I Became The First BILLIONAIRE Youtuber!

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welcome to life simulator today I'm gonna become the richest person in the world Elon Musk and well here's a guy so we gotta choose that option and uh say hello to our friend Elon still a sperm cell let's see Elon is is kind of white right so we'll we'll we'll pick that option welcome so we're basically gonna have to uh figure out how to get rich all right and we do that by you know leveling up and getting older look Elon crawling yeah ain't no tax loss back then oh hello oh Mommy and Daddy how you guys do oh what the clapping and being all happy because they're about to inherit a lot of money maybe all right I don't exactly know what we're gonna do here but uh maybe dad can teach us a lesson all right Dad here I come yep I can crawl oh oh oh oh no what's happening ah did I die wait I have to redo this oh it's breastfeeding yeah that ain't gonna work with Dad sorry buddy but you kind of useless you're kind of useless from this point onwards I'm gonna go to Mommy I don't want to watch this I don't want to watch this all right well at least little elon's still hungry anymore now he's growing oh he's actually growing we can stand now we're calling past this obstacle course I guess if we get hit we die oh hi Mom how are you my mom is so proud man if only she knew I was gonna get mega Rich next up we grow again we can walk now oh my goodness and we have to make a decision do we grab the vase or do we grab the toy night um yeah definitely the toy night I mean that's like kind of uh what I'd be playing with you know it's a cute little thing oh oh oh what oh no I'm destroying it I'm killing it Dad it's not what it looks like what's happening ah dad is disappointed that is so disappointed I ripped that thing into pieces you're six what's the problem oh no Mommy you're making me clean the toilets seriously I have better things to do all right you know when I grow old I'm gonna be able to afford someone to do this for me instead of cleaning the toilets myself oh beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful another decision-making path we're going camping all oh me and my father just us looking at the stars wait no looking at some other kids in the back do we join them or go fishing like joining them cost three diamonds bro I don't got that money I'm not gonna spend money on this we gotta learn about nature okay because if we don't know about nature how are we gonna protect it and how are we gonna then develop Teslas that will protect Earth yes caught a fish nice I'm calling you Tesla oh we're growing again Elon is turning into a teenager soon guys this is interesting okay it's Halloween do we dress up as a scary clown or as a banana I'm sorry buddy but you're going as a banana yeah definitely not the coolest kid in class but hey that's a good looking banana oh and I got a friend her name's strawberry what are we going trick-or-treating guys hey do we choose the nice house to trick or treat at or the spooky house all right well you know Elon uh needs to know what a nice house looks like because well he's gonna be able to afford a lot of it soon so we're gonna we're gonna knock at the nice house and no they hate me they hate bananas let's go to the scary house wait are we gonna die trick-or-treating trick or treat oh it's scary and we get candy what else did you expect oh we are about to make it to a very important life decision Church okay are we gonna be wait what world peace or God doesn't exist uh Elon obviously this is you so I'm I'm thinking what what choice would he make I I would probably say that he would consider World Peace being the better option yeah yeah definitely ah the priest is happy what did I just get baptized okay I guess there's world peace now yes Elon thank you we're now going to school or college or I don't even know bro I didn't go to any of that did Elon go though it's being bullied I hope the option is to kill him yes let's try and knock him out knock his teeth out oh no tap the punch I did a weak punch I did a weak punch we need a strong punch oh oh my God this is brutal this is truly whoa I knocked him up wait they're happy they'll have friends now oh I I got a lady now a lady oh I impressed someone guys what you're a girl um really may I ask how oh oh we gotta make sure we don't get caught lady friend I I don't know what her name is uh you we're gonna name her Claire hi Claire how you doing oh no oh I don't want to watch this I'm playing video games instead now oh wait what is you what's she on about oh she ain't enjoying it then I'm playing games oh she's angry just let me oh no no no no no no what is this now my mother hug her or ignore her you know what she don't deserve attention for that that's just what you consider rude Claire I'm becoming an adult ah like whoa they got so many Life Choices ahead of us are we going on a date we going on a date eating burgers dancing at the arcade having a good time Michelle and I wait Jewelers no no no no no no no no no no you ain't gonna be spending money right a hundred bucks or a 20 000 I don't have that money I'll buy something for 100 bucks all right I ain't a billionaire just yet should I like that I couldn't afford the 20 grand option all right how do we