worse so you wait okay and now I think I'm at the end here guys I'm gonna wait and low and okay egg jump again that was easy jelly just got it twice in the road yeah I got rice in a row I don't want to hear it I'm so mad okay Josh I'm coming at you your company the checkpoint right where I am okay all right all right I'm here thanks bit is the ng chilly if you don't be quiet about you waiting I will seriously punch you in the face okay wow that was a bit much I'm sorry I'm just a little bit man yes yes yes yes I have bad news another foot tight rope is in front of you Josh land on that I think we've got one off big job made it the finished place is right wait oh I just made it you have 30 seconds early [Music] you cannot understand so long this game forwards Creina it's sorry I didn't know that would happen thanks for watching this video if you want to watch another one click over here I want to go now cuz this video took way too long to record that's right let's see like two hours or something Oh God stupid Craner waiting for him all day
Channel: Jelly
Views: 14,639,665
Rating: 4.9078789 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, funny, game, games, gaming, new, descenders, wipeout, funny moments, new game, 1000 SPIKES vs. JELLY On A BIKE
Id: pNm2KhgBUvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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