how do we now become the richest man in the world like I have we chosen the wrong path in life have we made Elon poor I'm sorry Elon if that's the case all right we're now 25 years old guys 25 is a nice age got myself a job as a manager at Tesla headquarters I definitely founded the company but you know it doesn't matter oh what's the problem I'm bringing her tea and she don't like it like it clean up spilled coffee or just punch her all right we're gonna clean up the coffee that would be really weird we're now 27 uh we're about to hit like a Crazy Life moment over there but something bad's gonna happen I just know about it oh we need to go to the men's bathroom all right let's uh let's go to the urinal let's go to the urinal wait oh it's pooping don't go to the urinal when you need to poop please we're driving Lambos now baby I don't know how I can afford this why am I sitting in the middle oh it's her again Michelle I'm Michelle I'm that guy now psych I ain't picking you up this is hilarious dude this is hilarious this is the best thing ever uh we're now 31 and someone ruined our Lambo no no no no no no no no no we got to clean it we got to clean it I'm really good at this my dad taught me how to do this there we go it's done it's done it's done let's keep going because we got a major life decision ahead of us it's her again stupid boss I could buy this company if I wanted to okay okay I'll get over here I'll get over here my coffee machine at home stopped working would you come over later and fix it for me so if we're gonna be nice to her we might get her to like us maybe eventually get a better raise yes ma'am yes ma'am we'll go fix it knock knock who's there is the coffee machine what language is this all right should we just steal it I feel like that might be a better life decision over here guys one hour later we're still working on the dumb coffee okay it's fixed man it's fixed uh a leg massage this sure thing boss no did we die wait no we didn't die we just got fired that's about it oh my God oh my God oh no oh no we made Elon Musk homeless this isn't good this isn't good I I don't know oh no it's a cop it's a cop sure it is illegal to be homeless you're under arrest oh no we're going to prison boys we're going to prison uh right all right all right I'm not gonna explain why but we are still at prison I don't know what our sentence was but we did go for World Peace once remember so the priest is still gonna be happy with us should we just ignore him now let's help him let's help Let's help this poor man oh oh he needed help and he let me out of this dumb room ah all right all right all right this is pretty good oh my God oh my God one hour later he stole a screwdriver we've got a murder weapon in prison now guys wait are we gonna dig a tunnel out of this place yeah buddy yeah but honey we got a screw typer yo what what's gonna happen oh my God oh my God run dude run wait wait where are we going we're going right let's go through the long hallway I feel like the further away you are from the sandal the higher the chances is you can escape I don't know if that's true go go go go go go go go go go go go go go get out of here man oh what it's outside immediately get in there get in there get in there get in there this which channel it's gonna be a little smelly but hey you know I can't imagine a prison smells great so how how bad can it be oh my God I think we're making it out what we're just running we're just running we're in a desert bro who puts a prison in the desert I think we're gonna die elon's gonna he is star in Tesla no more he's not becoming rich no he you have to escape out of prison at one point oh there's people are they gonna be nice to me hello sir habanioni oh they gave me a nice spot to chill that is so kind of them yeah let's look let's let's go home we gotta continue on our mission guys oh no we're next to a kid of course of course we're next to a kid on a flight switch Siege with Mother stay here uh let's stay here because I think Elon likes her oh okay oh my God the child just killed me the child literally murdered me we'll switch seats then we'll switch seats maybe that's a better idea should have made me done that before takeoff just saying oh no oh god oh my god I've actually experienced this myself it was interesting we got upgraded to business disgust bro yes that's what I'm talking about you see I I know we're gonna get there I know we're gonna get there we're gonna become rich watch this we've got a house with dead people bro I don't know what's going on it's my parents my parents died no no oh no yeah maybe go inside can we have an rip in chat for Elon musk's parents please thank you very much cops arrived no no we're going back to prison why though oh maybe because I escaped prison oh my God oh my God I got shot by a cop what ladies and gentlemen if you want me to continue then make sure you subscribe we're gonna make Elon Musk Rich by escaping from the police click it for another video do it now
Channel: Jelly
Views: 731,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jelly, life simulator, funny, game, new game, funny moments, I'm the first Billionaire Youtuber...
Id: km9lVXb9x4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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